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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. Well sure, like I mentioned previously, T-Rav is an awful person, and he just happened to have been raised by an equally awful family. And I’m not saying that this show is any better or more highbrow than the other filth out there. But most reality shows are pure trash starring trashy folks anyways...not an excuse, just an explanation. Guess I have an admitted weakness for watching shitty people on shitty reality shows; I blame my early addiction to “Flavor/Rock of Love” for this ongoing issue.
  2. Watching the old episodes just makes me nostalgic...remember when we thought T-Rav was just a harmless drunk with Peter Pan issues and a weakness for baby mama drama? Seems so innocent then. Thomas is a horrible person, but I still stand by the fact that he was reality show gold, and the show truly lost its momentum when he left. Ditto Whitney. Shep doesn’t really count because his old money status is of the true non-flaunting/understated variety. The whole “charm” of this series was getting to see how the wealthy old money of Charleston lives, warts and all. I didn’t start to watch this show just to see the peripheral hangers-on like Craig, Kathryn and Austen gradually become the main breakout stars of it. I just wish we could see some actual richness back on display, but that left along with Thomas, Whitney, and even eventually Cameron.
  3. I’m Nashville, TN born and raised, @shapeshifter! But I’m a lazy night owl, so I don’t like crawling out of my bed most mornings anyway. Looks stunning where you are though, wow...
  4. My pet-peeve is the fact that I’m actually bothered by the way some of my coworkers don’t offer everyone invites to socialize with them. Maybe it’s just my “the more, the merrier” mentality, but I don’t get off on excluding certain coworkers from invites or going out to eat together or do things outside of work; it feels very cliquey and middle schoolish to me otherwise, quite frankly. Always especially makes you feel like a social leper when they all decide to post these various adventures on their social media so the rest of us can see it all and wonder why we weren’t invited. And then I have to chuckle and think, “Well, their loss, because I’m fun as shit.” And they really are kinda dorky and I wouldn’t normally choose to hang with them anyway, even though they’re an educated mixture of parents/non-parents/singles/marrieds/multi-generational & cultural, but still...a random invite extended would still go far in my book. Guess I just miss having a close work family and coworkers who care enough to say, “Hey, wanna grab some lunch/a drink after work with us?” No one likes to feel ignored, after all! I dunno why I’m even bothered or even take it personally, although yesterday while I was having a drink on the patio of my neighborhood bar with another neighbor, I literally had a group of 8 of these same coworkers plop down at a patio table in front of us. None of them even live in my area and the place isn’t a local hotspot, so I’m baffled as to why they were all even there, let alone why they felt the need to awkwardly wave at me on my own turf. I was nice and toasted them and then said it was good to see them/wished them a good night as my friend and I left, but it felt weird and it was all I could do to not make a snarky comment like a total Petty Betty...(to my neighbor’s credit, she whispered to me, “Be glad you’re not hanging with them, cuz they look lame as fuck. You don’t need to shit where you eat anyway.”) Never mind that we just had a Covid outbreak at our workplace over 2 weeks ago, so it was creepy to see them all sitting at a table together like it was no big deal, but whatever: I’m peeved that this even remotely peeved me, especially since they display such super-spreader middle schoolish behavior in the middle of a pandemic.
  5. Ugh...barf. So immature and cringe-worthy...although I’ve firmly joined Team Arianna(and Scheana, by extension) thanks to their own recent posts in response to the rest of the cast’s ridiculous baby fever:
  6. Me too! It just doesn’t feel right forcing humans to wake up and get ready to start the day when it’s still dark outside, hence I’m usually grumbling to myself on those blessedly rare occasions, “Ugh, I hate waking up at the ass crack of dawn...”
  7. Ditto. I loathe Candiace, but I barely felt an ounce of sympathy for her post-fight/tangled weave and all. She’s annoying AF and was all but begging Monique to “drag” her, which was an idiotic strategy on her part. As they say, don’t write a check your ass can’t cash. As a longtime Monique fan though, I am SO disappointed in her; that entire fight was just tacky and crude, and yes, I’m glad she rightfully acknowledged that “the hood came out.” I was just as horrified and embarrassed back when Porsha “dragged” Kenya, and I’m not a Kenya fan either. I just don’t feel that any RH “has it coming” and deserves to be physically attacked, no matter what. I’m still annoyed that everyone on that cast seemingly took Porsha’s side just because they didn’t like Kenya, so I’m extremely glad that these other women were just as horrified and embarrassed that Monique went there and had to perpetuate that ABW/“hood rat” stereotype. It was so trashy and unnecessary, especially considering the fact that other people were at that winery witnessing that horror show! And yes, I feel awful for Chris Samuels especially; you could just hear the disappointment and embarrassment in his voice, especially when Monique still didn’t seem to display an ounce of remorse over it the next day. I think at that moment he saw the writing on the wall and realized just what kind of a tragically sociopathic mess his wife and the mother of his 3 children truly was.
  8. Amen to that. And I honestly think people who deliberately try to get people fired and/or reprimanded on the job for petty reasons are sociopaths. Deliberately messing with people’s livelihoods is just plain evil and wrong. I think this is why I’m really not a big fan of the whole “cancel culture”, because I honestly don’t think anyone should be hunted down and automatically lose one’s job over saying/doing something stupid online or on one’s own time. As long as someone comes to work and does his/her job and isn’t deliberately embarrassing or scandalizing their workplace, I really don’t give a shit what they do or say on their off time. Maybe it hits me a bit harder because not only have I been unfairly fired for dumb reasons, but I’ve worked around scary folks who took sick pleasure in trying to get other coworkers fired. I just don’t get it; ruining someone’s professional life forever just for your own jollies is creepy AF. I once even knew a guy who committed suicide after losing his job, so that shit shouldn’t be taken lightly.
  9. I’m so sorry, @MissFeatherbottom; that’s so petty and rude. And there’s nothing like a childish adult who pouts to annoy the shit out of those of us who pride ourselves on being mature adults, but one should *always* leave personal feelings at the door and remain professional on the job despite any personal issues. There’s only one time I admittedly gave a coworker the silent treatment on the job, but I felt very justified to do so. A few years ago a sneaky rat of a “mentor” of mine at a past workplace made sure I didn’t get my contract renewed at that job over a mistake I had no idea I’d even made until she’d already ratted me out to our boss. However, I still had to finish up another awkward month at that job and finish my contract working with her. (And you better believe that I basically only reported to work that last month just to polish up my resume/job search and otherwise used up my sick leave/personal days left to go on job interviews) So I avoided her like the plague after that because I had to constantly fight the urge to bitchslap her or scream at her to rot in Hell like the worthless piece of shit she was. Yet she had the nerve to repeatedly email me after that begging me for all MY contacts and MY procedures/materials that I’d worked so hard on developing after my 3 otherwise stellar years of working there for my replacement to use. She certainly didn’t deserve the dignity of my response at that point, so I hope it spoke volumes to her. The joke’s on her rat ass though, because I ended up getting a much better and greater paying job barely a month after I left there, so she can choke for all I care!
  10. Looks dreadful. Like depressing AF. And no cute Patricia/Michael scenes?(scanning a postal package for Covid doesn’t count, producers) All the women being bitchy to each other, including Kathryn denying her white privilege/racist behavior, while all the guys just whine about staying home and quarantining? No thanks. Stick and fork into this steaming pile of shit, because it’s done.
  11. Oh man, that’s so awful!!! Sorry, but your aunt sounds trashy AF; like on what planet is it considered remotely acceptable to take a couple’s leftover wedding cake?! I’d be roasting her ass at every single family gathering after that over such a tacky move. Not cool at all, Auntie McGreedy!!
  12. @Trini, I’m so sorry...that’s such a HUGE and thankless job. Slave of Honor is right!!! Back in my early 20’s I actually lost a so-called friend over it because I had no idea how much she actually expected of me when she “awarded” me with the MoH position...she wanted me to spend nearly $200 of MY OWN hard-earned money on a dress and I refused. Then she wanted me to somehow throw her a proper bachelorette party, so I asked her sister to take that task on because I had neither the time nor money to do any of that properly. She then asked me why I agreed to the “job” if I had no intentions of “fulfilling my duties”, to which I told her I never would’ve agreed to the task if I’d known beforehand that I was going to be her designated bridezilla bitch. Her eventual trashy backyard wedding was very lame and sadly dry(never mind the ultra fancyassed bottle of champs I brought as part of my gift for her that she polished off all by herself), she quickly got pregnant, then divorced several years later and I never heard from her again. Lesson learned: I’ve refused *every* wedding party invite since then. Although I did read a hymn a few years ago at a friend’s wedding and she was cool enough to give me one of the bridesmaid swag bags, so win-win there!
  13. Lemme guess...was their wedding in a barn too? Because I’m about as over these Southern barn/“country charm” themed weddings as I am the mason jars trend in general. Speaking of barn weddings, the last one I attended a year or more ago served a variety of different cake pops instead of an actual cake, which I thought was kinda brilliant. Speaking of weddings, I still love my own, the ceremony of which was combined as part of our honeymoon...just my groom and I on a beach in St. Thomas, me in a cute little $150 Betsey Johnson white cocktail dress I found on eBay, barefoot with flowers in my hair and my groom in a consignment store linen suit...doing the wedding walk to a steel drum player under a palm tree altar leftover from a previous wedding...rum punch and wine/beer with cheese and snacks in a hut...dinner with a handful of family/friends at the hotel nearby...the irony is that I loathe the wasteful extravagance of weddings and would’ve been quite content to have simply eloped in a Vegas wedding chapel, but my husband was the groomzilla who desperately wanted a proper wedding ceremony with select friends/family! So that was my compromise...(it should be noted that no family/friends from my side bothered to show up because I downplayed it so much) We weren’t even registered anywhere and just asked for Paypal donations to our new living room sofa fund. Altogether we maybe paid $3000 for everything? That was fine by me... And I love attending most weddings/receptions, but I secretly hate the idea of them in general. Talk about thousands of dollars wasted just for one bigassed party. Although if you’re not serving any booze to your guests, I’m totally gonna judge you for it and likely leave early too, sorry...if I spent $50-$200 on a gift for the couple and a night of their shitty reception music, they need to at least properly wine and dine their guests for the night!
  14. They’re just engaged for now, a’la Stassi & Beau. Guess LaLa wanted to make sure she got the baby mealticket since her big wedding dreams were put on indefinite hiatus due to Covid.
  15. She’s probably put on some happy weight! Being in love and living her best life and vacationing in style likely went straight to her belly, and I think it’s very sweet...although I hate how everyone has jumped to pregnancy accusations the minute she seems to have chilled out on staying as super svelte as usual. Some women deliberately put on more weight when they’re trying to get pregnant, and there may be fertility drugs at work there too. Either way, I love her easygoing, fun friendship with Leah and it’s cool to see them being so silly and girlish together.
  16. Shep’s has a girlfriend now since this past February, so it might be interesting to see him finally coupled up on the show and not completely under Cameron’s disapproving/slut-shaming thumb as usual. Or maybe he’s finally just realizing that being an aimless Peter Pan playboy type in his 40’s isn’t cute anymore and decided to settle down with the first gal who could stand his goofy educated redneck schtick for more than a few dates.
  17. Go figure, the press picked up that gal’s SC detective work on TikTok, and it’s been confirmed by Bravo that they had to remove all the episodes featuring racially-insensitive material:
  18. She actually did mention that very scene in another TikTok clip; she did a Part 2 of her “Exposing Southern Charm” posts. I don’t remember exactly which episodes she mentioned that Bravo had removed, but it was a handful. I’m not actually on TikTok so I’m unable to post those clips here, but her name on there is Kiki @thetalkofshame and she does lots of Bravo-centric TikTok clips. Here’s her thoughts on Kathryn, among other Bravo folks:
  19. The music in this commercial has irked me for MONTHS...white girl soul wrapped in a particularly annoying loop: I don’t know where the song is from or how it began or why it exists, other than to torment people with supposedly good taste. This music makes my toes curl.
  20. The gal definitely has the same smug grin as LaLa. And now I’ve just been reminded of how much I *LOATHE* that godawful white girl soul song playing over that commercial; makes my toes curl in disgust!! (Makes me wonder if they’ve already discussed this in the “Commercials: Music You Hate” forums on this site) Speaking of LaLa, she and Randall and the main VR boys plus Stassi, Katie, LaLa and Brittany were all on the PJ bound to Vegas a day or so ago. Because that’s the logical thing to do during a pandemic, of course; especially if you’re pregnant. And I’m sure they all got tested too. (my eyes can’t roll back any further)
  21. I’m still shocked that they’ve kept Kathryn on this show since her recent racially insensitive SM outburst. Must be purely out of desperation at this point, since all the other female cast members but Patricia have since fled. Oh and boringassed Danni is filming too; Kathryn must have some serious dirt on her what with the way Danni continues to lick her boots. So far I’ve seen that Leva gal getting the Instagram push lately, so we’ll see how she fares as a new cast member; sure, I’ll still watch this trainwreck despite how especially lame this upcoming season sounds. I hate how this cast is officially skewing younger now. One of the reasons I enjoyed this show originally was because of the wide age/Socioeconomic range of the cast. Obviously this cast was particularly whitewashed as Hell, so at least we’ll see some diversity moving forward, but it just feels like too little, too late...I still honestly wish they’d just put this show out of its misery and have a Patricia/Michael spin-off with maybe occasional Shep/Craig cameos, but whatever.
  22. A gal on Tik-Tok just posted the most interesting detective work on this series; Bravo has cleaned some past episodes completely from its playlist. Apparently anything mentioning plantations or the racial history of the city was quietly shelved by the network since then. Some of those missing episodes featured Eliza’s main scenes, coincidentally. She barely brought anything to the show anyway, so no great loss there.
  23. This pic really says it all...how dehydrated can a gal really be? Not getting enough attention this week, I guess. And the word “petty” didn’t really enter my mind after I saw LaLa’s antics here; I did think of the words, “childish”, “immature”, “deranged”, “doomed”, etc. ((also, getting your partner’s name tatted on yourself means nothing; just ask Angelina Jolie, Johnny Depp, Melanie Griffith, Jax Taylor, etc.))
  24. Seeing you guys suddenly revising this forum with new comments kinda makes me miss hate-watching this particular SC spinoff with my brother, just because this cast was so lame and pathetic, yet oddly smug despite their thirst. I think there were several decent cast members added by the second season(the swishy interior decorator dude and the rich sake chick who pronounced it “sah-KAY”), but the rest of them were such duds that it was almost comical...like we even had goofy nicknames for all of them. And it was hilariously pitiful watching these 30-something and above adults shotgunning beers and drinking shit booze like they were at frat parties. Even their “society” parties and their homes were all so lame and try-hard. Wonder if Catherine is still drinking herself stupid on Tito’s daily?
  25. For some reason, now that Avery is on her own as an adult, she and Ramona remind me of Velma and Amber Von Tussle from “Hairspray.” Both of these entitled blondes think they’re way more rich, fabulous and connected than they really are, both seem to look down on other women as “beneath” them; the mama uses her “influence” to both promote her daughter and self-promote her own charms. And from what I’ve heard of about Avery (thanks to folks on various gossip sites I follow who recount seeing her out in Manhattan nightlife), she is just as snotty and full of herself as her mama. Word on the street is that “don’t you know who my mother is?” is Avery’s favorite line to use. As for Ramona, I hear she can either be drunk and friendly, or cold and dismissive (to which she usually says “I can’t right now” or “I’m in the middle of a conversation”) to folks who approach her out in the wild. And do NOT dare approach her if she’s talking to a man/on a “date.” Admittedly, I laughed myself silly during this episode. But again, I don’t mind watching the ladies get stupid drunk out in public, and thought Ramona’s Star Wars Cantina party looked boring and stuffy as shit. Thank god Leah was there to at least liven things up and snap Ramona out of her smugly self-absorbed haze for a bit. Sonja grape-stomping the mirrored tray was so delightfully weird, and Dorinda’s facial expressions throughout the madness were hysterical. And yes, I totally would’ve grinded up with Leah and the other gals just to watch Ramona hilariously self-implode. It was so very Velma Von Tussle of her!
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