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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Sister in pregnancy fear/disgust here too—-part of the reason I’m Childfree is the very idea of being pregnant with a child inside me and then dealing with hours of labor to get it out of me and deal with the body’s effects post-birth just seems intensely terrifying. And then somehow having to deal with boobs squirting out milk at all hours when you’re not having to suddenly find a comfy way for a baby to slurp on them?! I still literally have ongoing nightmares about having a baby. Good to know there are those of us who feel the same way and yet *still* were brave enough to actually go through it at least once! Thank you, ladies!! And I appreciate Cameron’s intense honesty about childbirth/motherhood. She obviously loved her husband enough to birth him a child like she knew he truly wanted, despite her own ongoing reluctance. I wish more new mothers were as honest as she is about the whole process: pregnancy isn’t very fun and is a lengthy and painful process. Labor is typically long and messy. New motherhood is mind-bogglingly tiring and intense; it’s nice to see her admit that she would often break down crying in the very beginning, wondering why she did it. That’s real, raw and honest—-even Kathryn wasn’t nearly as open about that side of new motherhood as Cam has been. It’s a refreshing change to see someone finally ditch the new motherhood bullshit and be grossly honest about what really happens!
  2. 3 HOURS AGO, LILMARYSUNSHINE SAID: He said Thomas said something to Patricia about her basically being from New York but acting like she was Southern aristocracy. Not the exact words but essentially saying her Southern identity and gentility are phony. Patricia actually was born in Florida and raised in Virginia, so she is a genuine Southerner. Whitney was raised in Virginia until he went off to university. The fact that she and Whitney have spent a batch of years living/working elsewhere somehow makes T-Rav consider then non-Southerners, which I think is ridiculous. They both are highly educated and well-traveled, but that doesn’t mean they’re not just as authentic and knowledgeable of Southern hospitality, lineage and customs as he is. But that’s classic Thomas for you—-he’s gone off on drunken SM tirades before, claiming no one else in the cast is a “true Charlestonian” who lives there and was born/raised there like him, like it’s some badge of honor or whatever. I think he’s just butthurt that he doesn’t have any more allies on the show. Losing the support of Pat and Whit was probably a huge blow to his ego. He’d never admit that though; much easier just to dispute their backgrounds and inflate his own family history. Honestly, without his family name/money, he’d be nothing; that’s probably why he digs into Shep about his “mommy’s money” whenever they do fight. Takes one to know one—-yet it looks like Shep is the only one who can still stomach having Trashley around.
  3. It IS on Prime! Although back when I looked into watching it, they were charging something like 20 bucks an episode or some stupid shit like that. You can watch full episodes on YouTube with a special subscription though, and there are a few decent old clips scattered around there and even buried around BravoTV.com too. It’s pretty annoying that boring shit no one likes/watches such as “Southern Charm Savannah” gets a second season but an intriguingly fun little show like GG didn’t; and it had gathered a nice little following by the end of its season too! I guess they figured those girls’ particular stories couldn’t be sustained for another season? But then why not add new girls to the cast along with old ones a’la the Real Housewives?? #justiceforgallerygirls Speaking of no justice, has anyone watched that trash fest “Very Cavallari” on the E channel yet? It’s essentially Kristen Cavallari desperately trying to capture that “Vanderpump Rules” style magic a’la running her brand new clothing shop and managing all her dumbass employees. Only without capturing an ounce of the SUR crew’s humor, messiness or charisma. She even said on last night’s episode, “Lisa Vanderpump would never do this!!” Ugh. I hate it when these inferior shows try to so blatantly copy a winning formula. Lightening typically doesn’t strike twice, reality show producers...
  4. Beat me right to it, @backformore!! I’ve worked with autistic students for the past 7 years. She sounds *exactly* like some of the picky eater/tip-toed types in my classroom. Texture is a big deal for most of those students and tip-toe walking is quite typical too. Couple that with some of her obvious social issues and now I’m feeling guilty for immediately assuming that she was just a typical spoiled brat. That may even be why her parents are caving in to all her demands so far—-they could be aware that something is up and are feeling guilty. That being said, she really needs to be tested already to see if that may be an issue. If she has certain repetitive twitches/talks to herself(aka “stemming”) then she most definitely is on the spectrum.
  5. @Nordly Beaumont & @TattleTeeny, I’m admittedly among those folks you describe—-I’m the craft beer snob who desperately tries to get all you Bud Light fans to finally join the dark side and learn to appreciate just how artfully flavorful and complex beer can truly be!((one of my beer snob friends even refers to Bud Lite as “that cat piss.”)) But hey, the heart wants what it wants! There’s a good reason why Bud Light is still so beloved by so many. Hell, wish I’d been drinking that last night and not pounding those 8% ABV and above beers/shots that messed my leg and me up!
  6. Holy shit this is boring. Literally sitting here wondering how they are stretching this dreary bullshit out for an hour. Interviewing basic white chicks fangirling over “Laguna Beach”/“The Hills.” This should’ve been an interesting, funny segment. Yet it wasn’t. Why are all these people so painfully devoid of any charisma? Jay once again mumbles and grumbles in his every scene. I’ve literally never seen someone act so oddly casual over the idea of buying a huge new house. I’ve seen more excitement over someone buying a pair of socks! Comon man, what’s wrong with you? Do you even know how to smile?? Manbun was once a fat kid. Manbun bought a nice new house and has a nice new car. Manbun dates a former classmate who lives in Atlanta. Manbun supposedly gives all the chicks on this show raging cases of panty pudding. I officially know way too much about Manbun now and am ashamed of myself. ”Lisa Vanderpump would never do this...” bitch please, you *wish* you had even an ounce of Vanderpump’s fabulousness! Proof positive that these morons are trying((and failing)) to create some “Vanderpump Rules” style magic. Needs more goats. I fucking adore goats. Those goats had more personality than everyone on this entire cast. And are way cuter, I might add. Probably smarter even!
  7. @Mindthinkr, that little girl sounds like such a spoiled brat. Sorry you’re having to deal with her weird food issues while being the consummate hostess. She honestly sounds like she needs some therapy of some sort or it’s going to get much, much worse...you’re so right that she’s enjoying the sick power of being so demanding. Shame on her parents for not raising her better and allowing her to eat such trash, reinforcing poor food choices. Not my mom—-if I didn’t want what she fixed, I didn’t eat. Thank goodness I’m not a picky eater! Here’s my peeve of the day: So I got pretty shitfaced yesterday. Did some serious day-drinking with some friends, it soon turned into night-drinking, and my drunk ass ended up blacking out somewhere along the way. And then my dumb ass fell off a stair somewhere, resulting in scrubbing up my knee and foot pretty grossly in front of all my friends. Let’s just say I’m shockingly not hungover, but I am pretty embarrassed—-I proudly admit to being your typical lush, but it was a painful reminder that I’m too old to be tossing back drinks and downing shots like a sorority girl. I honestly am lucky I didn’t hurt myself any worse; it’s all good silly fun until you start breaking bones and twisting ankles, right? So I’m peeved that I need to start watching myself and slowing my roll; I always prided myself on holding my liquor well while being a happy fun drunk, but age and experience has gradually showed me that I’m officially too clutzy to power-drink with friends. I’m also peeved that it’s summer and now I have two fugly big gashes on my left leg! Drink responsibly, folks.
  8. Why thank you, @VedaPierce! Stay tuned...there will be more write-up’s here, and I imagine equal amounts of shock and disdain that this shit got a second season and these boring/ugly people are back on television screens.
  9. Exactly. It’s great to see her putting her life back together and FINALLY being the mom those poor kids deserve, and yes, she was just a kid herself when she got knocked up twice, but I’m not too into the huge pedestal the cast has suddenly placed her upon either. She also is incredibly self-centered, and acted just as scary and unstable as Ashley back in the day too; I don’t think her crazed past behavior was strictly fueled just by age and/or substances. Honestly, I think half of the sudden outpouring of goodwill for Kathryn is in response to just how insane Trashley has been acting towards her. That being said, Ashley making videos like those at her job and sending them to strangers?! Yikes. That was so awkward and uncomfortable to watch. As a teacher, I know we could get fired immediately if we filmed our students like that and sent the videos to strangers; how could she not realize that might jeopardize her career? I’m shocked that she’s *that* idiotic...sorta...
  10. If we could just have random Rey appearances on every other episode, that’d be ace in my book.
  11. Oh hey, I’m not posting these to poke fun soley at messy vintage Kathryn—-I think they’re both crazy AF and deserved each other in a weird way, especially since Thomas dished out every bit as much if not more than he took back then. I’m glad Kathryn’s apparently matured and gotten herself together, unlike T-Rav. And I agree, she was a typically immature young 20-something back then, so it’s only fitting that she should’ve been given a bit more understanding than him. As for the nude Thomas video, the hairdresser filmed the whole thing; I can’t/don’t wanna remember if they blurred out his bits or the camera was strategically filming him above the waist. Ironically, I think Kathryn was angry because he was supposedly drunk and accidentally fell in the pool with Kensie earlier, while Thomas was angry because she and the hairdresser were still house partying at that time of night. Either way, it was a messyassed video that ended up with that hairdresser naming Thomas in a lawsuit during his political campaign((the fallout was actually featured on that episode of SC when they were all in Jeckyl Island and Thomas tried to get Kathryn to come home earlier after that mess blew up online)). I can’t remember if she dropped the charges or if he settled...
  12. THIS. I was the Carole of a similar situation, after dealing with the Bethenny-like histrionics of a longtime bestie of over 10 years. Even took her on a trip with my family and she acted exactly the same as Beth is: crying randomly, ready to attack anyone, complaining about the accommodations/food, etc....she was always just as exhausting, abrasive and as needy as Beth((only without a millions-making career)). I finally had to cooly step aside a’la Carole because her negativity became too much. But I’m still polite to her and live my life too if we happen to bump into each other at events or gatherings—-that’s just being a mature adult. Carole obviously has her valid reasons for backing away from Bethenny and I think we’re seeing it for ourselves via Beth’s wild behavior on this vacay. Carole’s has it with her but she isn’t going to let Beth’s antics prevent her from enjoying the trip, which I can respect. I don’t get the vibe that she’s being smug or cold to Bethenny either; I just think she’s keeping a polite distance, standing up for herself when she’s being baited, and staying calm just to make the trip go smoothly. It’s usually much easier to disengage than to battle, after all. But they’ll obviously pow-wow over it eventually, because that’s Real Housewives rationale for you. Also, I actually liked Carole’S crazy outfit(maybe if the green earring were a bit less poofy if wouldn’t have looked as arresting), ditto Tinsley’s! They’re having fun and feeling their fashion moments; I can appreciate that. On the flip side, I didn’t like Luanne’s entire be-wigged look AT ALL—sorry, I thought she looked like a drag queen, especially while lumbering around the city streets. Lu still wins the award for ‘best travel buddy’ to me though; even while not even drinking and dealing with Beth’s mopey ass, that gal can still party and encourages everyone to just go out, keep shopping and have some fun. Ramona isn’t acting like a bossy bitch on the group vacation, wow!! Yeah, she must be heavily medicated—-we’ve yet to ever see her be so calm and easygoing on one of these trips. I can’t help but love Tinsley; the gal is so thoughtful and made a big point to make sure their trip started off running smoothly. And now I wanna be her friend just for all her generous gifts...even Sonja couldn’t talk shit about her. Dorinda clomping around in her gladiator sandals, ugh...couldn’t she have found some cute flats/appropriate sandals before they left??
  13. I’ve searched for that video((the one with a naked T-Rav shouting at drunk Kathryn and her stylist girlfriend to leave his property)), but I think due to legalities, it’s been since somehow scrubbed from the internet. Damned shame because that was some soap opera good shit. Kathryn posted a few unflattering Snapchats back in the day of her obviously under the influence of...something. However, these beauties still exist and are floating out there: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/video/news/video-1279965/Southern-Charm-s-Thomas-Ravenel-Kathryn-Dennis-fight.html
  14. And in the wise words of one of my similarly favorite website’s comments moderator: Don’t internalize the snark.
  15. I forget that this shop is in my city, and I could literally walk there from my place within 20 minutes. It speaks volumes that I’d rather just rant about those basic morons here than to even bother with visiting them in their native habitat.
  16. She’s not single, at least according to bravotv.com—-she and the fella she mentioned have been going out for 6 months now. Hope he’s better off and more driven than the rest of this group, yeesh...
  17. Awwww Jack, I only care because I’m obviously a glutton for punishment and off work for the summer, therefore I have time to piss away at bravotv.com—-in the very last episode and scene of this shitshow, you probably don’t remember, but Ashley finally tells her husband(behind a closed door) “I want a divorce” and he merely said “Okay.” And that was literally the depressing end to this depressing show’s first season, no reunion or clipshow or anything else! I legit thought this was a one-and-done show after its abysmal ratings/reviews and no reunion; still don’t understand why/how it was brought back again. I’m assuming Ashley wasn’t invited/asked back because she never really gelled well with the rest of this bunch. She probably didn’t have the coin/status to fake her way through another season, especially going through a divorce. Details here: http://www.bravotv.com/the-daily-dish/southern-charm-savannah-ashley-borders-divorce-husband-dennis-details The other bland brunette was Happy, and her equally bland Middle-Eastern hubby! Yeah, they were both equally lame. No great loss there. I’ll take bitchy queens any day over boring blands.
  18. The revamped decor of her place really has grown on me, the living room especially—-and I admittedly *adored* the warm, modern chic of how her place first looked on the show and then its first slight revamp(‘juj-ging up’, as she said) especially the pre-kitten scratched leopard couch; it didn’t scream ‘single middle-aged lady’ to me and seemed to have a nice balance of masculine/feminine energy with a funky edge. But this is a nice softer home palette and seems far more calm and zen as well. Love the cute little b&w kitchen and her upstairs closet/dressing room! The only thing I’m still not as keen on is her bedroom; it doesn’t feel as sophisticated as the rest of the apartment and almost feels a bit too teen girlish with the pink/floral accents. Maybe it looks better in person?
  19. Yes, Ashley apparently stops by to catch up with some cast member/s and likely to weep about her divorce. So glad her tacky poseur ass is gone, even if she was the only cast member who knew how to keep the show remotely interesting. Louis, Daniel and Lyle are just so gross and not handsome; I can’t fathom how their fug faces managed to make it onto a television show like this. Daniel obviously has the worst hair of the lot(condition it and get a stylist for it already! It’s nothing but a lank mop), Louis’s hair has absolutely no style and just hangs there plastered to his head, and fish-lipped Lyle’s obviously just making do with what he has left. They make the young SC dudes from Charleston look like male models in comparison, seriously.
  20. Her father in law and Jason supposedly sat around Beth’s place in only their boxers just to mess with her...and they let their son act completely unhinged without helping him get therapy(crazy emails, his schoolyard shouting incident that got him a restraint letter). Of course that’s not their fault and they can’t help his actions, but it might’ve helped the cause if they’d offered an olive branch. Hell, maybe they did, I dunno...I still didn’t care much for them due to their clingy nature.
  21. His first insistence was every weekend. Then he so graciously “compromised” to once every other week. Still way too much—-once a month should’ve been the most to suggest for such visits. I’ll agree that Beth could’ve at least tried that for a few months and see if it worked for them. But yeah, I did find his parents creepy, sorry. They didn’t seem to realize how healthy modern professional couples work and Jason didn’t help things by establishing natural boundaries. Even they should’ve had the wherewithal to understand how tiring and inconvenient those visits would be to the new family.
  22. Ditto. I remember even watching this original argument start on BEA and thinking, “Dude...that’s insane. Tell your parents to get a life already.” And I’m someone who has a clingy mom who insists on us hanging out at least once a week, so I know how it feels—-but hell NO would I ever expect my spouse and I to pack up our baby and our lives *every goddamned weekend/holiday* to drive hours outside of the city to hang out with a smothering set of parents! That’s beyond unfair to any couple, let alone one with a baby!! Once every other month visits would’ve been somewhat more understandable for Hazelton trips. Meanwhile, the Hoppy parents should’ve been quite a bit more mobile and visited Jason/Beth in the city maybe once a month if they wanted to see more of the family, case closed. As far as I’m concerned, Jason is obviously a fucking weirdo, ditto his creepy parents. Just look how they’ve conducted themselves throughout these years during the divorce process. There’s likely a reason Jason’s momma’s boy ass was still quite single at his age before Bethenny met him. It’s just a damned shame Bethenny felt like she had to marry/breed into their dysfunction junction.
  23. I’ll join you on this admitted shame watch, @breezy424; can’t believe I’m actually giving this one another go just because I love the city of Savannah enough to slog through this schlock, because otherwise....ZzzzZZZZZZzzzzz....((paging OC Vicki here)) Good gravy, this show is just so boring and pointless. And still so oddly depressing. It doesn’t help that these people are just so boring and lackluster. Not an ounce of charisma or light giddiness to spare here—-makes me almost miss skanky Ashley and her ambiguously gay buddy Nelson. Instead we get as their replacements a mousy rice heiress and a snarky old queen throwing lame canapé parties. Ugh!!! What losers, along with some of the worst hair on reality tv right now too, I might add. Do any of them besides the gross long haired dude and the interior designer have actual careers beyond this show? Oh wait, new chick Hagoof is a sometime illustrator(and surprisingly enough, quite talented) who hopes to distill her own brand of sa-KAY(is it really pronounced that way? Seriously??) while Lou is the supposed sock king of Savannah...in his own head. So what the Hell do Hannah, Lyle and Catherine do besides get drunk, whine about their pathetic love lives and hang out like kids on eternal college break?? This sad show just proves how superior SC Charleston and even SC New Orleans are and how much this show truly taints the whole SC “brand” Whitney has started. Even on those other two SC series, at least their far more attractive casts have enough personality, wit and charisma to otherwise balance any lack of true local wealth and/or social standing with the otherwise unemployed cast members.
  24. Oh this pic is not the first time I’ve noticed her big feet that only a clown could love. It * is* the first time I’ve ever noticed her fungusy toenails of doom though.
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