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dubbel zout

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Everything posted by dubbel zout

  1. Is Eli's not around anymore? I thought that was the place for ribs. When Ric clawed his way out of the body bag, I laughed imagining Sonny in that situation. His fabled claustrophobia would never allow it. I'm surprised it didn't rear up in the Q crypt, but I guess the gravitational pull of Ava's vagina trumped any fears. STFU, Brad. Britt is right to consider Nik a lost cause. I'm a Liz fan, but man, what a dumbass to dare Dr. O to fire her. Of course Liesl will do it! RiH did a great job with Molly crying in the other room. Ooooooh, Sonny hates Ava more than he hates Deke. That's some prime feeling right there. Heh. And of course Sonny "protecting" his sons is really about covering his own ass.
  2. Sam and Alexis, to a lesser degree, will not be devastated about Ric's death, but they will be upset for Molly's sake. Partial jinx with OnceSane.
  3. I hate his racist implication that the Asian flight attendant doesn't understand that he has a back ache. She speaks perfect English to him and he still shows her the pictogram. It's so insulting.
  4. So I guess Monday is the debut of NuNuNuJoss? (I think I counted the recasts right.) I'm not particularly looking forward to that, unless she gives Carly (and Franco, of course) an extremely hard time. But she'll probably be a precocious brat like Spencer, so ugh.
  5. Asa's fake funeral with all of his wives (and the instant classic of KdP's Blair flashing back to MK's Blair's wedding to Asa) was pretty great, too.
  6. An edit I agree with. I don't need to see Nina get caught up with everything that's happened since she's been in a coma. In the GH universe, 9/11 isn't something that needs to be mentioned in that context. As much as I dislike Nina, I did crack up when she was flailing around trying to find a phone with a cord, and then helplessly slapping Silas's cell phone. That was kind of fun. That's the sort of stuff I want to see her deal with. There's no need to force-feed her history.
  7. I don't think anyone feels shame for long (if at all). Carly certainly has no trouble sleeping with the man who facilitated her son's rape. And Sonny gets exasperated whenever someone mentions shooting Dante in the chest or Crypt!Sex. Logan's tweets are so ass-kissing I don't believe any of them. What's the point of bringing Jason back? The show is doing just fine without him. Why are we dealing with more characters when there are too many to begin with? It's bad enough we have the teen onslaught coming soon, which I couldn't care less about, no matter whose kids they are. Now we're possibly dealing with a recast Jason? STOP THE MADNESS.
  8. Wow, TeCa is so out of her league with this story, I almost feel sorry for her. How nice that Sabrina had time to keep her manicure looking good. It's still profoundly annoying that she's the one going off the deep end. Ugh. STFU, Levi. Good god, he's annoying. I don't know why Maxie doesn't throw him out on his long hair. Since it seems Rafe is the one who hit Patrick's car, I hope he chokes on his guilt. Literally. That's why drugs are bad, kids! Anna got to the morgue at GH in record time. I hope RiH could breath in that body bag. Eek.
  9. Maybe because Det. Plywood is extremely attractive and Levi looks like a carrot with hair? That, and Nathan encourages Maxie to think for herself.
  10. He hasn't explained, but I'm sure it's because his penis was helpless once it entered Ava's vagina's gravitational pull. Patrick has very poor taste in friends. If Coleman weren't tramping around the backcountry singing about the glories of country life, Patrick could confide in him. Mac would be another choice, though that would mean Ron would have to put JJY onscreen for more than a minute per month. It's like when Lulu had her abortion. Wait, you don't remember that?
  11. I know how to contact Schumer. (That isn't snotty.) I was complaining that Schumer made a point of telling people to contact their reps and then he punts on giving his address and telling people how to find it for others. He just laughs it off, when Jon was being serious. I know he couldn't see Jon, but I don't think it's too much to expect Schumer to say "Google the address." He should have followed through.
  12. Of course Sabrina regresses; she has the emotional maturity of a toddler. In that sense it's logical, but I'm really annoyed that she has to have a breakdown in the first place. Why can't she just leave PC for a little while? Does her exit really have to be such a big deal? We don't see Patrick falling apart this way. It's such misogynistic bullshit. My problem isn't that Lulu shouldn't want to carry a baby, it's that she's had Rocco for a hot second and is already obsessed with baby #2. How about she stops and enjoys the baby she have? They keep having her say that she's happy with Rocco, but then they immediately undercut it by having her desperate to deal with the embryo. It's not going anywhere. I would like to see Lulu have at least one conversation that doesn't include the words uterus, embryo, baby, and pregnancy. How about she go see if the Haunted Star is still floating? WE NEVER CARED.
  13. GIgantic, especially because neither of them seems able to keep work details to themselves. But then there'd be no drama. I like the new dynamic, but it some ways it's the same old same old, with Harvey being a dick to Mike instead of to opposing counsel. And I'm so over the firm being in peril. I'm not sure if D.B. Woodside's hotness can keep me watching.
  14. I can't believe Schumer just laughed when Jon asked him what his e-mail address was. Nice going, Chuck. Ugh.
  15. I still don't understand why they'd care. Rex was established by that point; who his parents were wasn't going to change that, IMO. Was it supposed to make him more likable? It's all moot now, I know. I didn't like that as much as Mitch and the coffin, but I admired it.
  16. If Ron wanted TJ to be a Hardy, he could have changed that. He's done it often enough, and lord knows he doesn't care if it makes sense.
  17. THIS. & his name actually being Thomas drives me up the wall for the same reason. That's Ron sticking it to the viewers. "You want a Thomas Jr.? I'll give you a Thomas Jr. But his name won't be Hardy—psych!" I think TJ has taken over as the male teen lead because the kid who plays Rafe is so inept. Or what jsbt wrote.
  18. Why would it matter to TPTB? Mitch was a recurring character who came on, did some damage, and died. And then came back, lather, rinse, repeat. (I will always love beyond reason him rising out of Jared's coffin. That was classic soap camp. Just fabulous.) Making Rex Clint's son was pointless, IMO. David being Bo's was, too, but I don't think it hurt either of them as much. And Echo, ugh. What a disaster.
  19. "Why don't you go home and feel bad about your neck?" Hee. Next week is the season finale already?
  20. Why can't Ric hire Diane himself? I get they want Liz involved, but Diane can shame her into supporting Ric even if Liz isn't paying her fees. Everything is a plot point for Ron. Everything. I LOLed when Lulu told Dr. Chu she and Dante were there to see if Lulu could get pregnant. The way she emphasized "We're here to see if I can get pregnant" made it sound as if Dante were an option. It really is gross that Lulu is so fixated on having another baby this instant. Rocco who? At least Dante is putting the brakes on things a bit. Shouldn't Patrick be sort of relieved Britt wasn't responsible for the crash? I know there's no love lost between those two, but it makes for a less awkward work environment when you know a colleague isn't responsible for the accident that caused you to lose your child. Anytime Sam talks about being a PI means she isn't talking about Silas. That's a win in my book. Could they be more heavy-handed with Nina thinking her marriage to Silas is hunky dory? Good grief. I'd tell her I was seeing someone just to get her to STFU about it. Silas finally gets some spine.
  21. "Living stipend" might be the wrong term, but a grant for personal expenses is sometimes included.
  22. I loved the 1960s time travel story for how much fun the actors were clearly having with it. The conceit was beyond dumb, but watching John Brotherton throw himself into playing Clint was great. I loved the way he leered at Natalie-as-Maria.
  23. Does she think he was living off her money all this time? Wouldn't she be able to tell by looking at her bank accounts? I get what they were going for here, but it's so sloppily done. Look where Silas is living. It's not exactly a deluxe apartment in the sky. Certain characters can at various times, but GH itself will always fail every day.
  24. Would people believe Franco? Even though he's supposed to be a harmless teddy bear, people still outright hate and distrust him. Carly's not going to automatically back him, and I can't see Lauren supporting him, either. This is never going to end, is it? It's such a pathetic triangle.
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