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dubbel zout

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Everything posted by dubbel zout

  1. Thanks, Toaster Strudel. They were having trouble before this, too. This is one of my least favorite arcs, and it being dribbled out here and there isn't helping. Vic needs to either commit to her marriage or get out of it—her inertia is boring to watch. You'd think Vic's dalliance with Beecher (sorry, forget his name here) would have taught Vic a lesson about messing around with co-workers, but I guess Walt is just that manly and irresistible that she's willing to do it again. Oh, Vic.
  2. Wraparound sunglasses are not a good look for Branch. Trey's mom was kind of a hoot. Billy Riggins! Wouldn't a DNA test identify the nonhuman elements? I understand how ashes don't necessarily indicate someone is dead, but the remains weren't entirely human.
  3. I bet if you drew a map of who's related by blood and/or marriage and/or sleeping together, you could connect everyone to everyone else. There are no outliers on GH.
  4. So today we got Nina's evil-plan monologue. She's going to break up Silas and Sam. Zzzzzzz. It's nice they gave Rosalie lines, instead of her just sitting there nodding her head. I FFed everything Franco connected. He's useless. Once again, CryptSex was Ava's fault: "Ava found an opening when I wasn't in my right mind." My eyes rolled out of my head at that line. Yes, Sonny, Ava's vagina has a gravitational pull that can't be defeated.
  5. Given that the OLTL characters were unceremoniously pulled off GH, it doesn't really matter. And they can't even be mentioned, so I think the show is better off not having set up more of a connection. (And that's probably the only time that sentence will ever be able to be typed with regards to GH.)
  6. If a woman isn't pregnant and in peril, a baby is in peril. Ron abhors a void.
  7. There were three people who knew: Maxie, Nathan, and Levi. The first two wouldn't jeopardize the case, so that leaves Levi. It hardly took Sherlock-level sleuthing to figure it out. That said, it's nice Ron let a cop solve something in a timely fashion. She's decent with lighter material, but the heavy emotional stuff? Terrible. And someone needs to tell her to stop mugging.
  8. That would be too logical. It makes more sense if Robin has no interaction with any of her family or friends.
  9. Good luck with that. Sam had a hard time seducing Jason, and they were married. But I'm sure something like that will go happen. If Jason returns, it means Carly will feel grateful to Robin, heh. That might be worth Jason coming back. And, Monica gets a living kid.
  10. I won't cry. I think MW has done a good job with Ava, but I hate Ava. The morality waffling hasn't helped—I don't know who Ava is supposed to be, a ruthless gangster or a villain with a heart of gold. Neither characterization was strong enough for any amount of time to take hold for me. And it doesn't help that the waffling continues. Plus, anything that can/will cause Lauren pain is good. If that means Ava bites it, so be it. I don't know if whiny is an improvement.
  11. What trope/cliché won't be hit on this show?
  12. From that link: The pearl-clutching over a few people saying "shit" was ridiculous.
  13. It would also affect Sabrina's story too much, and we can't have that.
  14. That wasn't at all unusual back in the early '80s. Women entered the work force in large numbers, but they were still expected to take care of the kids and household. Joe was more interested in any sort of publicity (though hopeful it wouldn't be absolutely terrible) than he was anything else. And I think the lead time of both the project and when the article would appear would ensure that no one else could get a jump on their own version. Also, it seems everyone thinks the Cardiff folks are nuts for trying to do this anyway, so other companies might not do anything until Cardiff is proven successful. As smart as she is, Donna's job possibilities in IT are pretty limited, I think, which is one reason she needs to keep the one she has at TI. I don't think there needs to be. The cops owed John a favor; Joe was driving too fast in a flashy car and is obviously an outsider. That seems enough of a reason to me without adding in gay-bashing.
  15. Could Donna be more awesome? Her takedown of Cameron, who richly deserved every word of it, was magic. I also loved Donna schooling the other engineers and Gordon getting totally turned on by it. Cameron, ugh. They're working way too hard to make her edgy, rebellious, and troubled. I have mixed feelings on the cops beating up Joe. On the one hand, rogue cops and police brutality are never good. On the other, Joe needed to be taken down a peg or five.
  16. Are they contractually obligated to be there? Seeing friends and colleagues can't be reason enough to want to go, and the show itself is a joke.
  17. The smattering of applause when they came out was cringe-inducing. That thing has a lower budget than an episode of GH. Yikes.
  18. Our Chesapeake Bay retriever was being a dog and once caught a baby rabbit. Being a retriever, she mouthed it but didn't kill it, so my dad had to give it the coup de grâce. That bird scene brought it all back.
  19. JT looks like he's being held hostage and is blinking SOS to the viewing audience.
  20. I saw an ad for that NoNo razor thing Kassie pushes, and she was called a DOOL actor. I was surprised it was changed so quickly, though since OLTL isn't around, I guess it makes sense.
  21. Sam's already slept with Sonny and his brother. She doesn't need to add his son to the mix.
  22. All the sets looked like distinct places, unlike, say, the apartments on GH, which look like the same place with slightly different furniture.
  23. Does she realize she's actually on a date, or does she think it's just a friend get-together?
  24. I think three people on the couch is exactly the right number, so Button's absence was felt. As a woman, I find men's reluctance to get prostate exams amusing. One finger? Try having a speculum, hands, and swabs all up in your business, and then we'll talk. I love Graham's fondness for New Zealanders.
  25. i hope Helena slits her throat when she finds out this peasant is involving the Cassadine heir in her childish pathetic schemes. I hope Helena slits Spencer's throat. I do NOT want more of him onscreen.
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