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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. I always thought she settled way too quickly on Randall and had a feeling that her smugly kept woman lifestyle she so swiftly settled into would just as swiftly blow up in her face. There are tons of other rich businessmen in Hollywood that she could’ve chosen besides Randall, with his excess baggage and sketchy producer credits. She should’ve held off for a better deal, quite frankly! And let’s be honest here: she allowed a married man with young kids to pursue her. Some commenter on another site had the nerve to argue with me that he was “separated” when they first hooked up, but legally married is still officially married; I’d bet money that he was playing around with her and other gals even while he was still “happily” married. One of the biggest open secrets in the seedier Hollywood scene was Randall’s known tendency to approach other young women to be his sugar babies; the irony is that LaLa thought she somehow ‘won’ him in the end, when other women in her position were smart enough to steer clear of the creep. Now she’s just another over 30, over-Botoxed Hollywood babymama on a failing reality show competing with girls 10+ years younger than her for sugar daddies. Good luck with that!
  2. I may have mentioned it here before, but I don’t care too much for the episodes where Rose gets super crazy competitive and mean. It was funny the first time that occurred, back when all the women competed in that dance tournament and Rose did the infamous cartwheeling solo dance(even if it was a very obvious stunt double!), but after that the writers made her really nasty about her hyper-competitive nature and it wasn’t such an oddly amusing personality quirk anymore. She turned into a psycho bitch quite a few times in competition, like when she coupled up with Sophia during the bowling tournament and on one of the game show episodes, or when she was competing with another local (dead) woman for some Volunteer of the Year trophy. Although I always appreciated it when Rose generally refused to be bullied and/or mistreated and always stood up for herself. She may have been a sweetheart overall, but she was definitely no pushover—the Rose who so sweetly yet hilariously outsmarted that Girl Scout extorting Blanche for her teddy bear will always be my favorite Rose(“Cut the crap and get back the damned bear!”).
  3. Eventually we all get the (Hatchet) face we all deserve, right?!
  4. Yes!!! I knew it was just supposed to be a reflection of the innocent Minnesota farm girl character Rose, but Betty White was way too pretty to be stuck in all those dowdy pilmgrim-style dresses and goofy old lady sweaters. Dorothy at least seemed to have her own unique 80’s boho chic style that suited her; I always enjoyed her flowing tunics and slouchy sweaters/boots because she wore them so well and it seemed very modern for her at the time. Blanche definitely had the best style of them all, yet it always made me side-eye the other characters saying she looked slutty…I never thought her clothes were all that skanky looking! Just form-fitting, colorful and usually paired with dainty nude mule heels. Go figure that Rue had it written into her contract that she got to keep her entire Blanche wardrobe!
  5. Or don’t forget the time Stan was wearing Dorothy’s nightgown after he spent the night over. I remember that overplayed joke with several guys who spent the night with Dorothy. Those now oddly quaint jokes about homosexuality/cross-dressing/etc seem so outdated and clunky when you watch those old episodes now, but I sure appreciated them back then. GG pushed so many humorous boundaries and introduced me as a child to so many things no one else dared to touch on during that sitcom era; in fact, I learned about “impotence” thanks to Dorothy!
  6. Seriously, I love that she and Kristen must both be sitting at home seething in jealousy as they watch their former coworkers still performing well on the TV show that had brought them all fame and shame. For a brief moment there I did have quite a love-hate thing for Stassi because I found her rise to fame with her first podcast/tour/book so astonishing. You couldn’t help but admire how savvy she was to nab all those opportunities. And for all her many faults, she is quick-witted and oddly fascinating to watch onscreen; but damned if her nastily entitled attitude ended up being her ultimate undoing…hope her daughter didn’t inherit her mom’s insane narcissism…
  7. I’m with ya on wanting to scream “breeders!!!” at them, @sandwoman: I had the EXACT same thought. And didn’t Stassi once admit onscreen that they all wanted to have babies around the same time? Much like the whole pregnancy pact vibe, that just creeps me out. Actually, the mere idea of any of these chuckleheads being actual parents now creeps me out. None of them seem remotely mature or compassionate enough to be truly devoted parents. And just imagine having Jax and Brittany as parents…<<<shudder>>> Me too, I once *loathed* the smugly self-satisfied Amazing Ariana back in the day, but damned if she and Sandoval gradually became my favorite couple of them all!!((Ariana officially won me over after she laughed off Miami girl and then repeatedly made Stassi grovel for her friendship)) I genuinely enjoy her and Sandoval together and love their laidback vibe and fluid style—I wish them all the success in the world. I’d say the same for the Bubbas but I’ll probably always loathe that worthless beast Katie, so whatever. Hell, I’ve even warmed up to James & Raquel and I NEVER thought that’d ever be a possibility. Scheana has probably grown the most over the course of this show, but I worry about her status with this Brock dude, especially now that he’s proven to love the glare of her limelight a little too much.
  8. I did, thank you and no thank you to my autocorrect: correcting that now!! 🤪
  9. Agreed!!! Love Patricia, love her home itself, but she has wayyyy too many kitschy knickknacks and tchotchkes lying around for my tastes, along with all those fussy extra decor finishes like overdone curtain headers, gaudy large antiques and floral pillows/fabrics everywhere. Quite honestly, her home *looks* like a rich older lady lives there. It’s not remotely stylish or fresh, just very upscale retirement home chic. I know your home is supposed to reflect *you* and all, but the last time I saw her home interior featured on the show it no longer looked as grand and opulent as it once did, but just very outdated and overstuffed. Also, I kinda hate all those antique silhouettes she has hanging around her main stairwell. Thomas’s homes always looked so fresh and opulent because he hired very skilled interior designers to help him update his antique furniture and art with modern furnishings/decor. No offense to the late Mario Buatta, but his design skills really highlighted Pat’s taste for moldy European drawing rooms packed with old junk.
  10. Okay, sorry but I’m gonna completely own it: I pose in pics EXACTLY like the gal does on the right! 🤷‍♀️ But why shouldn’t we ladies do this though? What’s the alternative—should we just look lumpy and dumpy over posed and pretty?? Look how much better she obviously appears when her leg is cocked a bit and her hand on her hip: it’s *such* an improvement over her lazier pose on the left. I’ve posed like this instinctually since my early 20’s because back when I modeled we were taught to “find flattering angles” and pose in ways to emphasize length and leanness. And these days I’ll damned well do anything and pose any crazy way to take a few inches off my pics in an attempt to look less naturally fluffy! 😜
  11. Now hear me out with my explanation here: my 70-something mom has similar issues, ESPECIALLY when she drinks heavily, so I’m thinking I know why this occurs since I’ve witnessed similar horrors with my own eyes. ((And just like Sonja, I’ve shared hotel rooms with her, although I was far more horrified than humored by such random accidents)) Not to be TMI here, but Ramona probably tends to drip a bit if she stands up over the toilet to wipe her poopy butt post-pootage. Add in the digestive effects of a shitload of wine injested by an older broad combined with general drunken lapses of hygiene and well, shit happens!! So I honestly don’t consider this to be a typical issue that happens regularly with Ramona; I think sometimes she just gets a bit sloppy drunk herself and doesn’t quite notice her standing bathroom floor deposits she’s left behind via her own messy wake…and sometimes those deposits can be tracked outside of the bathroom if not attended to and/or noticed by her or others. I’ve worked in enough retirement/nursing homes over the years and seen it with my own mom/late granny enough as well: once folks get over 60, their bowels typically get a little looser, especially while on vacation and/or hitting the sauce harder.
  12. I do, especially given Naomi’s hometown ties in Charleston: in some upscale Southern cities like that one, especially among a certain upper-tier class/social scene, landing a “good on paper” sort of guy is seen as the ultimate sign of success for well-bred women like her. Landing a doctor or lawyer is especially important to these types of women and their families. I’m quite sure Naomi looked up to Cameron and would’ve *loved* to have been in the same situation as her, with the perfect doctor hubs to allow her to work at her own pace, and the perfect house with perfect children and cats… And it was obvious that Naomi overlooked a lot of Metul’s red flags because he checked off so many boxes for her otherwise. She definitely has a type, and apparently it’s very handsome and highly professional driven men. Nothing wrong with that, but I think she’s so driven to land that perfect life as the perfect wife as her end-game that she overlooks a lot of things in the meantime, like actual compatibility and mutual respect. I feel bad for her though; she obviously invested a lot into their relationship and was led to believe that she was truly “The One” for him. And shame on Metul for stringing her along for so long the way he did…hope it was worth ruining a solid relationship with a quality woman just to dick around on the side.
  13. That’s so sad to hear; I really was thinking about reading it because Cameron has SUCH a seemingly interesting backstory with all the MTV stuff and whatnot; why not talk about her wilder past and her crazy times on SC and promoting it?! Why not talk about how she met her doctor hubby and what it’s been like?? I guess she’s dove way too into her local upper class minivan mom lifestyle to dare even sully her reputation with yet more honesty about her past.
  14. Same, @Suzn; should’ve followed that same advice when I decided to contribute to a lengthy discussion on mine about the ongoing nuisance of protestors at the Planned Parenthood clinic near our neighborhood. Suddenly it’s 2am and I’m in bed typing explanations to several pathetically clueless MEN((have you noticed the loudest pro-Life supporters are men?)) about why PP is so important to women of all ages and that abortion is actually only a small portion of the services PP offers to its clientele. Ugh…like spare us all the pointless Bible quotes, the patriarchal shaming of women’s sexuality and the morality policing on NextDoor, fellas; a woman should *never* be shamed by worthless protestors just to get some birth control pills or nab a wellness check or do whatever else she needs to do at the local PP clinic. Period!
  15. My latest pet-peeve is cancel-culture and the “woke” masses online. And I’m all for holding people accountable for their actions, but some of these virtue-signalers are seriously out of control with their vitriol. Another humor forum I follow I happened to crack a dumb joke with an accompanying meme((I suppose some folks thought it was vaguely sexist, which wasn’t even my intention))...I thought it’d be harmlessly snicker-worthy and didn’t think it would enrage anyone, but cut to a few days later and I’ve got multiple messages/comments telling me to kill myself, variations of what a horrible person I am, how I deserve to lose everything, I need to be “cancelled,” etc...so now I’m quite literally feeling attacked and am just praying that I haven’t been doxxed for a bad joke and that I’m not going to walk into work with my boss holding a screenshot of this mess. I even thought about requesting the site’s moderator to have the post removed, but part of me would rather just let the furor there die down and not bring any further attention to myself than necessary since the only one who has my contact details is the moderator. It’s just a horrible feeling to think that there are people out there itching to ruin other people’s livelihoods over such misunderstandings.
  16. Seriously, I wanna be happier for them, but this has starter marriage written all over it. They need to take a page out of Tom & Ariana’s book and really build a solid foundation and life together for themselves before they even contemplate the legalities of their situation.
  17. Seriously!!! And I actually don’t really mind Leah overall, but goddamned if she made for a far more entertaining sloppy lush last season versus the judgy bitch she’s become this season; maybe I’m in the minority here, but talk about a dry-drunk who seriously needs to get back on the sauce! Or maybe her drunk antics came off as far more amusing/entertaining back when she had equally sloppy drunk foils in Dorinda, Sonja and Tinsley to play off of...Tinsley and Dorinda also managed to somewhat soften her edges otherwise, so between both of them being gone and her sober new Season 2 ‘Woke Babe’ schtick, she’s lost some of that natural luster she once had. And I like her interactions with Eboni so far, but it feels slightly forced sometimes, especially when she’s already desperately trash-talking her nemesis Holla Heather to the group(and let’s face it: those two are probably both way too similarly try-hard in their competitive urban-ified white businesswomen ways to get along well anyway). I think I’m finally over Sonja and her drunk antics. She often makes me chuckle somehow when she’s in that state, but she just annoyed the shit out of me with the way she was acting at the dinner table. Poor Lu having to smoke her anxiety away. Did anyone else wonder if she was just sneaking sips of her own special flask between puffs? Damnit, everyone needs to leave Ramona alone already, for chrissakes...like her or not, that’s your hostess!! Good on Eboni for recognizing this and informing fellow company to behave appropriately. They *really* need several more housewives in this cast now; and despite their awful fighting, I’m seriously missing Dorinda and Tinsley in this mix.
  18. I’m surprised that no other Bravolebrity gossip forums/sites have posted about Austen’s insane coke rager in downtown CHS this past weekend...apparently he dared to aggressively push a harmless female fan away from him in a bar and she ended up hurting herself. Whether its true or not, it is *such* a bad look, both for Austen and Bravo; these Peter Pans need to stop acting like this out in public. Doesn’t surprise me that Austen pulled that crap though; from what I’ve heard, he can be the meanest of that bunch and very cruel to fans approaching him when he’s bombed enough.
  19. They are, and it’s hilariously pathetic to see. For instance, Jax just posted an HGTV mug on his Instagram stories: like tell me you’re desperate to find a new TV gig without telling me you’re desperate to find a new TV gig. They’re basically the VR version of RHOC’s Gretchen and Slade, an equally icky and thirsty married couple still grasping at some semblance of the television checks/infamy they once enjoyed. ((let’s just pray that “Marriage Boot Camp” is cancelled or else you know we’ll eventually see Jax/Britney on there a’la Gretchen/Slade))
  20. Ditto: very refreshing!! Although I’ve always failed to understand the supposed charms/appeal of Kuckoo Kelly Bensimon...besides her pretentious ditz vibe, she looks like a dude to me.
  21. You said it all, @RedDelicious: and yes, those bags of hers were HIDEOUS!!! Looked like some of the cheap purses they sell at Charming Charlie. And the irony is that they probably started at $300. The worst part of that HS series, beyond all the staged drama/godawful cast, was the way it ended so abruptly with Tinsley quickly saying she was going to go back to Topper, which obviously never happened and made zero sense whatsoever given the show’s original “she’s moving on” trajectory. I remember watching it and asking myself in shock, “Oh, this is the end?! Huh...”
  22. It’s really sad to see how much plastic surgery she felt the need to get before she’s even 30...she must come from the Kylie Jenner school of thought that more is more. She’s always blowing up her lips and getting fillers/Botox and other assorted treatments, and I just wanna tell her to chill and hold onto whatever natural beauty she has left, because she’s already morphed into an overdone drag queen in most of her recent SC scenes.
  23. Meanwhile, Madison is now claiming on her Instagram that she has a boyfriend(that’s not Austen or A-Rod!) and Kathryn is moving into a flashy new condo with her boyfriend...seems rather convenient if the show is indeed going to start filming soon... ((also, word on the street is that Leva’s already started the process for filming a pilot for a “Vanderpump Rules”-esque show at Republic))
  24. I think she only loves her kids when they’re convenient to her...like for cute photo shoots or when she’s playing up her hot mom status on social media or among friends. Let’s be honest here: she thought getting pregnant with Thomas’s children would ensure her a lady of leisure lifestyle and possibly marriage. It’s obviously why she kept bugging him for a ring...I also found it interesting the way she freaked out over his latest girlfriend having a baby boy, like suddenly she knew that her kids were no longer his main financial priority anymore. I always felt like those children were her personal gambling chips, sadly.
  25. Call me crazy, but I kinda dig her modern aesthetic Bethenny has had in her last several Manhattan lofts...but then again, I live in a similar modern loft so I get her home decor style. Some of us prefer that minimalist vibe; I’ve always found it very calm and relaxing. That said, why is she moving yet AGAIN?! Is she completely leaving Manhattan for good or is she going to revamp yet another overpriced SoHo loft?? I swear that woman moves every 3-5 years...that would be so exhausting! Poor Brynn.
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