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Everything posted by all4mom

  1. Probably Mimosas (orange juice and vodka). The Duggars, Bateses, and Browns also have big words on the walls; don't know if it's popular in general culture (Target?) or just for brainwashing purposes. As for the "cancer scare," puh-lease! Talk about a drama queen. At least wait until you actually have cancer to manipulate everyone around you with it. A side comment: this site isn't exactly "on fire"; hope traffic increases when TWOP officially shuts down!
  2. I think Jinger is (supposedly) the photographer in the family.
  3. Who was Joyless Anna's TH buddy when she was younger (before it was Grandma)? I can't even remember.
  4. This whole website seems strangely quiet (I'm a refugee from "The Little Couple" threads, where snark is apparently anathema). Let's roll!
  5. But I doubt if the production crew would tweak the editing to put Jen in anything like a bad light, since they - along with the entire viewing public - is engaging in a mass Jen love fest. Personally, I'm on saccharine overload! No caaaaaaaaaaaaaake for me.
  6. Does anyone even USE kitchens or dining rooms anymore? Virtually everyone I know (except me; I'm frugal) eats outs or carries in nearly every meal. I gather the "professional ovens" are all for show once or twice a year. This culture is so messed up, and our houses -- and taste in houses -- definitely reflects it... Someone should use HH and HHI for a doctoral thesis in anthropology or sociology.
  7. Do they "do it" during pregnancy? If not, maybe THAT explains Michelle's hankering for more babies. Again, this is the norm where I live (in the south); babies, babies, and more babies. First your own, and then the grandbabies, as if life wouldn't be worth living without them. So odd!
  8. Re: saying "no" to the nap, I figured that was the spin Jen fans would try to put on it, but no; listen to it again... "Nappy" - no response. "Bring Mommy home" - Will says, "Uh-uh!" I think they should rename this show "The Teflon Couple" or perhaps "The Untouchables"... LOL
  9. Will seems to know enough words to make his wishes and needs known (whether or not it gets him caaaaaaake), so maybe he doesn't feel the need to say more? Perhaps he's just a man of few words! There are ways of making him talk; perhaps they'll pursue that now.
  10. Menopause - or the arrival of Robyn - or something - has not been kind to Meri.
  11. Is that adorable Bates boy with the failed courtship still available? But I guess if he were going to fall for Jana, he'd have done it by now.
  12. I don't think they can spare Jana, at least not unless and until Joyless Anna gets control over the howlers. Did we skip Jinger, or is she now in charge of packing or something? Poor Jana is being held captive for childcare purposes, I'm afraid! Heaven forbid Mullett take over. Oh, wait; she suffered through a chess lesson with one of the older boys. He's cute, by the way! Yes, I sound like Jackson now.
  13. I see Jackson as a mini James Dean or perhaps that criminal that "Badlands" was based on. Is he a redhead? Agree that it's weird he's lumped with the little girls, but wasn't -- whichever of the middle boys it was -- the only boy on the Dill pickle team?
  14. Love Bessa primping in front of the mirror instead of doing her chores (which were...what? organizing the house???)... It's pretty clear she's engaged -- wait for it -- and will be leaving the nest soon. Joyless Anna must step up to the plate. Alas, the little ones see her as an equal, not an authority figure. This should be interesting to watch, if painful.
  15. I felt myself pitying the Smuggar children last night. While Anna seems to be a really good mom aaaaaaaaaaaaaand all that, those poor kids seem terribly isolated! They chose a rental out in the extreme suburbs or country somewhere, lengthening Smuggar's commute and increasing their expenses, far away from any stimulation or activities -- even a park with, heaven forbid, other children to play with. And now they're going to be homeschooled? I realize Anna plans to have a bazillion kids, but sitting indoors doesn't look like much fun to me. Did I hear Smuggar say, "DC is no Arkansas, but we're getting used to it"? LOL! Seriously, I think it's sad that they moved so far away from an extended family that would've been a ton of fun for those adorable three kids. Agree that Dill seems genuinely in love. Matchmaking works as well as any other method of meeting someone. They even look alike! Benessa is just...strange...
  16. The preview with everyone standing over Rhonda, praying and weeping. Brady had to compose himself... Drama much? Although that scene with Paulie was a hot mess, what I deduced from it was: a family history of cancer, a past "scare" (that's not cancer; most women have a "scare" at some point with a cyst, adenoma, or just false-positive test), and now x-rays but NOT a mammogram? In other words, a plotline. If Rosemary can't even get her 15 minutes of fame on reality TV, she should definitely walk once she's completed her college coursework.
  17. Also confused by the "I want to focus less on work and more on my private life" speech and then the resolution to fly to California in two weeks. I realize Jen is considered beyond reproach by many, and especially now, but the woman just bugs! More Will and Zoey time. Did I hear it wrong or, as the kids were leaving the room, did Jen say, "Mommy will be home tomorrow," and did Will say, "No-no"? LOL
  18. CAKE! Will couldn't get those balloons in the room fast enough so they could dig into that CAKE! And maybe Mr. Matty or others could clarify for me, as I was confused; four months for six courses of chemo? I understood them to say she went in every week for one short treatment (out-patient) and then one in-patient overnighter? How does that all work? Just curious about the timeline. Glad she finally hit zero; that 2. whatever wasn't as reassuring!
  19. Even better: wacky in a GOOD way, as opposed to the Meri way. Team Christine!
  20. Would you rather have the Bateses (and, yes, this is how it's spelled and pronounced) as in-laws or the Duggars? Enough said.
  21. I would actually DVR their first episodes, if only they would rerun them. Used to admire their thrift, as I'm very much into voluntary simplicity and frugality myself. I hope to achieve financial independence and have great respect for anyone who does (and it's okay to use a pizza parlor's own rules against them, hee). I think Josie's cute. Am I going to be the iconoclast here? It's a dirty job, but...
  22. I've always liked Famy; good on her, although I'm not sure she'll be as interesting outside the sharp contrast to the comparatively uninteresting Duggars!
  23. I don't know that anyone's trying to snark here; some of us just don't believe Jen walks on water.
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