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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Oh agreed; what I mean by that is that if enough states voted to get rid of it at once(33 to be exact!), it’d force the nation to follow suit: https://www.tennessean.com/story/news/2018/01/17/daylight-saving-tennessee-year-round-2018/1042063001/
  2. I really hope he finally wife’s her up, because they’re adorable together and have been involved for at least a year or two—-they both have a similarly twisted sense of humor and seem to just ‘get’ each other. Plus, she could use a decent, grounded and goofy fella after all the losers she’s dated in recent years(going from yucky Jax...to that other sleazy SUR bartender...to that greasy man-bun douche...). She’s obviously no picnic herself, but this guy really seems to keep her happy and in check. Looking forward to the moment this season when he tells her she “dickpunched his heart.”
  3. Seriously. Why can’t each state allow its citizens to vote on whether we can keep it or not? Seems like the fact that we’re no longer so agriculturally-driven as a country is paid no mind by modern lawmakers...the days naturally get shorter on their own without us trying to further mess with the time. I guess I’m just extra salty because I hate having to change my giant human-sized living room clock twice a year...or deal with my special needs students who don’t understand why in the Hell we’re suddenly forced into a different schedule.
  4. You have every right to be annoyed! Some people lack such self-awareness despite being so selfishly focused on their own needs; or they’re just too shy/rude and/or socially awkward to simply communicate such important info to others. Just last week I dealt with the flip side of that: I noticed a gal in the hallway was walking over to a digitally operated door in our condo building that was currently locked up for repairs. I kindly said to her as I passed by, “That door doesn’t work; locked for repairs this week.” She simply looks at me stupidly and proceeds to attempt to punch her code into the door. To which I then repeated louder, “Like I said, that door isn’t working right now.” She continued to ignore me and kept keying in her code, to which I just shook my head and muttered, “mkay, whatever moron.” Maybe she was deaf, who knows; but it does make you hesitant to even bother offering help when idiots like that ignore your assistance or even a friendly comment. I dunno what’s up with the weird “stranger danger” type reactions some adults get when unknown other adults so much as attempt to communicate with them. Ugh, that’s so rude; I just loathe the way smokers act as though the world is their ashtray! Reminds me of how annoyed I get whenever I use my condo building’s outside stairwell and usually see it covered in tossed butts, despite the fact that there are ashtray sticks right there on every single level of that outside stairwell. Just reminds me that most smokers are fucking disgusting and lazy; I once even visited a chain smoker who would sit there just flicking her cigarette ashes into her living room’s shag carpet!
  5. Seriously though...those poor kids. It doesn’t appear that their paternal grandparents spend much time with them either, so it’s just Kathryn and her parents picking up the slack if Thomas is thrown in prison. And honestly, you have to wonder about Kathryn being able to financially support them on her own whenever this show is finally over.
  6. Seriously, why does Thomas give Cameron so much shit in particular? What has Cameron ever done to him but just playfully comment on his behavior in past seasons?? I’m in the camp that believes he doesn’t like her because she never cozied up to him or responded to any of his advances or flirting. Or maybe he hates that she’s a fan favorite who doesn’t get any real online haters...maybe he sees her as a social climbing peasant(especially since she’s gotten so close to Patricia)...really, it’s just baffling the way he picks on her. I understand him picking at Craig because he’s likely jealous of his youth and his natural chemistry with Kathryn, but I simply don’t get the cruel Cameron put-down’s.
  7. I *adored* the fact that she didn’t throw Leanne out of her house; that would’ve caused a huge scene from Leanne that Stephanie likely didn’t want, not to mention give her all the excess attention she desperately was craving with that ridiculous outfit. Not only was Stephanie the bigger person for that, but she made Leanne look like an even bigger buffoon in the end. I thought it was a brillliant move from Stephanie and I’ve loved her ever since then.
  8. That’s just so...random for her. She’s never really shown much of an interest in interior design or furniture on the show or otherwise; wonder who came along and nudged her toward this? Lest we forget this is the same gal in season 2 or 3 who begged T-Rav to come over and put together some of Kensie’s furniture back in the day...and I remember her having that same ridiculously expensive plexiglass crib like Jay-Z and Beyoncé had for Blue Ivy too...
  9. What was the point of that beast Emily going scary apeshit over Kelly merely pointing out that her husband is a dorky little bitch? Because he is. No need to turn into a bathsalts addict and screech “I’ll kill youuuuu!!!” over it; what a fucking psycho. Kelly is pretty repulsive too, but I’ll always appreciate her because she fights so crazy dirty—-she still literally cracks me up with her hilariously dirty fight tactics. Shannon is way too good for that equally self-absorbed trashbag Tamrah. Vikki...boring Steve is making her all “Zzzzzz” now too. At least she fought for Brooks. Gina’s marriage is a joke and she shouldn’t have had three kids. The end.
  10. Wow, y’all must know my mom as well. Just once I’d love to for her to ask, “So what’s new? How are you lately??” But no, it’s typically an excuse for her to talk about some of her social bullshit, the TV shows she’s watching, her trip to the grocery that day, her latest ailment...and then, “Well I’ve got to get going, I’ve got another call/got to poop/got to get off the phone to drive in this traffic/etc....”
  11. And before that, cheapassed Scheana was even running around forcing her own damned wedding guests to clean up the morning after her reception! This seems to be a gross pattern for her...”it’s all happening” indeed.
  12. Hey, if they charged at least $100 a head, it could be worth their while, I’ll bet!
  13. Indeed, @Mindthinkr! I often watch these Bravo shows and wonder why certain Bravolebrities don’t cash in on their fame with local tours of their respective cities. Like I’d totally pay for a NeNe tour of Atlanta, a Ramonja tour of Manhattan, a “Witches of WeHo” bike tour or a Craig in Charleston bar crawl. I’d say toss in some T-Rav too but he’s kicked out of half those King St bars for good reason...Hell, even an Austen beer tour could be fun!
  14. Can’t believe it! Wish they’d recast her bartender crush already; Tom Sturridge truly sucks in that role.
  15. Yep; I’d say he’s at least 6’2 or 6’3 in person—-I didn’t even think it was really him at first because he seems so much shorter onscreen compared to the other freakishly tall SC dudes.
  16. Admittedly, I wasn’t a Craig appreciator until I met him; just a nice tall drink of water who’s much cuter in person!
  17. Didn’t he just wrap up a messy divorce with his prior wife?! Yikes...this just doesn’t bode well to me and he must’ve fallen super hard for her charms...maybe it’s true love and they really are that into each other in their own weird way?((snicker)) She must be one majorly skilled golddigger to finally lock down her mark so quickly and publicly, so kadooz to her on that! Mark my words, she’ll be pregnant within a year with her baby meal ticket #1. Get that money, LaLa!
  18. And Liz is such a pathetic idiot. She deserves that sleazebag.
  19. I’m just shocked Lyle and Louis ever even got chicks period. They’ve got no game, they’re fugly, they’re not rich and they sure as shit aren’t charming. Every week I watch them I get annoyed because I want to understand why these gross dudebros are infesting my television screen. Like as gross as he is with his own eye-rolling misogyny, at least Thomas Ravenel made for really good TV and brought both family money and a certain good old boy humor to the screen. These guys are just complete losers. Of course, not that Catherine and Hannah are much to brag about either... It’s a shame that Hagood and Brandon don’t have a better cast to play off of—-I completely agree that the rest of this cast come off as so boring because they’re so cagey and careful about not revealing their true selves onscreen. On the flip side, Ashley was *too* messy last season and was obviously playing a character.
  20. Oh it’s been a thing for several years now, even though Clooney & Gerber have since sold their shares of the business((and made major bank)). It’s a REALLY, surprisingly good and smooth tequila. Lots of bars stock it and many bartenders love it; in fact, I sorta got hooked on it thanks to several bartenders recommending it.
  21. So since Hannah isn’t all over Louis all the time, then she must be “asexual”...got it. Dude, she’s just not that into you; and who can blame her?! He’s gross. Brandon’s a fun travel buddy. That’s literally all I got from this episode. Oh and kadooz to Hagood for boldly eating raw conch.
  22. Funny how VPR has gradually become such a smash Bravo hit—-I remember watching the very first few episodes and absolutely *loathing* each of those smug, drunken assholes, thinking the show was pure trash that wouldn’t even last a season. And then just like a bad case of herpes, they all eventually started growing on me and I began to actually enjoy watching their various gross misadventures. Like you couldn’t help but somehow find those chucklefucks oddly endearing in all their douchetacular, wannabe glory. It probably helps that the goofy cast itself is so charming and they’re all more than willing to air out their dirtiest laundry onscreen. E! has desperately tried to recapture that similar VPR magic with often pathetic results((I hate-watch “Very Cavallari” because those basics are too boring to even be on TV)), but it’s been fascinating to watch VPR evolve. Interesting how SC’s other spinoffs just can’t seem to find that same winning formula as the original one has.
  23. I co-sign and approve of this show, but I also suggest casting Mama Elsa(La Bruja from RHoM) to keep things extra creepy and Dwight(from RHoA), just so we could have him spar onscreen with Rey:
  24. I always liked Asa and enjoyed her hippie-dippy charms in the earlier seasons. We really didn’t get to see her hypocritical/cagily opportunistic side until last season, which is a shame...I thought she brought an interestingly artsy, SoCal New Age-sorta vibe to this otherwise douchey cast. I realize she was only close to Reza and the other gals didn’t like her for the most part(I loved it when she tossed drunk GG aside like a ragdoll at that party; that hippie bitch could throw down when she needed to!), but this show doesn’t feel the same without her around. I haven’t really watched most of this season due to that. I do wonder if she was invited back to any onscreen events or if she just decided to part ways completely with this show...she seems to be very successful with her boutique and is loving motherhood, so I could understand suddenly not having much in common anymore with this gang of whackadoodles, so I don’t blame her for peacing out on them.
  25. I don’t see this happening and think either Kathryn or her management started this silly rumor—-my mom is still an avid B/B’ette viewer(I quit watching that bile years ago), but I know enough about the series to realize that in recent years they’ve always picked unchosen fan favorites from each season of this show to be their next Bachelor/Bachelorette. It’s a guaranteed ratings bonanza! Whereas it’d be way too weird for the show’s viewers to suddenly see some random Bravolebrity cast in an otherwise established series like that. How many viewers of that show even watch SC, honestly? On that note, I used to think Shep would’ve been an awesomely random choice to be cast on The Bachelor until I watched “Relationshep;” his charm was a bit too diminished in other cities where no one knew him and without other cast members/friends around to bounce his goofiness off of...apparently most of the girls cast all agreed since some of them voluntarily left and the gal he chose apparently dumped him right away. What a stupid show, but I’m glad they at least gave him a chance to show off his sad dating skills. Now I’m just hoping they don’t try the sad Bravo dating spinoff show with Kathryn...none of these types of spinoffs seem to ever work anyway(lest we forget Jo from RHofOC or the Manzo family)...it’s a miracle that “Tardy for the Party” is still airing, although I’d totally watch a Patricia spinoff.
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