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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. That reminds me; the red-headed chick from S1, Shannon, went on her Instagram story(yes I follow her, because she’s actually damned funny online!) saying she and several model friends were casted from their local agency as “workers” for UJ and given various fake job titles. From the way she speaks about the show now, most of the “workers” did NOT like Kristen much(she claims Kristen barely spoke to them off camera and mostly treated them like “the help”) and Shannon’s still annoyed that somehow she was made to look like the villain while she was on. It’s been interesting to hear her stories about the many behind-the-scenes manipulations while filming a reality show.
  2. Amen to that; this makes me a bit worried for little Bryn. Lest we forget that embarrassing Instagram Live Britney Spears’s 14-year-old son posted where he was blasted for revealing way too many awkward truths about his family; it reeked of a celebrity kid using his mom’s fame for his own social media validation and it was very sad to witness. God I hope we’re not seeing the beginning of Bryn being groomed into Influencer status.
  3. The funniest part of Cam’s departure message up there is that former RHoOC’s Gretchen Rossi actually came into the comments being all, ‘Yeah, way to go, that’s why I left my show too!’ And half the commenters are responding to Gretchen like, “Girl stop, we all know you were fired.” 🤣 As for the cheating rumors, I sincerely hope they aren’t true, because that’s disgusting; and that gossip website even had the name and pictures included of the accused other woman who “looks just like Cameron”(a very homely Dollar Tree-version Cameron, if that) on that site, so where’d they dig that slander up?! And she’s a makeup artist, not even a nurse?? When would Jason even have the time to go start a romance with some random local makeup artist?! I’d be livid and storm out of a job too if it meant false rumors would be spread about my marriage; good for Cameron for having the integrity and strength to leave at just the right time. Naomi commented and included Chelsea as well, so maybe they knew the show was going to eventually turn on them also. Storylines must’ve been slow to be desperate enough to dumpster dive into Cameron’s business like that. Good luck now, show!
  4. It couldn’t have been THAT much dough Stassi made on that book though, could it? Barely into the six figures at the most, especially for self-help style vanity/humor books?? And I’m sure she got a decent advance for that second book she’s writing, but I don’t see authors really making the major bucks until they’ve become worldwide best-sellers with several hit books under their belts on major book ranking lists. That house is pricy and will require a ton of ongoing upkeep. I just can’t imagine she and Beau being able to consistently keep afloat financially in a huge place like that; I know she’s made some good money from her book/tour/VR and comes from money herself, but it feels like they might’ve gone over their heads with such an ambitious first home purchase...hope I’m wrong.
  5. I can’t fathom how such a stunning and sassy lady from a good background like Gizelle can’t seem to find a quality man in her area. Either there’s a severe shortage of upscale single men in her age range there or she’s just batshit/unable to maintain a healthy, solid relationship. I’m sure she’s okay with hanging out with Jamal for a storyline and as a date for events, but it still looks pathetic, nevertheless. It’s sad because the beautiful women of Atlanta seem to have similar issues finding quality, trustworthy men(lack of good available men in NYC I understand though, because that city is especially brutal for older single women). Just seeing the way these other stunning ladies like Robyn and Ashley cling to their cheating, trifling excuses of partners(and Katie, back when she was all but begging her ex to marry her in S1) makes me wonder if the Potomac area especially suffers from a severe drought of good men!
  6. Looks like Kathryn just received her first professional blow thanks to her social media hijinks. Gwynn’s is no longer associating with her and has removed mostly all of her pics from their Instagram account:
  7. Seriously, @heatherchandler!! If this is the “heroic” edit of Basic & Bowtie, I sure as shit can’t imagine how awful their footage is otherwise. Ditto Baloney & Wartz.
  8. So a female VR producer(now hopefully a FORMER producer?) has been exposed for favoring other cast members and deliberately portraying Scheana in a bad light, claiming on a recent podcast that “Scheana should’ve befriended me if she wanted me to not air embarrassing scenes with her.” Scheana has since tweeted about it and claims she has receipts, and the same producer even went on to admit that the scene with Scheana and Stassi’s baby brother was purposefully scripted to make her look pathetic: Now I’m no Scheana fan, but her editing this season has felt particularly cruel. Plus, supposedly she filmed so many other scenes that haven’t even been aired, like her play, her egg issues, buying her house in Palm Springs, etc. I’m genuinely annoyed by this and feel bad for her because I’d much rather watch her character development and see her life progressing versus scenes of newbies like that poodle-haired fruitcake and the racist pig Max “fighting” over the other new basic bitches to boink.
  9. It should also be noted here: Cam unfollowed Kathryn on Instagram. She’s a smart cookie and I think she *always* had Kathryn’s number; the gal is a terrible friend, remains firmly self-centered(seriously, have we ever seen her discuss anyone or anything on the show that didn’t involve HER?) and has some really troubling personal issues/views. I think Cameron and Patricia tolerated her at best and supported her for the show’s sake, but they’re definitely not all chummy in real life. Cam in particular didn’t have anything in common with Kathryn and made it clear that they were simply amicable coworkers, NOT friends.
  10. Me too, @eXiled!! The Atlanta cast gets downright cruel and toxic, and I couldn’t stand seeing downright ratchet/violent behavior being consistently rewarded(I personally think Porsha should’ve been fired after she physically attacked Kenya; there is NO excuse for that, and yet people actually still defend her for that to this day!), ditto the cast of New Jersey. Their brand of Real Housewives antics is just too much *everything* for me and crosses so many lines it shouldn’t; I’d really hate to see the Potomac ladies sink to that level as well. I’m still so disappointed in Monique for allowing a loser like Candyass to get the best of her; she’s so much above her in so many ways, so I’m not looking forward to watching her stoop to Candyass lows by falling for her bullshit. Honestly, it’s troubling for me to witness when anyone feels an urge to resort to physical attacks, onscreen or not; it’s not cool to see RH continue to allow it.
  11. Between Cameron(the show’s Greek chorus/narrator!) leaving and Kathryn’s racially insensitive tirade on SM yesterday, I think this show has run its course, quite frankly. Shep, Craig and Austen can’t carry the show on their own. Just give us the Patricia spinoff show of our dreams, Whitney!
  12. It’s been a known secret among a few of us viewers; she hadn't officially stated anything yet, but she wasn’t filming, hadn’t signed back on yet and she removed all SC references from her Instagram.
  13. Back in mid-March for my birthday, a fellow RHoNYC-loving dear friend sent me a Cameo from Sonja as a gag-gift of sorts; she told me she figured Sonja would have the funniest message and likely be drunk; Sonja’s message was very “on brand” for her since she was at a spa rambling some nonsense for over a minute and completely mixed up my name with my friend’s. Nevertheless, even though I appreciated my friend’s sweet gesture, I’d admittedly rather have just had the money she spent on the Cameo then some random Sonja message. *Such* a waste of money(I think the cost ranges between $50-150?!) and I could think of at least a dozen reality stars I’d rather have a paid greeting video from, but kadooze go the reality stars who can make an easy buck doing the Cameo thing: nice work if you can get it!
  14. All I’ve heard about the new season so far(from a recent Patricia Altchul interview and various online sources): -Several new folks are on board, such as supposedly a friend or two of Kathryn’s, a buddy of Shep’s, and possibly the owner of that local boutique they love, Gwynn’s. -Cameron possibly won’t be returning; she hasn’t officially confirmed anything yet and no longer has SC listed on her Instagram. Wouldn’t bother me either way since she was so checked out of the last season anyway. I think she’s over the hoopla of it all and is ready to just live a quiet life as a new mommy now. She probably realizes if she wants to be a respected local socialite eventually, appearing on the show isn’t exactly helping her status. -Chelsea and Naomie aren’t returning, although Danni is coming back as a friend. -NO T-Rav/Trashley appearances! Eliza may or may not make an appearance(I’ve read on several gossip sites that she tried to pull a diva move and demanded a raise/higher salary, after which she was then promptly demoted). -Shep, Craig, Austen, Kathryn had already been filming just before the quarantine; Madison and Patricia will be back too, with appearances by Whitney. -According to Patricia, something very awkward and uncomfortable is revealed...can’t imagine what it would be(Whitney finally comes out???!)...
  15. Amen to that! I always felt like she was a smugly entitled bitch and these “sources” of hers aren’t exactly helping her case. Actually, it’s kinda funny to see her so carefully cultivated image gradually imploding thanks to her desperate attempts to publicly disgrace the father of her children; never thought I’d end up siding more with derp-faced asshole Jay, but at least he’s completely earned his wealth and his simple Southern lifestyle as a stay-at-home retired dad fair and square.
  16. That would’ve been kinda cool, actually; and far more of a believable, thought-provoking ending! And I completely agree with all of you who mentioned how unfair/disrespectful it was to the real life struggles of minorities/gays to minimize the cruel realities of Hollywood the way they did in this goofy fantasy. Sure, it’s not that deep and it’s obviously an equal rights/Hollywood newcomer fairy tale, but to base it within actual real life events/characters seemed so pointless; it honestly took away from my enjoyment of the series because most of the time I was grunting in various scenes, “Oh come ON, that would *never* happen!” I think it might’ve worked much better had they kept it *completely* fictional and not woven in actual real life stars and movies, just kept it loosely based on actual folks. Why couldn’t there simply have been fictional versions of Rock Hudson, Hattie McDaniel, etc like the other various characters? (Let’s not even get into how ridiculous Queen Latifah’s characterization of Hattie was, taking a talented and poised actress and suddenly making her some swearing, smug soul sister straight out of the 90’s) The reason “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” worked so well as a fantasy twist on actual historic events was because it didn’t completely sugarcoat the reality and attitudes of that era; it paid genuinely loving, believable homage to the period without completely mocking the audience’s intelligence. Those events depicted very well could’ve occurred in the right circumstances; “Hollywood“ was just too much unbelievable *everything*, from the revisionist/immediate acceptance history to the bad/cartoonish acting to the laughable Oscar ceremony sweep of such a silly little film made by a bunch of young nobodies. I hear ya: if there HAS to be nudity, it’d better be from all genders involved! But I’m not into nudity just for nudity‘s sake or for shock value, hence the “gratuitous” label; if I want pointless smut I’ll go find it online like your typical perv.
  17. Oh comon now...we *all* know why: three baby meal tickets with a multimillionaire pro-football star ensured her security. I’m sure she liked him enough and he was attractive enough for it to make sense to seal the deal with the first band-aid baby that inevitably led to marriage. Pro-athletes have women crawling all over them for that kind of life; there’s no doubt in my mind that she knew bagging him would help boost her image and her potential empire. Sure she made her own money over the years, but I’m sure she knew she’d never see the kind of money/lifestyle he afforded her otherwise.
  18. I think so, @TexasGal! Glad you get it!! Let’s just say I’ve seen far less attractive/charming/rich than T-Rav old monied guys here in certain Nashville circles pull plenty of attractive, eligible women over the years, so Thomas would be like a unicorn in the larger Southern cities. Charleston is too small a city and everyone knew about his scandal, hence the reason he probably couldn’t settle down with the upper class gals he wanted. But I can see why he stayed there too, seeing as how his family is so intrenched in the history there. Not sure where T-Rav’a living these days though; I think he’s finally left living in Charleston FT after the rape charges. Not to mention he’s likely still banned from a handful of downtown Charleston bars for his drunken antics over the years...
  19. I’ll admit it: I kinda fell for him after several episodes into S1 and through S3; I just found his goofy old Southern fella vibes oddly lovable and thought he was a hoot when he was stupid drunk; plus, the dude had a damned good body/build to be a 50-year-old partier. Coming from upscale Southern stock myself, I could see how he was once just vaguely handsome and charming *enough* to have the local ladies all after him; probably helped that he was filthy rich old money with no kids/ex-wives(aka baggage); Hell, I like charming older guys and once would’ve gone for a shady guy like him too if I were as hungry of a young hottie like Kathryn, although she really bet too much too soon and lost her youth thanks to his false promises, unfortunately. As soon as his real self came out and we’ve all since learned that he’s a scary raging rapist though, yeah, I find him beyond repulsive. I admittedly miss him on the show because he pretty much made it far more interesting, but I understand why he got axed. His name is pretty much mud around Charleston these days, as if it wasn’t already sullied enough when he started on the show...
  20. Just finished this series; I had such high hopes for it in the first two jam-packed episodes, but it started to unravel about midway through the third episode for me. This is nowhere near the quality of “The People Vs. OJ” or “The Assassination of G.Versace” or even “Feud”, but those shows were different animals. Nevertheless, like the rest of you, I’m just as disillusioned by the real life characters depicted, the schmaltzy script/unrealistic for the times moments, and the blatant miscasting. Like THAT lame, bland guy was the best they could find to cast as Rock Hudson? Seriously?! Similarly, the actresses depicting Tallulah Bankhead and Vivian Leigh were shockingly awful; it’s like they didn’t even bother to study their voices or mannerisms, let alone actually look enough like those actresses. Jim Parsons is playing his part as way too much of a gay caricature. And much like Cuba Gooding Jr playing OJ Simpson, Queen Latifah playing Hattie McDaniel is just stunt-casting to bring a bigger name/draw to the cast. Ridiculous. On the flip side, I absolutely loved Dylan McDermott: he’s so good at playing sleazy old playboy types. Ditto Patti Lupone; she camped it up with enough restraint to be pure fun to watch in all her gorgeous gowns. Otherwise, this all just felt like a gratuitous ode to Old Hollywood excess and a campy minority fantasy. I expected so much better based on the cast/trailers, so oh well.
  21. I’m starting to wonder about this myself, @ivygirl; I never got the vibe that Gigi was all *that* passionate about modeling, at least in recent years. Yolanda was a classic stage mom who had her modeling since she was a child, so she probably felt like it was a natural part of her life and an easy way to make her own big money as an adult, but on her Instagram stories she seems so much happier just chilling and cooking at her family farm. Maybe Gigi was just wanting a break finally and decided to just go with the flow as a happy homemaker for a while; the supermodel lifestyle is pretty fast-paced and hectic, lots of travel and not many breaks...I’m willing to bet this quarantine probably helped convince her that she was ready to settle down.
  22. @SailorGirl I’d personally LOVE to rock fake lashes daily and have tried in vain to master their application, but I either completely screw them up trying to properly glue them down or they’ve fallen halfway off by the end of the night. Even tried the magnetic lashes several times and those never last either(magnets usually fall right off); I’d buy a pair of Tinsley’s lashes if she offered up some sort of special easy application variety. Disappointing that glue isn’t even included, especially for that price. Good luck and I hope you can rock them though; they look lovely! How’s the quality??
  23. Oh lord...if you read this article about her in The Daily Mail, then perhaps you caught all the cruel comments attached; some heartbreaking stuff there...I don’t feel as bad for Kelly because she’s still a desperate fame whore after all these years, but it was sad to read the comments about her daughter pictured in her own workout wear with her that day. Her daughter is decidedly much larger than Kelly, but was wearing a smaller black version of this same outfit, so you can imagine the trolling comments. That said, I agree that it’s time for Kelly to put away her midriff finally and get The Daily Mail off speed dial too.
  24. I am enjoying this turn of events far more than I should be. When someone projects an image of domestic perfection and bliss on TV/social media, I love it when the wig is snatched off: https://www.tmz.com/2020/04/29/kristin-cavallari-jay-cutler-divorce-punishing-new-house-finances-child-custody/ So #BossBabe, CEO of the “successful“ brand Uncommon James, can’t afford a house of her own and Jay is sitting around making her life in their shared mansion even more of a living Hell than usual? Why can’t we get the E! cameras to film *that* mess?? This is the “Very Cavallari” we should demand to see: battle of the rich assholes!
  25. Probably happy on the outside, cringing on the inside; Gigi could’ve bagged a wealthy businessman like Yo did, not settle for getting knocked up by a washed up former boyband member! Sorry, unpopular opinion: I wish I could be happy for GiGi, but I’m not. She’s at the top of her career and has been on-and-off with that heroin addict for years; adding a baby to that equation seems beyond foolish.
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