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Everything posted by Sun-Bun

  1. I’m still rooting for Tinsley to *finally* get her shit together and firmly settle into life as a strong single woman. And as much as I enjoyed her on this cast, I think it’d be best for her to not return to this show unless she happened to be visiting with Leah while filming. She’s been chasing rich men her entire life and obviously it’s not working out for her, so she needs to simply close that chapter already and focus on building a happy new life for herself and her two precious doggies. Wish she’d pick a city to firmly settle into, stop renting overpriced hotel rooms/shacking up with rich guys/living with mom and just buy herself a nice condo or townhouse with all that money she supposedly has, and figure out what career pursuit would work out best for her. After all, if Kuckoo Kelly Bensimon was able to parlay her fame/contacts into a successful real estate career(she supposedly sold properties worth over 50 million last year alone!), anything is possible for Tinz.
  2. Indeed!! I’d miss Tiffany and have *really* enjoyed her as a necessary addition to RHoD, but I can completely understand her ongoing frustration over having deal with such pointless bullshit. At some point most rational, educated folks would just be OVER IT a’la Tiffany, especially since she’s so heavily invested in her medical career/family and obviously doesn’t need the paycheck or residual fame otherwise. And she has a professional reputation to uphold too. Before I became such an avid RH viewer, I used to wonder why more professional women didn’t appear on these shows. But after having finally seen a few more grounded/professional types appear on these shows over recent years, it quickly became apparent that these women just don’t have the time/energy/insanity to fight about the typical ‘she said/she said’ hersay and stupid antics that make up these usual RH storylines, unlike the usual bored and/or otherwise unemployed rich women employed on these shows. These shows are honestly meant for failed and/or washed-up actors/models for good reason: “reality show” life is all just performative friendship and random bickering amongst paid costars at the end of the day.
  3. I’ve wondered about this myself. I think they’re all dazzled by her beauty/vibe, and she has a particular talent for knowing how to turn on her charms around men((Leva had her number from the get-go when she did her Kathryn impersonation; men like these find that lost little girl routine oddly intoxicating)). She’s obviously not a girl’s girl and probably has subscribed to that “women don’t like me because they’re jealous of me” mindset. I just wonder how she’ll fare when her looks/youth finally fail her.
  4. Yes, Cruz & Eden forever!! Speaking of the name Cruz though, I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone named Cruz beyond the Bravolebrity universe. Meanwhile, trashbags like Brittany probably find it pretentious enough to be convinced that it’s a very classy name.
  5. So it’s FINALLY happening: Craig’s officially opening up his own law firm in Charleston as a personal injury lawyer! I’m actually proud of the dude since his current pillow career is likely dependent upon his popularity while the show still airs. Good to know that passing his bar exam worked out well for him, even if the phrase “Don’t get run over, call Conover” is appropriately trashy enough for a future ambulance-chaser:
  6. Word on the street is that there’s a special needs school there that Thomas wants to enroll Saint into. I hope this is the case and at least one of his parents finally steps up to be an actual responsible, involved parent.
  7. I thought it really worked well for her! Betty was always a natural brunette with curly hair, so it made sense for her to go a few shades lighter with her advanced age and for her to keep up those curls for more body. Kinda funny how she sported the typical newscaster style of “hair that doesn’t move” as they regularly joked about on there...
  8. Well it’s obviously why LaLa loves Randall, so why would Jax be any different? Throw in regular access to a PJ and designer gifts/dinners/access to A-list celebs and suddenly even *I* would be writing some public love notes to Randall!
  9. I’m so sorry to offend or peeve anyone here just because I refer to the vulva as my “vag” in slang terms and didn’t want to crudely refer to it here under the multitude of other slang terms, so there you go—I’m way too casual/immature outside of my office to bring myself to refer to genitalia in proper scientific terms, especially online. And I’m pleased to report that my vagina has no hair in it, although even if it did, as I explicitly stated in my last post on the hairy topic, I’d gladly have all that extra bodyhair removed too! ((And now my shaven VULVA and I are going to hide in shame because I suddenly felt the need to discuss its status via a public online forum...))
  10. I hear ya, @Nicmar; although I’m well aware of the fact that American society has long forced this hairless female preference upon us and that YES, women no longer have to be forced into the patriarchal pressure of shaving off their excess body hair to fit into modern society, the fact of the matter is that many of us just don’t like seeing/having excess body hair anyway and are A-okay with removing it. It’s just a preference, not a political statement: I’m a 43-year-old female who likes shaving my legs, pits and vag. I’m not into the creepy hairless waxed craze either, but I think there’s a happy medium to uphold here. Most men and women alike are as naturally hairy as cavemen and could use some flattering extra grooming, quite frankly. And maybe it’s just the 90’s teen in me, but I don’t like seeing hairy pits or bushes on myself or other women. Hell, I don’t even like hairy pits or furry chest pies on men and wish they’d shave/remove excessive body hair as much as we ladies do. Excessively hairy bodies look gross to me and they often carry extra sweat/odor; like I still have PTSD from an ex whose chest hair sweat used to drip on me whenever we’d get intimate. Or I can’t help but sadly consider the older teenage special needs students I teach who are naturally a bit more pungent thanks to all that excess hair their families refuse to help them remove. And I don’t care what people think: you’ll never convince me that unibrows are attractive or acceptable. Ditto mustaches on women or backhair on men or asshair on ANYONE. Happy shaving/waxing to my fellow body-hairless few!
  11. He truly has embraced the Dad Bod life! Good for them if they’re happy though.
  12. According to my friend who knows some of his family, Beau still works for his casting agency on the DL/does odd jobs and Stassi still makes decent dough from past sponsorships and her book/tour earnings that she had saved up. Can’t imagine how long that can sustain them with such a huge mortgage and all the basic expenses of raising a kid in LA, but I guess they’re doing okay for now. I’m sure that while she’s getting used to stay-at-home mom life that Stassi’s also desperately hunting for a new reality show gig. Probably as desperately as the Cauchi’s. And even though I wonder about their finances far less than I wonder about Jax/Brittany’s finances, but I still can’t fathom how all these fired VR folks are still surviving and living well out there, let alone how they can still afford Botox and other frivolous expenses.
  13. Yes, it’s a newer place, Neon Tiger: https://neontiger.com Literally saw the tiger logo and went to Google it because I was curious if it was owned by the same folks who own Blind Tiger. BT is a fantastic downtown bar in Charleston that this whole crew visits((I even met Craig/saw Naomi there several years ago!)), so I’m always perplexed why the show never films them hanging out there. Maybe the owners don’t allow filming there for some reason. I’m so with you guys on wanting to see more of all the gorgeous city scenes though; I’ve visited so many great Charleston restaurants/bars thanks to seeing them featured on this show or on cast members’ social media! Gin Joint, Republic, Stars Rooftop, Leon’s, Uptown Social, Husk, Rappahannock Oyster Bar, Poogan’s Porch, etc...had excellent experiences in all these places thanks in part to this show. Even Shep’s bars Palace Hotel and The Commodore were both fun as Hell. I hope to get over to Hall’s Chophouse for their gospel brunch on my next visit just because it’s such a longtime local fave and considered the “Southern Charm clubhouse”(as Patricia claims).
  14. Man, when did this show turn into the Kary’s Super Fabulous 50th Birthday Bash Lovefest?! This bitch is freshly onto her second season as a cast member, yet she somehow gets two big birthday parties, a sexy photoshoot, AND a getaway thrown in her honor! Then all but one of the women is running to comfort her if she dares to get remotely drunk-weepy, they all let her pour tequila shots down their throats from the same bottle DURING A PANDEMIC, and she gets to constantly bark that she’s “not a bully” when confronted by several cast members on her obviously ongoing aggressive behavior? WTF?? I can only assume that the other women all secretly afraid that they’ll be given the LeAnne treatment if they dare to spar onscreen with her, so in effect they’re working overtime to spare themselves and are being *overly* nice, generous and accommodating to Kary. Which really is turning Kary into an even smugger bitch than usual, of course. Hate to say it, but I’m firmly on Team Deandra in this battle. Okay, so her attempting to drunkenly flounce from the trip was an eye-rolling bit of unnecessary drama(loved Stephanie diffusing the situation by joking that it’d take too many hours for her to pack up anyway), and we know Deandra is very self-absorbed, but we also have seen just how nasty Kary can be via her mean comments and rude exchanges with Deandra—those two obviously can’t get along well anymore and the cracks are deepening. I did like that Tiffany was smart enough to tip-toe around any potential arguments and refused to double down with Deandra on her anti-Kary tirade. Too bad she ruined that look when she began randomly crying over their fighting; methinks doc was just so tired, drunk and overwhelmed by then that her tears were genuine confusion as to why she was even bothering still filming at that point. She needed to be like RHSLC’s Meredith and disengage! Oh lord...I just facepalmed and shook my head over that one...ONLY a clueless dweeb like Kameron would equate a “rock n’ roll” look with a Justin Timberlake t-shirt. Oh bless her heart...I thought Stephanie looked the cutest of them all in her rocker chic.
  15. So I’m somehow STILL watching this show against my better judgement...my mom kept bugging me to watch it, and when I was done laughing at the melodramatic Southern goth rock moments, the retro vibe and the bad acting((*especially* the two bland female PI leads: you can tell they were hired based on their looks)), I somehow became hooked because I wanted to see just what happened to those poor two sisters and the lot-lizard tranny. Okay, Ronald’s character simultaneously enrages me and amuses me. Like this dude better NOT be interrupted while munching on his morning cereal! He’s got to FOCUS!! He’s THINKING!!! Breakfast literally is the most important meal of the day for Ronald. His mama really should’ve snuck a Xanax into his Creepy Clown Puffs while she still had a chance...and the fact that she let that psycho continually yell at/abuse her while living in HER home really pissed me off...she should’ve called the cops to kick his freeloading ass out the minute he dumped his precious cereal on her head one morning! But obviously she was a few fries short of a Happy Meal when she somehow decided that it was perfectly safe to announce to her homicidal son that she was going to turn him in to the cops.(?!) This IS upsetting, isn’t it? I’m literally only watching at this point to see if those two psychotic assholes **finally** face justice and get the punishment they deserve, because I’m so damned sick of seeing the body count rise as those two continually weasel out of danger. How TF the town creeper Ronald is still out there terrorizing folks in town via his mom’s chamber of doom is beyond me! Why is the amnesiac crooked cop still hanging out freely in a hospital bed and not thrown in a jail cell already?! And how’d a fugly old jerk like him manage to keep his attractive wife around for so long when she was obviously so bored by him?? She needs to get his wicked attorney to recommend to her a wicked good divorce lawyer STAT.
  16. I will say this much: I found that random pizza meetup between Pringle and Kathryn to be extremely awkward and forced. I dunno if producers were just trying to suggest an early potential showmance with those two or what, but they seemed to have zero chemistry and it was almost painful watching Kathryn attempt to keep Pringle engaged with her even ditzier than usual smalltalk...but then again, this is the same gal who waltzed into a casual pizza joint two hours late decked out in full glamour team hair and makeup, so I shouldn’t be too surprised by her diva antics anymore. Kathryn always has been all “style” with little substance, after all. Speaking of which, I could listen to Patricia talk for hours on end about her crazy glam lifestyle and storied past.
  17. THIS EPISODE is the kinda stupidly goofy yet oddly entertaining shit that I watch this series for!!! I don’t want to watch staged/drunken fights, showmances, and forced parties/merriment; at the end of the day, I just like watching pretty, charismatic Charlestonians hanging out, being elegantly silly and living their best lives.
  18. Okay, I’ve gotta defend Shep a slight bit here...I’ve got a soft spot for him because like the rest of the guys on this show, he’s not just some random rich lothario type; he’s actually highly educated and graduated from Vanderbilt Law School, which is no small feat. He owns a clothing line and has bought into several successful Charleston bars thanks to his stint on this show. The dude’s not as lazy or stupid as he appears, and I don’t think of these SC guys as being the same types of losers we’d see on say “Vanderpump Rules” or “Below Deck”...((which sounds rather classist of me, now that I think about it)) But I don’t like the double standards they toss out at Kathryn and Madison at all and I appreciate the fact that Madison calmly stands up for herself in a way that Kathryn never could. That being said, Craig totally lost his luster for me with this last episode. First time I’ve ever just sat there laugh-cringing at him for an entire hour, and I’ve never considered him comic relief a’la T-Rav...what a hot mess.
  19. Gosh, I wonder what sort of philosophical, deeply intellectual conversations they must have shared? Because obviously he was into her strictly for her superior conversational skills, right??
  20. She’s not like “other girls”, she’s different!!! ((says every basic bitch ever)) Actually, it’s interesting that she once bought so hard into that vibe, because in doing so she basically traded one form of internalized misogyny for another: https://www.genrisemedia.com/2019/12/19/the-problem-with-the-im-not-like-other-girls-caricature/
  21. I’m not gonna lie: would HATE IT if my mom were Stassi and I eventually watched her insane behavior on VR from back in its early seasons. Or even her previous reality show stints; between her past mistakes and obvious plastic surgery visits, Stassi seems to have a whole magazine rack’s worth of issues. And just like most of the Kardashians, she was great television once, but the idea of her raising another human these days is a little disconcerting to me((I’d say the same about Kristen and Jax)). Hopefully she’s changed and grown a lot since then and also won’t be repeating some of the toxic behavior we saw her own mom give to her onscreen a few times.
  22. It’s been almost a year and my husband is head of the HOA, which helps our manager deal with noise complaints intel. There have been *multiple* complaints about that beast so far. Yet sadly(and frustratingly), nothing has changed.
  23. Oh lord, I’m so sorry—moaners/shouters are gross sexual show-off’s, if you ask me. Good sex doesn’t require an opera performance, folks! Speaking of which, I used to live a few doors down from a guy who was dating a SCREAMER; homegirl sounded like she was being tortured! I almost called the police the first time I heard it until I kept listening and soon realized she was being pounded in the good way. She wasn’t there for very long though, thank goodness; I could never look her in the eye because it was all I could do to not get giggle fits whenever I saw her. After 11 years of Hell courtesy of my former awful condo neighbors((annoying spoiled child and his dim parents & loud talker/louder constant cougher/loudest morning person ever)), I feel VERY fortunate to have had decent neighbors so far in my current dream condo. I’m on the top floor and share a wall with a chill guy who mostly travels for work and the other wall with a couple who I see maybe once every 1-2 months or so because they use their place as a vacation condo. It’s been heavenly so far and I just pray that they all stick around as long as I’m here. My pet-peeve is about my neighbors down the hall who have a yappy dog; that thing loudly barks itself silly for hours every time its owners leave. I don’t hear the dog from my place, but I feel awful for their adjoining neighbors who constantly have to listen to that thing. Why get a yappy dog when you live in a shared space? Certain breeds are naturally louder/yappier than others...if you simply MUST own that particular breed, isn’t there a way to teach the damned thing not to bark that much?? Or just TAKE IT WITH YOU if you’re going to be gone that much outside of work?! Hell, I’d suggest a shock collar or doggie downers/CBD treats for that thing at this point.
  24. Wow...that’s A LOT to digest. Not from Leva’s story, but from TT’s delivery; I refuse to even visit her page because of what a racist psycho bitch she is. A white person lecturing a POC on how he/she should feel about civil rights and American citizenship is *not* the look. Lest we forget she’s also a T-Rav supporter, of course.
  25. THIS. All of it! Craig & Kathryn obviously partook of some bumps and Addies backstage after a steady diet of them these past few months, because they both acted/looked like crazed psychos on that stage. Shep must’ve had a bit of the stash too, given how much twitchier he was than usual. Good lord...I thought they all looked like a hot mess except for Danni and Austen; Pringle was dressed fine but just looked confused and hungover, Madison was nearly swallowed up by that cheesy prom dress, and Leva was definitely channeling Mercedes from “Shahs of Sunset” with all that gaudiness. I’m guessing Cameron saw the writing on the wall perhaps after the producers had told her she’d have to show more of her REAL life this season, affair rumors included. I’ve often wondered if she suffered/s from a bit of postpartum depression too; she seems to have gradually settled into motherhood now that her daughter is older, but I don’t really see the joy of it in her eyes or on her Instagram like I do with other new mothers. Cam was very raw and real about how tough it was for her with a newborn and her struggles with breastfeeding/exhaustion. I honestly think she was perfectly content being ChildFree but she felt like she *had* to have a child in order to stay married to Jason. Definitely! No sense clinging too hard to the past and/or tempting FOMO; it’s onwards and upwards for Cameron! And like Shep said, she seems to be in a much better place outside of the show. I miss her, but I’m also glad she was wise enough to jump off this Titanic before it sinks.
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