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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. This gave me a real smile. I don't often use my grill pan, because I live in a climate where I can charcoal grill most days of the year and I prefer that for most things, but however they're created there is something about those lines.
  2. For me, it would depend. If a vacation home - which I'd never buy for a variety of reasons, but go with me here - I'd be all about the arrondissement (I have a particular affinity for staying in the sixth, but there are many that float my boat). For a relocation rental situation of a few years, location would remain a heavy factor. But for long-term residence, I would definitely try to strike a balance between a desirable location and a bit more breathing room (and I say this as someone who thinks American homes are generally oversized ... yet lives in 1600 sq. ft. because that's how things worked out).
  3. Ha! I didn't see the episode, and I'm not Southern, but I have family members who are and thus know, and use, "bless your heart" as intended. It goes over many a head here on the West coast, but it lowers my blood pressure to say.
  4. That Rain King makes my favorites list is pretty unusual, given I hate Victoria Jackson in anything, can't stand Sheila, and hate the sappy "happy ending always equals marriage and baby" ending for its repetition. But it's just so fun. "I brought you a leg." And "He's my partner, and we prefer separate rooms." Swaying to the music. Cheese can be good. Terms of Endearment is one of the several I don't remember well, but I'm thinking it should have made my least-favorite list because I remember it actively offending me rather than just being more benignly crappy like some of the others. I should watch it again to find out, but whenever I attempt a rewatch I stall out on the "must watch every episode" mantra early in season five and never make it.
  5. The man has more than 75 credits to his name, yet he'll always be "Shoop" to me. I love that he did commentary (with Carl Reiner) for the Summer School DVD. Which, of course, I own, because that movie is a high school favorite.
  6. I kind of hate myself for it, but I love that song. And I do, indeed, nod my head and move my hips like yeah.
  7. I remember commenting on it, saying in particular that "flippant" is a pretty anemic word for Scully to use in objection (I know she took it from him, but still), but I don't remember a lot of chatter about it. It seems The Conversation on the Rock is so well loved (and I do like the rest of it) that it's largely glossed over. I still love the episode, but I don't like Mulder much in that moment. Or when he's all "Sorry about your dog, now back to my lake monster pictures."
  8. Bastet


    Homemade is my favorite, and if I had to rely on the big chains for delivery, it's probably all I'd ever eat, but I have several terrific local restaurants that deliver delicious pizza. I've had the frozen California Pizza Kitchen and Wolfgang Puck pizzas, and they were both fine, but I'd rather call out for freshly-made because it's really not that much more expensive. I like olive oil or pesto sauce better than tomato sauce, but I like a traditional sauce with some toppings. I love mozzarella, but also like the addition of other cheeses. Too many favorite toppings to list, but I'll do a few favorite combinations: Italian sausage, spinach and mushroom; chorizo, jalapeño, onion and cilantro; chicken, broccoli and mushroom (with alfredo sauce); arugula, caramelized onion and goat cheese; fresh mozzarella, fresh tomatoes and basil; Italian sausage, onions and black olives; shrimp and chorizo
  9. After refreshing my memory on the basic plotlines of the episodes I couldn't remember, let me take a stab at an actual Least Favorites list: The Unnatural - The opening scene is cute, but it's DD and GA rather than Mulder and Scully. And as much as I love DD and GA when they're being goofy, when I'm watching the show I want to see Mulder and Scully. The baseball scene is just lovely, but profoundly marred by the horrid "those last two are mine" and "ticking of your biological clock" lines. And I can't muster up any interest in what happens in between. Triangle - All hat and no horse. Not among the five worst, but among my five least favorite because it's such a waste of a great concept. Four Scully eyebrows arched in unison is pretty damn cool, though. SR 819 - John Shiban strikes again. Two Fathers/One Son - Blah, blah, mytharccakes. And Fowley. And the Spender family, who I should care about but don't because they're part of something that makes no damn sense. Alpha - Disturbing characterization and just a dumb story
  10. I wish they'd have given Scully better ways of proving her identity to Mulder than naming off his family members. The parking lot attendant at the Hoover building probably knows Samantha's name. I've enjoyed Diana Scarwid in other things, but she doesn't work for me as Linda. It's not entirely her fault, as I think this episode is fairly mediocre as written, but her performance doesn't help. And I don't really like Mulder or Skinner in this episode.
  11. My favorite episodes this season are highly ranked in my weighted analysis, giving this season a fairly high slot on my ranking of seasons, but there are also a lot in which I have no interest. Favorites: Monday Field Trip How the Ghosts Stole Christmas Tithonus Rain King If the Dreamland episodes had been condensed into one, that would knock Rain King out of its spot, and as it is I'd have to put them as tied with it for that last slot. Least Favorites: Five of the rest of the episodes that I can barely remember, I suppose -- especially the mytharc ones.
  12. This is where we start getting into episodes I can't properly evaluate because I haven't watched them as often -- this is the season I stopped being excited every week. But, here we go ... Favorites: Bad Blood - Favorite episode of the whole series. Detour - Just delightful after the emotion of the cancer arc, and a fun romp in its own right Redux II - Except for the shoehorning in of the Samantha stuff, which really could have waited until another episode Kill Switch - I love Invisigoth, and Scully having another woman to interact with Chinga - Ridiculous, but I love Scully in this one (and dorky Mulder back home) Least Favorite (from among those I remember): Travelers: Fuck you for that stupid wedding ring stunt, DD. It's not cute. Post-Modern Prometheus: These women were raped, but that resulted in babies, so it's all good. This fuck you is for CC. (Love the dancing scene in isolation, though.) Kitsunegari: Not a terrible episode, but terribly disappointing as a follow-up to one of the best episodes. Mind's Eye: Total waste of Lili Taylor All Souls: Great performance by Gillian, but not my cup of tea in terms of storyline
  13. I do like Gillian's tone of voice as Scully reacts to that, though. Don't forget the snow globe water. Make-up aside, I like Dod Kalm. "You're lucky you inherited your father's legs." "What?" "Sea legs." Not that it's news that Gillian is amazing, or even that she's a master of the little things, but there's a great example in this episode: when Mulder wakes up Scully at the table, Gillian sounds 100 percent like someone who has just woken up. And I like Trondheim, despite his actions, because they make sense and he's not entirely wrong -- he only steals the water from Scully when she won't listen to him about not wasting any more on Mulder (which is the same argument Mulder makes); until then, he was willing to continue sharing with her.
  14. The one at the airport was bad enough, but last night I saw one at a café, where the boy is using his phone to buy income property, that is even more annoying. If I had kids, at a certain age they'd be given a cell phone for emergencies and at an older age be allowed to use it for certain things, but I'd be damned if any kid of mine would walk around glued to an electronic screen all day (or use one at my dinner table). So using kids in these commercials isn't going to work for me, period, but using obnoxious kids acting like grown-ups as they snot off to actual adults is really not the way to go about it.
  15. I think it would have been a great gift if he and Maura were a few years into an established relationship, but find it an extremely odd gesture when they've barely started dating. The two long-term boyfriends my best friend has had each knew getting along with me was every bit as important as getting along with her family, and in fact that he'd spend more time with the two of us than with her and her family. One came across an original script of a classic movie he knew I love and picked it up for me. My best friend and I both really appreciated that. But if it had happened earlier on in their relationship - and certainly if it had happened this early in the relationship - we'd have been creeped out by it.
  16. I like that, too (when, quite frankly, it's something that would bug me nine times out of ten). And I know this is twisted, but I get a real kick out of them being dragged across the gym floor.
  17. "Miami is nice, so I'll say it thrice." Sorry, Golden Girls moment there. I just heard this in a commercial, and it seems fairly rampant these days: Saying "There is" or "There's" and then following with something that should be preceded by "There are" instead.
  18. Yes! That smile. Darkness Falls would be next on my list. Except now I can't watch it without feeling sorry for poor, puking Gillian. I like Fresh Bones -- a dude comes OUT OF HER HAND. And I like Chester. Plus, Callum Keith Rennie. I like that one, but I feel sorry for the actors having to go through the prosthetic makeup process. "As certain as I am of this life ... Howard Gordon is a dead man." (That's from the gag reel, and cracks me up.)
  19. Yep, right before Eddie Sr. opens it, I believe. Beat me to it. I also love when Eddie Sr. offers to drop his drawers to show them the tail. Mulder is all eager and Scully puts the kibosh on it. This is another one with a nice job from the guest cast. Including the actor who plays the husband (the one who calls his wife "Baboo"), as his character and as Eddie playing his character.
  20. I love the way the cop says Van Blundht's name after Eddie tells him the H is silent ("It's like Dutch or something.") "Alright, Mr. Van Blun-hut." "On behalf of all the women in the world, I don't think this has anything to do with consensual sex." "I was just here. Where did I go?" is one of my favorite lines, but this episode is pretty much a 44-minute collection of favorite lines. And moments, like Mulder breaking off Eddie Sr.'s tail and trying to hide it from Scully (or him covering his coffee cup to avoid getting Eddie dust in it as Scully uses the stryker saw). And just about everything Eddie as Mulder does; DD clearly has a blast with it and it's just wonderful.
  21. I love that, too; it's funny on its own, but also has a couple-ish vibe to it.
  22. That's one of the many things I love about it. "Just so long as you're attempting to record the truth." "Dear god, no - how could I possibly do that?" But mostly for Detective Manners ("Oh, you bet your blankety-blank bleep I am"), "Roswell! Roswell!" (and just about everything from that kid, like "You mean it's just a dead human being?" and his Dungeons & Dragons line), Alex Trebek, "This is not happening," the pie, the interrogations, "This is so embarassing," the ticking timebomb of insanity, "Did you check everywhere?" ... just about everything about it, really.
  23. While my favorites list would have to get fairly long before they'd make the cut, I like both The List and 2Shy. The List is ... shall we say not good ... but I have an odd soft spot for it. I love "I only get five?" And Scully's equally droll observation upon realizing Neech's wife is cheating on him: "A woman gets lonely. Sometimes she can't wait around for her man to be reincarnated." And I laugh my ass off when Neech comes back as a fly. 2Shy I like for "Harlan" from Thelma & Louise and the fantastic way Scully schools the sexist detective.
  24. Favorites: Paper Clip - If for no other reason than the three-way standoff in Mulder's apartment, but I happen to love to rest of it just as much. Clyde Bruckman's Final Repose - Peter Boyle hits just the right tone, so throw in The Stupendous Yappi and Scully's "I can't take you anywhere" and I'm sold. Pusher - So. Fucking. Good. War of the Coprophages - "Her name is Bambi?" There is nothing about this episode I don't love, especially Scully. "No, this is no place for an entomologist." Syzygy - The funny ones always make my list. And my mother and I still walk around saying, "Hate him, wouldn't want to date him." Okay, I can't stop at five for this season: Quagmire, Wetwired and Jose Chung's From Outer Space all have to be on here as well. Least Favorites: The Blessing Way - As much as I love The Anasazi and Paper Clip, I skip over this part of the trilogy. The Oubliette - Lucy drives me nuts, so I cannot get invested in her plight. Avatar - I like Skinner, but not this much. Hell Money - Everything about this is flat to me - writing, acting, directing. It's just boring. Teso Dos Bichos - Sewer rats, killer cats, and Yaje. Oh my.
  25. Favorites: One Breath - My favorite Muldercentric episode, because Mulder is all about Scully in this one. Irresistible - Donnie Pfaster is pitch-perfect creepy, and Scully is so perfectly Scully Our Town - Delightfully macabre Humbug - It's hilarious, and the funny episodes wound up consistently being among my favorites over the course of the series. This one started a wonderful trend. Die Hand Der Verletzt - Pretty much everything I like in a MOTW, including a terrific guest cast. Oh, ass - I forgot The Anasazi. I'm not losing any of the above, so my Top 5 is a Top 6. Least Favorites: 3 - Duh. Fearful Symmetry - I actually want to like this one for its message, but it's just not well done. The Calusari - That kid is creepy, and not in the good way. But I do love "Did you learn about wind in kindergarten?" Sleepless - Mulder and Scully give good phone, but it's not enough; I don't even remember what the X-File in this one is about. Blood - See above.
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