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dubbel zout

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Everything posted by dubbel zout

  1. If this is true and the rumor about Sonny and Ava marrying so that neither can testify against the other, Ron is ripping himself off at the same time. I think that's new for him.
  2. RC: I had to learn it as I went. I will defend the show and defend our writing, so I had to learn how to do that, how to defend the show and not get into petty squabbles with fans. (Emphasis mine) I guess banning them is the solution. From Geary's Logan interview: At least he owns up to all the whining he's done. I think TG is so glad to be doing something different that he can't help straying into ham territory. Same here. You could see how terrible he must have felt, and looking ill doesn't suit a bad guy. He was really gracious about the Emmy red carpet mess.
  3. Didn't they meet in college (Berkeley)? I assume their interest in computers is what drew them together. The Symphonic disaster likely affected Gordon much more than Donna. He was probably always socially awkward, but maybe after that he decided he didn't want to even try anymore. It did seem like a crushing blow when it didn't work out.
  4. The baby and toddler Lulus were SO adorable. LOL at the very dark hair.
  5. Of course this will happen, because soaps. Patrick has already operated on people he doesn't like (Jason immediately comes to mind). I'm sure this will have a similar lack of drama. Ron doesn't care about emotion; it's all plot points to him. Drug dealer. I doubt FLuke contacted Rafe directly. It was probably through someone else. Offscreen, Rafe has been the town cokehead for months.
  6. I was thinking of everyone but the actors. I know being there is the casting director's job, but are there other costs? The space, assistants, etc.? Or is that all under the casting department's budget?
  7. I don't mind Ron clarifying stuff, like "Yes, Ava was admitting to shooting Connie" or whatever, but I absolutely mind him putting half the action of the show offscreen and then getting pissy when someone brings that up.
  8. That was adorable. His tone of voice was perfect—it fooled me for a second there. He still doesn't get that when you have to explain the show, it's not working, does he.
  9. Doesn't it cost money to audition actors? If Frank is so good with numbers, why didn't he know before casting they wouldn't work? Or was he counting on money that he didn't get?
  10. I think there still could have been some drama with Patrick and Robin being divorced. They could still love each other but not know how to fix their marriage, so they reluctantly divorce, neither of them all that happy about it (but not blaming each other). Then Robin rolls back into town with Jason, and given Patrick's dislike of Jason, trouble ensues. But that would require Ron to put some effort into Robin and Patrick's story, which he clearly doesn't want to have to do. One of Ron's big problems is always taking the easy way out. Ryan Carnes has chest hair. I wonder if it's in his contract that he can keep it. Is BC really growing his chest hair out? It looks to me as if he grooms it. It's like a three-day beard.
  11. That doesn't affect Lauren or Michael much, and given how Ron insists on making Lauren the focal point of everything, I'm sure she finds out that Sonny shot AJ.
  12. Anyone yelling at Lauren is a good thing. Ah, gotcha. I missed Monday's ep.
  13. Nearly all the characters are one-note, so it's not surprising Maxie's is (still) "ditz." It's too bad, because KSt can do more. I don't think she was carrying RP in today's scenes—they were way too clichéd for anyone to save—and Maxie was in high-squeak mode, which is all on KSt. Agree. It's practically a breath of fresh air to see characters mixing it up. As usual, Ron is overdoing it with a tertiary character. I thought it was a waste of time for her to slam Silas to Lauren; Lauren is pretty uninvolved in this whole thing (despite being on Nina's List). And the actor is starting to ham it up a bit too much for my liking. Why hasn't Silas fired her? Where is Nina getting money? I have a hard time believing Silas would give her $500 in cash to carry around.
  14. I get Patrick wanting justice, but he's a bit bloodthirsty to punish Rafe. The Maxie/Nathan stuff was painful to watch. So terrible. So stupid. Dante, if you didn't want to get involved with Silas/Sam/Patrick, you shouldn't have butted in in the first place. If Rafe had any brains, he'd take Nina's money, run, and than call in and tell Silas that he saw Nina standing up and plotting against him and Sam. Rafe doesn't have anything to lose: He knows Silas and Sam know he hit Patrick's car. Color me shocked that Alexis is the one bringing up the possibility that Tracy and FakeLuke are trying to con Ned. I'd have thought Lauren would be the one to figure it out, since she's the big expert on the Qs. Morgan's concern for Alice is kind of sweet. Because it can't be said enough, STFU, Lauren.
  15. So do I. Good grief. The parents of PC are really okay with a reformed serial killer taking care of their kids? Alrighty then.
  16. Delia might be the one to get the thumb drive, since that's her plot point and Ava knows it's not at Casa Corinthos.
  17. Drew said in one of the earlier episodes that he was reluctant to come out because he didn't want to be known as the gay guy; he was afraid he'd be reduced to that one thing. This is in addition to the possible homophobia and career issues it might cause.
  18. Serial Drama, as usual, expresses how I feel about the show.
  19. We haven't had a bunch of schoolkids in danger yet, either.
  20. Yes, but not everyone wants to work on a soap. The technical education might be priceless, but the pace is brutal. You have to be able to handle it.
  21. It's kind of ironic, because I think Zachary Garrad is actually underplaying things somewhat, yet Levi IS a cartoon. He mentioned on Friday, I think, that Bobbie owned it, so at least he's aware of the connection. I'm pretty sure he was too young to really remember visiting. It's from OLTL. Per Dandesun, from this thread: A situation where any character gets thrown under the bus to make another who was definitely worse look better. The term is being misused regarding Levi, as Ross was the character who was constantly being thrown under the bus to make worse characters look better—he was the one being Rossened. That's not happening with Levi.
  22. This is one reason why the decision isn't quite as hateful as it could have been.
  23. I wish. I want Lulu to be implanted with that stupid embryo and then lose it, preferably due to her own stupidity. I'll even take a plot point. I'm so sick of her baby rabies.
  24. Luke got stuck with that dullard Ethan; it's apt that FauxLuke gets stuck with that dullard Levi. Looks like TG has a soft spot for younger Australian men. Ew. Sorry.
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