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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Ask and ye shall receive---this is the infamous drunk/naked T-Rav video(sorry, his junk is blurred) that pretty much was the final nail in the coffin for his dying attempt to pursue political ambitions: http://www.postandcourier.com/article/20141126/PC16/141129514
  2. Damned if I didn't used to do the exact same thing when "making dinner" for Mr. SunBun---fellow non-cooking Southern gal here!! Thank God my husband the actual cook quickly caught on to the ol' frozen food disguised as home cooking trick and spared me anymore attempts of being a good little domestic goddess in the kitchen. Something tells me Cameron's hubby is probably the real cook in that couple too. But it did make me chuckle to see Cameron being so proudly sneaky on camera about her laughable culinary wizardry, much like back when Kenya on RH of Atlanta disguised her takeout containers of pasta as home cooking for her man, complete with staging a few noodles carefully strewn around an unused pot on her kitchen stove, like she'd been slaving away on some delicious hot meal!! This was kind of a downer episode though---you can tell that TRav is sooooo over poor Kathryn and her ongoing theatrics. It just looks painful to see them attempting a "date night" when he looks so bored and both of them are awkwardly attempting to make light, cheery conversation. Landon is almost making me miss Jena. That's saying a lot. She might "fit in" with this group better overall, but at least Jena seemed vaguely interesting and fun style-wise. This chick is just so moody and bland so far, although I appreciate her honesty about divorcing a rich man because she felt lonely and uninspired. Craig is such a sad vessel of wasted opportunity---here he is, good-looking young fun dude with the chance to use his social circuiting to become a successful and powerful local attorney, yet he obviously only aspires to be another wastoid playboy trust-funder like Shep, Whitney or TRav. That's just sad. At least Shep is charming, funny and very self-aware/deprecating. He's probably the most likable dude on this show, which is probably why most chicks adore him. Well, that and being a rich, cute and funny dude. I did giggle over all his commentary on prissy Whitney sharing a beach house with him, especially his question as he helped move his things into their shared beach house, "What's a duvet?" Oh Shep...don't ever change!
  3. On tonight's episode, one of her talking heads even looked like she was 20 pounds lighter(and I don't mean just lighter fake eyelashes---she looked as skinny as her pre-baby self!). Anyone else catch that? Her hair was much lighter and scraped off her face in some wacky 90's/Adrienne Franze half-do too. It looked like a completely different person, so I'm assuming it's from her most recently-filmed TH's.
  4. He was there, along with Asa,Asifa, and Reza, all with their respective partners. Looked like a lovely wedding from the pics/videos!
  5. Yeah, and I have a feeling that she was a total drunkorexic back in those days too---she just had that gaunt look of a gal who mostly consumes her daily calories from her cocktails.
  6. How about folks who don't use their turn signals? I nearly rear-ended some dumbass the other day because this chucklefuck apparently found it comepletely acceptable to STOP in the middle of a busy left lane, only for me to realize seconds later that he was possibly making a random left turn into the random street on the other side. Then I almost turned on my emergency flashers/stopped my own car to help this idiot because I figured his car had suddenly stalled, but NOPE, he's just the inconsiderate fuckwit who nearly caused a 3 car pile-up behind him because his dumb ass couldn't even put on a helpful left turn signal! Is it really so difficult to literally flip your wrist slightly to reach over and turn on your turning signal??!! I just don't understand this lazy phenomenon. Another lazy phenomenon I don't get: leaving your shopping cart where it is because your lazy ass can't be bothered to walk it a few extra steps to the shopping cart return in a parking lot. I've seen so many people do this that it disgusts me. Go into any Wal-Mart parking lot, and you'll most certainly see a sea of stray shopping carts left all over the place. Given the usual large person clientele that shops Wal-Mart, it's not surprising but it is sad to witness. I've also had at least two car scrapes thanks to these stray carts running into my car. Honestly, I'd love to see every shop start charging a quarter for all these unreturned carts, because I guarantee that'd stop half the cart-returning issues dead in their tracks. Another shopping cart pet-peeve? The sad folks who actually steal them from stores. You might as well just tattoo "I'm pathetic" on your forehead at that point.
  7. I love me some Cameron---she's just so feisty, quick-witted and fun. She seems like a blast and is the sort of gal who livens up any event, obviously---plus, she's intelligent enough to know how to play the reality show game winningly without making an ass of herself, which is indeed a rare feat. It's nice to see a gal on this show so liked/respected by the rest of the cast, but it makes me sad that T-Rav is taking cheap potshots at her lately; she's always been very supportive of him despite her usual snarking. Maybe it just upsets him to see someone like her coming out of this fame train smelling like roses while he continues to wallow in the mud? That said, I don't see him continuing on this show if it gets a third season, unless he's enjoying the rare perks of Bravolebrity fame. But if Cameron bowed out? I don't see this show remotely lasting without her level of charming snark.
  8. I'm sure he's a barrel of drunken fun at parties, and he strikes me as a very generous host, but I couldn't ever marry T-Rav unless we both knew it was a firmly wide-open arrangement for either party. Poor Kathryn apparently thought she would be the one to "change" Thomas(typical young woman mistake with older playboys), but he's obviously way too settled into his older bachelor lifestyle to ever buy into it, at least with a naggy, fun-sucking gloomy tart like her. I think T-Rav is merely in love with the idea of being in love as a happy couple/family, but is just too spoiled and immature himself to ever work at being a happy couple/family. He obviously buys into his woman being the typical housewife he provides for though; it just surprises me when these dumb chicks like Kathryn actually consider him good relationship material---the man is a boozy womanizer and felon with an apparent sex/party-addiction. That leopard obviously ain't changing his spots while he can still snag chicks and get it up! It's a shame Kathryn is too immature/insecure to just go with the flow and learn to play the role of the eternally easygoing goodtime-girl of T-Rav's dreams, because that is the *only* way she could possibly snag any sort of engagement ring from him. That's the thing about typical political wives like Jackie O or even typical trophy wives---you marry a rich playboy, you'd better learn to look the other way and keep it light, lovely and lively on the homefront.
  9. I just love watching at her try-hard hipster chic best---I still love her wacky wardrobe, awkward flirting and not-so-hidden pretension wrapped in the classic "Cool Carole" package. I find it most interesting to see how she'll get along with Bethenny.
  10. Amen to this---I can't stand picky eaters. So many of these kids have been conditioned and spoiled into refusing good food that parents cave now as opposed to being good parents and forcing their kids to accept new flavors and healthy foods. Children don't come out of the womb only eating chicken nuggets and pizza; this is a sad American parents thing, because kids around the world are forced to either eat what they're given or they don't eat. I was taught this way as a kid, and my mom would literally reheat my leftovers for every meal until I ate everything I was given. Glad she did, because there's literally no food out there I won't eat or try as an adult now. Which brings me to a huge pet-peeve: picky adult eaters. Grow up already and quit acting like an entitled oaf, especially at dinner parties!
  11. "In the words of Bette Davis, 'What a DUMP.'" --Patricia, reacting to Whitney's fantabulous downtown loft/"stabbin' cabin". "I don't do manual labor." --Shep to Cameran, after suggesting he should order some peel n'eat shrimp at The Shrimp Shack. "Thomas was a bottom in prison."--Whitney, when the men were selecting beds/bunks at Shep's hunting cabin. "Ann Taylor???!"--Patricia to her housekeeper, while rifling through some random "strumpet"'s clothes on the floor of Whitney's bedroom--"What should we do with all this?"(Patricia's housekeeper asks her)--"Burn it!!"
  12. Nope. The problem is that she thinks she's *much* hotter, smarter and more charming than she actually is. Which would seem somewhat pathetic if she wasn't so sadly deluded and high on the sickening stench of her own ass fumes. But maybe she's finally getting wind of the fact that she's not all that, at least based upon the fact that she's universally loathed by her former television show/bosses/ex'es and that all she has going for herself is her desperate grip on some creepy bastard who won't even publicly acknowledge on his own her existence in his life.
  13. Drunkorexia will kill ya---if the embarrassment of these photos wouldn't kill ya first. Good lord, this is someone's mom!!
  14. Yes, she acted like a total princess diva!! And she was totally uninformed about the realities of Indian life/culture, especially when she turned her nose up at the foyer area of one place(while her husband had to patiently explain why this space is particularly necessary there), or when her husband had to explain to her that she couldn't wear "too revealing" clothing there. And she just had to have THE biggest bedroom in every place, no matter what. And colors. If it didn't have colors, wood or arches, it was "too modern." I've never seen such a demanding, culturally-insensitive idiot on HHI before, so I was both fascinated and repulsed. The stupid accent with its bitchy undertone on her didn't help things.
  15. I think it's ridiculous that women are expected to cut their long hair as soon as they hit their 40's---any woman would continue to rock long flowing locks if she had thick, shiny hair like Kyle! It's long, lustrous and healthy, so why not?! Good for her, because I do believe her fabulous hair has always been "her thing." Although Joyce still holds the title for best hair ever on this show, even if it was indeed a bit *too* long(it was down to her ass and was so thick that it looked like a horse tail!).
  16. Speaking of Taco Bell, I dream of finally making my way down their entire breakfast menu, because so far I've loved every damned thing I've tried on it(some bacon/egg crunch wrap thing and those Cinnabon balls? Nomnom).
  17. Saw tonight's episode with the NC couple that moved to India for the native-Indian husband's "job opportunity." I liked the Indian husband and the realtor, but his wife drove me batty with her demanding personality and constantly drawling stupid shit like, "This is too big! This is too modern! I want something warm and colorful like a real Indian home!!!" I kept thinking, "You dumbass, are you aware that you can add color and warmth to any modern decor using accent colors in various art and accessories?"(which she proudly said she did after they chose the modern joint she seemingly hated the most, like she was soooo smart. Never mind how bland and unimaginative her so-called colorful decorating was in that place with absolutely no art or anything added to the walls) I wanted to slap her silly after hearing her constant demands for that perfectly "authentic" Indian home---especially when she said very haughtily about her realtor, "I *told* him not to show us any properties above our budget because *I* want to travel!" Bitch, it's a 3rd World Country. You're lucky to be getting air conditioning and indoor plumbing, and you're sitting there bitching about these gorgeous condos being "too modern"? You don't like the view from a beautiful balcony because the scenery doesn't have enough greenery or you can see the air conditioner?! I'd love to have seen her reactions had they not been able to afford their monthly rent and been stuck renting the usual dumpy little closets the rest of the poor citizens there can barely afford. She was the awful definition of spoiled, entitled American, especially when coupled with her dumb Carolinian drawl and talking about the "adventure" of living in India, like she was about to jump into her own stupid version of "The Exotic Marigold Hotel."
  18. Oh my word, thank you! I'd forgotten all about this awesome dessert awesomeness courtesy of Breyer's---Vienetta was pure heaven!! Wonder why it was discontinued?
  19. Talk about a post after my own foodie heart!!! As someone who literally will eat/enjoys *every* food out there(except maybe liver), these are my faves: Sushi-- I'll eat any of it: rolls, hand rolls, inari, sashimi...it's the perfect food to me! As a seafood lover, the combo of the fish varieties with sticky rice/raw veggies makes for a blissful meal---it's just so artistic and lovely in every way. Pile on some wasabi and pickled ginger, mmmm... Flavored potato chips-- Regular old potato chips just don't do it for me, but you give me cheddar or barbecue or sour cream or any of those wacky-flavored Lays chips, and I'm in snacking heaven. Nuts-- Mostly cashews, but I'll eat any nut out there. I can't even keep them in the house because I can eat an entire can on my own. Gummy ANYTHING-- I've got a gross addiction to all that is gummy. Gummy bears, gummy worms, gummy whales, gummy coke bottles, etc...I went bonkers on my first visit to Dylan's Candy Bar, piling up a bag with their hundreds of different gummy varieties!! Bonus points if it's the sour kind with the sugar coating. And I found out the hard way that it's best that I never get myself those gummy vitamins ever again. Cheese-- Gimmie blocks of all those gourmet delights, please. Smoked Gouda gives me life. Salad-- Veggie-lover for life...I actually went through a phase of eating salads daily, I love them so much. Many a pricy salad I have ordered from a fancy restaurant, many a taco salad I have enjoyed at a Mexican dive, it's just my typical food go-to. Ice cream-- So long as it's not boring vanilla and features a fun flavor combo, I'm always game for a tasty scoop or three. In a cup or on a cone, it don't matter!
  20. As a former server, please allow me to jump into these pet-peeves!! I'm sorry about the dessert thing; we hate asking about it too and would rather just turn over your table so we could get another round of diners. But most every restaurant expects/requires its servers to ask, and some diners would likely take offense to *not* being asked/offered a dessert menu, so please just realize that it's just an expected formality. Also, I acquired an odd habit as a server of just having a hunch when a couple was up to ordering a dessert, usually indicated by their food/drink choices. And they would usually share one dessert between them, which I often do with my husband as well. As for the bread, it depends upon the restaurant. Some places just offer bread as a nice perk and specialty, just a way for diners to get their tastebuds flowing and not get too cranky while waiting for their food's arrival(or too tipsy if they're drinking heavily), especially if app's aren't even being ordered before the entrees. On the one hand, I appreciate it as a diner because I love fresh warm bread and just appreciate something complimentary to munch on while awaiting my order. I actually get annoyed at restaurants nowadays that either don't offer bread, or charge for it---or worse yet, forcing diners to ask for it. On the other hand, I *hated* offering bread as a server---it took up valuable time, was often an extra hassle, and there were always those tacky customers who would either immediately demand bread before I could even introduce myself/take their drink orders, and/or the ones who would practically make meals of multiple bread baskets. There are some frightening levels of cheapskates out there, especially the older folks who think a cup of soup, endless water refills and 3-4 baskets of bread warrant a good long lunch and a barely-tipped server.
  21. Asa's boyfriend/partner also happens to be Jermaine Jackson's son. He appeared on the show once on the second season, but other than his apparently wanting to no part of this televised mess and Asa claiming she wants compete privacy of her dating life, she doesn't really put their relationship out there much:http://madamenoire.com/325069/asa-soltan-on-jermaine-jackson-jr/ I'm assuming he helps her out a great deal financially, and her rich ex-husband may have paid her spousal support or a fat settlement. She obviously got her house as part of her divorce settlement because they used to live there together---she also mentioned that she used to rent it out. Maybe they once co-owned other rental properties too and she's lived well thanks to that? But yeah, I'm sure she and Reza live far beyond their means. And while I'm sure his condo/decor is pricy, it sure was too tacky/busy for my tastes! ((although I completely agreed with his and Asa's reactions to GG's sad new apartment decor---that poor gal just can't decorate))
  22. Stassi is so pathetic. Scurrying away from her ex at her former workplace party filled with "evil people" she hates, yet she willingly dresses up and shows up just for the open bar?! Way to show you have no life and no friends to boot, loser. I did enjoy the scene after she left of everyone reminiscing upon her nastiest past moments and collectively realizing how much she actually sucked as a human and that they never liked her very much anyway, hah!! And yeah, what *did* Katie do to her that was so wrong StASSi needed an apology? Going with her boyfriend to a co-worker's engagement getaway/wedding, but because Stassi feels they wronged her once, Katie shouldn't have gone?! Fuck that shit; talk about petty, selfish and ridiculous. Glad Katie essentially told her as much. Ariana might think that her IQ makes her "smarter than anyone else I've ever met", but what she fails to realize is that most high-IQ folks are proven to have typically low EQ's and are often unable to read social/emotional cues or have genuine street smarts. Given the stupid manner in which she brushed off so much as the idea of her cheater boyfriend actually cheating on *her*(despite her cheating with him on his prior girlfriend) makes me realize that she obviously has the emotional intelligence of a rock, but whatever.
  23. I was beyond bored with this episode---hopefully the season gets better and more fun soon?
  24. As long as we're talking Trader Joe's, I *finally* tried their fabled Cookie Butter from there. And it was such the foodgasm: tasted like mushed up ginger snaps! Liked it so much that I may have to go back and get some more, or just try the "chunky" style.
  25. D'OH---beyond embarrassed that I failed to mention the impressive eatery Etch---it's such an awesome downtown restaurant too---and ditto the sentiment on their amazing butter tasting, ebk57!! And Hermitage Hotel is a definite must-see as well, if only for their gorgeous main lobby, the elegant Oak Bar downstairs, and their infamous Art Deco men's restroom: http://www.atlasobscura.com/places/hermitage-hotel-men-s-bathroom
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