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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Absolutely!!! How she completely pissed away the entire toaster oven/cookbook idea she had going is beyond me---talk about a golden opportunity that was completely wasted on her. I totally would've bought a "Sexy Sonja in the City" toaster oven complete with a fun cookbook and in a cute color. Just imagine the possibilities---she could've created such a quirky little "sexy toaster oven" movement, complete with cute aprons and oven mits, maybe even "Sexy Sonja"-stylish cookware, baking/storage containers and other kitchen accessories! But would I pay upwards of $1000 for Sonja dresses and clothing? Oh Hell no. Sexy Sonja apparently would rather dream of herself as the next Carolina Herrera than the next Martha Stewart, much to her loss.
  2. I'm always baffled by the nasty open-mouthed eating I witness on these and other reality shows---wouldn't you be hyper aware of the fact that there are cameras around that could capture you looking like a wild animal mid-bite on national television? I just don't get it. And I'm a big Carole fan too, so it dismays me whenever I see her just chomping away with her gaping maw. Although the absolute WORST open-mouthed eater I ever seen on this particular show would be Luanne's daughter---it was just beyond disgusting to see this supposedly well-bred and educated young girl sitting there chomping away like a common baglady off the streets. But then again, that girl always has made me uncomfortable with her awkward, dowdy rich-bitch vibe.
  3. When I first met my husband, I liked him strictly as a friend from the start---he was just so funny and so easy to talk to, just easygoing and comfortable and knowledgeable about interests/topics we shared. The physical attraction actually came a bit later...I wasn't really "into" him like a romantic partner until I got to know him much better, aka we took a trip together and realized we're even better travel buddies. 8 happy years later, and I'm so glad I decided to be patient and let the relationship just develop and unfold on its own. So as much as people buy into "chemistry", I wish more people would realize that true love often has its own schedule. It's easy to fall in love with someone, but falling into friendly "like" is so important too---your partner should be your best friend, after all!
  4. She's one damned "Fertile Myrtle" all right...I'm still baffled as to why she can't seem to comprehend how birth control works...but yes, it IS eerie to note the radio silence on both her and T-Rav's ends about this random new development...if it is indeed his.
  5. On the flipside, that's what makes Ramona so hilarious to watch---her social gracelessness and random blurts/behaviors make her an infuriating friend but an awesome "Real Housewife." Think about all the other OG/MVP Housewives in the other franchises: Vicki from the OC, NeNe from Atlanta, Teresa from NJ, Lisa from BH((or Kyle?))...they're all awful in their own weird ways, but they make for such damned entertaining television. You know that if they're in a scene, they'll likely cause a scene. Or at least provoke an odd conversation/turn of events. I know a lot of people hate her, but I'd sure miss Ramona's ridiculous antics if she ever left this show. And I'd especially miss her "turtle time" antics with Sonja.
  6. Oh no, I find that oddly annoying also. With the constant notifications too? I'll literally message someone on my own if they try to engage me in comments like that; it's the polite thing to do. Which brings me to the group messages in Facebook messenger---I literally groan if I get one, otherwise I'll keep getting pinged nonstop by the random group responses. I try to hit that "leave this conversation" button as quickly as possible. Speaking of random responses, I just got back from visiting friends in Washington DC this weekend. What shocked me is how insanely AWFUL their drivers up there are! I had no idea...random lane-changers, slow drivers clogging the left lane, selfish slow drivers holding up entire lanes to search for street parking...I finally gasped in disbelief when this one gal literally STOPPED her car in the middle of the busy goddamned road to put down her convertible top. Like, just stopped with all us cars behind her, and stalled her car to do this in the middle of moving traffic...unbelievable. I wouldn't be surprised if DC is considered the city with some of the worst drivers in the country, because I saw some particularly rude and downright baffling bad driver displays the entire weekend up there.
  7. I know Carole has at least several siblings...I'm not sure how close they are these days though((been a while since I read her first book)). I'm guessing perhaps they're private working-class types who aren't comfortable appearing on television? She makes no bones about her humble beginnings, which I actually find rather refreshing, unlike Ramona, who acts every bit like all the other entitled new money types out there. Looking forward to her thoughtfully calm London storyline though---sounds like a nice break from all the usual drunken vacation/dramatic dinner party/boozy bitchy brunch madness we've been inundated with this season. Watching her honestly interact with Dorinda and gladly discuss their late husbands and previous lives was probably the most refreshingly real moment on the season thus far.
  8. Yeah, I'd feel weird about dating a dude with birds flying around his place too. Yikes...I love animals and critters, but I admittedly find some of their owners a little on the creepy side...
  9. I remember her mentioning last season that she wanted to make that entire lofted room into one big closet, and she moved the little office area/nook into her kitchen. Given the layout of her apartment and the fact that she works from home and writes most of the time, I can understand why she decided to move her office down to the main area for easier access throughout the day; it probably got tiring going up and down those scary stairs multiple times a day versus maybe just 1-2 times daily to change outfits.
  10. It's an awful cesspool of misogyny, agreed---but it came up first in my Google search for "fat girl angle/MySpace angle"...sorry...
  11. http://www.returnofkings.com/19383/10-tell-tale-signs-shes-a-secret-internet-fatty
  12. Hey, that's what the "Fat Girl Angle Shot"/MySpace Angle is for!
  13. Just when you thought that dude couldn't get anymore pathetic. As soon as I first saw the headline that one of the VR "stars" got arrested for stealing I knew it had to be his dumb ass. And the video footage of him so stealthily perusing the racks and preening in the mirror is beyond cringe-worthy.On the other hand, I'll bet Stassi is having way too many wicked fits of laughter over this news.
  14. Okay, I actually don't mind pet/other random item/character photos as Facebook profile pics so much. But I did mention those aforementioned profile pic goofs to prove my point about how annoying it is when parents/relatives use their kid pics for their profile photos. It's like you're basically telling the world that you've given up your own identity in exchange for the kid, and it just creeps me out...especially when I'm private messaging them or sharing naughty jokes/memes with them.Plus, it's just not fair to the kid and his/her privacy! But I'm funny about that stuff and feel that social media should be all about sharing YOU and your very own profile/personality; I don't even share my husband's last name there and I rarely use a pic of us both together as my profile pic for that very reason. Those who know and love me already know that I'm happily married; I don't have to prove anything to my 1000+ Facebook "friends" or publicly display that someone was nuts enough to legally bind himself to me. Ugh, that's another thing---what's up with former classmates who befriend you? I know many are just curious and want to see where you are in life and feel that old connection, but if we weren't friends in high school, then why are you befriending me now? I just avoided my 20th high school reunion, although I did have a few former classmates try to convince me to come; thank God I had a fabulous NYC wedding to attend that same weekend. Although it was oddly amusing to see how most of the bitches I hated are now fat dowdy cows, so thanks for that, Facebook!!
  15. There's a lot of what I like to refer to as "grief whores" on Facebook. Long, self-congratulatory posts about your dear friend/family member/whatever who passed away and how close you were, etc...photo galleries and the like.((grief whores also qualify as those folks who make loud, grandiose displays of their sadness/crying at funerals and such---I get that we all feel grief in different ways, but have some respect for your fellow mourners and keep that shit on the DL or loudly cry it out elsewhere; I saw a woman literally throw herself on her late husband's coffin once and I almost burst out laughing since it looked like a scene straight from a bad telenovela)) Yet when my grandmother passed away last year at the age of 101, my family asked that we all remain mum and not disrespect her privacy by splashing the news all over social media, which I was glad to do. Some things are better left unsaid, and seeing as though none of her extended family/friends are even on Facebook/etc anyway, we only would've been posting her passing for our sakes, not hers; so why bother? Facebook and social media can be such rampant breeding grounds for pet-peeves! I definitely have a few: Vaguebooking---that's when you post something passive-aggressively vague like "I'm so upset right now!" or "Feeling so distressed" or "I can't believe what just happened..." That's just annoying and such a cheap and pathetic ploy for attention. Just spit it out of shutup---if you're that drama queen who thrives on multiple people commenting back "Oh what's wrong?" or "What happened??" I automatically feel like Unfriending your melodramatic ass. Or I give you one last chance and post back a funny meme shaming you on your pitiful Vaguebooking. Inability to edit photo posts---my best friend is guilty of this, and as much as I love her, she still can't seem to comprehend why she shouldn't upload 3-8 different versions of the same photos just with very slightly varying facial expressions. Like when we all get pics posed together, just post the best one, please don't post all 4 photos we took in that exact same pose/place! But she'll always say, "I can't pick the best one, so I'll just post them all!" To which I tell her, "Trust me, NO ONE is looking at all 4 of these photos of us together, in fact, they're probably as annoyed by your inability to edit your photo posts as I am..." Deaf ears, folks. And clogged news feeds. Using your baby/child/pet photo as your profile pic---I'm friends with YOU, not your cat Mr. Fluffypants or your sticky toddler Jeremiah or your precious little niece Neveah. It just creeps me out to exchange messages and funny, off color posts with a picture of a collie, a kid or a sonogram. Please just stop!!
  16. Being down here in the steamy Southern summer, I get that it's hot as balls and sometimes it's nice to kick your shoes off. But for God's sake, please keep your damned shoes *on* in certain public places and don't wear those grimyassed flip-flop sandals anywhere but the beach, please! If you and/or your children are in the grocery store or a fast food eatery without shoes on, that's disgusting. If you and/or your children are at the movie theater or walking around a ballpark without shoes on, that's seriously disgusting. If you and/or your children are in a medical office without shoes on, that's beyond disgusting. Leave it to Britney Spears and her barefoot gas station bathroom adventures to allow white trash to argue against logic and decently sanitary public behavior with the statement, "It's hot and I'm just country, y'all!" Yeah. Enjoy that eventual foot fungus/ringworm then.
  17. Well, at least he's her ex, as she somewhat abruptly quit mentioning him, referencing him and hanging with him; in fact, she's been hanging out with Lou again. As the pics/videos splashed all over her Instagram revealed, she and her "gay husband" actually jetted off on a wild European vacation last month with her mom and Lou.
  18. Awwww, I think she looks cute; fun outfit with a hint of sass and class! Her body is just insane too---I could only dream of looking that good at her age.
  19. I read where 90's supermodel Helena Christensen was approached to be on this show, either this season or the previous one, and she firmly refused. I've girlcrushed on Helena for years, and she's supposed to be quite a cool and savvy Danish bombshell with a quick wit and a quirky vibe. Lord knows she's probably way more fun and interesting than vapid former model Kelly Bensimon was....she has a kid with the dude from "The Walking Dead", was engaged to Michael Hutchence, is a renowned fashion photographer and owns/owned a vintage shop in Manhattan. But then again, look how hard Joanna Krupa bombed on RHof Miami...and I really had high hopes for her. If they're hoping to cast former 90's supermodels, Christy Turlington would possibly be an awesome choice. She's happily married to actor/director Ed Burns and they have two cute kids and a cute NYC townhouse...she's an active runner/yoga-enthusiast and social activist and heads her own charity for women. But then again, she's probably too mellow and peaceful for a show like this.
  20. THAT'S who her husky smoker's voice reminds me of: an older Edie Sedgwick!!! Same sort of Northern lilt and everything...she does share a few style tips from Edie as well(white-blonde bobbed hair, big/long earrings, mini-dresses)...interesting observation. I'm also in shock that Bethenny is supposedly 5'7 and weighs only 114lbs---I always thought she was shorter! If that's the case, she's severely underweight for her height. That's actually a very scary weight and extremely difficult to maintain without extreme dieting and exercising, especially at her age. She obviously does just nibble and taste things then. I'm 5'7 and 135lbs and I've had doctors tell me I'm considered "mildly underweight" for my height, so I can't even imagine what a doctor would tell her. No wonder her face looks so gaunt and requires fillers!!
  21. Funny that you all mentioned how annoying customer service phone reps can be. I recently had an instance of having to tell one female rep "I'll call back when I can speak with someone less bitchy than you, thanks!" She was quite possibly the most condescending and passive-aggressive phone rep I've had the misfortune to deal with, and I'm sweet as can be to service workers, having worked as one myself. She probably had been having a rough day and all, but still, comon'---asking me in a snarky tone "So are you familiar with how websites actually work?" was a pointless jab. I use the "You're welcome!" line all the time with those assholes who walk through doors I'm holding and refuse to thank me. And I've encountered a few rude glances and even a muttered "Bitch..." comment((typically, it's women who ignore the required "thank you")), but still, let those public etiquette lessons continue, brave fellow souls. How friggin' hard is it to say "thanks" to a stranger holding a door for you? Manners, people!!
  22. Hey, Jennifer: welcome to our playground! Not all of us around here are weary of you---I was very complimentary of you on the "Southern Charmers in the Media" thread and have enjoyed seeing you on this show and via social media too, mainly because I'm such a sucker for this silly show and its cast. I certainly appreciate your enthusiasm and your friendly interactions with viewers on social media! It seems that every reality show participant finds oneself often dismayed by the various online reactions of viewers. Lots of you feel very misrepresented and your best moments are either edited out or edited in a completely contradictory fashion via production manipulation. I wouldn't let it bug you too much; most of us savvy longtime reality show viewers get this and are smart enough to understand that behind-the-scenes meddling makes for more interesting television/better drama, after all. Now your buddy Kathryn? I'm astonished anyone can spend five minutes with that gal, let alone befriend her for regular social outings---she comes across as batshit crazy on the show. Granted, she's very young(aren't we all a bit nuts in our early 20's?) and probably was rolling in postpartum hormones and depression when they filmed this season. But I'm willing to bet money that she's simply edited to come off like such a hateful, negative shrew, because from what I've read from some other cast members' statements concerning her, she's just as peachy and funny as she can be. Hey, she's obviously a fun drunk, so maybe KiKi is way more palatable than Kathryn. Btw, I like your blog so far, girl! Great decorating tips. Good luck with the new home and please post pics when you're done designing it.
  23. I've since accepted this show as pure satire and am enjoying it much more ever since then---I've even gotten used to crazy Jill and her manic, odd acting style, which is a feat unto itself! I actually appreciated the excessive blood from the birth. Plus the mention of poop! Yes, poop happens!! This was probably the most realistic thing the show has ever portrayed, oddly enough. I've never given birth myself, but every single one of my mommy friends has jokingly mentioned that she wished more women had been more honest about how gross the birth process actually is. Lotsa blood, and usually there's poop too. And then there's the smelly gushing water when it finally breaks. And the afterbirth stench/gross goop mixed with the throbbing placenta! And none of them mentioned any crazy Lamaze breathing or insane shrieking shown on TV/movies either---mostly just crying and yelping and grunting. Although I still say that Brooke should've had at least a tiny bit more of a pooch if she was going to have a 10 pound baby, comon!
  24. Because it was Saturday night??? But seriously, simply talking to me about it the next day or leaving me a note would've sufficed. I'd bet money that it was Crackhead who reported me.
  25. Speaking of noisy creatures in a shared condo/apartment complex, I deal with noise the exact same way in the historic loft building I share: politely talk with the neighbor making the noise, ask them to kindly cut the noise down, and typically that's the end of that. So my pet-peeve is twofold: if you have a neighbor that is noisy and/or not following rules, get to the heart of the issue and politely talk to the neighbor *yourself*!! Seems pretty simple, but you wouldn't believe how many people are non-confrontational/lazy pussies who would sooner report/email our building director on a neighbor's noise levels than talk to the actual neighbor who may not even realize anyone is bothered. Like one time I had a party and my guests were leaving, it was after midnight and they were singing loudly as they went down the hallway(sure, the drinks had been flowing). I had no idea of this, yet somehow I ended up reported over it. Why didn't the moron who took the time to write this email just open the damn door and shush the guests? I do it all the time! Or just talk to me and let me know my guests were too loud while leaving. So now I literally have to tell my guests as they leave, "Please be quiet in the hallways." Which is fine and the price one pays to live in a building like this. To which I bring up my second pet-peeve about this shared older building situation: inconsiderate assholes who have no idea how annoying they are to live around! Like if you have yappy/noisy dogs, don't live in a shared building...they can't handle the anxiety of all the daily noises and they bug your neighbors, despite their cuteness. You have a baby or a small child? Ugh...please don't live in an older, echoey building with wooden floors..they're even more noisy and annoying than yappy dogs. And they jump around, drop things, have sleeping issues, bang on pots and pans and toys, just ugh... You like to clomp around your place in high heels at all hours? Take your damned shoes off already, don't you realize everyone around you can hear you?! You're a musician and/or you like to jam and blare music/movies at odd hours? Please leave. Trust me, NO one wants you here. And then there's the neighbor to my right wall. I call him Crackhead. Crackhead doesn't even own the joint, but he regularly shacks up there with the nasty old hag who lives there. Crackhead is up at the asscrack of dawn on the weekends...sometimes 4am. I'm a teacher up at 5am most days, so I damned well appreciate my weekend catch-up sleep. Crackhead is one of those annoyingly loud folks WHO TALKS LIKE HE IS STUCK IN CAPS LOCK. ITS LIKE HE JUST ENJOYS TALKING/LAUGHING JUST TO HEAR HIS CRAZY LOUD VOICE. IM NOT CONVINCED HE DOESNT TALK TO THE PICTURES ON THE WALL. Mind you, my husband and I both have tried to nicely reason with Crackhead and his gross lady both. Invited them over, even tried to befriend them, but they are weird shut-in's who sadly seem to go nowhere and watch the TV too loudly and cook food that often smells like dead fish or rats. After at least 3 years of dealing with these idiots nicely, I finally lost my shit and reported them to management when they decided to blare their stereo's bass so loud one night that my wall might as well have been next to a stripclub. I can't stand them and don't know why they're even in a building like this that is otherwise a very peaceful and welcoming community, but it does tick me off that some of my fave neighbors are selling and moving lately but Crackhead and his old lady still hang around here like cockroaches.
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