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Everything posted by all4mom

  1. I don't think Bill is lacking in business sense, or he wouldn't own two successful businesses. Much of what Bill says lately, whether it's on his own or is producer-driven, seems intended to build up the other person (Jen, Judy, etc.) and not to be taken seriously... As for Jen kneeling on the granite countertop -- in her slippery pantyhose, no less -- it's all about Super Jen's inspirational CAN DO attitude! Why have the normal-size nanny get plates out of the cabinet when Jen can draw even more attention to her heroic self by doing the near-impossible for the cameras? I thought she was so weak that she needed (presumably insurance-covered) physical therapy last week? Both the plastic dog-poop gagging (there'd be no smell, and doesn't she poop-scoop her own three dogs?) and the over-the-top laughter were, again, producer-driven, IMO. It would be nice to just show the kids being kids instead of fake plots, but nicer still to go to specials. Even Zoey isn't talking much; what is up with that? Jen, turn off the motor-mouth and give these poor kids a chance... As for Judy, I was not suggesting that she should have gone out drinking with the boys, but presumably -- after a long, hard day of walking around a convention center -- dinner was needed by all. It would've been nice, since these are her grandchildren's uncles, to at least make a show of sociability and then excuse herself for an early night in the hotel room while Bill carries on doing his guy/family thing. Did she even greet them? I suppose we can imagine that she did off-camera, but we didn't see it...
  2. Jen obviously has a tremendous need to appear perfect at all times. For instance, wearing her little cap while asleep in bed when Bill woke her up to say goodbye before leaving for the airport. Really, Jen? Dimes to donuts she doesn't wear the cap while sleeping... Makes for dull viewing, although it's fun to snark on. But it's definitely NOT "reality" or, for that matter, "educational." I hate to keep invoking the Hennons, since they were much maligned and detested, but they showed what parenthood was really like for little people. I would love to see an episode showing how they ACTUALLY manage through the day (and night), but that would blow Jen's image...
  3. Poor Will! First he's trying to pick up the glue (or, as he so endearingly calls it, "uga" or something) stick and Jen is all SIT DOWN SIT DOWN COME HERE WILLIAM. Then, when she realizes what he was doing, says I COULD'VE GOTTEN THAT FOR YOU. Why would she? And -- am I mistaken, or -- he was making like the scissors were a duck? Didn't he open and close them repeatedly like a duck's bill and say, very clearly, "duck"? Of course Jen misses that very cute and creative moment entirely in her zeal to grab them out of his hand, CAREFUL CAREFUL NOPE NOPE WE'RE DONE BYE-BYE SCISSORS. It's what she always does: when Zoey is being cute, saying "meow" while looking at the big cat in the viewmaster, Jen has to barge in going ROWR ROWR and wiggling her fingers; no, that's not what Zoey was saying... Then another time, Will asks for bread, and Jen is all guessing, LEG? OCTUPUS LEG??? What is wrong with that woman? She is clueless as to how kids think, or perhaps she needs HER hearing tested. Then she's all hovering over Zoey, as usual, guiding her hands so they make a perfect poster with perfect pre-cut letters perfectly aligned and perfect sticker images (what about letting the kids draw; did she not call this "art"?), and telling Will he's a "big boy" and doesn't need any help from her. So he carries on alone, but when he gets some sparkle "uga" on his fingers; MELTDOWN TIME FOR JEN. The coming home with $200 worth of takeout was typical (as I've pointed out before: although she claims to eat two bites, she never shares/divides or orders a kids' portion; what happens to leftovers? I'm sure it's nice to be that rich, but why waste it?). In other news: Judy is apparently being paid to shop (talk about a perfect job placement) and rudely avoids Bill's family. And -- surprise -- Jen calls to pester him right in the middle of his rare and precious "guy time," just as she did -- repeatedly -- when he was out with his brothers on bachelor night when one was getting married; even Judy told her to leave him alone! What was so urgent that she couldn't wait for him to call her, as it seemed he planned to, when he got back to the hotel? It's not like the kids were going to sleep -- at least not in that ridiculous tent... And it made him feel bad. Way to go, she on whom all attention must be focused constantly! Did you see the looks the brothers exchanged? Ha! BTW, do they both live in Orlando or near it or did one have to fly in just to have a drink with his brother in a restaurant for an hour? Apparently all of those Klein family gatherings Bill had envisioned at the McMansion are not happening! She's worried about the kids missing her or forgetting her when she goes back to work? Which is it??? I'm honestly beginning to think she has real problems, despite all of her amazing accomplishments. Actually, the amazing accomplishments are, in a way, just further proof of her deep-seated insecurity and competitiveness. A drive and determination bordering on desperation like that comes from somewhere deep and dark, as does the constant smiling. Who smiles ALL the time? No one I know. The tent; just... Why? "They didn't seem to see the point." Um, no; neither do I. Tents (brand new from the store) are for camping OUTSIDE. "Building forts" as she did when younger (she is constantly trying to impose her lost childhood on these poor kids) is a spontaneous activity, using whatever's sitting around the house. They did enjoy playing with the flashlights. BUT NO! Here comes Jen, annoyingly, COME INTO THE TENT COME ON WILL COME ON ZOEY OOOH ISN'T THAT KEWL HEY WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE IN HERE? At least she's no longer worried about Will falling, as evidenced by his racing around to the back of the tent inches away from that sharp-edged marble hearth without so much as a CAREFUL CAREFUL from Jen, who was -- per usual -- obsessed with keeping Zoey focused on an activity (heaven forbid those kids should have one unscheduled minute). As for "it would be nice to have another adult around to help me with these two toddlers and five dogs," please... I could go on and on...
  4. I've actually been meaning to try the BBQ tuna; esp. with albacore (quite "meaty" and not as fishy as regular light tuna), I would think it'd be quite tasty... And it's certainly cheap, quick, easy, and low-fat! As I've said, I greatly admired their thrifty creativity in the early days...
  5. I know, right? Jen is left home alone to save lives at the hospital as well as care for both kids, the house, and all of the dogs singlehandedly. Talk about a superhero! I LOL when I read that...
  6. I think Bill's back surgery should be at least as interesting as Jen's cancer treatment, and they certainly devoted a generous amount of air time to that... And still do, if you count all the endless references to it... Actually, MrMattyMatt, there was a little person contestant on "Toddlers and Tiaras." Please don't ask me how I know this. Jen won't enter pageants (the hotels aren't nearly as nice as those to which she's become accustomed) as long as she's got this platform but, as I've opined before, I have no doubt that Jen's ultimate goal is to have a show of her own or at least a regular spot on someone else's.
  7. "I can't imagine watching a show where the principals irritate or annoy me--life is too short." One word: snark. Especially when humans are put on pedestals and gilded in gold; it's practically irresistible!
  8. If there are tensions between them (sorry; not buying the "Bill's Mom didn't want her home filmed" excuse), I'm sure they're not going to display them on national TV. If we've learned anything about Jen, it's that she wants no cracks in the Perfect Jen veneer showing. And Bill's mom, who appears to be a genuinely kind and gracious lady, is also smart enough to play nice with her beloved son's wife, who clearly wears the pants in the family (and they all know this, as evidenced by the "rule the roost" remark and the laughter than ensued). On the other hand, perhaps they have the one perfect MIL/DIL relationship in existence. After all, isn't everything about Jen perfect? ;)
  9. You're correct, Absolom; thanks. I was confusing the time they went to Florida for the christening (with Will) and the time they went to Florida for Bill's brother's wedding -- these are the only two times I can recall them meeting up with Bill's family there. Now I recall how Jen was supposed to spend one of her "girly" days at the spa and shopping with Bill's female relatives, but was unfortunately confined to bed all day due to one of her migraine headaches (this is a chronic condition; can anyone remember Jen ever before or ever since suffering from a migraine headache? I do recall the "pre-chemo headache," but)... She recovered just in the nick of time to participate in the wedding rehearsal and dinner! Or maybe the wedding itself (hard to recall). But, at any rate, she avoided having to hang with Bill's family. Then they had to race away quickly to spend the final day of their weekend in Florida helping the soon-to-join-them Judy and Dave pack. One dish. Yes, I do believe Jen avoids having Bill's family in the picture and, Judy having a heart of snark herself (I can just tell), I can imagine the cracks about their weight and low-class accents... IMHO, that's why the Grandma Barbara visit was a bit stilted, although Bill's mom was adorable and so gracious to Jen (and had to take the train in).
  10. Yeah, they took in JB's dad when he was dying, but that's "honoring your father and mother"; I don't think it means Mary has to be their indentured washerwoman servant for the rest of her days. This is probably what's really behind Michelle's desperation to have another baby. She may have to start doing her own laundry again otherwise. RUN, GRANDMA, RUN!
  11. I've managed to live in the south for nearly 50 years now without ever tasting Green Bean Casserole. After watching Anna make it, I don't ever want to taste Green Bean Casserole.
  12. I like to think I also have intellectual curiosity about psychology and what makes people tick; that's what I, personally, find fascinating about this show and the various interactions. As for "Grandma Barbara" and Will already being acquainted, she met him on that trip to Florida to attend their Godson's christening; as I recall, they then immediately departed to Jen's parents' place, to help them pack one dish right before they moved right in with them in Houston. I remember thinking that, if those four were going to be together from here on out, it would've been nice to at least spend the entire weekend with Bill's family, whom they seldom get to see. But no...
  13. "I think Jessa saw the fakey, over adoring 'love language' her parents put on display and has some discomfort with it." Don't we all?
  14. Correct; one episode showed Jinger (also joylessly) taking over the packing duties from -- was it Jessa? -- for a group trip.
  15. Correct, but that was before Zoey came. I should've said I wonder when we'll see the step-Grandma again. As they live in Florida, where Jen prefers to vacation, it shouldn't take long!
  16. I'd have told the lady that some of these questions are none of her business, but then I wouldn't be sharing my man with four other women, either. Poor Rosemary was squirming like a bug under a microscope being called upon to explain her issues with Paulie. The makeup was a bit heavy-handed, but at least Brady didn't look like a Werewolf of London. Will be glad to have the Crazy Browns back!
  17. Maybe that's why they're so thin? Maybe Rosemary sneaks the ice cream all those nights Brady is called away by a Paul-Emergency.
  18. It would be awesome to see Grandma Duggar become Amy's sidekick in Nashville; FREE GRANDMA DUGGAR.
  19. I actually thought J'chell's advice to Jessa, although delivered in the cringeworthy, melodramatic baby voice, had salient points; not the "be fake sweet" part, but the "hear what his 'love language' is and return it in his own language, so he can get what he needs, too" part. Of course, ideally, the two lovebirds would naturally speak the same language -- as Jessa says of "Jerrick," "he says sweet things and she loves to hear it" -- so it wouldn't be forced and artificial. For this, a couple needs to be genuinely compatible, which "Bessa" is not.
  20. I would like to see Bill get his much-needed and long-overdue back surgery. Also, a Klein family reunion at the house; there's plenty of room, I'm sure Bill misses his family, and they're great fun to watch.
  21. "Grandma Judy" and "Grandma Barbara" (and "Grandma whoever is married to Bill's father, although apparently we're never going to see her") would be parallel and equal; a "Grandma Barbara" and just plain "Grandma" is not equal and gives more emphasis to, again, the MAIN grandma, Judy. I concede that they are not the Kardashians or Boo Boos or even Gosselins but, again, that's setting the bar pretty low to the ground. I already knew about "pushing through obstacles," etc., from my own life challenges and those of actual friends in real life; I really don't need a "reality" TV show to show me that this can be done. As to "educating the public," not much of the public is affected by the things that affect Jen, be it dwarfism, a very rare form of cancer, life as working physician/now celebrity mother, or international adoption. And, finally, as to "inspiration" (again) I found the challenges faced by the Hennons or the Table for 12 family -- that is, with a normal-sized, single salary and no hired help -- much more impressive, genuine, and interesting to watch. But, again, YMMV. When is Bill getting his back surgery? I worry about that man!
  22. Quite possible it was Joyless Anna, who probably wants to throw herself off a building at the prospect of having to herd the howlers for the foreseeable future; "obey immediately!"
  23. Oops; I guess I posted this on the wrong thread. Jerrick: keep the facial hair!
  24. In last night's episode, Jerrick said, on the webcam, "Thanks for letting me borrow Dill!" and one of the sisters -- I suspect outspoken Jana -- retorted, "As long as you give her back!" under her breath. I'm sure they resent the childcare duties and especially when one breaks free and the others have to shoulder additional burdens as a result. Poor Joyless Anna making that sad wheat and honey bread!
  25. The fewer threads, the better (only one per show would be ideal, IMHO), so I vote for no further subdividing.
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