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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I think Jason Nichols is a rather interesting villain, knowing he has to kill his friends and himself in order to protect the rest of the world.
  2. Two characters tell two different stories, and M&S tell Skinner they don't know. But that's about who shot somebody. I don't know if there's even a good guess on the fungus. The brothers each turn into El Chupacabra and at the end they escape.
  3. Yay! Halloween episode marathon on WE right now. "Welcome to the Tunnel of Terror. Please, join us." Ha - there's one on TVLand, too. That one is doing the episodes in reverse order.
  4. Nathaniel Teager (I can't even picture him, and the episode was dreadfully boring, so by definition, he's uninteresting) Samuel Aboah (see above) Vernon Ephesian (again, see above)
  5. N is for Nunsense, in which Rue played Mother Superior.
  6. Okay, time to rank the villains of the week for seasons four and five. There are five more to choose from in season four, however, so we'll work on that season alone for two rounds before bringing season five into the mix so that the final round happens at the same time for both. Season Four The Peacock family (Home) Samuel Aboah (Teliko) Gerry Schnauz (Unruhe) Vernon Ephesian (The Field Where I Died) Dr. Jack Franklyn (Sanguinarium) John Lee Roche (Paper Hearts) The Buente brothers/El Chupacabra (El Mundo Gira) Leonard Betts (Leonard Betts) Bettie the Talking Tattoo through Ed Jerse (Never Again) Golem (Kaddish) Nathaniel Teager (Unrequited) Jason Nichols (Synchrony) Eddie Van Blundht (Small Potatoes) Nurse Innes (Elegy) Dr. Charles Goldstein (Demons) Vote for your three least-interesting villains, in order.
  7. And the commercial says this is because "boys need to be boys."
  8. I got that 5-piece magnetic set of Progressive measuring spoons discussed upthread for my birthday, and can't wait to use them. It's really a clever design. I like that each is two spoons in one, with a round bowl on one end and an oval one on the other, and that the bottom of each is flat, so you can set the spoon on the counter without it tipping over. And I love the magnetic idea, so that the stack of them won't topple over if you jostle them in the drawer.
  9. Aaron Starkey it is, then, if whatever the hell was going on with demons and/or angels, he's the one we saw kill someone. Goodness, season five only has ten villains of the week (17 for season one and 15 each for seasons two through four).
  10. Thank you for asking about my mom, Lura (and for the birthday wishes). Yes, she recovered very well from her knee replacement surgery, amazing her medical team with how quickly she regained flexibility and strength and how little pain management she needed. So we're hoping she has the same trajectory when she has the other knee done after the first of the year. (The only pain she's had for months now is in that knee, which is in just as bad shape as the first one was - bone on bone.) And, of course, we look forward to seeing Chester the Therapy Cat in action again.
  11. A priest, a seraphim and a demon walk into a bar ...
  12. When I'm ignoring my rule about buying only from local, independent farms, I have been pleasantly surprised to find great pork ribs for a good price at Costco. (We do them on the rotisserie, after marinating them for a couple of days.)
  13. Speaking of birthdays, mine was yesterday, and I went to my parents' house for dinner. One of the their gifts to me was a 5-piece set of Progressive magnetic stainless steel measuring spoons, which I had seen recommended in another thread. I haven't used them yet, obviously, but I really like the concept: because they're magnetic, they stay together without needing to be on a ring, and when you accidentally jostle them in the drawer, the stack won't tumble down. Plus, each spoon has two ends of the same measurement - one round and one oval, increasing the chances you can fit the spoon into the opening of any given container (and letting you measure the same amount of liquid and dry ingredients with one spoon). And the base of each of those two sides is flat, so they don't tip over if you set them down. And I had a delicious dinner of my favorite surf & turf (which I request every few birthdays): my dad grilled filet mignon, my mom made her oft-requested crab cakes (with only enough non-crab ingredients to just make them hold their shape) and we accompanied that with some roasted asparagus and a mixed-greens side salad. Plus a lemon cake for dessert. And a nice bottle of cabernet. Tonight I'm having dinner with a small group of friends at a great local wine bar. Tomorrow will be such a culinary let-down.
  14. Okay, usual deal -- where the villain is a mytharc character, or comes down to "aliens" or "shadow government," they're omitted. Take a look and see if you think I improperly excluded anyone or got the villain wrong. Most important: 1) Should Dr. Goldstein be included as a villain of the week, or should Demons be considered more of a general shadow government, whatever the hell Bill Mulder and CSM were up to back in the day type of thing? 2) Is there a villain of the week in Travelers or is it mytharc background (literally all I remember is the stupid ring)? 3) WTF happened in All Souls? I hate that episode, despite GA's amazing performance. I read a detailed summary, and I still don't know. So there was a priest, and someone else, and some kind of angels or something (seraphims?), but them maybe a god or devil was doing all this shit ... I don't know, and I'm not watching it again to find out. So is there a VOTW? S4: The Peacock family (Home) Samuel Aboah (Teliko) Gerry Schnauz (Unruhe) Vernon Ephesian (The Field Where I Died) Dr. Jack Franklyn (Sanguinarium) John Lee Roche (Paper Hearts) The Buente brothers/El Chupacabra (El Mundo Gira) Leonard Betts (Leonard Betts) Bettie the Talking Tattoo through Ed Jerse (Never Again) Golem (Kaddish) Nathaniel Teager (Unrequited) Jason Nichols (Synchrony) Eddie Van Blundht (Small Potatoes) Nurse Innes (Elegy) Dr. Charles Goldstein? (Demons) S5: The “Mothman” creature (Detour) Dr. Pollidori (Post-Modern Prometheus) Linda Bowman (Kitsunegari) The tree monster through Karin Matthews (Schizogeny) The killer Chinga doll (Chinga) The AI (Kill Switch) Ronnie Strickland (Bad Blood) ???? (Travelers) Charles Wesley Gotts (Mind’s Eye) ????? (All Souls) Greg Pincus (Folie a Deux)
  15. My mixer is an ancient Sunbeam (it dates back at least to the '70s), and it does everything I need it to do (and has a very powerful motor).
  16. By a one-vote margin, Duane Barry beats Mrs. Paddock to the title of most-interesting villain of the week for season two (Editor's note: boo). Creepy Donnie Pfaster didn't get any votes, so he takes third. To the surprise of absolutely no one, Robert Patrick Modell got everyone's vote for season three. Terri and Margi got all but one vote for second place, so Puppet comes in third. Most-Interesting Villains of the Week, Season Two: 1. Duane Barry (Duane Barry and Ascension) 2. Mrs. Paddock (DHDV) 3. Donnie Pfaster (Irresistible) 4. Flukeworm (The Host) 5. Leonard, the detachable conjoined twin (Humbug) 6. Harry Cokely through BJ Morrow (Aubrey) 7. Dr. Banton (Soft Light) 8. Walter Chaco and the other townspeople of Dudley (Our Town) 9. Contaminated Water (Dod Kalm) 10. Dr. Trepkos/Volcanic Lifeform (Firewalker) 11. Col. Wharton (Fresh Bones) 12. The spirit of Michael, the dead twin (The Calusari) 13. Invisible attacker (Excelsis Dei) 14. Augustus Cole (Sleepless) 15. The Unholy Trinity (3) Most-Interesting Villains of the Week, Season Three: 1. Robert Modell (Pusher) 2. Terri and Margi (Syzygy) 3. The bellhop, Puppet (Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose) 4. Virgil Incanto (2Shy) 5. Special Agent Bill Patterson (Grotesque) 6. Robotic Cockroaches (War of the Coprophages) 7. Darren Peter Oswald (D.P.O.) 8. Big Blue (Quagmire) 9. Carl Wade (Oubliette) 10. Neech Manley (The List) 11. Organ harvesters (Hell Money) 12. Sgt. “Rappo” Trimble (The Walk) 13. Simon Gates (Revelations) 14. Succubus (Avatar) 15. Jaguar spirit (Teso dos Bichos) I need help filling in a couple of villains for seasons four and five, so I'll put that up shortly so we can finalize the lists today and be ready to play tomorrow.
  17. That was me, and I recommended it because that's exactly what happens to me when I take it to potlucks -- I barely have to be awake to make it, and then people devour it and rave about it as if I slaved over a stove all day. Glad you had similar success, and you're welcome.
  18. Do you mean it added the apostrophe to "shant" but not to "cant" and "wont"? That would make sense, because while cant and can't are both words, as are wont and won't, only shan't is a word; there is no word shant.
  19. The scene back at Tess' apartment in Woman of the Year. Sure, the backstage happenings of Katharine Hepburn and Spencer Tracy (this is the film on which they met and fell for each other) help in a big way, but this is Exhibit A in how films can be made sexy even under the Production Code.
  20. Unless I'm missing something, the above don't refer to other projects of the actors, so I'm going to pick back up with G. G is for Grandma Loring, Rue's role on Safe Harbor.
  21. That is precisely why I cannot help but think of this episode fondly despite it being so stupid. I hardly ever watch it, mind you, but I hold it in regard in spite of itself.
  22. Season three is easy for me: Modell for the win, and Terri and Margi for second. But season two, man. All three are quite interesting, and pretty well tied. But I'll have to go with Mrs. Paddock because, on the whole, she's a character type seen less often than Duane Barry or Donnie Pfaster, which gives her the edge. At any rate, the top three for season two are my picks for the top three. But in season three, Virgil Incanto would replace Puppet for me; I love CBFR to pieces, but find Puppet too generic a villain to rank that high.
  23. Harry Cokely and Leonard, the detachable twin, both got eight votes, and with weighted voting they're out in that order. Following them out the door is the Flukeworm with six votes. The robotic cockroaches and Special Agent Bill Patterson got seven votes apiece, and go out in that order. Behind them is Virgil Incanto with five votes. Puppet also got five votes, but Incanto's were stronger by a hair. That leaves us with our final three. Season Two: Duane Barry (Duane Barry and Ascension) Donnie Pfaster (Irresistible) Mrs. Paddock (DHDV) Season three: The bellhop, Puppet (Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose) Terri and Margi (Syzygy) Robert Modell (Pusher) Vote for your pick as most-interesting villain of the week. Since I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility for Robert Modell to get every season three vote cast, to avoid a 0-0 tie for second place, please also state your pick for second place in season three.
  24. The C&O canal question was answered correctly. I wasn't paying full attention at the moment (standing in the doorway listening to the TV while looking into the yard to make sure my cat hadn't jumped the wall for an unauthorized journey), so I couldn't tell whether the problem was she was getting the word wrong or she'd forgotten to phrase it in the form of a question the first time. I thought it was the latter, though, so was also surprised neither of the other contestants rang in. I thought so, and thought maybe she has a condition that makes standing for that length of time difficult/impossible.
  25. I could never get into Donna. She was perfectly fine, and had some nice moments (that one talking to her teacher is certainly one of them), but I wasn't invested in her. And I often felt she was shoehorned into scenes. I stopped watching some time in season five, so I didn't see her progression. I rolled my eyes upon reading about it, but I have no idea whether I'd have bought it had I seen it. Nothing in this world could make me think she and Josh were a good idea as a couple, though.
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