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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. My favorite is probably Deborah Madison's Local Flavors (subtitled "Cooking and Eating from America's Farmers' Markets"). It's important to me to eat seasonal, locally-grown produce rather than supporting factory farms. So I grow some of my own, and buy from local farmers. Sometimes I'll pick something up at the farmers' market because it looked, smelled and tasted delicious ... and then stare at it at home without the slightest idea what to do with it. This book is the solution to such dilemnas; I look up the ingredient, and find a delicious recipe that combines it with other seasonal items. I also love one that Ina ought to enjoy: 365 Ways to Cook Chicken by Cheryl Sedaker. Most of the recipes are pretty basic, but they're not boring. And I like the way it's organized -- appetizers, soups, salads, roasted (whole), roasters cut up and baked, in the skillet, stews, with pasta, casseroles, with fruit, with pastries, fast recipes, classics, etc.
  2. It's a bit frustrating that he dismisses what she's just spent minutes telling him - saying "no one" is ever going to think of her that way when she's just given him examples of the many times it has happened - but also realistic; men can choose to go through life not examining such things. And it's nice if you convince yourself he honestly can't fathom someone regarding her as merely a piece of tail.
  3. The Eurisko computer is almost unanimously unplugged, with 11 points. We also bid adieu to the Ice worms with five points. That beast woman from Jersey is just behind them with four points, so we'll send her packing as well to set up our penultimate round -- vote for the two you want gone, in the order you want them gone, and tomorrow we'll have our final three to rank. Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms) The Eves (Eve) Cecil L’Ively (Fire) Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea) Phosphorescent bugs (Darkness Falls)
  4. Well, now you have, as I've greatly enjoyed several dishes with it. But that "petroleum" mess did not look like something that would join the list.
  5. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    The only time I ever root for the Jets is when they're playing the Patriots.
  6. Worse, he says if he doesn't find a "good girl" soon.
  7. I always make my stock (veggie or chicken) with parmesan rinds, because I just love the flavor it adds. And then I'll add even more, in the way you described, to certain soups.
  8. They try, and generally do a good job of keeping it comfortable, but it can certainly get warm enough under those lights that actors bundled up in thick outerwear will be stifling, and shucking those things off between takes.
  9. You know, I meant to change "The Jersey Devil" (which is what I'd put down in my initial list where I tried to put something next to each episode) to "That beast woman" (because I can't look at "beast woman" without hearing Scully say, "Keep it up Mulder, and I'll hurt you like that beast woman"), but obviously forgot all about it. I'll change it in the list for next round, if she's still here.
  10. The AC is cranked to counteract the hot lights, so it evens out to a "normal" temperature on set.
  11. I really like what the actor does with it, but, like another poster, I am distracted by the sickly look he has from the dark circles under his eyes.
  12. All I needed was the "reaction to social change" part of the clue to instantly think backlash, so that there is a backslash on the keyboard just confirmed it. If I'd been trying to work my way forward by visualizing all the keystrokes, who knows.
  13. Parasitic glacial worms (ugh, the horrible CGI) The Eurisko computer
  14. We'll say goodbye to three baddies again today. John Barnett and his salamander hand tallied up eight points while the very-dead Howard Graves came in with six. But Brother Andrew was the clear next choice, with almost all of the remaining points, so we'll go ahead and send him packing now. Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms) The Jersey Devil (The Jersey Devil) The Eurisko computer (Ghost in the Machine) Parasitic glacial worms (Ice) The Eves (Eve) Cecil L’Ively (Fire) Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea) Phosphorescent bugs (Darkness Falls) Vote for the two villains you want eliminated, in the order you want them gone.
  15. Exactly. Having only visited Florida a couple of times during the two years my best friend lived there, I could nevertheless understand characters dressing warmer to counteract the ridiculous over-cooling going on in many public spaces. But the GG characters were inappropriately dressed even in the home over which they had climate control. I think Judith Light is one of TV's most underrated actors for many reasons, one of which is the fact that she was the only cast member of Who's the Boss - a show set in Connecticut - who would react when an exterior door was left open during an episode set in cold weather months. It certainly helps that the location shots were filmed in Vancouver, but The X-Files is one of the few shows that had its characters appropriately bundled up (before moving production to LA, anyway) -- we saw them in a variety of shapeless outerwear, opting for realism rather than showing off the fine forms of the stars.
  16. I don't know how hard one has to work to be the biggest jackass in the room when Blais is in the house, but the guy who dismissed Keriann managed to pull it off. I'm surprised he didn't call her Barbie. Was he the same one who decided he was entitled to do the lobster because he wanted to, nevermind that she did, too, and stunk it up? Whoever that was, assuming her assessment of her skills - that she'd be best at the lobster but would be good at the clams, too - was correct, she'd have done a much better job with the lobster than he did. I'm suspicious of anyone who chooses to associate with Mike Isabella, so I'm not sad to see his partner go no matter what his credentials. Are the subtitles on Katsuji really necessary? I don't have any trouble understanding him (although, many of my clients are Mexican immigrants, so that may help). I do, however, have trouble comprehending what he was doing with those clams. Mr. "I can't reach my ankles" (Ron) cracked me up with that response. I like Joy's attitude. I also like the format of the judges giving immediate feedback. What I don't like, even when judging a competition, is someone spitting out food. There is little which is truly inedible, and one bite of "too much fat" does not rise to that level. Criticize the hell out of it, sure. Even chew it to the back of your mouth, walk away and spit it out, then say at judging, "I couldn't even get a bite down." But to spit food into a napkin right in front of the person who made that food? No. That may be good TV, but it's bad form. Mei's food looked great and I liked her all episode, so I was happy to see her win. From the bit we saw of Michael's food, that seemed to be the right choice (and the fact we barely saw him seemed to telegraph that), but it's hard to tell at this point. Tom has his faults, but I don't think he's close-minded when it comes to food, and Tom wasn't the only one who disliked his dish, so that wasn't a very wise exit interview.
  17. I always figured Blanche - who has truly deluded herself into thinking she's not old enough for menopause and thus would think pregnancy was the cause - had been using protection, and just assumed it failed with one of those guys.
  18. We'll go with the jaguar spirit for the elimination game, but now this is bugging me and I certainly don't want to watch the episode to find out: Who was the jaguar spirit possessing to actually do the deed of killing people? A person? Those cats? No one? I don't even remember who got killed, other than Mona's dog ("and don't call me Sugar"). Someone's entrails wound up in a tree. Rats didn't fare well, either - I think they drowned in toilets and got chopped up in engine parts. The dog ate the cat, and the cat ate a rat? I now know Bilac got killed, but I don't remember that. (All I remember of him is, "If you think I did this, then you are a foooolllll.") I wonder how much yaje John Shiban ingested to come up with this episode.
  19. I love that scene -- everything he says to her, her saying, "I hate to quit while I'm ahead," the way she figures out why everyone wants the blazer and then hops up ready to get back to work, and the way he tries to play the whole thing off by casually wiping his eyes and declaring she takes a licking and keeps on ticking. It's a good episode all around.
  20. My strongest memory is how beautiful Scully looks standing in front of a projection screen with grisly crime scene photos showing on her face, so, no.
  21. My first vote will go to the last of the villains I barely remember, and then I can finally start voting on levels of interesting: Brother Andrew John Barnett - creepy, but not in the good way
  22. It's always interesting trying to nail down the villains, because first you have to sort through what the hell happened half the time, then you have to figure out whether to swallow Mulder's paranormal theory. My Grotesque recollection pretty well tracks with the above -- it was Mostow, then Patterson, doing the killings. Mostow offered up the old "the devil made me do it" defense, and Patterson basically became deranged by inhabiting Mostow's mental space for so long. I think we'll go with Patterson; he's the perp at episode's end, and he's the one who dragged M&S in yet refused to be honest with them, so he wins.
  23. We're going to say goodbye to three villains again today. Warren Dupre through Jack Willis (Lazarus) and Charlie Morris through Michelle Bishop (Born Again) both got five points. Right behind them is Dr. Arthur Grable through Roland Fuller (Roland) with four points, so we'll send him packing as well. Those three got all but one of the votes cast this round. Note to season one villains: don't possess other people's bodies, it's not nice. Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms) The Jersey Devil (The Jersey Devil) Howard Graves through Lauren Kyte (Shadows) The Eurisko computer (Ghost in the Machine) Parasitic glacial worms (Ice) The Eves (Eve) Cecil L’Ively (Fire) Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea) Brother Andrew (Genderbender) John Barnett, AKA the salamander hand guy (Young at Heart) Phosphorescent bugs (Darkness Falls) Vote for the two you want gone, in the order you want them eliminated.
  24. I thought I had heard every stupid reason for competing, but "I'm looking for a man" achieved a new low. That it was likely - or perhaps I just hope - a manufactured plot rather than a genuine motivation is not a mitigating factor; I have such a low tolerance for storylines on reality TV, I don't care whether the contestant or producers came up with it.
  25. Is that what she said after avocados? I couldn't understand her. I wound up watching the episode in bits and pieces (during GG commercials), and in every snippet of her I caught she was just too much.
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