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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Oh god, each episode seems to grow progressively worse each week! And this is coming from someone who also hate-watches “Southern Charm Savannah”, mind you. It was vaguely interesting to see that Kristen’s “friend”/basic brunette #3((seriously, why do all those chicks look alike? No style/substance/personality and long straight brown hair...zzzzz....)) supposedly lives in my neighborhood. Also predictable that her Canadian online booty call stayed in an AirB&B in the area. For the record, all of us longtime residents in the neighborhood *loathe* those big modern AirB&B houses and are currently fighting to get them tossed from the area due to noise/zoning issues. 5th & Taylor happens to be a favorite restaurant of mine in the hood, so I was glad to see them featured, at least. Also, she and Canadian dude acted like awkward, chemistry-devoid zombies the entire time they were onscreen...”It’s soooo crazy that you’re herrrreee...” “Yeahhhh, I came just for youuuu...” And oh-so-chastely lying in bed together the next morning with basic bitch claiming nothing happened...ZZZZZzzzz...yeah, they were either very nervous or very stoned or just not into each other...or I’m guessing a mixture of all that combined with low intellects. Speaking of low intellects, can ALL these girls, like, Kristen included, just like stop with saying “like” every time they say more than like three lines onscreen? Also, the boring blonde chick Reagan can just stop right now with her monotone vocal fry. Listening to get drone on and on to her mom about her “big job” was like nails on chalkboard to me. All the girls supposedly creaming their panties over a retail job paying $10-15 hourly...dear lord, WHY? At least at SUR the gals would be getting tips/exposure...what’s the allure here? Boring Brunette #2/Toothy Redhead Shannon’s friend...girl, you seriously need to learn how to professionally interview. And you would never say “Because working here would be FUN!” as a reason for wanting to work somewhere. And Shannon, either just own your drama queen role on this show or shutup—-the near-weepy, whiney monologues are getting old. And then the desperate attempts at humor in her and redhead’s taking heads together...tee-hee-heeee, we’re just SO goshdarned cute and funny, tee-hee-heeee!!! Ugh...Nope. I was actually missing the generic dudebros and rich man-bun Wirth. And Jay continues to suck.
  2. Seriously, I thought the same damned thing!!! Great can designs but the logo is so basic bitch and could’ve been so much better. How do these hipster millennial graphic designers get away with using this same twee minimalism logo shit??
  3. Kadooze to Austen—-looks like he really is following through on his beer-drenched dreams: Let’s hope he adds some more brews to the fold as he grows this new little brewing project. Good for him actually getting it done and seeing it to fruition—-what’s your excuse now, Craig??
  4. Meh, I’m not too worried because this shop won’t last long anyway.
  5. I’d have given anything to see Dorinda watching herself this last episode. Girl, you’re such a mess. And that’s saying a lot when you make *Sonja* look like the classiest one at a dinner.
  6. I myself wouldn’t refer to Luanne as an alcoholic. To me, an alcoholic wakes up wanting to drink and can barely function without a drink at the ready. They’ll gladly drink alone or socially, it doesn’t matter: they just need that regular booze fix. I’ve never ever gotten that vibe from Lu. She’s more of an alcohol abuser: she likes to party a little too hard a little too often. Party girls are often of that same persuasion: once the party is on, they keep going until they fall into a giggly puddle..or bush. Now Dorinda? I fully believe she’s an alcoholic. We’ve seen enough to gather that she’s the type who drinks daily, alone or with folks. She’s a drunk, and an angry messy one at that. If anyone needs rehab, it’s Dorinda. She’s about one public tirade away from getting a mugshot. Speaking of mugshots, how quickly we forget that Sonja has one too for drunk driving!!
  7. Me too, @Sharonana. Like I’ll never understand how everyone is so Team Bethenny—-she’s the one who truly started this entire breakup with all her little digs. The minute she saw Carole getting closer to another cast member, I’m convinced she decided to build this whole issue up in her head and make it far worse than it was. Bethenny is a master of twisting and turning and deflecting arguments, and then adding her weird tearless crying into it to appear sympathetic. God forbid Carole stays calm and composed while merely defending/explaining herself, to Beth that surely must mean “you’re just too cool for me!” Just because you don’t erupt into a mountain of hysterics doesn’t mean you’re cold or don’t give a shit. Some people are naturally more reserved and don’t wear their hearts bleeding on their sleeves. Even Carole said she didn’t understand what Beth’s problem was and that she thought they’d long since hugged it out and moved on. Beth has been the one acting cold ever since then to Carole, avoiding her and not sitting next to her, being salty and short with her while putting up walls ever since then. I’m convinced that Bethenny just couldn’t handle not being in control, being stuck on vacation in a strange new place in tight quarters with her and not being able to guide the narrative to her liking. Still sad overall on Carole’s departure though; I would’ve loved to have watched her flourish in the aftermath next season. She’s come a long way on this show. But much like her equally missed RH friend Heather, I totally respect and understand her decision.
  8. I do think it’s oddly amusing that she asked the hair stylists to make sure to sweep her hair up off her face because she obviously has a bad habit of swiping at her hair when she’s nervous. Hah!!
  9. Lord YES, enough with these Moroccan rugs already, designers! I admittedly bought a big furry one just like this one for my living room back in 2011 and was so proud of it...until I noticed another neighbor bought one...then others...then I’d see them staged at various open houses...and design showcases...and all over Pinterest and the design blogs. Finally replaced it 3 years ago with a more mod, retro funky random layered rug that gets TONS more compliments, and have since kicked myself for getting way too caught up in a faddish design trends. Now subway tiles...those need to go next. At least were seeing more quartz/marble kitchen countertops and less stainless steel/granite kitchen demands, but still...like everything on this show, these nimrods will drive any of those trends down with their annoyingly outdated demands(“Where’s my white kitchen?”).
  10. Ah, yes!!! How could we forget those damned LIMA BEANS??!! I dunno what it is about them, but they have the weirdest, funky plastic and metallic taste to them. I’ll eat them if they’re mixed in with something else, but I really can’t eat them on their own.
  11. Only one thing I honestly refused to eat as a child, and that was *anything* burnt. And my grandmother burnt a ton of food((her stove was antiquated and she’d often forget about checking stuff cooking on it in time)). I’d do my best to eat around burnt areas, but she’d still expect me to eat *every* bite((being from the depression-era, she was pretty adamant about not wasting a single bite of food; we were forced to be a Clean Plate Club family)). One time I sat at the table staring at my uneaten burnt grilled cheese for 4 hours before she finally understood my extreme burnt food aversion. To this day, I physically recoil at the smell/taste of anything burnt!!
  12. EXACTLY!!! That’s what I don’t get about Austen, Kathryn and Craig—-at least Craig was smart enough to buy a rental property and has his law degree to fall back on. He’d be wise to also consider buying a little condo somewhere else around Charleston or near the beach for a similar purpose, and pretty soon he’d also be enjoying some “mailbox money” as well. Now if he could just get his ass in gear and start selling his pillows on social media a’la Shep with Shepgear, he could really strike while that iron is hot. But Austen? One little beer flavor a brewery created for him does not a true career make. Maybe he could take a business course and use his SC earnings invest in a local brewpub/taproom if beer is truly his life’s ongoing passion. And Kathryn? She’s not going to be young and hot forever—-modeling is only profitable past age 25 if you’re doing catalog and runway work in other markets a’la RHofAtlanta’s Cynthia Bailey. I don’t think Kathryn even does runway work, so there you go. What’s her career dream otherwise? She NEVER talks about that(beyond her fake saleslady gig at Gwen’s), and it’s a little troubling... I respect Chelt-see because at least she keeps up her hairdresser gig. Cameron can always get back into real estate if she keeps her licensure going...Naomi has her masters and apparently is helping her family with their restaurant. But I do wonder about some of these folks and their plans post-SC.
  13. Maybe the knocked up hick brides. And I can assure you, they wouldn’t be going *there* for their baby clothes.
  14. So I had to run an errand today in the area and walked about a block or so over to finally see Uncommon James for myself. Folks...it’s a very stupid store. Twee hipster minimalist Cali-mommy bullshit. I really came in there with an open mind, but it just makes NO sense and has way too little stuff in way too big of a space. And Kristen’s photos are hanging evvvvvvverywhere; kinda made me uncomfortable, actually. One part is a small smattering of overpriced baby clothes. The middle part is random hipster cooking items and cups—-copper and wood and stone on a small table in the middle. The last part is a tiny dose of bland clothes, candles and her jewelry. Her very boring jewelry. The prices weren’t awful on her jewelry, but it was so bland and basic and uninspiring that I didn’t care about any of it. She’s really into a v-shape in all her necklaces and earrings. The only ones among the crew working there was some really nice gal who greeted me and the bland blonde chick from the show, who showed me a few prices on the jewelry. I forget her name...the judgmental one who fought with the toothy redhead last episode. She reminds me of a plainer version of Arianna from VR—-like most reality show folks, she’s better looking and smaller in person. And that’s all I’ve got! Oh and that the visit was a perfectly pointless waste of my time and energy, just like this show and posting about it; I seriously don’t see that pathetic shop staying in business.
  15. Yep!!! Special needs/autism or not, she at least needs to be taught proper manners and the patience to either wait for everyone else to finish their meals or to learn how to prepare herself another good food choice. Being constantly babied and catered to like that isn’t going to remotely benefit her overall well-being.
  16. Agreed!!! She’s a pretty gal and I’m proud of her for getting her weight under control again, but she really needs to let go of those tired fried blonde extensions that she and Tamrah both so desperately cling to—-a long layered bob or even going just a hint shorter and getting some highlights/lowlights would make such a world of difference on her.
  17. @Jextella, I immediately thought the exact same thing about Cameron having seen her doing these recent ads—-maybe things aren't so rosey on the homefront and she’s feathering her nest until the time is right to take flight. Maybe she wants to know she could make it on her own, as she repeatedly stated when going into her real estate career. And I really hope I’m wrong because they seem like a sweet couple, but feeling pressured into motherhood and not feeling emotionally supported by her husband might be making her rethink a lot of things in their marriage now; lord knows I’ve seen a few new marriages implode over the immediate stessors of parenting...but even with a kid now, there’s probably tons of great male prospects for her out there if she decided to divorce; she has undeniable chemistry with Whit & Shep to boot. Maybe those possibilities alone give her pause for thought. I guess what makes me wonder about her mindset/marital status was a time when Cam was once so loudly hellbent on not doing any kinds of cheesy Instagram shilling. I saw her in her own comments once use the hashtag about it #sotacky. Now she doesn’t even seem to remember or care that she was once so adamant about not pushing random products—-wish she’d at least be real about why she’s suddenly shilling more than anyone else in that entire cast now. I can understand being tempted by offers she can’t refuse, but now it just feels like she’s as fake as the other Bravolebrities with this shit and it leaves us just naturally wondering exactly WHY she finally changed her tune.
  18. I think Ramona, Lu and Beth are all safe. Probably Carole too. Dorinda has another season left in her—-Andy still likes her too much, although her popularity has waned a bit this season. Sonja and Tinsley need to be worried.
  19. Hells yes! And for just $14.99 plus free shipping from Amazon, you can have one too!! https://www.amazon.com/Clip-Instant-Man-Bun-Brown/dp/B017TPQDVI
  20. Yeah, as goofy as they can usually be, some long-haired fellas can really pull a man-bun off well. Jason Momoa comes to mind, along with a few other similarly burly, beefy male-model types...usually Slavic or Nordic-looking fellas can rock em. Occasionally a few skinny hipster types. But that’s a small percentage...otherwise, put the struggle man-buns and/or clip-on buns away!
  21. She seriously needs to hire new employees then. Or find some other local “mactors” who are a little more messy and...interesting.
  22. I’ve got one of the part seasons on in the background today thanks to Bravo’s random RHofOC marathon today, and found myself snickering in bemusement—-I’d almost forgotten just how painfully awkward Shannon and David could be during their scenes together. The way she was weeping and whimpering, “He took me to my birthday dinner...at a SPORTS BAR...” just cracked me up! The shade of it all... Something tells me he’s doing a bit better at wining and dining his new younger girlfriend then merely taking her for birthday chicken wings at the local sports bar.
  23. That’s so sad. Both of Kim’s oldest girls really have fed into their mama’s sick obsession with doing nothing but looking like plastic fuck dolls, only good for partying, sex and pumping out child armies for rich men. I once had some hope for Ariana since she was the “smart one” who made good grades—-are either of those gals even pursuing college and/or actual career goals beyond gold-digging??
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