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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Me too!!! Yikes. I mean, Lu’s kids are attractive, but it kinda shocks me how much they look like The Count; dude has some seriously strong genes!!
  2. Thank you, @Yours Truly!!! I had the same sentiment as you a few posts back, having hung with some Aussies and British guys myself. They have a much bawdier sense of humor and love to poke fun and go for the jugular when the drinks start flowing. Raunchy sex humor is part of their drinking culture, especially with the Aussies; my Australian brother-in-law has made some equally drunken comments that raised a few eyebrows, but they just don’t give as much of a shit about that uptight ‘keeping up appearances’(aka “No homo!”) shit as we do here in America, most especially within the AA community. Michael has never given me a gay vibe and my gaydar is pretty tight. Maybe he swings either way and is sexually fluid at the most. And I agree that I think he’s just extra, probably wants to seem edgy and funny on camera, and that’s ramped up even more after a few extra cocktails. Let’s not forget how wild Ashley was herself during the first season—-she used to get equally crunk and alluded to the fact that she and Michael got their kink on. And as far as those pics of Michael supposedly trolling on gay sites, it was proven that those were doctored up/it was a lookalike. Lord, and suddenly I sound like Ashley here: promise y’all that I’m not!! Just saying, I don’t think he was flirting or trying to get into dudes’ pants. Being inappropriate and creepy? Yes. Trying to troll for random dick? I seriously doubt it.
  3. Dear god, she sounds like she has post-nasal drip...never mind the annoying vocal-fry, what the Hell is wrong with her entire voice period?! She seriously sounds like she’s stoned on cough meds. And if she’s a “banker” then why is she styled like she’s a barista at a Portland coffee shop? No joke, I’d seriously like to know who “Michelle” blew to get that commercial gig. Here’s my most hated commercial of the moment, considering it’s seemingly played every 3 minutes here: Thanks for bastardizing a once harmlessly fun random Amy Winehouse song, kid and old dude. And why THAT particular song? Desperately trying to connect with sentimental millennials who like to sing that old shit at karaoke?? Such a random yet oddly irritating choice of a song for a kid and his grandpa to bond over; something tells me Amy never would’ve let her music make it into a cheesy commercial like that. And can we expect Amazon to use some random Nirvana tune in its commercials to hawk the dot next?
  4. That’s what I wanna know!! WHAT does she do for money? Are she and Spencer from a monied family, or what?? And if she’s been living in London all this time, how’s she been able to afford such a lifestyle?!? London is one of the most expensive cities in the world to reside within, after all... So it’s just weird to me how most of these folks are 30-something parents/spouses now, yet they’re shown just floating through this show without even discussing having careers or how they maintain their lifestyles...like we know Brody comes from money, Pamela Anderson’s kid has money and is acting now, Whitney has her fashion stuff and we know Spencer somehow does okay with his “PrattDaddy” crystals biz, and maybe Mischa still has dough built up from her random acting gigs, but what the Hell does everyone else on this show do?!
  5. Yeah, he’s the king of backhanded compliments(he got it from his mama)! Meanwhile my husband saw the clip of Kathryn attempting to ski in that suit and asked, “Whoa, what’s Jessica Rabbit doing on the bunny slope?!”
  6. Ugh...as usual, Kathryn proves that she is the biggest goddamned drama queen. She knew they were all going to weed city central in Colorado. She knows half the cast are drinkers and stoners and there would obviously be a dispensary visit. If it bothered her so damned much to be around that shit, she should’ve stayed the fuck home. And she needs to quit moping around whining about how insensitive everyone is being to dare indulge in the local flavors around her while dragging out old skeletons from her past with the cast. Kat needs to take several lessons from Countess Luanne on how to have fun on vacay around a bunch of wild party people despite being court-ordered to remain stone cold sober. Have some grace and self-control already if you know you’re going to be all around it—-no need to melodramatically flounce from the table in the middle of a stoner dinner just because she somehow felt slighted. Methinks Kathryn was just pissy because she wanted to partake in it so badly herself. And we’ve all read the reports on her drug use, so she needs to quit it with the innocent anti-pot PSA’s: homegirl liked to indulge in wayyyyy worse drugs than just marijuana. Plus, she looked like such a thirst trap in that ridiculous red snowsuit. I couldn’t help but giggle along with giggly Shep and Austen. I’ve been there and it’s hella fun to just mindlessly snort laugh after a few gummies too many with an equally gummied up buddy. Madison has grown on me. She beautiful and hard-working, in fantastic shape, and can truly hold her own among these spoiled boy-men. I’d love to see her team up more with Chelsea because they’re very similar. No Patricia once again? No randomly gross T-Rav flashbacks?? No bueno. An awkward meeting with Trashley and Naomi didn’t remotely fill that void.
  7. Holly’s autobiography definitely needs to be updated; I didn’t realize until I just checked her Instagram that she and her baby daddy broke up “amicably” last year. She spoke so lovingly of him in her book and how he ‘saved’ her after dating so many random dudes as soon as she split from Hugh. It didn’t sound like she and magician Angel dude had a very good breakup. That’s tragic. She so desperately wanted in on the girlfriend action without actually behaving like a true girlfriend, so I didn’t really feel too bad for her...what’d she expect? Kinda delusional but I figured she was just kinda stupid too. I did secretly love that she exposed how Holly was always the cleanup gal after sex night. She also mentioned how catty the earlier girlfriends were and how sweet Bridget was. But how heartbreaking to hear that she was yet another Hollywood casualty. Most Playmates admittedly do end up either as escorts or pornstars, sadly. Or worse. Most of those women only have their looks to trade on as commodity, and being in a temptation-laden city like LA doesn’t help things.
  8. So a “fan” was just bragging online about how she was in Charleston quite literally stalking the SC cast. Not just staking out their favorite hangouts and family businesses, but going to their houses to ring their doorbells and even looking at their mail.(!!!) This freak even waited for Naomi to get home so she could take a pic with her. Not cool. She’s lucky Naomi wasn’t freaked the fuck out enough to call the cops on her crazy ass, because that’s beyond unacceptable. Where do people get off thinking they can cross such boundaries?! It’s scary and makes me genuinely fearful for the cast. Also, Shep’s entire Instagram got hacked by someone claiming to be him and begging for money. His account has been removed since then, but apparently people were worried for him and genuinely fell for the scam. Weird things going on with the cast in the media this week.
  9. Yes, I remember that!!! Holly also discussed in her book how oddly mundane Mansion life could be, almost like it was a retirement home for gross playboys. One night was classic films night, another was poker night, Sunday’s usually had some sort of theme/gathering, then once or twice a week they’d have to join Hugh for club night, which was basically them all piling into a limo, given various drugs to take by Hugh(Holly said his drug of choice was quaaludes, which he grossly called “thigh openers.”), sit in VIP talking to each other, then go home to have a big group orgy with Hugh. And they weren’t taking turns servicing Hugh, they had to get naked and make out with each other. She said lots of gals avoided getting intimate with Hugh by claiming they were on their period at the time...ugh...
  10. I love that this show’s thread is resurrected!!! This was totally one of my favorite early aught’s guilty pleasure shows—-it was all just so sugary and sweet, despite the dark pervy vibe that we all knew lurked below the shiny surface. No real drama, no faked fights or showmances, just a kooky little glimpse of life at the Playboy Mansion. Plus, all three of the gals were naturals onscreen and had their own varying doses of charisma and flavors to offer. I pretty much quit watching as soon as Holly, Bridget and Kendra left and the bimbo twins/Crystal moved in. I loved Bridget the most because she had the sweetest most positive personality, but you knew she had a good heart and a real brain underneath the hair and makeup—any gal savvy enough to use her time at the mansion so wisely that she was able to snag TWO masters degrees is ace in my book! I dug her pets and her girly bedroom and her costumes too. I hope she’s doing okay still because I was pretty bummed she wasn’t able to stay as public as the other 2 gals post-show. I do follow her on Instagram and am happy she’s still with her hunky fiancée and that Winnie is still alive and well. I didn’t like Holly all that much on the show at first, but she really grew on me over time—-I did appreciate her devotion to animals and her Hollywood glam style. Her books were all pretty good and I felt awful for her when I read how much Hugh put her down over the years; apparently he really loved to pit her and Kendra against each other, hence their slight tension over the span of the series. According to Holly, Kendra didn’t really make peace with her and Bridget and was pretty rude to them both after Holly released her first book. And I can still hear that goofy theme song in my head!!
  11. I know he goes by ‘Kroll the Warrior King” on social media, so I’m guessing it was a play on his nickname and beer brewing being his “calling.” He hired a brewery up in Greenville, SC to specifically brew it for him and he suggested a few fruity flavors to make it “his” beer.
  12. @tinkerbell, dare I ask: is your sister a senior citizen? Because having done some time in food service years ago, I can attest that the worst cases of petty napkin/straws/sweetener packet theft I witnessed were at the hands of old people! The diner where I worked eventually had to quit keeping sweetener packets/napkins on the table because it was such a problem; I even saw a lady put an entire glass sugar dispenser in her purse! My 70-something mother has also fallen prey to the allure of petty theft—-she steals napkins/straws too, but her main drug of choice is condiment packets from the grocery. I opened her fridge this past weekend and saw at least 40 packets of horseradish sauce, bbq sauce and mustard that she’d obviously swiped from her grocery store deli. When I informed her that she was stealing, her answer was to simply say, “Well they put those out for their customers to use and I’m a regular customer.” Never mind that those packets are meant for customers to use on fresh food bought the grocery store deli area, of course! I don’t get it, the entitled idea that somehow it’s A-ok to just take all the extra items you want just because it’s there. You can literally go to the dollar store and pay one buck for a pack of napkins, straws or a bottle of sauce!
  13. Seriously: they need to bond over their mutually awful moms, not fight over them. Ditto their white hubbies. As much as those two have in common, I’ll never understand why Ashley and Cadiace can’t seem to find their common ground.
  14. Yep: admittedly snooty beer person here who even ventures to Great American Beer Festival annually. I tried it at his booth this past Spring at the Charleston Wine & Food Festival. It was actually quite nice! Great flavor profile and good starting ABV levels; a lighter take on a hoppier classic. He was happy to discuss it with us hopheads and mentioned he was hoping to “develop more varieties in time.” But agreed, none of us who keep up with new breweries/beers have heard any buzz from this one beyond the random Bravolebrity circles—-like any Housewife/Bravolebrity “brand” out there, he didn’t have a damned thing to do with the actual development process—-he’s literally just lending his name/input to a product and is endorsing it.
  15. Seriously. And I think that’s why the other women feel like Tinsley is “hiding” her true self from them—-let’s be honest, she’s from a completely different class than them so beyond just being younger than them, she just can’t relate to them. She knows it’s pretty tacky and low-class to discuss wealth with the other women, but she’s way too classy to even call them out on that. Tins was a *legit* Manhattan socialite in some pretty upper echelons back in her heyday and she’s admitted that she grew up with a very privileged lifestyle. She came from “good stock”, went to the best schools and is an educated debutante; aside from Bethenny’s dumb luck/hard work with Skinnygirl, the other women on the show simply married into their wealth and it shows. I just hate the way they piled up on her like that; it’s beyond none of their goddamned business how she lives the way she does and their excessive interest is not a good look. Had Tinsley not had her fall from grace and been shunned from her former higher social circles I’m almost positive she wouldn’t have been on this cast, because we all know that the truly snooty socials still turn up their noses at reality television(ahem, Patricia Altchul). This was her last chance at any sort of social relevance in Manhattan and I’m glad she went for it, but the other women don’t need to call her out on it.
  16. I feel bad for Kathryn having to be onscreen with all the other waifs on this show. She’s nearly 6 ft tall, has had two kids and has a naturally curvy frame; pair that with antidepressants weight gain and it’s no wonder she’s hiding behind robes, slimming leggings and granny suits. Reminds me of how Lisa Kudrow was recently complaining about how fat she felt filming “Friends” alongside the much tinier/shorter gals Jen Aniston and Courtney Cox. Hell, if I had to film scenes alongside a human zipper like Chelsea I’d be in a friggin’ burka. Edited to add: I saw Madison with Austen when I bumped into him in Charleston last Spring. She may look curvier onscreen but she has to be a size 0-2 at the most in real life...she looked absolutely gorgeous. So it’s depressing to think how bloaty television makes any woman over a size 4 look.
  17. Agreed. Hate to go there but I’ll go there(and thanks for the Clinton gifs for added emphasis): I’m now convinced either Kathryn went down on Whitney or Whit went down on Kat or they both went downtown with each other. Hence the did they-or-didn’t-they awkwardness!
  18. Ditto. As weird/snooty as I find him overall, I’d totally chill with him—-Whit’s grown on me over the seasons. He’s scary intelligent, cultured and fashionable, plus he’s funny! I’d be honored if he serenaded me with the “I Fuckin Love You” song. (Mind you, I’ve kinda always had a love/hate thing with T-Rav too, so my taste is dubious.)
  19. I hear ya, @Katy M. I’ve complained probably way too much about children on this forum. I don’t mind children and get along great with them as a teacher for the past 15+ years. But time/place and parenting consideration is everything with me: like the lines between adults only/kids included places are getting more blurred every day and I DO NOT appreciate trying to relax and have a drink around kids at a bar, poolside or not. I’ve been to several breweries this last week alone and literally had to order drinks standing at a bar while some kid sits beside me on a barstool. Like are you fucking kidding me?! First of all, that used to not even be legal. Second of all, why aren’t the bartenders telling parents to cut that out? That’s usually when I start cursing and/or loudly talking about inappropriate shit; if you’re the type of parent who’s dumb enough to plop your kid down at a crowded bar while adults swarm around the kid trying to order drinks, I’m the type of adult who’s petty/passive-aggressive enough to make you wish you never did. I also agree with you on public pools being different, I get it. Hell, I live right above my building’s pool and have come to accept that screaming kids and that pool go hand in hand, even if it does feel like free daycamp for residents’ extended family members that I help pay for with my monthly HOA fees. But yeah, you just reminded me of how upset my girlfriends and I got on our girls trip last month with children’s incessant pool diving. We were staying at a lovely upscale resort with poolside bar service and were looking extra forward to enjoying several bottles and a quiet night at the pool together to watch the sun go down. 7:30pm, tons of kids screaming and playing at the pool still, diving incessantly. Okay whatever, it’s summer, we knew kids are going to be playing later at the pool. So we dodged the diving kids and continued our adult fun regardless. One of my girlfriends even went back to the room because the kids were giving her a headache and she said she’d be back out in an hour. 9:45pm rolls around, we’re on our second bottle, my girlfriend comes back up and all those screaming kids(aged 5-12, it looked like) were STILL out there raising Hell with their oblivious parents. We finally gave up on a quiet poolside night by 10:15 and left those families out there to continue hogging the pool. Never once did any of those parents stop to think that maybe the other adults at the pool sans children finally wanted some quiet time, nahhhh, we were just there to witness them making sure their kids would be properly worn out by the time they hit bedtime. Beyond annoying and thoughtless; those are the kind of parents I loathe.
  20. Agreed so hard! I think Cam is living the life that ALL these girls want, which makes her own ongoing protestations and complaining all the more annoyingly asinine. Naomi in particular seems determined to lock Metul down on a level I don’t think even Cameron crossed with Jason—-when Naomi started telling them, “I could never find anyone as good as Metul again...” I was cringing and saying ‘Girl, STOP!! Your insecure desperation is showing!!!’ Even if she feels that way, don't say it on national TV to haunt her forever, ughhh!!! Speaking of desperation, I never thought we’d have to rely upon insane Ashley to liven up an entire season, but here we are. Holy crap what an evil nutbag she is. Although I enjoyed how uncomfortable she seemed to make every person there, even the hostess!! I smelt total producer schemings with that move. And why in the fuck is she always so damned hoarse?! Is she an early onset COPD candidate or something?! Can’t stand that squeaky, raspy voice of hers and her phony earnestness that quickly turns into full on bitch mode. Count me in on the Chelsea bod lovefest: she is insanely lean and I want to know her secret beyond just genetics and strict workouts!!(she must barely eat, seriously)
  21. Well this show went from mildly humorous(Jon is officially the Yoda of this show...and drunk Jeff lying on someone’s lawn, ripping his shirt off and hopping into a random car made me snort!) to downright depressing in warp speed...oh Jeff...he has some really sad issues going on. The guy is clearly so lonely and lost, aimless and depressed, and obviously using excess booze to numb himself—those shots of his dirty house with empty bottles everywhere were beyond troubling. And for a big dude like him, it’s frightening to think how much he must put away to get *that* messed up. I really hope he’s gotten professional help since then to deal with all his demons. Poor Kelsey’s hair is so awful because it doesn’t soften her harsh facial features, just accentuates them. And I appreciate the fact that she chooses to keep it natural/non-extensioned and doesn’t relax or straighten it, (especially with the humidity of NOLA), but surely she could find a more flattering way to wear it? Maybe loosen up those tight curls somehow?? She was doing wayyyy too much at her party too; you don’t even attempt to engage with someone as extra and as ready to pounce as Tamika. I really liked how Justin ended up handling that situation and telling Tamika that she’d need to make it right. Jeff running from and shouting at the cameras at the end...yikes...
  22. I am almost 100% sure that Cam had a kid just to make her husband happy and to solidify her marriage. Hate to say it, but I’ve had a few friends in the past who told me for a fact that they also did NOT want a baby and/or weren’t necessarily yearning to be mothers, but they went ahead and gave their husbands a kid/s for similarly strategic reasons. A guy like Jason is hot property in a little Southern city like Charleston, where there are quite literally 5-10 pretty girls for every 2-3 shlubby dudes. He’s a handsome and personable young doctor from a good family and I’m sure she knew she’d landed a big fish when she met him. Not that she’s not a hot property herself(physically/personality-wise, at least), but I’m sure she’s well aware of the fact that she was a firmly middle-classed gal with no higher education when she met him, so there was likely a bit of insecurity from her end already. And I’m sure she felt that if she didn’t go through with bringing him a child into the world that he would have a probable cause to leave her later, especially if she felt she was getting older and her looks were fading(hence her constant mentions of getting old and needing Botox...at 35!!!). I don’t doubt that a few younger local floozies likely would or have already thrown themselves at him. I hate to be blunt and I don’t doubt that she loves Palmer, but bringing a child into the marriage was Cameron’s marital insurance policy. She definitely played her hand with that game smarter than Kathryn did, at least!
  23. Correction: that was Season 2 Craig. He was still at least *somewhat* keeping up appearances and coming into the office for the gig enough to just get a stern warning for his social life affecting his professional life in Season 1. He finally was 100% allll out of fucks by S2 and got fired in spectacularly deserving fashion by that sleazy lawyer. And when it became abundantly clear that he was lying about his law school status—-I don’t even think it was fully revealed that he didn’t graduate from law school until S3 with Naomi, but there was already speculation that he hadn’t fully graduated by the time S2 was halfway through(remembering the disastrous visit to Craig’s parents’ house via a very tattletailish Whit).
  24. And they’re all at his parents’ fancyassed NC house too! Looks like they had a really nice and chill family weekend there. Now THAT is the Shep most of us like to see: sweet, easygoing, being a goofy uncle just sipping beers and kicking back with his kin.
  25. That’s so true, @chlban; working regularly at some sort of job is better for some people—a lot of us simply *need* that daily structure and routine or we’ll flounder and get to feeling quite aimless and/or depressed. Craig isn’t the type who seems to be able to healthily manage working at his own pace like Shep or Austen. Austen likely worked on a varied schedule and managed his own work hours back when he was still a beer rep. Shep in particular is used to a life of traveling and pursuing his hobbies like golf, surfing and partying, and he seems content doing just that in between filming/promoting this show and doing what he needs to do for his mailbox money(checking on his bars and rentals, ShepGear, etc). Craig was always seemingly a go-getter who was used to working hard until this show suddenly fell into his lap and introduced him to the 24/7 partyboy lifestyle. I do remember Craig doing some volunteer work with Habitat for Humanity and doing various charity pursuits here and there, even participating in races back when he was still with Naomi. Seems like she was the one responsible for his whole “Craig 2.0” persona—-too bad his pillow-making pursuits aren’t keeping him on his toes in the meantime. Good luck on your job search, btw; I’ve been there myself and know how tough it is to suddenly shift gears and get back on a random job hunt. I was let go from my last gig over something completely frivolous and am still convinced that part of the reason I had a target on my back is because of my age(I’m a young 42 yet I was one of the oldest folks on their main staff, go figure). Maybe consult your local career service as well so they can help you find some leads and dust off your resume—-that helped me so much and I was back on my feet in no time thanks to them. And I’m happier and better paid than ever at my new workplace, so just remember that most doors close so even better ones can open!
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