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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. Okay, I gave myself five minutes to do a top ten list, knowing I couldn't come up with one if I had proper time. I think the top five is actually rather accurate, but six through ten are quite arbitrary. And I included two that didn't even make the all-stars list, but, hey, this is MY top ten. 1. Bad Blood 2. Small Potatoes 3. JCFOS 4. CBFR 5. Beyond the Sea 6. Pusher 7. WoTC 8. Monday 9. Humbug 10. Field Trip
  2. I wouldn't have any idea how to cook for or entertain a child, nor do I have the slightest interest in learning how to do so. So I understand the lack of inclination; I'd rather cut off half my toe and soak my foot in alcohol than be around children. But if I had a cooking show, it would behoove me to either not feature children or figure out how to integrate them naturally into the storyline. But the oddest part of the episode for me is making a storyline out of the "lighting design." Other than the infant, anyone present could have done just as good a job.
  3. This show handled teen sex - especially teenage girls having sex - better than just about any I've ever seen. Of course, my favorite line from the episode in which Becky goes on birth control is the perfectly delivered, "Isn't it great, Roseanne?"
  4. No, it does not. Anniversary means the yearly recurrence or celebration of an event; there is no such thing as a one-month, six-month, etc. anniversary. This certainly doesn't rise to the level of something TDS will mock, and New York doesn't stand alone in making this mistake, but it drives me nuts.
  5. I missed tonight's episode (I'm 0-3 this week), but if she had already phrased her answer in the form of a question ("What is stronger?") and then was just adding more, I'd imagine that's why they accepted it.
  6. I'm missing something here, and it's bugging me -- how does the garage being attached alleviate the possibility of someone lurking in the house?
  7. All I know is the Log Lady had better be there.
  8. I think pop culture should absolutely be part of the game, but I'm less enthused about it constituting a FJ clue (although I don't mind clues where there is more than one way of getting to the answer, e.g. where someone familiar with the show, film, song, etc. will know it from that but one unfamiliar with it can still reason their way to it based on historical context or something).
  9. I was always a t-shirt wearing resident of Camp Scully, but Mulder I was much more hit and miss with, especially after the first couple of seasons. I could not stand the guy much of the time, but then at times I'd just love him. What's interesting is that, after IWTB, I can tolerate some things better now than I did when the episodes originally aired.
  10. I may not watch much television now, but I've watched quite a lot over the course of my life. In all that viewing, among shows that lasted more than five or six seasons, I can name only two - Cagney & Lacey and Seinfeld - that I enjoyed all the way to the end. The rest of my long-running favorites - and that's a long list - are shows I only liked through the fourth, fifth or sixth seasons.
  11. I always roll my eyes at the HHs groaning about mowing the yard. If one doesn't want a yard, fine - I'm talking about the people who want a yard (for the kid, the dog, entertaining, whatever) and then, "Oh, but all this lawn to mow." Or whatever the landscaping is that needs to be maintained. It really doesn't take a lot of time, nor does it take a lot of money to outsource it; if a yard is something you like, what's required to maintain it is insignificant in comparison to what you get. In looking at the interior, the HHs don't bemoan the fact they'll either have to spend time cleaning it or hire someone to do so, because that's just taken as a fact of life not worth commenting on when evaluating a house. Same thing here, but on they go.
  12. Bad Blood! My favorites list goes Bad Blood out ahead by a mile, followed by Small Potatoes, then a moderate gap, followed by a whole cluster of episodes.
  13. There is also an episode in which Roseanne says, "David Jacob, I see you." I can't remember if it's one of the times they're playing hide and seek* or if he's hiding for another reason, but it's another instance of hearing his full name. * I love that Roseanne tells him he's so good at hiding, he can take her turn.
  14. As much as Small Potatoes is far and away my second-place episode, I can't get upset at Pusher or CBFR winding up there. (Voting for Bad Blood in this round, however ...)
  15. It's a thoroughly enjoyable episode with a bunch of terrific little moments and dialogue, and what earns it bonus points from me - elevating it to a higher position than it might normally attain in my rankings, given the number of great/really good episodes - is how utterly pitch perfect a breath of fresh air (for the characters, and the audience) it was after the cancer arc. Beyond the Sea gets bonus points from me for context as well, that one for being so damn good back at a time when the show didn't yet know what it was doing and for finally giving Gillian/Scully something to do other than tag along and do autopsies (without which we might well have had a very different series, although I like to think the potential would have been realized at some point, regardless).
  16. Yes, he was a friend of Sara Gilbert's. Discussion upthread reminded me of another UO: Crystal got on my last nerve quickly and often, so I could only take her in small doses, and I did not miss her when she inexplicably disappeared.
  17. C is for Count Bessie, the piano-playing showbiz chicken they thought Aunt Angela had turned into dinner.
  18. I read non-fiction almost exclusively, and as much as I adore Gillian, her book doesn't sound like anything that would be one of my exceptions. A couple of friends - including one who had declined to join us for the original event because she's such a fan of Vivien Leigh's performance in the film - went to one of those second showings of the Streetcar videocast Sunday, and were blown away. I've yet to hear anyone not be, really.
  19. Small Potatoes is my number two, easily. Pusher CBFR I have yet to successfully compile a top five list, so I'm not sure I'd ever settle on my top ten. My first tie is at the third place slot, and it only gets more convoluted from there. I could maybe come up with ten, but ranking those ten ... I'd probably have one, two, four-place tie for third, and four-place tie for fourth.
  20. I grew up in the foothills of a suburb and saw the same variety of critters at home as on our camping trips - except when we went were there were bears. But when dealing with the usual assortment of deer, coyote, raccoons, etc. that was just part of the fun. So I can definitely see the mother wanting to be inside, Kevin wanting to be outside where it was "cool" and Ruby figuring being stuck with her brother was better than her mother.
  21. I missed tonight’s episode, but I must thank the posters of PTV for my getting FJ right – I never watched HIMYM, but when I read the clue I asked myself what long-running show I’d recently seen people complaining about the way it ended, and voila. In that same episode, I was surprised to see Six Degrees of Separation and Martin Luther King, Jr.go unanswered, and I was yelling, “What is suede?” at the TV. Even louder with Gorillas in the Mist. I had no clue on Nimrod, however; I know it as a term for idiot, but had no idea it was a character's name. And I thought the DNA clue was clearly seeking the entire answer, so took no issue with that ruling; the category merely indicated science-related words beginning with D and the verbiage of the clue flat-out asked what DNA stands for. The lead-in about taking a big breath is a further hint it’s a long answer.
  22. As soon as they develop opposable thumbs - and I'm convined our polydactyl cat is on his way there (I'm also convinced he's from another planet ... either way, he's a future overlord) - they will. Is that the commercial from several years back (that had a "how it was made" feature and everything), or did IKEA let yet another group of cats loose in a showroom?
  23. Anything that is just a little packet of chemicals to begin with wouldn't bother me to eat more today than it did 20 years ago when it was first packaged; a few years back, my best friend and I made Jello pudding from packets that must date back to the late '70s or early '80s based on the price tag (found in the pantry of her parents when they moved). I can only imagine what the half life is on that stuff.
  24. Same here. My initial reaction to the general concept of a follow-up is, "Oh, just leave it alone." But seeing that it's only nine episodes, all of which will be controlled by Lynch and Frost, and which they don't have to get on the air until 2016, I completely change course and think they'll be great.
  25. They couldn't have announced this before I spent nearly $100 on the Blu-Ray set that is sure to be re-released in future with these new episodes added?
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