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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Basic brunette #2 Kelly must be doing okay if she’s living in a house in that neighborhood, unless the show rented it for her. I can see why she’s single though; seems like she has all the sexual naivety of a tween. Basic brunette #1’s boyfriend is just gross all around. The smugness just reeks from him; probably just because he literally looks smelly. Maybe he has those almighty “connections” that wannabes like her enjoy. I’m guessing at the very least he probably has good weed connections. Shannon is beyond annoying and definitely thinks she’s way hotter than she really is. Probably swans around town acting like a VIP now; she seems like the type who gets high on her own fumes. Her boyfriend is your typical Nashville basic bro singing lame country tunes; you see young douches just like him alllll over his native habitat of Midtown. Wirth comes from family money; his dad is the head of HCA. He went to college on a football scholarship and appears to be your typical young trust funder who does odd jobs as a male model/trainer and is otherwise just the main Manbun about town.
  2. I still don’t understand why we should remotely care about Catherine and Lyle. They sorta dated years ago and he liked her more than him, she likes still dangling him along while she skanks around, it’s not gonna work anymore so let’s just move on and quit discussing it already, show. Pretty sad that this has been the main second season storyline of this sad series. Speaking of sad, divorce has not been kind to Ashley. Guess she can’t afford all the Botox, funky fashions and facial treatments anymore. Funny how she went from being the queen bee to the social pariah among this bunch. Louis and his $25 kitchy socks...cannot believe this has actually been a semi-successful venture for him, especially since even the likes of Rob Kardashian couldn’t make his own silly sock biz a success. Haygood and her post-failed sak-AY meeting weeping gave me shades of Landon and her post-failed Roam travel website meeting with Lockert Steele. Poor little rich girls who can’t make their dreams come true and might have to just go work at the dreaded family business instead, oh boo-hoo!! Daniel, dude...for the love of Yahweh, cut your hair already. It’s embarrassing now; only Anthony Kedis could get away with that style 25 years ago. But he had better hair and was a rockstar.
  3. That’s what’s so pathetic about this store—-it’s NOT in a good location. It’s NOT a destination; there’s zero cool vibe in this store, as it’s literally just a hollow, cave-like shrine to KC and her retail whims. It’s located several streets around the corner from a stylish area of town, but on the far end/seedy backside of this area. Not a pretty or desirable area at all. In fact the shop is right next to a former thuggy nightclub that got shut down a year ago due to multiple violent incidents that went down there...makes her overpriced basic white girl boutique seem all the more random. And it’s wayyyyy too big of a space for the small amount of haphazard and overpriced little items she has in there. I’ll be shocked if it lasts over a year there...of course her grumpy hubby will probably keep paying the rent just to keep her happy. I’m grossed out by the fact that some of the dipshit minions on this show have actually started to think of themselves as reality stars now. Case in point, Manbun was just promoting his services on “Cameo.” Now I’m willing to bet that there are folks who would gladly pay for the likes of NeNe Leakes or Lisa Vanderpump to send a Cameo...Manbun from a little-watched E show? Get over yourself, dude.
  4. So feeling your pain! I’d give anything to get back my beloved high school-era fragrance long since retired from Victoria’s Secret: Tranquil Breezes! It was like a lightly floral/cucumber-melon mixture...25 years later and I still desperately miss that sweet yet clean fragrance. Bath & Bodyworks has a similar lotion but the VS version just had a crisper, less syrupy overall scent. Of course their scents have to evolve, but why get rid of the more popular ones?
  5. Mine too. I’m especially peeved about it because my new car I’d bought barely a month ago just got totaled thanks to a company truck that decided to barrel through two lanes of traffic from his two way stop, resulting in me crashing into him when he suddenly drove right into my lane, and both of us colliding into another car on the opposite stop. I’m lucky to be mostly okay and alive because my car’s entire front was smashed in like an accordion. Yet I’m still so baffled and annoyed at the dumbass driver found it PERFECTLY ACCEPTABLE to just cruise on through a two way highway like that!! He claimed a pedestrian across the street waved him on through and he thought my lane was clear...who does that? Who just blindly drives across a busy city street without stopping at the first clear lane and checking to make sure the other lane is completely clear before driving to the other side? So I’m taking this dumbass and his company to court for his stupidity. My right hand is hurting because its knuckles were burnt from my airbag, my neck/arm is achey, and my beautiful new Lexus I’d saved up to buy is now scrap metal in a junkyard. 5k and several car payments now down the drain. Distracted/stupid drivers will always annoy me the most because they have the ability to kill people thanks to their stupidity. Or seriously hurt other people and their cars.
  6. He’s so not the hottie this show desperately tries to portray him as. His hair is just longish and limp like a mop; if he insists on the hippie hair, then he needs to go a bit shorter and get it properly styled with actual layers and body. Jesus locks and man-buns aren’t for everyone, as he proves.
  7. Literally the *only* reason I still watch this show is for Savannah sightings alone—it’s vaguely interesting to see where they film around town. Otherwise I couldn’t give two shits about these boring, gross assholes.
  8. Indeed—-or rather, she’s totally OBOing you, as in “other better offer.” Whenever I get a ‘maybe’ answer from someone for an invite, I assume that’s the case: I've been placed into Plan B or C territory. I understand that we’re all busy and Facebook invites make it rather easy to commit to noncommiting via the “Maybe” option, but if I’m hosting a party/event, I at least need to know how to plan and about how many guests to expect for food/booze. Although the flakes who claim they can come and either don’t show up or cancel at the last minute bother me more than the “maybe” folks. Since we live in a world full of “maybe” folks these days, I no longer plan vacays or buy tickets to shows/events for people who can’t fully commit from the get-go. Unless you’re an on-call sort of worker or have babysitting issues with your kids, you should be able to agree to attend most any event if given ample notice. And as for being punctual to social gatherings, I’ve always used the ‘15 minutes rule’ that college professors went by at my university((if the professor doesn’t show up within 15 minutes of a class’s start, you’re free to go!)). Therefore it’s always good to add an “ish” for that timeframe: party starts around 7ish. Usually within 15 minutes of starting is the most courteous timeframe in my head for a guest’s arrival. Mind you, I don’t understand the folks who find it perfectly acceptable to come to a smaller social gathering an hour or more after it starts, especially without even texting/calling the host with an explanation/apology. I had a dinner party a few years ago, and one couple rolled in over an HOUR late!! Meanwhile, the rest of us had been waiting hungrily for these jerks to finally shuffle in so we could start dinner already(we were supposed to start eating at 7:15 and it was 8:30 by the time we got seated to eat; nibbles at cocktail hour aren’t supposed to last that long)—-we never invited that couple back here after that. Ditto the couple who showed up to a work cocktail party I hosted who were over two hours late; instead of apologizing or explaining, the gal simply laughed and told me I needed to understand that she was on “black people time.” It took me everything not to counter that it was more like “rudeassed trash time.”
  9. Was recently watching some of Dorinda’s old scenes from her first season—-I remember liking her immediately and the fact that she wasn’t afraid to be a messy fun drunk on screen. It’s a shame she’s devolved into a messy mean drunk, but I still can’t help but somehow like her. I've always referred to her as Slurinda, but my husband still lovingly refers to her as Donkadooball:
  10. Oh I do agree. I certainly still wish that she’d kept it classy overall and simply chose to ignore Bethenny and all her quirks. It takes great strength and character to rise above mud-slinging without wrestling in it yourself; even though I side with her overall, I’m still rather disappointed in Carole for those nasty tweets. I think fan response going more in Beth’s favor and general bitterness about the whole experience got the best of her though. I’ll bet she really thought more folks would side with her, not Bethenny, so now she’s likely just defending her stance and is obviously sick of having to constantly be the “bigger” person at this point. She’s obviously all out of fucks now. But I still maintain that she shouldn’t be expected to post sympathy tweets and curtail her own SM posts just because her ex-friend is going through a loss. She’s no longer a friend, therefore she’s no longer under any expectation to acknowledge Bethenny’s losses or accomplishments.
  11. We all know Carole & Bethenny are no longer friends. They had a painful public breakup. So why should she curtail any of her own social media postings due to her ex-friend’s issues? Sure, she could’ve kept it classier and just stayed quiet with the random potshots on Twitter, but Beth has been just as nasty with her own past potshots. But expecting Carole to not post any party pics or be light on SM period just because her former friend’s messy married boyfriend fatally overdosed that same day seems a bit much to me. They’re both living very separate and different lives now; life goes on and at this point, Carole owes Bethenny nothing.
  12. Indeed! I’ve often heard that in LA/BH, it’s almost considered chic and a sign of wealth to look “done”, whereas in the fashionable circles of Manhattan, the ideal is to look as natural and untouched as humanly possible. I agree that these gals all maintain an overall natural look(Carole is the only one who looks overworked a bit) in comparison to most of the other franchises...and excluding Atlanta and Potomac because those ladies(sans wax figure Kim Z) are further proof that black don’t crack.
  13. Favorites: -“I have a taste for luxury, and luxury has a taste for me.”(Sonja) -“I’m not a housewife, but I am real.”(Bethenny) -“When I walk into a room, I OWN IT.”(NeNe) -“I’m an enigma wrapped up in a riddle and cash.”(Erika) -“I may be small but my empire keeps on growing.”(Kandi) -“I may be a princess but I’m not a drama queen.”(Carole) -“In Beverly Hills, it’s who you know; and I know everyone.”(Lisa V) -“Beauty fades; class is forever.”(Cynthia) Least Favorites: -“My lips were made for talking and that’s just what they’ll do.”(Lisa R) -“I’m passionate about dogs, just not bitches.”(Lisa V) -“When the going gets tough, I just get stronger and stronger.”(Gretchen) -“I run with a fabulous circle of people.”(Jill) -“God is my savior, my husband is my king, but my body? It’s sinful.”(Alexis) -“I’m not getting older, I’m getting bolder.”(Tamra)
  14. You got that right, @Bastet! She had maybe 3-4 close friends who were there for most of the shitshows(they liked to dress up as much as she did), but she otherwise was known for picking up random new acquaintances like me who didn’t know any better until they finally did.
  15. Amen to all that. Admittedly I’ve posted a few short concert clips just to share with friends/fellow fans, but the people who practically record entire shows bug the shit out of me. Take a few pics/clips and then just enjoy the show! As for the PHOTOS of an event becoming the point of the event, your comment made me think back on an acquaintance of mine; she’s a former model and she’d have these extensive photo sessions set up and require themes and costumes for all her parties. I’m talking *majorly elaborate* photography to capture these events, complete with a hired professional photographer and huge staged photo sets! The thing is, the parties themselves were rather lame; she wasn’t much of a hostess because she was always an hour or two late due to her extensive hair/makeup/costume prepping for these parties. Meanwhile, it was expected for all guests to bring a dish and a bottle—-yet she *never* had enough to eat or drink otherwise, so we’d literally all be standing around waiting for her to get done and finally start the prolonged photo session while we impatiently sipped at our one measly cup of whatever while hungrily making bemused, stilted smalltalk. After three annoying occasions of her “party” bullshit, I quit going: those were not parties, they were photoshoots!! Edited to add: the former model acquaintance invited me to her wedding a few years ago(she’s since divorced—-it barely lasted a year). Surprise-surprise, even her wedding had a theme: Great Gatsby. Hubs and I were conveniently traveling at that time so we didn’t attend. The photos did look absolutely gorgeous and she was stunning as usual. But as expected, I later heard from various guests who attended that it was a total shitshow otherwise because she was over an hour late to the ceremony, their food was cold and bland as a hospital meal, and the bartenders ran out of all the booze midway through the reception.
  16. And that’s exactly why I just don’t care for Catherine—-she truly reeks of gross entitlement. And over what? Just because she’s an upper middle class spoiled, lazy Southern chick?? I’d admittedly buy into it a bit if she were prettier or more talented or accomplished or more charming, but she’s none of that. She’s just there...and usually drunk and bored. And that’s her problem: I think she’s just plain bored. Everything has come way too easily to her and she’s obviously never been truly challenged in her life—-even a potential husband came to her way too easily. This has contributed to her obvious lazy streak. One thing I’ll give Hagood so far: she’s pretty and polite, and she was raised well enough to understand and pursue her true talents and ambitions. Yet she’s no Catherine, despite the fact that she’s got far more going for her in every single way than Catherine.
  17. Awwww @MonicaM, now you’re making *me* feel weepy too—-how awful for you to have not gotten more compassion and understanding for your dual losses at that time! My sentiments that you were stuck working around such unsentimental stiffs back then...but hopefully it forced you to a much better and less rigid professional home in the end! It’s shameful that it’s taken the world this long for the professional world to understand just how important pets are to their owners.
  18. Hannah and Hagood are both sweetly pretty, very girls next door-esque—-they’re nowhere near as beautiful as the Charleston or New Orleans gals, but they’re attractive. Catherine is just whatever. It’s the dudes who really are NOT attractive...I mean when friggin Daniel is pushed as the “hot one”, I think that says it all. Sorry folks, I can’t riff on this show as cruely as I used to((offensive language and all!))...this show still sucks though. I had a moment where I was thinking I needed to start a drinking game based on how often I heard “so good” throughout that painfully awkward dinner. I won’t even share what I immediately thought when Hagoof put that blood on her face. Hagood’s family farm is lovely. Anddddd that’s all I’ve got.
  19. Seriously! Homegirl looks to be in her mid-late 30’s, yet she was acting like a giggly sexually inexperienced teenager. Maybe she actually is sexually inexperienced, especially given her confusion/amusement over uncircumcised male genitalia...and anyone who would fly their online romantic interest all the way down here from Canada and not even bother to offer up some good sex is getting some serious side-eye from me, sorry.
  20. I’m always baffled by the businesses who don’t actually post their HOURS of operation; it’s insane how many places I’ve wanted to visit but when I go to their websites to look for their opening hours, there’s no actual times listed...now why would you have a slick website for your business and not even bother to post your business hours? Why force people to dig around on your social media sites just to find this basic info??
  21. Agreed, @slowpoked! That’s why I can’t be *too* impressed with Austen’s Trop-Hop venture just yet and it seems pretty rich that he’s suddenly proudly extolling the virtues of pursuing one’s passion in the professional world. Literally all he did was go to a boutique brewery in Greenville, suggest a few extra flavors to add to his favorite beer style that he(his parents) paid for them to brew up for him, and boom, suddenly he’s promoting his new brewing company. Hopefully he has some other ideas and flavors/styles in mind down the road—-tropical/fruity IPA’s are nothing very new or groundbreaking in the craft brew world and I do wish him well, but I’d respect him a bit more if he were actively learning more about the brewing process along with the business/marketing end of craft beer and not just seen dicking around downtown...hopefully his time at Red Hare prepared him for the commercial/PR side of the beer biz, at least.
  22. The only decent part of this show is watching Spencer Pratt’s Instagram storying each episode later. Hearing his stoned out random observations each week makes the show somewhat more humorous/bearable: https://www.instagram.com/spencerpratt
  23. So sorry to read this @Hero; nothing worse than feeling like a weepy little girl on the job. Sometimes it just happens out of the blue like that, even despite your best efforts to stay strong. The pressure/stress just gets to much to deal with and suddenly the waterworks come out of nowhere! That happened to me a year ago on the job. I can be a crier sometimes, but I pride myself on usually keeping the tears firmly under control in professional situations. At the time I was under severe pressure at work to get way too many things done in way too little time and was just trying to keep myself afloat and manage to attack all my tasks with expert precision. It felt way more stressful than usual and like I had to prove to my admin team that I could competently “handle” all these extra tasks tossed at me. And just when I’d finally gotten a good flow going and was churning out some good results, I accidentally spilt some water on my work laptop and it immediately died on me...and there were no extra work laptops available when I ran to the IT office for assistance. Cue to me suddenly just turning into weepy, sniffling, blubbering mess right there in front of our very perplexed Head IT Specialist like a total buffoon; I think a bad mixture of PMS probably snuck into my excessive work anxiety that week and I just completely lost it at that very moment. It didn’t help that several coworkers happened to see me leaving and attempting to compose myself after my random little outburst...((because the moment someone asks you when you’re in that state, “What’s wrong?”, is usually the moment when you get even more weepy and weird!)) So yeah...I feel ya there. Still cringing over that incident.
  24. Hell, he couldn’t even “follow his passion” until his parents agreed to toss some money at him to go further pursue his Trop-Hop project. And I’m totally understanding of parents who have the means to want to help their childrens’ projects succeed, but I seriously doubt we would’ve seen this pipe dream come to fruition this soon without their close assistance and his TV show dough, let’s be honest.
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