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Everything posted by sigmaforce86

  1. I get what everyone is saying now. My original thought was Lucifer's son (are we calling him Jack?) resurrects Cas as a thank you for keeping Kelly safe. But I like the AltCas idea - so what many of you are speculating is when he saw someone in the other world and said "You?" it wasn't Bobby he saw but himself? It's an interesting idea. The only downside is if Cas is alive in the other world AND they bring him back it likely means bringing back Mary and Lucifer to and I was OK with ending her time on the show. She wasn't a terrible character but I never fully warmed to her. There was a lot to like, especially in the first half. Both Sam and Dean got their own heartfelt soliloquies and we have a satisfying end to the BMOL. Part two dragged a bit although seeing Bobby again makes up for a lot, I love that they keep finding ways to bring him back. And it was more to set up next season than to wrap up any story lines from this year. Considering it's the season 12 finale where most shows don't last half that long they do at least know how to keep the stories and surprises going.
  2. Wow, that was a mix of cringing, hard to watch drama and levity. The main story line was really difficult knowing what we know about FGM in the current day. Bryony Hannah is doing a brilliant job with Cynthia. Phyllis is the voice of logic with empathy as always. Even Dr. Turner's little speech that they'll take the memories with them was a great touch. Did anyone catch the sign on the lawn of the house they bought? I think the price was 2,995 pounds, which seems to be equal to a little over 42,000 pounds today. Trixie may feel to new at this relationship and maybe to uncertain after losing Tom but she needs to talk about her alcohol issue sooner not later. I know some don't like Cynthia or Sister Monica Joan, and I'm not saying I don't like Trixie at all............I do like her character but she needs more then being the fashion plate with the tragic history WARNING! This is a very tough article to stomach so link and read at your own risk................... but it's written by a women who was subject to FGM and now fights it and she details the types. I imagine the women in last nights episode was similar to type 3 and unbelievably worse can be and is done. http://www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/04/28/ayaan-hirsi-ali-female-genital-mutilation-and-what-were-really-talking-about-beneath-weasel-words-genital-cutting.html
  3. Yes, and I'll bet that the adopted Tom learns that they are related -- perhaps even siblings! Yes to the resemblance, definitely. But interesting idea that he and Tom turn out to be siblings; I never thought of that but they did include a mention of the adoption in the "previously on" and most of the time when a show does that it's because they're not done with that story line. Maybe it's not where the show is going but if it is that would be very interesting both for Tom and for Barbara and Trixie. Even though the death of Reggie's mom was well telegraphed from the start it still got to me especially when they came to tell Reggie. I thought Fred and Violet might keep Reggie but he wound up in a good place and I can see him showing up again - that they'll either visit him often to keep in touch or maybe even bring him to visit them on a special occasion. I said on the boards for last weeks episode that the real Mary Cynthia was given ECT but that was just a comparison of books to the show; I never, ever thought they'd actually go there on the show itself. I'm committed to staying spoiler free so I can enjoy the show's weekly but this is one of those plot lines that makes it really, really tempting to search to see how it turns out. I think Sister Monica Joan really shined in this one; insisting on seeing the institution with Fred, her face when she looked through the window and SMC, the crying in the car. Talking to Reggie about the dead roses. And when she revealed that she delivered Valerie where she had this mix of emotions on her face, sad at remembering she worked with Sister Evangelina, happy at seeing the baby all grown and at the same time affected by realizing the passing of time from then to now.
  4. Right! That whole sequence was very suspect to me. Not 100% sure but I think it's because one of the boat operators was standing on the dock which partly shielded her. She was last so if everyone was trying to get settled in a seat, maybe talking about the challenge and she knelt like she was fixing her shoes she might have gotten lucky with their being distracted and the guy blocking just enough of her so they didn't notice she was untying a scroll and not her shoes.
  5. I was going to give up on the show but the last episode and this one have been really good and both deviated from their normal plot set up. Especially since my beloved Jim Beaver/Bobby Singer from Supernatural was on plus Kim Rhoads (his Supernatural semi-love interest). Nice casting and the second time a Supernatural pair has been on the show. Also loved that The only thing that ruined the plot a bit was the plot itself - that Kim's character Lydia came at the team so hard when there's been nothing said or shown up until now to set-up the idea that the team has enemies or people that don't approve of them within the FBI. It might have been better to have just a little set-up, a comment here or there from the team like "We better watch our step" or "Not everyone appreciates our efforts" Still the show's improved lately but it's not generating much buzz, I wonder if it can survive for renewal.
  6. Michaela is intolerable. At times I actively hate her for petty actions like when she wasn't chosen for the challenge. That wasn't disappointment over missing the reward, that was an all out temper tantrum worthy of a 4 year old. The only thing she missed was throwing her belongings into the ocean. Even Jeff at one point just looked at her and turned back to the rest with a face like "I got nothing". And call it karma for her actions or irony or whatever but that little snit caused her to miss that advantage - she still might have missed it but if she hadn't been so focused on being first angry then trying to look "cool" about it lounging on the bench and had paid attention to her surroundings she'd at least have had a chance. But other times like at tribal I start to wonder about her - maybe overanalyze her a bit - when she took out the coconut it was more like she was putting on an affected false front of "I don't care", then I start thinking what's wrong with her or her past that she needs this shell to pretend she's not worried or hurt by what's going on (like I said over-psycho-analyzing). But if I had to live with that at camp she would drive me crazy (maybe that's what she wants, who knows). What was the face Ozzy made when he walked into tribal? Surprise or irritation that Troyzan had immunity? He reacted to something. Someone out there with great computer editing skills needs to make one long video of all of Debbie's talking heads where she named one of her many professions or hobbies. I think I've lost count of her "achievements" by now but that would be fun to watch.
  7. I think the difference is Jessa can actually BE an adult - a bossy one but still an adult. Jill only "acts" like an adult - when she had her J buddies she was basically an unpaid babysitter and she still had Mommy and Daddy as backup plus the other older siblings. Now she's the mommy but she still seems to be playing at it, like she's still the babysitter, still the kid who's not fully in charge. I feel like she's pretending to be like MeChelle but in her head and by a lot of her actions she's still the 15 year old babysitter.
  8. I'm not sure Jake Harris is ever going to get his life together Jake Harris Arrested for Car Theft/Drug Posession
  9. I was thinking how they could pin all the murders on Romero - most of them happened before he went to prison, Sam was after he escaped and the police are going to realize that Chick was killed after Norman was arrested. With him kidnapping Norman it seals his fate, then the lawyer just has to argue that Norman's pre-existing illness combined with the loss of his mother and the stress of realizing his step-father was a killer caused him to confess to something he didn't do. I tried to put it all together neatly so the scenario would work then I realized - doing this is actually rooting for Norman to go free and get back to his hotel and home as an innocent man. I don't know if it's Freddie's acting and how good the the rest of the cast is or the writers or a combination but I have to give great credit to a show that can make us want to see the bad guy get away with it even when we know that's wrong. What I can't see is a way out for Dylan - even if Norman does go free, even if Romero takes the blame; how does Dylan stay alive? He can't interfere in Norman's life again but I can't see him going back to Emma, leaving Norman alone and acting like none of it ever happened either.
  10. Agreed - the task itself should be fast but things can go wrong anyway - if the team can't do it (for whatever reason, not good at it, fear etc.) or they get lost or accidentally take a cab when the clue says walk, all of that is going to screw up their time. I don't know where the mountain was in relation to the racers but it seemed like this was a time where walking is actually faster and driving was a bad choice. Or at least the editing made it look that way. I think at this point I'm routing for Team Fun - they seem to get over their arguments quickly, get things done and with very little drama. Brook is on my last nerve - she's defeated before she starts, the minute they started up those stairs it was "I can't". Maybe she's tired or just venting but she's not exactly getting psyched up with a winning attitude if all she tells herself is how she's going to fail. I imagine their's something the racers fill out with personal info including medical and TAR would adjust the race if they had to, I think all shows like this would have to do that. For the Survivor challenge in Africa where they had to drink blood I remember Jeff telling one of the contestants that their glass had soy milk instead of regular.
  11. Well done show - Sister Ursula leaves but it's not really a "win" for anyone and she snags our sympathy. I thought for a minute Sister Julienne was going to ask her to stay as a regular nurse with the rest of the sisters but maybe it's better they didn't. I've been trying to find a link to this but couldn't - The real Sister Cynthia had a breakdown related (I think) to her vows - when the time came to take her final vows she had a crises and actually went through more than one electroshock session because of it. So the show is at least mirroring part of Cynthia's real life story. Shelagh's baby lives right? Don't tell me - just let me pretend for now that's the outcome, with the maternity home in danger of eventual closure the Turners don't need another kick while they're down.
  12. There is going to be some serious backlash here and a lot of other places over this tribal. I agree that people having a knee jerk reaction on places like twitter need to be told there's very little chance they aired this without Zeke's approval - they're not dumb enough to step into that minefield. But they maybe missed their chance to SAY that - having Jeff pop up at the end to make a statement maybe even give a link to LGBT support services would have been a nice gesture. As for Varner - there's a part of me that believes, or maybe just really wants to believe that he really didn't mean to do what he did they way he did it but had tired, hungry brain that made him not think clearly. But there's another part that realizes if that were true he wouldn't have used the info. as a reason why Zeke couldn't be trusted, that's calculating a strategy. Basically the whole thing is a mess and it even feels rude right now to say well it's good because Ozzy didn't get voted out - somehow Ozzy escaping elimination because of Varner's foot-in-mouth issue doesn't seem like enough of a "win" for what must have been a tough tribal.
  13. Like with the "lunch" she gave the group when they returned. It's pouring out, probably cold and they just got home from a long journey; even if she wanted to change to cold lunch/hot supper was that really the time to introduce it? She seems to be a combination of My way is right so follow it no matter what and I live an austere life so everyone around or near me better give up all luxuries too. Wonder if she'll go after the girls "bar" anytime soon. The mistake Ursula made with Trudy was insisting she go to the maternity home without even assessing how close to birth she was. She had that baby less than 5 minutes after arriving, if she had left she'd have given birth in the street on the way. But who was going to call Ursula on it; not the nuns for sure. I hope that comes back to bite her. To be honest I'm torn between keeping the season spoiler free and wanting to look ahead at the episode synopsis to see if we either get rid of her or she comes around and begins to act "human" sometime in the future.
  14. They needed Danny's plot to beat us over the head with the LOTW (lesson of the week) - Erin loses a case on a technicality so a cold blooded killer walks free while in the other case a guy really needs to walk free or get the least sentence possible and might not. Without Danny's case they'd have no opposite for Erin's so no thoughtful moments to present to us. Frank actually came as close to telling Nikki to shut up then I ever remember hearing before when she mentioned the age of Dad's girlfriend. I sort of enjoyed the laughing and teasing from the rest of the family but at the same time - you're 20 now Nikki, try to learn how to have a filter between brain and mouth. I thought Eve Plumb (victims Mom) was the killer - would have been a good twist - we were speculating that she did it to spare her daughter the pain of cancer and at the same time frame her son-in-law so she walks away with custody of the grandchild and the insurance money all at once. Possible future plot lines set up in this episode that they will never pursue: + A plot in the NYPD to suppress evidence for money is why the knife from Erin's case went missing and the clerk was smirking about it. + Freed killer is actually a psycho and his confession to Erin sets off an obsession with her where he eventually tries to kill her + Eddie and Jamie meet outside work and realize with this partner switch they can date. Really the show needs to do this, the will they/won't they has dragged on for a little too long now and they're really reaching a "shit or get off the pot" tipping point. Maybe Frank gave the hint on how the writers are setting up Jamie's future with the "spinster uncle" comment but if that's what the direction they want then drop the Eddie romance story.
  15. So glad you guys said this! I was almost going to put it in my earlier post but thought it was my imagination. Was trying to get the family to see what I was seeing - it shows best when she's with her team on the mat before a challenge. From the neck down she has this odd bodybuilder/fighter stance that looks like she's ready to kill someone; her facial expression though makes her look perpetually confused. It's a very odd combination.
  16. I love Cochran and always will so his time with Debbie was fun for me. He called it right too - he's sent to give advice and ends up with the person who's the most over confident and least able to take it. Seems like he got through to her in the end, there was probably a lot of conversation we didn't see and I hope he told her over and over to fully lie about exile. I can see her trying to pretend it was just a crappy deserted island and horrible experience but I can also see her pride getting in the way, someone makes her angry and she mouths off about how great it was. Of the three advantages though I would have picked extra vote too. Never liked Sandra so there was much cheering when the votes were read. I won't deny she can play the game; I've just never liked her or watching her so I'm one whose glad to see her gone. There are a few others this season that I'd also like to see go but still not sure who I'd like to see win.
  17. I'll join the wacky team - I liked it, how each character got time, how they pretty much wrapped everything up just liked it in general. It wasn't 100% perfect but it was enough. Also nice they held back the "special guest star" credits until the end so we didn't see their names in the opening credits and ruin the surprise. I even liked some of the unexpected stuff like the Nick and Truble fight. They finished it pretty well I think.
  18. It's interesting you said this because I've been wondering the opposite - if something that happened when Jack died landed the family IN money. The argument against is easy - it's TV and there are certain things writers don't bother explaining because it bogs down the shows (like why the ladies on the Walking Dead are never in need of a tampon run.....no show is going to touch that topic!). So they may just be brushing over the money thing as not necessary to the plot. But looking at the characters - Randall went to college, got married, got a good job and a good house. Even if he had scholarships and even if he socked away a ton of savings early he's still doing so well that he's not just comfortable or well off, he could tell the Doc in Memphis he has the "means" to get a plane down there and get his Dad home. Kevin get's married young and eventually moves to LA to become an actor, he could have done the starving actor/waiter thing but he funded himself somehow. Kate works for Kevin in expensive LA but after he leaves she stays, briefly gets a job but can afford to leave, stay on the east coast for an indefinite time and go to a weight loss spa all while unemployed. Rebecca's the biggest unknown - she eventually marries Miguel who seems to have money but even knowing about how old the kids were when Jack died her timeline between then and the second marriage is still up in the air, So, speculation only, the money thing is a plot device so they can have the characters do other things without boring budget conversations OR the kids came into money young possibly from Jack's death that set them up with the means to get their lives/careers started?
  19. Jadis......The White Witch of Narnia........Intentional name choice? Having no Neegan is still good. Daryl can't keep Glenn's death from Carol for long. How long can Tara hide what she knows about the all female camp with the stockpile. She did OK when Rick said she could tell them where NOT to look but she's definitely feeling at least a little guilty about keeping that secret. Side note; Story Sync screwed up, gave Diane the most kills with "1". Didn't' Rick kill the junkyard walker?
  20. The non-hug was actually that Nikki was mad that her drive along was with Uncle Jamie until Frank explained that if she went with anyone else they'd be on best behavior "putting on a show" because she was the PC's granddaughter and she wouldn't see a real day-in-the-life. Still the wide eyed, optimist, fix the world, college student thing is getting old. She's been kidnapped by a serial killer, she saw her first body while in high school (by, again, not listening and not staying in Uncle Danny's car) and she's heard stories at the family table for years, she should know exactly what "real world" is. I think the years of say anything everyone gets a voice Sunday dinners contributed to her current attitude and either the writers need to pull back on her character or have her reigned in by others as a story line on the show...basically she just speaks out at all times like she's at family dinner, no filter, no tact, no diplomacy. Last night getting yelled at by the abused wife was a reality check upside the head that she needed; but will she be shown to learn anything from it.
  21. Tom Mison's smirking smile in the background while <not>Daddy tried to get Diane to go for coffee was hysterical. Molly actually turned out to be a pretty good character now that she's not just drawing on her bed and has more than three lines. I remember rooting for Oona on Master Chef; she's turning out to be pretty good as an actress to. So Malcolm want's to remake the world - I guess the writers had to find something for him to do that the gang could fight against otherwise who would care if he just survived the stone explosion and became immortal to get out of his deal. I'd like to see more of Jobe though - it could be interesting if in his end game he becomes a double agent and works with Jenny and the team at times.
  22. Dammit Miguel don't try and make me like you. Kate getting kicked out of the camp bothered more than fiction should...kept thinking sexual harassment, blast them on social media/review sites and demand refund...she's to passive and nice when she's treated badly Toby:. Tell my about your fathers death. And even knowing the writers said we won't find out for awhile several million people sat straight up from their couches screaming this is it! Surprised Randell didn't call Kate to help with the house and the girls even if he is still a little mad at her. That last scene with Kevin though.....wow, just wow.
  23. Made her "escalloped cabbage" tonight.......big Nope. Made one substitution using all shredded cheese for the sauce instead of jarred cheeze whiz but to many other problems. Blanching the cabbage for two minutes did nothing to soften it, no matter how we drained and patted you can't dry it enough to so once in the oven the water comes out of the leaves and thins the cheese sauce. And 20 minutes wasn't nearly enough to cook the cabbage the rest of the way. It's a three pan side dish (big pot to blanch, little pot for sauce and a baking dish) and very little "yum" reward for a lot of work. Oh, and one other change from the recipe... I definitely did NOT top mine with jalapeño slices
  24. Jed drew the chaperone short straw on that trip - even Josie would have a hard time fitting in that car. They already flew a crap ton of junk down to TX when the "fixed up" Jer's place last time, why did they spend all that time decorating and deciding where this and that should go if she really had so much more to be added including finding a spot on the walls (that Jessa oh so carefully decorated) for poor Rufus. I know they shop thrift, buy used and all that but words can not express how disgusting I find it that Jinger was trying on used shoes at a garage sale in her bare feet. Really you should never buy shoes used because they've molded to the previous owner but the idea that she was OK sticking her feet in them, no socks, no stockings, no idea who tried them last, was just so wrong (IMHO)
  25. I actually liked this episode. I don't hate Molly but I didn't miss her and maybe that made a difference too. But mostly it felt like a finale, maybe they should have held it back and made it that even if they thought they had a chance at being renewed. If they skipped that last scene with Malcolm rising from the bomb site everything else, the team working together, the resolution of why Ichabod had to fight headless at that spot, blowing up the stone and, especially, the scene at Abbie's grave felt like a goodbye tying up all the ends of the series and stories.
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