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Everything posted by xander874

  1. I did like that scene and yes Sara is wonderful, but I am sad we didn't get to see Judith Light and Terence McNally's speeches because of these bits. Maybe if they had made the intro 20 minutes shorter (it felt an hour long). Although I was on the floor laughing at the "fight" between Laura and Audra. I need to see Hadestown. Seeing the Prom later this summer. Tootsie was better than the movie and was one of those musicals that depends on a strong lead to carry it (i.e., Evan Hanson, Hello Dolly). So, I'm good with Santino winning. Beetlejuice was very crude but pretty good and takes a different turn from the movie in spots. Oklahoma was good and weird and I'm glad it got some love - I saw it over a month ago and still think about it.
  2. I like Eve. I don’t trust her. After all, Lucifer killed her son last season so maybe she’s here for revenge.
  3. Nothing much to add, but since I didn't see it mentioned I need to say it: dat ass!!! I know it was a cheap ploy for them to say "Hey! We're on Netflix and can do what we want" but thank you for the booty shot of Tom Ellis.
  4. If that vial had a sedative so strong it would kill a man, then wouldn't Lucifer die if he drank it near the Detective (I love that he has that as her name in his phone)? I also thought when Brody mentioned that Susan had a clean drug test, that would come back. I was hoping Lucifer would've told murder guy since he made a point of saying she was still on drugs. I assume he was lied to by Father Evil but I wanted him to realize he killed totally innocent people.
  5. I am sad... Even though Eddie and Pat were my favorites, I think I will miss William the most. Mainly because I think the actor is pretty good and I would have really liked to see him grow. He was probably the most underdeveloped kid and had a lot of potential. I hope he lands a good gig somewhere. I thought this episode was a little uneven, but I did love the Lawrence/Peg moment at the end. I think Mary McCormack did a great job of showing her vulnerability just enough to make her not a monster. And I really did love the last scene: everyone there watching TV and Timmy getting the last line. It brought it full circle a bit to me.
  6. This gap year could've been a good storyline. I would have loved to see Junior at various jobs trying to find his voice. And I wanted him to point out to Rainbow that college will still be there if this thing doesn't work for him. It's not like his life will be ruined if he experiences real life for a couple of years (assuming he fails). I did think that Junior was harsh to Dre in that office scene. I didn't hate this finale but I felt it was kinda all over the place.
  7. I feel like when the show started, she liked him and his sucking up. Now I wonder why he even tries. But, I guess characters evolve - William has turned from the quiet book nerd to the talented one (albeit still nerdy). And now I am sad because we will never see the other characters evolve. I did like Lawrence acknowledging he sometimes says stupid stuff just to get a rise. And I like to see Peggy get vulnerable occasionally so I liked the stuff with Tess.
  8. To me, this seems a bit late in the game for this episode. He's gone through 2 kids already so this FEAR should not be new. I understand he has it with all kids but they seem too old for this to be such an issue. This episode should've been a couple of years ago. I didn't mind this episode, even if Dre was pulling his man-baby shenanigans. At least it was grounded in love for his kids and not his stupid pride or reputation like usual. I liked Pops and Junior's storyline.
  9. I'm still upset of the Kids are Alright getting cancelled but I am not mad this got renewed. I don't think it's as good but it is a nice light silly show. I am glad they wrote this episode to possibly be a series finale and didn't go the cliff hanger route. I was worried there would be some Will/Ang/Adam Brody unresolved thing at the end. And speaking of Adam Brody, I had the biggest crush on him on the OC. He's matured for sure but still looks nice. Hope he comes back next season. I would love to see Graham adjusting to meeting his dad.
  10. The Sean Hannity thing was hilarious and random. I was hoping for a callback to Meg dating Adam West but alas, no. It was weird that Brian spit out the edible underwear when he learned it was men's. I guess we are to assume they were used, which is all kinds of gross. I didn't think that.
  11. Agreed. I think her voice is too low. Lindsay has a screeching high voice and is super duper Southern. I think Mikey could play him well. It was odd there were 2 TCM type show skits. Was Kyle portraying a real person in the continuity sketch? I thought his acting choices were weird there. I liked this show. It was nice seeing Reese D'What again. I love his argument with the offstage person. I assume Kenan is leaving with his new show (haven't checked the outside projects thread) so maybe he is trotting out his characters one last time. I hope we get a final "What's Up with that" sketch. I know it was repetitive but would like to see it one last time.
  12. No comments on the latest episode? I assume this was the season...uh series finale and it actually was a good wrap up to the season. It brought the show back full circle and the characters were only 20% less annoying. Hank even wasn't too much of an asshole and I liked the apology scene at the end. This show wasn't great, but the cast had chemistry and it could've been fun. Allison looked amazing in her brief scene. And maybe this is just me, but Vicki Lawrence was channeling Mama big time in her "Sid" oufit. Assuming Mama became a butch lesbian.
  13. This is short sighted. TKAA could’ve been a good utility player for them like the Middle was. With the Goldbergs and FOTB getting long in the tooth and MF about to go they don’t have any up and coming sitcoms. And I don’t count Single Parents I like it but don’t see it lasting for many years Not sure what I’ll miss more: cute adorable weird Pat or Eddie in his tight t-shirts.
  14. I kind of thought this episode was all over the place. Almost too much going on. Eddie’s plot was so random and didn’t really go anywhere except for his advise to Frank at the end. And that green screen of Mike’s plant was so bad to me. I think Peg was cut out of the newspaper picture and thought that would be a thing but it wasn’t so maybe I am wrong. And of course Pat is adorable. His lobster crab was wonderful.
  15. I think I'm just confused as to why Claire's nemesis was there. Did they have another kid graduating? Maybe I missed that. I don't have a problem with family coming to see Jay speak - it's a big deal for him so that's nice. The issue is it's the same day as Alex's graduation. I would think Phil and Claire would want to be there early to help her get ready/take her to lunch or whatever.
  16. The twins looking like Jon Benet was hilarious. I didn't mind the grandma and would be okay if she popped up again (in small doses). I do not want a love triangle. I like Douglas and I like Poppy, but I do not like Douglas/Poppy. They just don't fit together to me and are too different to really work. I was a big fan of NSYNC back in the day and Lance was my favorite so glad to see him even if his acting has not improved at all over the years. And I totally want to go to a space/art camp. Was this the season finale?
  17. I loved how innocent Timmy was, especially with the tissue ghost. He's still a child and although puberty is coming, it was nice to see him be a silly little kid. Was William in any scene besides the library one at the beginning? And I loved the 5 seconds we got of Pat especially with Peggy in the soap opera scene. I wonder if they kept the younger ones out of the majority of this episode to avoid having to explain the premise too much.
  18. This was my favorite. I love the meta lines sometimes. Either Chief Wiggum took a trip to Canada and had a drunken one night stand or Ralph is a twin and they were separated at birth. Or it's just a Simpsons throwaway. I feel we've seen alternate versions of other characters in various locations. And yay for real Judy Blume. I was wondering if that was really Justin Trudeau because I don't know what he sounds like but the end of that scene told me it wasn't. I can't imagine he would be okay with that. Also, Akwafina was the doctor I assume? What a small nothing role. But she was in an earlier episode this year, so maybe she did both parts at once.
  19. Yes and it was a long time coming (and welcome). And things have been good for a while. But once a race plot happens, they fall right back into their old ways. There are plenty of ways to show ignorance without outright racism. It's just not funny anymore for them to be so clueless about race. I don't mind them being elitist, but this is tiring.
  20. Yes, when Junior and his girlfriend were fighting, I thought we would get an "aha" moment for him and finally get a discussion about how he is Devante's primary care giver. But, then the talk with Jack happened and put a stop to that. I actually think that could be a good episode. Maybe when he and his parents finally have a discussion about his future (I assume this will happen before seasons end), it can come up that he has basically been a nanny for them.
  21. I really liked this, especially the shorter episodes. It just flew by. Felt almost like a web series. Of course it ended on a very depressing note. I really thought Karen and Phil would reconcile but it did make for a good scene between Ryan and his mom. And I am with her on the cake thing. He dropped the ball.
  22. As someone who maybe has seen one or two similar adult films, I agree. The "dad" in those is often hotter than the son, so it was weird to me. Emma was amazing in it though. "I forgive you". I was second guessing myself if Assange was American because of that. I knew he wasn't but I had to think for a second. I guess Michael knew better than to try (assuming he can't do that accent). I don't think the Batman reference went over well, but I guess that's because 90% of the audience weren't even alive when that movie came out. I liked the View okay and did really laugh at Joy's reaction to Megan's scolding. However, even though I'm not the biggest Fred Armisen fan, I really prefer his Joy. Kate wasn't as whiny as the real Joy to me. And I didn't love Hobbies, but glad that Melissa seems to be getting more screen time. When she first came on, I wasn't impressed, as all she did were a few (good) impressions. But she's grown on me.
  23. I assume Kim will pop up next season. I liked her and loved all things JTP, although I it doesn't feel complete without Geoff there. I understand he was involved in Erica's story but it seemed odd he wasn't part of the color day thing. And it was great to see Barry really does like Matt because otherwise, I have no idea why he keeps hanging with them.
  24. Did we know Mellor wanted to be principal? He just doesn't seem like the kind of guy that would want to be in an administrative role like that. I imagine he would be miserable away from his beloved sports. So that's why that plot was weird to me. And you can certainly have a Director of Athletics at a school who would manage stuff like the mascot - it was odd they made him Principal of it...sorry I did not enjoy that plot. Although the wind was funny. I did like the pirate radio episode and some growth for Johnny Atkins. Also seeing the real one was pretty cool. I wonder how he truly feels about the way he is portrayed (which is often not well). On the Goldbergs, Barry had a similar plot about not being over Lainey (even though it is several years earlier). Maybe she will see he and Kim together at some point on this show and finally be able to move on with CB (Barry's real life wife is named Kim).
  25. Agreed. It's one of the few vegan dishes that really doesn't taste all that different from the meat version due to the spices involved. And also agreed it's weird she brought it in for her colleagues to eat. I actually liked the Bow/Dre story because Dre was 30% less assy than in most episodes and I like when they have a story where you see the love between them. Ruby's storyline was ridiculous. She leaves her car on all night to keep it warm???? It was so over the top, it took me out of the story and the message.
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