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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. The worst part of it all is, they seriously thought Faith was a completely *different* black girl who was caught robbing those guys! It was just so irresponsible and tone-deaf and it completely backed up to the whole “white folks think all black folks look alike” stereotype. If Stassi or Kristen had an ounce of common sense, they would’ve immediately apologized to Faith for such a gross error of judgement. Even now, neither have them have made any sort of public comment about it, which hasn’t exactly helped their brands. For that simple fact alone, I don’t have one ounce of sympathy over Stassi losing brand sponsorships over this. We all knew she was basically a shitty person, but this situation kinda proved it.
  2. It IS funny to watch them as a group and notice the stares that Tinsley gets from the men; she’s the classic Barbie doll type who gets all the looks and male attention, and I’m sure that’s part of the reason Ramona/Sonja/Luanne/Dorinda pick on her so much. They HATE having younger and hotter blonde competition(remember how cruel they were to Kristen?). Leah’s pretty hot as well, but I think her ballsy loud attitude puts a lot of men off(hence Courtland glancing at her for a moment when she approached the bar before bolting once he saw she was laughing at him). Speaking of Leah, WHY did she even bother inviting her sister into that mess? Hate to say Ramona was right, but yeah, Leah’s sourpuss sissy did ruin the vibe of the crew. Although the other gals didn’t help the situation by acting like drunken fresh parolees that night. Lord, another episode, another completely terrorized restaurant by these plastered broads. They really have ramped up the drunken mania this season. Not that I’m complaining; I rather enjoy watching rich old broads get lit in pretty places. Sure beats watching the BH ladies have the same boring fight for 3 episodes in a row!
  3. Seriously, she had NO storyline this season! She was fairly pointless and had even less of a storyline than Kristen. She needs to go.
  4. Yup. She’s one of *many* current Real Housewives who are rather pathetically stuck in their white privileged bubbles right now, unfortunately. Honestly though, I’m not remotely surprised.
  5. For whatever it’s worth, outdated 80’s style and all, I can’t help but always love LVP. Always will, and same goes for her scruffy-gruff hubby Ken too; much like the way I feel about Bethenny Frankel, I can overlook all the many, many, MANY obvious character/style flaws for all her many other good/positive attributes. Her commitment to charity/dogs, her witty attitude, her kindness to fans/business associates/staff and her obvious business savvy just will never be lost on me. That being said, this is an interesting batch of interview snippets from Faith on Instagram about her time on the show: She has nothing but glowing things to say about Lisa and obviously loves her to this day. But she was NOT treated right by some of the cast(Stassi/Kristen) and deserved to have her side of that love triangle story told; glad she had the class to leave when she did but I wish she’d at least stuck around for another season. Shame on the producers as well for not giving her the platform she deserved that season and deliberately glossing over her story. As for Stassi, just as I’ve always suspected, she’s stealth racist AF.
  6. I’m glad you find Katie “damn hot” because I always considered Schwartz to physically be the hotter member of this duo(even if his dad-bod/childish attitude doesn’t help things; although I’ve heard from many that he’s still a very nice, genuine guy)...so hey, to each his peach, right? I’m just relieved to know that these two obviously aren't trying to have a kid anytime soon!
  7. Agreed, @Babyfoot. I absolutely adored this show for the first 4 seasons; seemed like such a breath of fresh air when it first premiered! I’m a longtime Charleston fan/visitor myself, and as a 5 generation southerner who was getting tired of all the reality show country bumpkin/white trash stereotypes, it was so exciting to see Bravo feature a group of highly educated and upscale Southern society folks in such a beautiful city like Charleston. How quickly that ‘charm’ has unraveled since the show first premiered...given our country’s current issues, the show’s blithe refusal to ever feature any cast members of color and it’s continued focus on excessive white privilege seems fairly tone deaf in retrospect. I’d grown a bit bored with this show after the past several seasons anyway; between the obviously racist history/backdrop of Charleston, the casual misogyny, not to mention all the disgusting behind-the-scenes behavior of Thomas and Kathryn, and finally with Cameron’s recent last minute departure(along with her thinly-veiled “kiss my ass” farewell Instagram message to the show), I think they need to just stick a fork in this series already because it feels DONE. Commenters on Bravo and Andy’s Instagram/Twitter accounts already keep mentioning it needs to get cancelled, but it wouldn’t surprise me if they tried to desperately scrape together one last pathetic season of it to round things out. But if shows like “Sex & the City” or “Schitt’s Creek” can bow out while they’re still at the top of their game, then Bravo needs to also learn when it’s time to pull the plug on certain shows, despite their ratings(“Shahs Of Sunset” was absolutely abysmal this season, so let’s hope it goes too).
  8. I’m so bummed I wasn’t able to rewatch this show yesterday—I actually watched the entire RHofDC season back when it aired because of The Salahi’s, aka “The White House Crashers”—that was some crazy ballsy shit for a random couple to so brazenly crash a White House event like that, and for Bravo to actually feature those folks on a high profile reality platform like that was just as ballsy. I honestly doubt that would happen on Bravo today, so that was just an awesomely messy time capsule that I’m surprised Bravo dared to re-air; part of the reason it was so swiftly cancelled was not only the lower ratings, but the stain The Salahi’s left on the show after so brazenly displaying what total con artists they obviously were. And weren’t The Salahi’s fascinating in all their shameless scamming?! Talk about total sociopaths; they were almost a perfect match in all their social-climbing delusions of grandeur, like unlawful versions of Alex & Simon from RHofNYC. The way Taraq(or whatever his weird name was) would “buy” Michaele all those pricy goodies at a time somehow, inviting themselves on a random trip to Paris with one of the other ladies, completely refusing to pay for/promote that random social event/party that their gay friend was heading after they’d repeatedly promised to cohost, the hella awkward cast trip to Taraq’s shady-looking vineyard he either did or didn’t own(it was a really weird trip that spanned several episodes)...I know they had a seriously messy divorce soon afterwards(didn’t she accuse him of abuse?) and Michaele somehow then hastily remarried some guy in a Z-list British pop band or something... Oh god, and how could we forget the cringeworthy scene of Michaele claiming to be a former Redskins cheerleader before crashing a Redskins cheerleader reunion event and pathetically trying to learn a cheer?! That was the kind of pure, delightful insanity/scamming you typically don’t see Real Housewives pull. And Michaele did look sickly, scary skinny...she genuinely seemed unhealthy in so many ways, so I can see why the other Housewives wondered about her physical/mental/financial health. Add to that how she seemed SO phoney, always putting on this happy-go-lucky cocktail party vibe at all times...she was as nutty as Kelly Bensimon with the crazy “Hiiiiiiii!” party greetings that Bethenny used to make fun of on RHofNYC. I guess I saw quite a few parallels between that series and this one; the casts just had/have a more intelligent overall core. The other RHof DC were so intelligent and well-spoken though that it was a damned shame that their own stories/status were so overlooked thanks to Michaele’s crazy antics. And Kat was such a hoot, even if she had some uncomfortable moments as well—I remember her being completely uncomfortable at an all-black family gathering one of the other ladies hosted and I was so appalled at how obvious she was about it. But I did appreciate her otherwise liberal/firmly left Democratic stance, and the scene where she totally decimated some idiot republican lobbyist lady she met as they discussed politics. It was so damned refreshing to see Real Housewives who gave a shit about politics; now and then you used to see it on RHofNYC(not so much now that Carole left). And I don’t even think this series got a reunion? I honestly don’t remember one airing, or if there was one, it was maybe one episode at best. I wish they’d at least given this series another shot like Miami got; I think current RH audiences are far more open to watching other cities than they used to be.
  9. I’ve had my thoughts in the past on why Dorinda continually picks on Tinsley(jealousy, boredom, bitter reminder of Tins being born into the 1% versus Dor marrying into it, menopause madness, etc), but now I’m starting to wonder if she genuinely believed that all the viewers would side with her and find her takedown of Tinsley funny/engaging...it seems interesting that all of a sudden she, Luann and Ramona are mentioning how “annoying” they find Tinsley and her screeching. Is this Dorinda’s calculated way of proving what a tough “bad bitch” she is, by trying to start more drunken arguments with a fresh new target while tossing out some more self-patented angry zingers? Because she’s really *reaching* for relevance if she’s left sparring with someone as harmless and well-mannered as Tinsley. Speaking of reaching, good lord I cringed for Elyse when she desperately tried to toss out that obviously practiced, clunky zinger at the party while Dor/Ramona/Sonja ignored her during their group hug, hah!!! Homegirl obviously learned nothing from boringassed Barbara and her previous attempts. Actually, I dare say she’s even more boring/pointless than Barb, so that’s saying something. That Russian spa looked so charmingly rustic and fun! I love old downtown Manhattan institutions like those...of course some of those bougie bitches would snark on it not being “uptown” enough for them. Whatever. Tinsley was strangely subdued and seemed a bit sad this episode; I’m hoping Dorinda hadn’t totally beaten down her spirit by then. To her credit, she didn’t snootily put down the spa like the other gals. Ramona is such a pro at this; she knows exactly how to approach Dorinda without setting her off. And I’d love to hit one of her random ladies gatherings at her apartment! She still seems so fun, even after all these years.
  10. Brittany is definitely the ultimate Kentucky basic bitch stereotype; amusingly enough, every time she’s onscreen and my husband happens to walk by the TV, he always asks without fail, “What’s that hayseed doing on there? She doesn’t fit in at all!” Like he *still* can’t believe she somehow got cast on this show despite being a smalltown thick hick—all the cheesy shit she wears, the god awful home decor, the dark spraytan and that trashy AF wedding castle venue didn’t help her cause. I do love it that Brit’s finally being exposed onscreen for who she really is and is no longer able to play that selfless little Southern sweetheart card. She’s just as bitchy and manipulative as the rest of them. Speaking of bitchy, I cannot fathom how Katie still hasn’t figured out how to appropriately dress to suit her figure; she’s stuffed like sausage into that pink dress in her talking head. It’s very nice to see gals featured on this show who are above a size 4, but it’s sad when they attempt to dress like they wear a size 2. I’m now beyond ambivalent over the Witches of WeHo drama; you play with dogs long enough, you’re gonna get fleas, Kristen. Just roll on and let Basic & Blob enjoy their own miserable company; go enjoy your new home, your new man and your little T-shirt empire. Never thought I’d see the day that I’m over Basic & Bowtie, but I’m over Stassi, her ball-ridden fiancé, and her endless bougie attempts to act above the rest of this crew. Ditto LaLa the worthless cumguzzler and her Fred Flintstone fiancée; surely they have to realize they’re *only* valued by this sad bunch for comped dinners/PJ trips. Justice for Scheana! I still don’t like her at all, but I don’t like to hear about a show deliberately trying to edit a cast member into someone they’re really not in real life either. Let’s see her real life triumphs shown just as much as her costars’; it’s not funny/clever to shade her anymore, show. The less I discuss the newbies, the better; what a bunch of pathetic thirst traps. Their dehydrated antics are so pointless. And yes, it’s creepy AF how they all look like each other. Typical Hollywood Basics. I still like the Tom’s(I acknowledge that they’re simpering pussies, but at least they’ve made something of themselves), and I’m in shock that Amazing Ariana has grown on me. Even DJ James & Dimwit Raquel finally won me over(and I still snicker over him calling Brit “a hillbilly” in a fake southern accent at one reunion). This was the lamest VR finale ever, btw. Hope you can join Vicki G in the “my show” weed garden, Jax.
  11. Seriously, I just love how she acts like this was all completely her own decision, her choosing to bravely walk away from the television spotlight in order to pursue this “new chapter” of her life. Girl, your moderately-rated reality show got cancelled because even all the numbnuts at E! knew no one wants to watch it without Jay.
  12. As expected, the raging self-centered narcissism of Kathryn strikes again. All that supposed emotion/“heartbreak” from Kathryn merely over a misused emoji(or rather, getting called out in public for her blunder)? Yet she’s still not offered one single apology for harassing this woman on Instagram, not one mention of how wrong it was for her to send multiple bullying messages like that, not even a smidge of remorse for the entire episode from the injured party’s perspective, just a bunch of whiney “why me/it’s not fair”-type white entitlement garbage. And that woman showed impressive restraint/class in her limited responses to Kathryn’s nasty messages—but keep on digging that hole for yourself there, Kiki!
  13. Ouch. This makes me super-duper upset for Stephanie & Brandi; what kind of dirty dogs are their husbands to be so openly flaunting their side pieces in public like this?! Also makes me upset that these little blondes would give those married shlubs the time of day; talk about classic golddiggers & classic midlife crisis suburban hubbies. Even if these guys *aren’t* having a romantic evening out with these gals(hah!), it’s just completely inappropriate and disrespectful to their wives for them to be dining out like that with other women, especially younger ones who look like...THAT. I’ll never understand the moronic RH husbands/partners who actually think they can get away with cheating.
  14. Oh he’s in *rare* form tonight, blubbering and blazing all over Twitter like the dumpster fire he truly is.
  15. Fighting with Tinsley isn’t very becoming for Dorinda, but Dorinda fighting with Kuckoo Kelly? I’d totally watch that!!
  16. Austen just commented on SM that he was hoping he and Shep and Craig could just get their own show. Yeahhhh, I don’t remotely see that happening, so keep dreaming, fella.
  17. Go figure, an unlikely defender chimed in before quickly deleting this tweet:
  18. Jay seemed like he could barely stomach being around Kristen’s giggly barnacle friends. He seemed like he could barely stomach even being around Kristen, let alone her pet mo’s Justin & Scooter. I’m sure her constant need to be the queen bee of her friend hives always buzzing around Chez Cutler got real old.
  19. Man, Dorinda needs some serious weed: edibles, a blunt, bong-hits, whatever....just toss that broad some of the good kush and let her just tune in/drop out, because her angry drunk mafiosa routine just ain’t cute no more; “Calm down, take a Xanax” indeed!! I think Dor’s getting all menopausal and it’s making her extra cranky; she seems to be having a bit of a midlife crisis of sorts and is taking it out on easy targets like Tinsley or even formerly John. And I also don’t think she’s grieving Richard so much as she’s still grieving the safety/security, companionship and respectable upscale lifestyle/identity he once provided her. Maybe she’d once even thought after his death that she’d eventually find another man as amazing as Richard? Yet she knows she can’t compete anymore with monied younger chicks like Tinsley and her seemingly carefree upscale lifestyle, so she’s taking all her aggressively lonely bitterness out on Tinz. Methinks Tinsley triggers a longtime insecurity within Dorinda; Dor wasn’t born into money/good stock like Tinsley, but luckily married into it. I’m sure Dorinda has known a few similar Tinsley types over the years, but now that she’s getting older/more bitter and is forced to regularly interact with Tinsley, the old green-eyed monster is getting the best of her and she resents having to even be polite to Tinsley anymore, especially after the drinks go down. I think she and Sonja share a similarly seething resentment/jealousy of Tinsley for the exact same reasons; Dorinda is just openly nastier and aggressive about it. At the end of the day, D & T need to just let bygones be bygones and accept that they simply aren’t meant to be friends: Dor will always think Tinz is a shallow pampered princess, Tinz will always think Dor is a hypocritical old bitch, so just move on already. Hell, they could learn something from Lu and Bethenny; those two were quite content to remain as frenemies over the seasons and had no problem admitting it. Speaking of Lu, way to show off that snooty Cuntess entitlement we all love/hate her for at Leah’s apartment! Sheesh, she acted like the place was a hovel in Skid Row or something; and that was a niceassed place for Manhattan. Problem is, Leah obviously can’t decorate for shit; her decor is a hodge-podge afterthought. No shame in that, but she certainly should’ve consulted an interior designer or something beforehand if she knew she was going to show her apartment on national television; she may not be the 1%, but I’d bet she at least had enough dough handy to spruce the place up a bit just for filming. Most of us know that chic home decor can be achieved on a budget, btw; Leah proves that some people just don’t care all that much about home decor period(lest we forget Carrie Bradshaw’s infamous crappily-decorated-yet-still-niceassed Manhattan apartment). Speaking of niceassed apartments, I always drooled over Carole’s West Village loft: even before she glammed it up it was stunning! That place is huge by NYC standards, ditto Kelly’s beautiful downtown loft. RIP Bethenny’s former Soho loft...I adored that joint about as much as her current place. I too miss all the awesome home porn we used to get from this show...although apparently Scott’s Chicago penthouse is huge and gloriously modern, so I love that Tinsley gets the last laugh as his fiancée; wish we could finally see a tour of the place! As for Sonja with the bladder as loose as her morals, let’s not forget that this is the same woman who openly bragged several seasons ago about wearing adult diapers while traveling so she wouldn’t have to make so many bathroom trips. Apparently she only visits public restrooms when she needs to have sex on their sinks!
  20. I never bought the whole Kathryn redemption narrative; it felt like the show did that strictly to distance itself from the T-Rav scandal and its formerly pro-Thomas moments. And she‘s had too many mean onscreen moments herself that were more than just drug-fueled. Beyond just the recent racially-insensitive messages, a few things that show Kathryn is not a nice person: -Video footage of her smoking while pregnant, among many other rumors of her behaving inappropriately while pregnant/around the kids. -Back in S5 when she wouldn’t respond to any calls/texts for multiple days from Naomie/Danni/her workplace and they had to have her apartment building superintendent physically check in on her. -Her cold and cruel behavior toward her former good friend Jennifer Snowden when she was crying to her about her difficult birth and nearly losing her baby son. She couldn’t have cared any less and refused to even feign basic human empathy toward a gal who had once been very close to her. All Kathryn could focus on was the fact that Thomas *dared* to offer Jennifer a sympathetic pocket square to cry into at the previous reunion! -Last season when Danni was openly weeping/truly bothered by the STD rumors about her and Shep that Madison spread. Kathryn just kept on sitting there staring dumbly at her and muttered a few random comments instead of offering her supposed friend any hugs or comfort. Those poor kids of hers, left with parents like Kathryn and Thomas...
  21. Damn, now THAT is a shot fired! One thing I’ve always appreciated about Naomie: she doesn’t mince words and isn’t afraid to call people out for shit behavior. Total straight-shooter right there; and just as I’ve always suspected, Kathryn is a friend to no one. Team Cam/Naomie/Chelsea: a hefty reality show paycheck/fame certainly isn’t worth the gross rumors and nastiness that often come with it. Proud to see them so openly and maturely addressing this mess.
  22. Although they haven’t officially confirmed things on their own pages, Naomi pretty much confirmed they weren’t returning in Cameron’s IG comments: Kadooze to the makeup artist for standing up for herself and finally clearing the air(I believe her statement because Cam even liked it on IG too). How awful for everyone involved and shame on certain cast members for trying to force some drama out of nasty, unfounded rumors.
  23. Sure she does, but she’ll likely be making a point to post those type things even *more* frequently now.
  24. Flaming hot tea courtesy of reality show blogger Amy Feinstein...she’s usually right on the money about everything she spills...I sincerely hope she’s wrong about this latest leak. It IS interesting that Cameron suddenly posted a cute video of Jason and his dad walking Palmer on her stories today; I expect to see more of these “happy family” updates from her now.
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