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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. So LaLa, the gal who has picked fights while out bar-hopping, has been revealed on national television to have drunkenly eaten out another coworker’s vagina after having bragged on national television about how her own vagina “takes the D like a champ,” suddenly thinks a gal taking a drunk tumble over a bench among friends is “so trashy?” Yikes. Careful in that glass house of yours there, girl. I guess she’s suddenly the grand duchess of high society now that she’s a regular PJ flyer while locking down HerMan. That said, I dunno how any of these broads can stand being around Kristen. I dunno which one is worse, her or Katie—-it’s wild to witness when friggin’ Scheana is actually acting cooler and more fun than the WeHo coven!! Peter may be a professional among these losers, but he’s still gross. That was not a kind depiction of him cutting loose. It’s like he forgot all about the #metoo movement for a creepy few hours there. At least Sandoval seemed like a perfect gentleman amid the debauchery. Beau is still adorable and a great catch for someone as weirdly particular as Stassi. In the words of Mama Stassi: “don’t screw it up!” Jax wanted to mess around with those broads so bad, you could tell. That leopard’s spots will never change, despite his claims otherwise.
  2. She was having what appeared to be a psychotic breakdown. Bitch acted cray and rude to everyone that entire trip. None of the other girls wanted her there and they made that very clear to her, but she didn’t make herself anymore welcome and wasn’t a model guest either from the get-go. I remember watching it all unravel back then and couldn’t believe someone in Kelly’s mental state was being filmed; it was so awkward because you could tell it was all very real and not fake. And that’s just weirdly uncomfortable to watch; I’m sure it was quite scary to be around.
  3. Alex’s melodramatic reaction to Jill’s surprise arrival was soooo RIDICULOUS—-literally shaking and then gasping out, “There’s been enough DRAMA on this trip...” Bitch please. I’m no Jill fan either and was firmly on Ramona/Alex/Beth/Sonja’s side, but Alex almost made me sympathetic to Jill with that laughable routine. Which reminds me that I never cared much for Alex and was glad to see her go. She and Simon often made me laugh because they were sooo embarrassingly try-hard and unintentionally hilarious, but they didn’t fit in with this bunch at all and didn’t seem in on the joke of their own presence. Kelly genuinely made me laugh with her once when she described Alex as often coming off like “Al-EX”, the greatest high school production actress to ever grace the stage with her dramatic theatrics!! And it was beyond priceless when The Countess sneered at Alex “You came running into the room with your Herman Munster shoes...” before delivering this other gem:
  4. Seriously, thank you all for mentioning here how much this new forum blows. It’s far less user-friendly and is a pain to navigate—-it’s a true labor of love trying to sift through all these other goofyassed categories just to dig into regularly visited forums. Dunno why exactly they had to switch everything so much, although I think it’s because their former web design/agreement was due to expire?? HATE that we no longer are able to have our fave shows all on our own designed forum page. Some show forums don’t even exist anymore, which I *get*, but still, would’ve been nice to at least have that option up for shows that are actually still airing and therefore up for current discussion.
  5. @hoosier80 I’m so sorry you’re still dealing with your miserable mom. Sounds like she’s squarely around that age when older folks(women especially) choose to wallow in their own bitterness and get especially cranky due to a toxic combination of loneliness, discontentment and the physical pain of aging. It’s a damned shame that she’s obviously turned all her friends against her, because that just means she’ll demand yet more of your attention. And frustrate you repeatedly in the process, as usual. Dare I ask...does she ever show you any true vulnerability? Is she able to open up and truly discuss her fears and concerns with you as she ages?? Because surely by now she has to realize that her bossing you around and being so demanding of your time/effort isn’t strengthening your relationship and is just pushing you further away. Just curious, but does she show any signs of dementia? Because that might be part of her more irrational behaviors/demands. Does she have any other plans for her care as she ages beyond just demanding you and your brother take care of her? You have my sympathy though. My mom can be equally demanding/annoying/toxic/jealous and plays the pout-game like a pro, and she’d love nothing more than for me to drop my entire life and move back in with her too. In typical Boomer fashion, she’s of that generation that felt that grown children were expected to take care of(more like wait on them constantly) their parents later in life. Stay strong and don’t let her take over your mindset though. Just because she’s unhappy and miserable doesn’t mean you have to be.
  6. Seriously, “Relationshep” was such a goddamned joke of a show that was borderline uncomfortable to watch, especially knowing that he wasn’t going to seriously date any of those broads in the end—-and I say this as someone who genuinely likes to watch Shep! Did that show actually get decent ratings?? He was hanging out in LA with Landon recently, so maybe that was part of the deal...
  7. I was rooting so hard for Bethenny throughout the first two seasons—-she was a hard worker who wasn’t afraid to hustle, had her quick wit mixed with plenty of snark and self-deprecation, and she didn’t put up with any society/classist bullshit. It wasn’t until she got her own TV show that I really noticed that her smugly self-absorbed side started to truly shine through, so it was almost nice when she left for good after season 3. Although I was completely on Beth’s side on the spats with Kelly—-Kelly was an elitist vapid bitch who had supposedly met Bethenny on numerous occasions before Kelly joined the cast and didn’t even acknowledge and/or remember meeting her, among other annoyances. Kelly was stupid enough to think that talking down to Beth would work in her favor, which was kinda hilarious to watch. Jill didn’t bug me until she divided the cast into groups by season 4 and tried to pick a random fight with Bethenny. Yet another dumb move. I kinda miss the days of Sonja coming off as the sanest one of the cast.
  8. Myman’s private jet, of course! What, you didn’t realize that according to LaLa, every truly pretty girl in Hollywood has partied in a private jet? Makes it all that much classier to talk all the time about riding private jets. LaLa may not consider herself basic, but she is definitely bougie.
  9. I’ve never really liked Katie, never found her all that attractive(even the first three seasons when she was at her skinniest), and have never understood why everyone in this group practically worships at her feet because I don’t find her personality remotely appealing or interesting. I’m guessing all the pot she supposedly injests in recent years has not only beefed her up but mellowed her out, because she used to fight dirty and she’s a really nasty drunk whenever her former personality Tequila Katie makes an appearance. As someone here so astutely mentioned, Stassi royally fucked up when she split from the group season 3 and then came groveling back for acceptance by season 4—-she officially lost her queen bee status by then and Katie has greedily claimed and clung to that status ever since then. Although I do love that LaLa, Arianna and Brittany have since come along to mess up that status quo and serve as the anti-Witches of WeHo. Brittany and LaLa especially have wisely played their hands and expertly shown how to seamlessly straddle both groups without any issues. Meanwhile Scheana continues to pathetically swan about in in her own self-absorbed little segments, pining away over her latest romantic obsession. Can she even be single for more than five minutes? She’s such the typical vapid bimbo who can’t exist without a boyfriend. She pretends like she wants to be some big actor/singer, but we all know she really just wants to be some typical LA trophy wife; LaLa just beat her at her own game. Kristen is almost as pathetic as Scheana. Just that both of them display completely different shades of crazy. Speaking of vapid, I still can’t stand Raquel, if only because for once she actually made me side with James—-homegirl was being a total hypocrite and just a completely nonsupportive girlfriend/shameless famewhore when she told James she was going to Girls Night after whining about him trying to make amends with that group. God she’s stupid and I can’t stand her stupid face or her stupid hair either. Drunk Lisa wasn’t funny, just embarrassing; she’s the type of drunk who immediately clams up and just grins stupidly when not slurring out some random dumb comment to anyone who will listen. Drunk Lisa is like everyone’s Drunk Great-Aunt. I’m sure there’s far more to the story behind why Jax and his mom aren’t talking than what he’s telling us. Jax isn’t exactly the model son either. TomTom looks every bit as douchetacularly lame as SUR. Somehow I doubt either Tom will do more than serve as spokesmodels for the joint while it lasts.
  10. In defense of the destination wedding, I had one myself yet I certainly didn’t expect anyone to make special plans to attend; honestly, I was the one who just wanted to elope in Vegas(I’m not a fan of big weddings and consider them mega wasteful). My husband was enough of a groomzilla to want some sort of ceremony for anyone who wanted to come, so my compromise was agreeing for us to get married in a very simple little ceremony on the beach of St. Thomas as a sort of wedding/honeymoon combo. We just tossed out a random Facebook invite and I honestly didn’t give a damn who came; what small family I do have weren’t able to make it for various valid reasons and my friends couldn’t make it due to timing/work commitments. Fortunately my husband had a small group of family/friends who were willing to make it there and viewed it as a great excuse to enjoy a random November getaway, so it all worked out in the end. I was still a little bitter about it at the time because it felt so weird and almost embarrassing to have everyone there just for him and nobody there just for me, but hey, that was my first real taste of how a successful marriage is all about learning how to compromise.
  11. Thank you! Everyone else I could sorta see the rationale of them being there, even that cheap trick/‘Friend Of’ Marlo from Atlanta, but WTF was goddamned PHAEDRA PARKS, the woman who got so shamefully fired/banned from the Atlanta cast, doing there??!! I can’t imagine why she’d even *want* to be there, but whatever...I shouldn’t be surprised by the levels of shameless degradation most of those pathetic women will endure just to get that extra taste of notoriety and fame they so desperately chase.
  12. Yikes...I hate that too; how horribly rude!! Don’t people have general manners anymore? Which reminds me—-I’m still waiting for my boss to thank me for the Christmas gift I gave her. It was a nice gift too. A simple email or text or just acknowledgement would’ve been nice...and I say this as someone who actually likes her boss and we have a good relationship! Guess I’m just a bit surprised, that’s all.
  13. Xennial here, but my Baby Boomer mother was a firm and strict member of the Clean Plate Club—-I remember having to force down tons of food I wasn’t even hungry enough to eat just because my mom insisted on fixing my plate for me, which always bugged me. Portion control is an issue for me and to this day, I’d rather be underserved than overserved thanks to her crazyassed big portions; wasting food really bugs me to this day. But on the flip side, I’d always beg her to quit overserving my brother and me! Sometimes he’d literally throw up because she and my granny both would overserve us, my brother in particular. Which is why kids should always be allowed to serve themselves and not be pushed to eat a certain amount; it messes up their natural sense of being full and it sets up harmful eating patterns otherwise. I still have trouble knowing when I’m full or not due to years of her food conditioning. Thank goodness I wasn’t a picky kid and pretty much still will eat most anything to this day; she always forced us to eat ALL her food, burnt/cold, whatever! I suppose the food enforcement from parents was truly a generational thing—-but on the flip side, I have no patience for parents who claim their otherwise normal kids “only eat” certain things. Kids don’t come out of the womb only craving pizza/PBJ’s/macaroni and cheese; don’t cater to that ridiculousness.
  14. Yes!!! Please consider visiting/volunteering at retirement/nursing homes—-I used to work in them as an assistant throughout my college/post-grad years, and it was heartbreaking to see how many lonely older folks were left alone with no one to talk to or spend time with regularly. Sometimes I’d just go in and chat with them, or just spend some time with them by offering to dust or vacuum for them. You can also team up with the local animal shelter to offer therapy animal visits. Another option is your local Meals on Wheels program; it similarly gives you the chance to deliver meals and spend some time with lonely seniors or folks who can’t assist themselves very well. When my grandmother was at her weakest point and because everyone in my family was working at that time, we opted for her to receive these meal deliveries throughout the week—-she’d look SO forward to those visits and it gave us so much peace and gratitude to know that she was having people regularly interact with her and provide her a nutritious meal when we were unable to check in on her(this was before she had to move into a retirement home permanently). Senior citizens are often the most overlooked and forgotten group of individuals in need out there, which is why I always encourage folks to volunteer to assist them. Believe me, the joy you get from bringing some bit of joy to a lonely older person’s often boring existence is so priceless—-this country definitely needs to work on treating its elderly citizens/retired veterans much better and with far more respect and compassion.
  15. I still don’t like the blonde on Carole at all; I wish she’d opted for darker highlights instead...but like most gals over 50, I guess she opted for going blonde just to hide the likely incoming gray hairs. Admittedly, I do miss her longer extensions too, but you can only rock those for so long before your poor natural hair needs a break(how Ericka Girardi/Jayne has managed to hold onto hers for so long is mind boggling to me). Speaking of hair, Heather has always had a great batch of it—-so healthy-looking and lush! It’s sweet to see that she and Carole still have a good and genuine friendship.
  16. Yes!!! Do that, @BuyMoreAndSave; not only will it make you feel better, but there’s a 80-95% chance she won’t even notice anything missing either. It’s a win-win for you both, really—-just make sure it isn’t too obvious and just gradually chink away at those annoying piles of junk. If she mentions anything missing(she likely won’t), just play dumb and say something like, “You have so much stuff you don’t even remember where you put it all, huh?” My husband is a bit of a book hoarder(never mind that with most books he’ll read one for a few chapters then never pick it up to read again), so I’ve had to do that myself just for my own sanity and to not overload our small library. Works like a charm and Goodwill is a regular stop for me and those damned books. And @KnoxForPres, it’s *definitely* time to nail down some marital expectations with your guy if that’s what your wanting. Make sure it’s a relaxed moment and he’s not feeling browbeaten at all—-just let him know it’s a new year, you’re hoping to start firming up major life plans for your future together, and give him a time frame for when you’d like to see an engagement occur. If he can’t handle that, well, you might want to reevaluate some things. Like I’ll never forget having that chat with my husband at a party, of all things; we’d lived together for a year, been together nearly three years, and I’d already let him know that marriage was definitely my ultimate expectation back when I moved in( I gave him a 3-5 year window originally). My grandmother was in poor health by then and I told him over our second or third glass of wine that I was hoping she’d be able to see us finally married and settled...and that I wanted to be official by the time he hit 50 and I hit 35. He appreciated the honesty and said he’d already been looking at rings. A year later we got engaged and married at a simple beachside ceremony in the islands. You gotta be straight up and honest with your partner though. Don’t ever be afraid to let them know what you want.
  17. And now I want to ask—-once you’re over a certain age, wouldn’t you just rather have a few natural extra lines on your face than look like you’re wearing a stiff plastic mask that won’t allow your face to freely move?
  18. That was my first introduction to Connie as well; I just kept hearing from other people about how awesome she was on various other TV shows and figured I’d check out her vibe. She made a very believable mature country star goddess as Rayna James, aside from the fact that her singing voice wasn’t all that strong; shows you how good she is if she somehow was able to play such a strong chanteuse character despite obviously not being a great singer otherwise. And her fizzy turn as “the morally corrupt Faye Resnick” from “The People Vs. OJ” was pretty brilliant as well. I previously had enjoyed mostly *looking* at Eric Bana back at his physical peak, like when he costarred with Brad Pitt in “Troy”; that was some epic period-piece hotness right there, complete with Orlando Bloom playing his little brother. And I liked him a lot in Steven Spielberg’s “Munich”, even though I found myself mostly fondly remembering that emotional/raw final sex scene he had at the end...that was intense!
  19. Oh I agree with you there, @BookWoman56! Not everyone wants to get married, and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that, despite how much society may say otherwise; it was always a hope of mine simply because I personally find the act of marriage very romantic and worth pursuing for the right reasons. And as a Childfree person, I feel as strongly about how society shouldn’t push parenthood as you do about how society doesn’t need to push marriage. But I totally get why and appreciate that marriage isn’t the be all/end all for others out there. Hey, I think some people just want to get married for the ceremony and status; I didn’t care about any of that because I just cared about someone loving me enough to back our union up legally *and* spiritually. It just upsets me when one person in the relationship wants something when the other person doesn’t; stringing someone along for a long time just because one person would rather not be alone is simply selfish and cruel.
  20. I like it too, because that’s the *exact* same approach I had with my own boyfriend when we moved in together after a year into our relationship—-I moved in with him earlier than I’d expected because I was between roommate situations and he’d been asking me for months to consider moving in with him, but I initially didn’t want to just be a live-in girlfriend when I really wanted to be his wife in several years. Fortunately he also appreciated my directness and countered that he never would’ve invited me to move in with him had he not had the intention of eventually marrying me. More people need to be that direct with their partners and it ticks me off the way some folks refuse to address what they *really* want out of their relationships. Life is too damned short to waste your best years on partners who don’t appreciate you and your expectations. I’ve had way too many girlfriends move in and out of homes with different boyfriends; I watched several of them waste years of their lives waiting on these relationships to lead to marriage. Watching those bad patterns around me made me a bit more gun-shy about shacking up with past boyfriends; I refused to move in with any of them until I knew it was seriously leading to eventual marriage. Women in particular need to quit pussy-footing around and be honest about their goals after they’re a year into a romantic relationship—-if there’s any hesitation from the other person by that point, it’s time to cut one’s losses and move on.
  21. Seriously!!! I begrudgingly have grown to like Stassi over the years for her quick wit and charisma, but she needs to grow out of her demanding diva princess act already or else she will eventually drive Beau far, farrrr away—-that entitlement shit will very get old after a while. And why would her drunk boyfriend prefer to leave a perfectly good party hanging with some fun bros just to go cuddle with her? Please girl...learn to read a room and chill the fuck out already—-just let your man relax and have some space to breathe and bond with your friends. Like I cringed a bit when she slurred to Beau, “I love you so much...” and he merely answered, “I know.” That was some scary shades of Scheana and Rob messiness right there; to her slight credit, at least she called herself out on sounding just like Scheana. She needs to chill a bit now that they’re an established long-term couple though; let’s hope this doesn’t devolve into her eventually angrily demanding or weepingly begging him for a ring/wedding proposal.
  22. Yeah, I’m not seeing the real John Meehan’s hotness either—-he just resembles a beefier Tim Robbins to me. But hey, to each her peach; in real life he probably oozed a certain kind of slimy charm that would draw in lots of desperate old broads. The heft factor is my only complaint about Eric Bana in this role; I’ve always found him fairly handsome and he’s doing a great job acting-wise, but he really should’ve prepped more by bulking up and packing on some extra pounds for this role. Based on the pics I’ve seen of him so far, John was a big beefy dude, after all.
  23. Hang in there, @KnoxForPres; that’s so scary and tragic when sometimes cancer rears its ugly head so suddenly. I wish I could tell you it’ll be okay; you just have to stay strong and somehow stay positive, no matter the outcome....a dear longtime friend of mine just got diagnosed with Stage 2 colon cancer and I’m just as hopeful yet frightened for him, so I’m there with you right now. All you can do is to offer comfort and support in the meantime; sorry you and your family are dealing with this though...healing thoughts here for your sister. As for you, @BuyMoreAndSave, whew!! What a doozy...my heart goes out to you enduring such a stressful situation like that one. Between your dad/bro and your monster-in-law with the bird from Hell, it’s a wonder you’re staying as sane as you are still, so that’s impressive in and of itself. So how’s your marriage holding up as you endure all this mess, if you don’t mind me asking? Because it sounds like your husband is being completely insensitive to your feelings and comfort levels. This is NOT what you agreed to with him originally, and based upon your own explanations here, he seems a bit oblivious to just how much all this is affecting your own health and mental well-being. Because he’s the one who brought all this extra stress upon you both; would you be strong enough to force an ultimatum on him(“it’s either she goes or I go”)? Would you be willing/able to live on your own for a while if you had to?? Because it sounds to me like nothing is going to change unless YOU make the change. And life’s indeed too short to waste it living with such stress and misery...I wish you the best though and hope you find a solution that somehow works for you all in the meantime...
  24. Thank you!!!! I thought I was the only one on this thread who was thinking she looks tacky AF in that insane getup. The ridiculous gobs of excessive fake hair, the garish tan/makeup, the unflattering skank robe/dress(that rag actually cost over $600 retail, according to her Instagram post about it), the trashy excessive accessories and heels that don’t even match the look...just like most of her fashion choices, it’s all much too much and makes her appear more like an aging drag queen than a stunning 20-something model/fashionista. She’s been thirsttrapping extra harder than usual on Instagram lately, which makes me wonder if she’s okay or if she’s just impressing a new fella...to which I hope she is able to move on from Thomas and find a sensible guy who can treat her and her children well.
  25. Agreed so hard: I’m pretty much an extrovert who will talk to anyone at anytime, and loves an excuse to get out and about, but many people in my life don't realize that I’m also just as content to stay in and read a good book/relax or take myself out to eat/catch a movie alone. In fact I love those rare opportunities to just treat myself and do a day alone at the spa or shop all by myself. I believe they refer to this as being an extroverted introvert? It’s a great balance to have!
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