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dubbel zout

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Everything posted by dubbel zout

  1. I hate the Fiber One ads with the reworked lyrics to "Total Eclipse of the Heart." They had me until the line with "protein so my wife won't give me anymore flak." Yes, it's so terrible to have someone looking out for your well-being, and why couldn't the lyric be "doctor" instead of "wife"? It's as bad as the ads where the dads are "babysitting" their own children and are totally inept at taking care of them.
  2. It sounds as if he's learned to count and knows the baby can't possibly be his. Who cares if it's Morgan's? Who's Morgan? HIs biggest "code" is that he doesn't hurt women, so...
  3. Just reading about the episode nearly puts me into a rage blackout. So much hate for one 37-minute period.
  4. Same here. What did either side get out of it? Not a single thing. Though Echo (echo…echo…) being Rex's mother had a certain karmic satisfaction. She was intolerable, and Rex had long gotten to that point with me too. Especially because both of them had already had their "who's my family?" story lines. It's not like either of them had been wondering.
  5. Did anyone else catch the #DancingMeatballs hashtag?
  6. Ah, I missed that detail. Still, he operates in way too many areas to be realistic. But that's TV. I could accept it better if, as you wrote, starri, they'd established his bona fides more clearly. "Awesome war doctor" doesn't cut it.
  7. Nik and Liz are flip sides of the same coin, IMO. They're terrible together, yet they keep being written as pining for each other. It's happened too many times, but Ron is so creatively bankrupt he doesn't know what else to do. Just like he doesn't know what to do with anyone.
  8. At least Nina was surrounded by everyone, so it's not as if she were sitting with Danny by herself and could take off with him at any moment. It's still completely dumb, of course. This applies to every character on the show.
  9. I know! What does it mean that I found that the best acting in this ep? He had; he was worried about scars or something. Exactly what sort of doctor is he? He's done brain surgery, organ transplants, spinal reattachment, etc., etc. He has more specialties than a daytime-soap doctor. That's what I saw, too.
  10. I died once the Coconut Grove stripper arrived. He. was. terrible. And totally unable to read a room. The signs the women in the audience had—"We're proud of you, Daddy" especially cracked me up—were hilarious. I loved Parham and St. Clair's BFFs and really like this, too.
  11. Don't you think that's right up the show's alley, though? I mean, we have I think a Jess/Harry hookup is inevitable.
  12. Same here. I also like that though Matthias clearly doesn't like Walt, Matthias usually (if reluctantly) will allow Walt to do what he needs to do. But he makes Walt work for it. Hee.
  13. I kind of rolled my eyes at that—it's a common dramatic trope. Oh, look, the big bads are trying to intimidate the poor scrappy underdogs. I also kind of wanted to slap Joe. WTF did he expect? He poked the bear, and the bear is fighting back.
  14. Both Carly and Franco's preemptive strikes there were so bizarre. Lauren and Morgan are idiots, but I think they'd wonder why their parents knew before anyone else that Ava was dead. It's embarrassing to watch RoHo give absolutely nothing to his scene partners and play a scene in a totally different vein. What a jerk. There weren't any that I can recall... If anyone does, please tweet it to Ron.
  15. Weren't the wires (or whatever they were) used in the ritual on his chest? He didn't seem to have any scars there.
  16. That's the case for 99 percent of soap kids, IMO. The pregnancy is a plot point, and then when the kids are SORASed, they become plot points of their own.
  17. MW looked good today. That color blue was spectacular on her, and the lippy was great. When I saw Franco drawing in the park, I wondered if he was going to be drawing creepy caricatures at Danny's birthday party. Sam has a wad of cash in her purse and doesn't notice it's missing? I liked Carly's WTF face when Ava said she was pregnant.
  18. I honestly don't understand this. TeCa is an actor on a soap. Yes, the story cuts close to home, but would it be better for her to play out a story where she gives birth under the worst possible conditions? That's basically the only other option, and I can't imagine it would be any less painful to act out. (Maybe I'm just a person with no empathy and a piece of coal where her heart should be.) Of course, the best situation would be for fucking Ron Carlivati to understand that women are not defined by their uteri, but that doesn't seem to be an option.
  19. Does shooting Carly in the head while she was giving birth to Morgan count? Sonny was aiming for Lorenzo, but we all know how terrible a shot Sonny is. That's also the origin of Bullet O' Love, btw. Sonny grabs women, pushes them around a bit, and physically intimidates them. He made Courtney's mother crawl on the floor while he threw money at her. Any time he says he'd never hurt a woman I just roll my eyes.
  20. Rafe may be a cokehead, but he's not a MONSTER. I think it's also to show he's conflicted about Madeline. You know, layers. I write this with no snark whatsoever: Patrick and Sabrina don't really know each other. Ron did a terrible job of putting them together, Sabrina never lost her starry-eyed "my prince has come" ideas about Patrick, and JT played Patrick as someone who was basically bullied into marrying Sabrina. That's not much of a relationship any way you look at it. Argh, formatting issues. I tried.
  21. One or both of those adjectives describes every man Liz has been with. LOL. That guy was awesome. We liked him better than at least half of the cast.
  22. If that's the sort of thing they're going to use extras for, I can deal with never seeing any other patients. Ugh, that was awful. Not to mention, being Sonny's kid has brought physical harm to each and every one of them. Even the unborn ones. At least the Ric/Sam horror was consensual. I would like Alexis to keep a little more of an open mind when it comes to Ric being named the BIg Bad. She has every reason not to trust him, but think it through for one second. It's all way too convenient.
  23. I've never seen a lower-sodium version of BTB, but NYC supermarkets are usually too small to have every option. I'll keep an eye out for it, though. Every bit helps.
  24. Yep. Savi gave her the stink eye in season 1, too. I had to laugh when Kira was in bed with Harry wearing a sheer pink negligee over her sexy black underwear, and to make things "interesting," she takes off the negligee. Oh, network television standards. This happens with a character in the original British version, too. That was a horror, wasn't it? And her hair was just awful there. It cracked me up that she thought she was doing something really brave and all she did was lop off about three inches. Way to live dangerously, Savi. AM is pregnant again (it was announced in March). I'm not sure how far along she was while the series was shooting, but that's why she's holding a lot of big bags in front of herself and being parked behind counters. I didn't like Joss's outfit at the club—I had Carrie Bradshaw flashbacks. IOW, totally appropriate for a TV lawyer. Hee. Was April's artist dude really going barefoot in the woodworking studio? And April was wearing flip-flops? Good lord.
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