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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. That's the first thing I looked for, and was so pleased to find it in the line-up.
  2. I agree, but if they had reacted realistically when discovering Sophia and Max in bed together, we'd have been denied Dorothy asking him, "When did you get in?"
  3. C is for cats, which Blanche either likes or dislikes depending on which episode one goes by.
  4. My parents returned from a short trip this morning - during which I took care of their cats - and when I greeted them with, "Did you hear James Garner died?" they were both bummed. As am I. (We can perhaps blame my mother; a few days ago she came across The Rockford Files on TV and thought about how Garner was getting up there in years and would probably die soon.) There was something compelling about him that made even characters/shows/films I'd otherwise dismiss as "boyfic" (even long before I had a name for it) enjoyable.
  5. I love those and tend to do quite well. Same with categories where one must do math to solve. I also generally do well in categories about sports (if it's football, I'm pretty much guaranteed to run the table), the space program, most sciences, film (especially classic films), music (except I'm very spotty on the past ten years or so), the law, vocabulary, geography and capitals (with both, I'm great at US and decent at world - but definitely good enough for the modern version of the show, which has resorted to highlighting countries on a map), medical conditions, and social history. Any category with "Women" in the title, since the clue writers draw from such a limited pool. I would need to do some serious studying on religion/mythology, opera, art history, musical theatre, military history, and who was leader when. Everything else, it's pretty hit and miss.
  6. Ken Jennings was a superb contestant, but I don't see anything to indicate he has hosting skills, so I'm not keen on that idea. Meredith Vieira has always been a possibility in my mind, but she's just signed to a new talk show.
  7. Dorothy, definitely. I'm quite sarcastic, and give the same form of answers to dumb questions she does (e.g. Rose asking the black-clad Dorothy and Sophia if they're going to funeral prompting, "No, Rose, we're singing back-up for Johnny Cash" -- that's exactly the sort of thing I do). I'm also a big reader, intolerant of intolerance, and enjoy quiet time at home.
  8. No lie, the handful of people at the midnight showing I attended cheered when that happened. I may have joined in; I have never liked Amanda Peet, and her character (Whitney?) was annoying. I did like Scully's non-reaction to her, though. Other than that, the biggest audience reaction was cheering the appearance of Skinner, but Scully got applause for her first appearance, too (none for poor Mulder). And then I - who had been spoiled - had to tell people to stick around for the post-credits weirdness. I like CC as an idea man (for the most part), but not as a writer. Or director.
  9. I can understand them being upset the "kids" had sex in the house. They're family, yes, but they're guests. They were out and about and felt the need to hit the sheets and, instead of getting a room, they came back to the house and got in someone else's bed. Running the risk that exactly what happened would happen: they were walked in on, by their mothers and grandmother. It's tacky.
  10. I had stopped watching some time during season seven, but wanted to see how it ended so I recorded the series finale. I'm not sure I watched the whole thing, though, as I only remember a few scenes. One of which is them making out in front of Skinner, which cracks me up. But, yeah, it's off key. I try to fanwank that they've been separated for some time and he's on death row so all bets are off, and it's nowhere near as jarring as just hearing about "Dearest Dana" is, but it's still off. The dialogue in the final scene is typical Muldercentric BS, but the non-verbal interaction is vintage M&S, so way to take it out on the right note, GA and DD.
  11. Given what we know of production, I assume the majority of comments are prompted if not exactly scripted. That doesn't render them - nor the people who agreed to utter them - any less annoying to me.
  12. The film is hard not to deride for me, but I enjoy it for the performances. (Which, really, is how I watch a lot of female movie characters of that era ... and today's.) I think Shearer has the hardest role to make watchable, and she does so admirably. Shearer is not a favorite, although I don't dislike her. Like psychoticstate, I tend to most enjoy her in pre-Code films.
  13. I grew up being supervised around hazards until I was old enough to understand why I needed to avoid them, so I roll my eyes at a lot of these deal-breaking safety issues, too. It's especially annoying to me because usually the HHs on about all the deathtraps in the house/yard are the same ones who want to get rid of half the home's interior walls so they can watch the kids' every waking moment. How dangerous can this stuff be if they're going to be hovering over the kids all the time?
  14. Rose was awful in that situation - and when she lashed out at Blanche while waiting for her HIV test results - but I do like that they all were shown to be pretty awful from time to time despite being fundamentally good people. Like you, I feel like Dorothy was largely responding in kind. It's disappointing to hear some sexist double standard come out of her mouth, but it's believable, especially in light of what Rose was throwing at her.
  15. I know it airs as early as noon someplace in the midwest, so if you're concerned about spoilers you should probably avoid the thread from lunch on, until you've seen it.
  16. Murder by Death as a stupid movie? Them's fightin' words!
  17. Her one-woman show was truly divine. That it was just one of numerous accomplishments is testament to her enduring talent.
  18. Mark Harmon's reputation as one of the nicest guys in Hollywood is well earned. On a similar car accident note, when my friend's husband wrecked his car driving home from a wrap party down a canyon road, the person who stopped to check on him, guide traffic around the incident, and stay with him until my friend arrived was Jay Leno.
  19. Ugh. I hope I don't come across that one again; her pronunciation of quarters sends me 'round the bend.
  20. Such is the state of American television - characters find themselves unintentionally pregnant (because, apparently, either TV contraception has a higher failure rate than its real-life counterpart, or TV characters are pretty lax about using it) and don't spend so much as a minute considering the option to terminate. Babies ruin just about every show, and would certainly ruin this one for me, so I'm hoping the new showrunner doesn't feel compelled to carry this storyline through. The sooner we can dispatch with it and get back to the usual formula, the better. This episode was just okay, but that's always how I feel about the show, so it's enjoyable fun; I'm just watching for the friendship anyway. Angela has become almost unbearably annoying, however. I like Jane and Maura's talk about the new guy; they always manage to have moments of girlishness that are just that - moments. With too many women on television perpetually portrayed as adolescent twits in the face of a man, it's refreshing.
  21. Oh, man; that's a big loss. Her one-woman show was a true delight.
  22. There is a Curves in walking distance from my house, so when I could get there it was perfect: a half-mile walk uphill to warm up, 30-minute circuit, and a nice downhill walk home. But to say I'm not a morning person would be a masterpiece of understatement, so I need to go in the evenings, and they're not open late enough. And I, too, harbor a fantasy of creating a Curves in my house; if I could put in a basement, that's exactly what I would do down there.
  23. John Tesar is still as petulant as ever. I hope she continues not to respond to his childish social media posts.
  24. That's the reason it was picked up at that time, yes. Whether that script, or a completely different XF2, would have been given the go-ahead at some point had the strike not occured (or not been predicted to linger on) is impossible to know. I tend to doubt IWTB would have ever been picked up, but perhaps a different film.
  25. Yeah, the strike was expected to be protracted, so scripts already in the can that wouldn't have otherwise been bought were picked up, because the studios were terrified they wouldn't have any filmed movies come summer. So IWTB got the green light and filming began right after the winter holidays. But since it was being filmed during the strike, no one could tinker with the script (well, a non-WGA member could if they wanted to be a scum-sucking scab), and the lack of revisions really shows. As does the low budget. Kudos to GA and DD basically doing this as a favor (and she dropped out of another film to do so); they took peanuts up front in exchange for a percentage of the profits in order to stretch the budget as far as possible, and they're both savvy enough to know the back end wasn't going to amount to much.
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