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Everything posted by xander874

  1. This is one of the better flash-forward episodes to me. Certainly better than the last few. Although I will always argue that the one where Lisa almost marries Hugh is the real future (it's the one like the best), this was pretty funny and it encompassed so many characters. I especially liked the pan during the dinner scene when we saw Skinner and skeleton Agnes, and Maggie and Gerald (finally realizing their life-long feud was based in love).
  2. Rocco (to Dorothy): Yes Mrs. Cleaver. Not a great line, but the delivery was funny. RIP Mickey Rooney. And another of my favs: Dorothy: You're right Blance, these naked Southern boys sure can dance!
  3. Sophia's past is murky. Sometimes she met Sal in her village and other times she met him when she got to America. And don't get me started on Sophia's family. Angela was her only living sibling and then suddenly Angelo appeared (I assume this was due to Nancy Walker's lack of availability).
  4. That senator episode gets to me, especially because the guy is someone Blanche would never sleep with. And her friends treat her like dirt. And I agree MrMattyMatt, I don't care for either Clayton episode (which makes me feel like I'm betraying my peeps, but oh well). I might get in trouble for this, but a lot of the first season episode are so-so to me. They all have their moments, but I guess they were still finding their footing and they don't all fully work for me.
  5. Sophia to Blanche; "Beat it you 50-year old mattress" and then later Blanche: "I going to go get in the bath with just enough water to cover my perky bosoms" Sophia: "You're only gonna sit in an inch of water?" And from the murder mystery episode: "But Blanche, they'll put you in a women's prison!"
  6. Charlie the granddaughter was (greedy) Kirsten's daughter. Charlie Jr. was the son on the phone from the Valentine's epsiode. I agree about Charles - it never sounded right. Charlie was a much better fit. Another continuity error: Blanche's name. Her married name is Blanche Elizabeth Devereaux ("your initials are bed?") but the awful Mammy Watkins calls her Blanche Marie Hollingsworth. I guess I fanwank that she changed her middle name when she got married to have those initials on purpose.
  7. Not to mention at some point everyone had their own bathroom, although they also had shared bathrooms. And the garage apparently was entered through some dimensional gate, because otherwise it would be in their bedrooms. My favorite continuity issues are the children of Rose and Blanche. I guess it's not so much continuity as it is just amazing that they both had at least 5 kids: Rose had Adam, Ginella, Kirsten, Bridget and Charlie and Blanche had Janet, Rebecca, Biff, Skippy, Matthew and Doug. Blanche especially since she wasn't a big fan of kids. And having them all raised in that house...oh wait, maybe they weren't cause Rebecca didn't recognize it...here comes the headache!
  8. You're right Blanche. These naked Southern boys sure can dance!
  9. I'm excited to discuss the 3,547 continuity errors on this show. It's amazing that, as someone who can be often anal, those flaws are one of the most endearing things about the show. Cheesecake for everyone!
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