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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. They'd been dating for a few months, maybe about a year((and this was after they'd gotten back together from their first breakup, back when she ditched him right before a beach vacation because he wouldn't tell her he "loved" her or was "the one" yet)) and had gotten very close. So Mr. Big sort of flippantly mentioned that his job was moving him to Paris. Carrie was sad but somewhat perplexed why he wasn't more open about it and include her in his decision. She finally cheers up and tells him it's cool, she supports his decision and she'll visit him there and that she'll make arrangements to move there later too, to which he responded with the line that made her lose her shit and toss burgers at him, "Well, you'd be moving there for you, don't move there just for me, I just don't want you to expect anything." So yes, he was a dick about his work move in that he wasn't too understanding of her feelings of their status as a couple and pretty much emotionally checked out of their relationship after that.
  2. Seriously, Carrie was so damned high-maintenance...and insanely unrealistic with her expectations of her men. I mean, this was a chick who quit her awesome job/ditched her amazing friends/left her unreal Manhattan co-op just on a ridiculous whim to go live in Paris with some older Russian artist she barely knew, after all. And then she was shocked that he was too busy working on the biggest art show of his career to spend any quality time with her while she was there doing nothing but being his fawning fuck-buddy?! Da fuq did she expect out of the man?? I'll never forget the fit she threw over Mr. Big moving to Paris without her. Yes, he was a total dick about it, but she didn't have to throw hamburgers at the guy and have a ridiculous meltdown like a big baby. Then there was the time she got prowling around that one dude's apartment...and then Natasha caught her prowling around her apartment with Big. Never mind that she was a creepy prowler type with anger issues. Which reminds me---Carrie was always throwing things...hamburgers...pots of flowers...wedding bouquets...fried chicken...fits...such a very childish lover. Yet I still liked Carrie overall, much to the credit of SJP's immense charms as an actress. But lord, what a nightmare she would be to date...and then she'd write all about it later!!
  3. Amen---what an awesome and astute article. Very observant and interesting take on these various players.
  4. Worst date I ever had was thanks to AOL chat. This was indeed the late 90's, and I agreed to a date with a guy I *thought* I had things in common with thanks to a few fun chats here and there. Just to show how naive I was on online dating(I was 19 at the time), I had him pick me up at my house. As soon as my roommate let him in and I walked into the living room to greet him, he was all but panting in delight; I guess I surpassed his physical expectations, wish I could've said the same about him, but whatever, he was okay. He drives me to the Italian restaurant where we shared a bottle of wine and I attempted chatter that wasn't awkward. After we finish the main course(and he finishes most of the wine), he just sits back and stares at me all creepily. I asked, "What are you looking at? You okay??" He just slurs, "I'm just enjoying the view." Then he starts to lick his lips. At this point, I ask the waiter for our check, force this weirdo to pay up and to please take me home, trying to be very polite about it and just get the Hell away from this creep. Yep, should've taken a cab home or gotten a ride, because before he gets me back to my house he pulls his dick out and whines, "Baby, I took you to a nice dinner! Can't you at least gimme some dessert?!" Thankfully, we were close enough to my place at that point for me to jump out of his car and run back home, bolting the doors behind me. And that jerk *still* had the nerve to call and attempt to chat with me after that?! Ugh...I was an idiot and lucky I didn't end up date-raped. I didn't AOL chat after that. I did go on a few dates via Craigslist and OKCupid a few years later(I learned my lesson after nightmare AOL guy and only met them in public places!), but quickly grew bored of the endless boring/awkward first dates and silly mind games of online dating. I met Mr. SunBun thanks to fate, timing and luck, so I doubt I could ever try online dating ever again, quite honestly.
  5. Well, I never meant for it to come off like he was some moral paragon of good breeding and character! I just mean that all the main action of this show thus far has pretty much centered around him and his various antics...perhaps I should clarify that maybe he's like the heart of this show, not the soul? Because seriously, even when he hasn't been a part of the filming or featured much, somehow all the other cast members' actions still swirled around his own events and results of his actions.But I agree that most of these guys are "truly soulless" indeed! Speaking of soulless, I love it when random Bravolebrities collide---I had no idea that Whitney was a regular hanging buddy of kuckoo Kelly Killoren-Bensimon! Figures, since her manly-looking self's about as deep as a rain puddle yet she still somehow gets invites to various elite events due to her past marriage and its resulting fashion connections: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-2863176/Kelly-Bensimon-displays-sculpted-legs-casual-little-black-dress-explores-Art-Basel.html I'm surprised he can even stand being around such a dim-witted former model since he prides himself on being soooo intelligent and cultured.
  6. Wow, slurring, yelling Dorinda with a crumb on her lips to complete the whole sloppy look---classy broad. I like her and all, but it's moments like those that make me think she got lost on her way to a "Real Housewives of New Jersey" taping. That's the thing about dirty martinis: they're wonderful and all, but after 2 or 3, they'll turn any lady into a slurring, sloppy mess. Stick to the wine, Countess and Dorinda!! And all that talk about cursing? ALL these ladies swear like sailors...perhaps with the exception of Kristen and maybe Ramona. The F word is right in there with "shit" as well, indeed. What a stupid thing to even argue about...I'm with Bethenny on this one---surely 8 cultured NYC women can find a few more culturally interesting things to discuss than drunk Sonja...and f bombs??!!!
  7. Anyone here over the age of 12 like Dippin'Dots? Working beside a DD vendor at my second job has gotten me fairly addicted to them myself, especially to the banana split flavor, chocolate chip cookie dough and rainbow. I dunno what it is about those tiny balls of delight that get me going, but the taste and texture of it is such a nice departure from the typical sweet bliss of ice cream. Which kinda makes me wonder what in the Hell actually *is* DippinDots made from and how unhealthy is it really?!
  8. Not a huge regular doughnut fan here, admittedly...I can resist any of the plain glazed/mass-produced in boxes variety. But if it's filled with cream and covered in chocolate glaze/etc? Oh man, get in my belly!!!
  9. I do NOT miss Alex((she was just so damned awkward and try-hard/thirsty---she didn't fit in with this crew at all and didn't appear to be remotely in on the joke)), although I do miss her crazy hubby Simon, because that man was hilariously ridiculous! The way he'd go apeshit over the stupidest things(("Damnit, he ruined the surprise!!!")), arrange the dumbest special occasions for Alex and act like they were such exclusive elite experiences, the way he so desperately tried to be such a cultural curator and jump in on every fun moment the housewives had((the Pride parade, the ladies dinner party, etc)), and then...his wardrobe. The red pleather pants. The rainbow suit. And I do believe he's the only RH husband to date who actually performed his own song on Andy's aftershow---and it was as unintentionally hysterical as usual for him: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=F62tRNlsyCQ
  10. I'm still an unabashed Carole fan, even despite her unapologetically-ditzy hipster cougar act this year. I honestly do think half her "Cool Carole" persona is just a clever disguise to hide her true self, which we have seen enough glimpses of in past seasons to realize that she's actually a very sensitive, quiet, possibly insecure old soul who has dealt with a lot of heartache in her life. Plus, we know she probably smokes a shitload of weed. I remember seeing glimpses of her deeper side when she had to go be by herself on their trip to the Islands and have a good therapeutic cry, since she was so overcome with memories flooding back from her past days spent there with her late husband. I remember how genuine and disarming her fun outings with Heather were as their friendship deepened and they formed a real bond. And I remember her telling Bethenny in one line how easy it was just being with her late husband: "It was perfect." I'd like to see more of this Carole, the unfiltered no BS Carole that many viewers grew to enjoy with her refreshingly relaxed take on life, friendship and love. I'm actually looking forward to her upcoming scenes dealing with how she plans on taking care of Anthony's ashes now that they'll be in her care again. I think the thoughtful, deeply mellow Carole is still there, she's just relishing her newfound onscreen role as Samantha Jones after years of playing Carrie Bradshaw.
  11. Oh man, T-Rav's drunken online rants give me such a case of the sad's...wonder exactly who he means when he says "4 and counting" potentially refusing to be on the third season?? I know he probably is referring to Cameron as one of those being "carefully protected" and possibly Shep too...I can't imagine Whitney or his mom or her walker Cooper not wanting to continue this wild ride since Whit's the evil mastermind behind this entire series. And Craig/Landon mentioned on the reunion that they were planning on being roomies renting a place downtown, so surely that's for filming purposes. I know JD is loyal to Thomas, but I can't see him turning his back on all the free advertising his restaurant is getting from this show. Ditto Shep with his divebar and Cameron with her budding career as a realtor. That just leaves Katherine, but I can't imagine her thirsty famewhoring ass ever turning her back on the show that brought her into this social circle((especially since Whitney still seems to believe "she had a baby to secure a spot on a reality tv show!")). Who knows, eh? I just hope this isn't the last we see of T-Rav though...he really is like the soul of this show...
  12. Yes, I can see where some people might get that idea. But on the flipside, I enjoyed that book because it was just an honest, practical guide on ways to cheat your body into forming habits of the "naturally thin" female mindset. She never claimed any of it was healthy or aspirational, but she did want to share how it worked for her skinny ways and others.Like she talks about not really eating breakfast unless she's hungry. She admits to not being a "breakfast person" and that the typical "3 meals a day" mindset is antiquated and can cause more damage than good. She also mentions how she "scoops out" her bagels, which I didn't even realize was an actual behavior. She does mention only eating when you're hungry, not because you're on an eating schedule or because you think your body's metabolism requires it. And basically she's a strong advocate for not cheating yourself out of enjoying all foods, just learning portion control, which as a thin person, I can attest to: big DUH there. Her biggest tip for enjoying snacks is to buy a collection of small ramekins and simply learn to enjoy everything in moderation by using those as snack measurements...never eat *anything* straight from the box and never finish *everything* on your plate. Hence the whole "taste everything, eat nothing" mantra she preaches, which has helped me stay slender over the years too. Like when I go to a party, I typically wanna try everything---so I put it on a plate, take 1-2 bites of each item, and either give the rest to my husband or share with a friend or just toss the rest. Or I just put enough for one bite on my plate so I don't overeat. It may sound disordered, but at least it keeps me aware of my caloric intake. Although unlike Bethenny, I refuse nothing at dinner parties and eat far more than just shellfish! Of course I like meatballs and will not weep and argue if you insist on giving me one!!
  13. I adore this clips compilation video because it so perfectly displays how nutty the Scary Island getaway/KooKoo Kelly truly was: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=6tvIxj5rVAY Loved the candid reactions from The Countess---the way she was so aghast over the use of the term "hobag" is just priceless. Seriously, I could watch an exasperated Bethenny scream "GO TO SLEEP! GO TO SLEEP! YOU'RE CRAZY!!!" on an endless loop---what a hilariously golden moment. This one is pretty good too: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ojeVJ6voaxU
  14. I don't think Ramona has a whole new set of tits---it just looked like she got them lifted to me. At her age, it's pretty damned popular for women to go for breast lifts as opposed to an entirely new set of breasts. It's like getting them perked up without going through the advanced process of fitting into a new set of foobs. I dunno why anyone is snarking on her body though; she may not wear the most flattering and/or tasteful outfits and looked ridiculous stumbling around in those hooker heels, but the gal is pushing 60! I'd kill for a body that solid and fit and I'm 20 years her junior---I admire her obvious workout dedication, especially considering her mutual dedication to slugging down excessive Pinot Grigio!! Now Sonja, I just think that gal does the odd yoga class or so and mostly just sustains a liquid diet. Ditto Bethenny. And Carole has admitted to never working out as well, so draw your own conclusions---probably the classic nibbler. I did enjoy this episode, despite wanting to smack the shit out of Bethenny and her ridiculously pointless grandstanding to Sonja at the end. Meanwhile, all that delicious food was going to waste and all those hungry ladies were impatiently left waiting to eat it just so she could blubber away at drunk Sonja. Although I applaud Heather's amazing restraint this episode---she's smart enough to realize she's in a no-win situation with Bethenny and has officially gotten off her jock, at least. There's a new HBH, hollah!!
  15. Admittedly, I've been intrigued by Jennifer Snowden ever since I saw her gorgeous home tour featured on Bravo's site((I'm currently redecorating my loft a bit and liked the stylish Southern gal vibe of her home's decor)), so I started reading her blog/following her on Instagram to get more of a taste for her home decor tips. Her clothes/personal style may be a bit on the Playboy Bunny-side, but she's actually very sweet and informative on social media. She took the time to answer a few of my design questions very excitedly and seems to not take her time on the show too seriously either---and she must make decent dough as a realtor to afford the homes she's rented/just bought. I don't get a sleazy hanger-on vibe from her at all, and her blog has been surprisingly helpful for finding me some fun recent online clothing/decor purchases. Anyways, here's a link to her blog---obviously it's still a work in progress, but I do appreciate all her helpful interior design/online sales tips: http://closetscliquescasascharleston.com I follow Cooper on Instagram as well, just because he seems like a delightful Southern dandy who enjoys showing off the dandy Southern soirées, businesses and interiors he frequents, as well as bits of the downtown Charleston lifestyle. Makes me miss my time living in downtown Savannah, GA, which is one reason I adore this show and it's equally disarming Southern cast.
  16. Current pet peeve: Bad parenting in public---with school being out now and more kids on the loose daily, more and more bad parents feel entitled to let their hooligans do what they want daily, perturbing all the rest of us responsible adults out there daily. Whether they're running around like animals and bumping into shopping carts at the grocery or terrorizing my condo building's pool, the ones who haven't been sent to summer school or to camp obviously couldn't be sent anywhere but to torture the rest of us for good reason. Being a teacher, I work as an usher at my local minor league ballpark as my summer job. I like it and it's easy work, until parents suddenly decide going to the ballpark is simply an excuse to get drunk while letting their kids roam freely around the entire stadium. Cue most of us ushers having to find these kids after parents realize they haven't seen their little Johnny or Jane in a while, only to find Johnny or Jane practically destroying the free games in the local bar area, playing in the bathrooms, rolling down the hills beside the field seats area or throwing various items onto the field for shits and giggles((which often leads to them and their parents getting tossed from the stadium---we have a no tolerance policy for that)). Listen, I'm all about free-range parenting and am totally into allowing kids the freedom to roam freely, but if you have a naturally mischievous child or a kid under 4 who's prone to wandering and getting lost, DO NOT let your child out of your sight! The world and the local ballpark is not your babysitter!! And don't get mad at other folks swearing around your kid either---if you can't handle a few folks blowing off steam and loudly cursing around your precious child, you seriously don't belong I either a ballpark or most public areas. Cursing happens, so teach your child to know better and not use such crass language until he/she is age-appropriate to do so.
  17. What, no Asa?? But I agree with your assessment of these folks, especially Reza and GG. As for Asifa, she actually makes me slightly miss Lilly...what a waste of a casting spot.
  18. Agreed---her lazy ass needs to find a good job already. I think half the reason she's so damned unhappy and constantly warring with Thomas is because she's so damned bored with just being a stay-at-home mom who can't be a hot bar-star anymore. She failed as playing a happy housewife with Thomas, so now it's time to at least garner some sliver of respect from the man and go find a stable long-term career option for herself. And it's not like she doesn't have help and people to look after Kensie while she worked and got a real career to keep herself busy and fulfilled. She doesn't seem driven or smart enough to be a realtor...I'll bet she'd make a killing as a cocktail waitress, or go be a hostess. Hell, maybe convince T-Rav to put up some money so she could run her own cute clothing boutique, or maybe even go to beauty school so she can be a hair/makeup stylist, since fashion & hair/makeup seems to be an interest of hers.
  19. *I* personally don't think of it as abuse in the least, but let's be honest: most of the less-evolved Americans would feel it's inappropriate to show a dad dancing in his undies with his children. It's sad, but y'all know it's true---we live in a country that was ready to vilify Janet Jackson over her nipple accidentally shown for a half-second on national TV. So my thoughts were basically to wonder to myself, 'Why even go there, new show desperately searching for a new audience?' Hopefully its time slot and network will keep it from falling into such unnecessary scrutiny. But on the flipside, that whole "underwear dancing" scene just seemed pointlessly tossed in for shockability's sake.
  20. THANK YOU!!! I'm not a prude in the least and don't mind silly stuff like that, but that whole scene just felt totally awkward and unnecessary. Like the actress playing that character((who is also the writer/developer of the show? Ahhhh, it all makes sense now)) just wanted an excuse to show off how painfully((or in her mind, "enviably")) skinny she is...which was really weird in the sense that she was the *only one* wearing said underwear? Huh?!! Why not a silly socks dance party or a wacky hat dance party? And how up-in-arms would the public be if this were a father demanding his family participate in an "Underwear Dance Party"?! Seriously, what a stupid, forced scene...that's my second main complaint about a show I hope I can eventually like better: bad casting and less forced/stilted acting/awkward running gags.
  21. I liked this show overall, although I don't agree with the casting of this show much at all. Like who cast that one random blonde-haired chick as Jill and her hubby's kid? Their other two kids were fine, but that girl looked NOTHING like either parent. Mainly, I found most of the actors to be too insanely over the top---like ridiculously so, to the point that it was just so distracting that some jokes lost some of their natural humor for all the overdone, caricature-like/SNL-style performances. I'm mostly speaking of the blonde sister-in-law and her fellow females in their weirdly Stepford-esque Upper East Side clique---I kept wanting to tell all the actresses to relax and learn the fine art of subtle, realistic dry comedy!! They could learn a thing or three from the entire cast of "Schitt's Creek" or "Arrested Development." Like I cringed every time they desperately overreacted with the whole "NO BREAD!!!" running gag, or when delivering any of their overdone prejudiced lines---way too hammy to make me chuckle. The chick who plays Jill is a good actress with nice natural timing, I just wish they'd given her a dose of Brooklyn-chic with some tattoos and maybe relaxed her severely-straightened hair a bit. Plus...does anyone else think that actress looks severely botoxed? Maybe she just has a naturally pale, blank/lifeless face, but she looks like she gets just as much work done as your typical Manhattan society dame, which is why I've still had a tough time picturing her in the quirky rebel role she's been given. She looks like a severe librarian playing dress-up to me, quite honestly. It doesn't help that she's every bit as skeletal as your typical Manhattan socialite. Now if they'd cast a plumper((think Melissa McCarthy or Mindy Kalling-esque)), less waxen-looking/more creative-looking actress in the role? THAT would look more like an "odd mom out" indeed. And I could care less about her sister's lame storyline so far...zzzzz...
  22. Agreed!!! ENOUGH. Yes, Mike was a bit douchey with his "so what?!" talking head spiel after they filmed the apology scene, but good Lord, get over yourself already, GG---it was over a year ago, you both were drunk/horny, and look how much damage this stupidity cost the entire season and this group of so-called friends. But god forbid GG is the bigger person for once and just lets something go already, like a rational human being...no, she has to sit there and nitpick and claim Mike's apology is "not good enough" and that he wasn't groveling at her feet and begging for forgiveness enough to her liking. He didn't "act sorry" enough for her or say the exact things she wanted to hear!? Gimme a break---if every family member or friend I ever fought with had to say *exactly* what I wanted to hear when they were attempting an apology with me before I'd hang with them again, then I wouldn't have anyone left to hang with! Make like Elsa and LET IT GO already, GG---he ain't ever going to say or act how you wanted him to during his attempted apology, but take it for what it was worth: at least it was an apology and he was willing to move on, despite your petty need to keep this pointless feud going.
  23. Oh yeah, last season TRav described in detail how his family secured funding for that bridge and other local Charleston landmarks---they really are "kind of a big deal" in and around that city, which makes Thomas soiling the family's otherwise outstanding reputation all the more shameful. I think the only regular hangout featured on there that gets decent foot-traffic outside the show is JD's place(Shermet? I forget the exact spelling) and Husk. I've seen Hominy Grill and a few other notable local restaurants featured on there too; nice to see the noteworthy local spots featured on there.
  24. She is definitely living proof that money does NOT indeed buy happiness---for years she ruthlessly chased after her idea of the American Dream, pursuing and plotting her empire until she finally did "have it all", and yet here she is back at square one yet again...but at least she seems to have found some semblance of contentment with her daughter. It still makes me wonder if she'd appreciate her daughter as much if she couldn't afford nannies and the means necessary to raise a child well in Manhattan though. Bethenny just strikes me as one of those women who can't be happy period---her childhood definitely seemed to fuck her up far more than she ever let on in the early pre-Skinnygirl Success seasons of RW. I'll never get sick of episodes that involve scenes filmed in Carole's fabulous apartment; that place is so chic and funky indeed. But yeah, her taste in decor is definitely way more sophisticated than friggin' CB2, of all the random locations...
  25. So I was just reminded of a pet-peeve that I'd forgotten I had, and I feel guilty even dwelling on it since this was courtesy of a mutual friend's wife who was kind enough to host my husband and me at their lakeside cabin this past weekend... But I just CANNOT with loud chewers, and this friend's wife seemed literally unable to close her mouth and chew food at the same time the entire weekend!!! It sounded like a cow walking in thick mud, the way she'd be chewing her food, maw WIDE open as she loudly savored and smacked every last loud bite right in my ear. I had to keep myself from side-eye'ing her all weekend with her loud, gross chewing---and at my drunkest, it was all I could do to not turn around and ask her, "So did you eat like that at your wedding reception?!" Maybe I was just skeeved out by this gal in general because she also had a habit of picking at her fingernails and her feet right in front of us, but the loud chewing was her biggest overall offense in my book. People, I beg you all, on behalf of those of us who have too much courtesy to tell you this to your face if you admittedly smack attack your dinners with carefree abandon around others: PLEASE close your mouth when you chew!!!
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