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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I liked that one, but involuntarily cringed every time someone pronounced Edinburgh with a long O at the end.
  2. I find it best to use "Barefoot Contessa [recipe name]" when doing a Google search, because then the first result is the direct link to the FN site's page for that recipe and episode. I've found that using Ina's name instead may yield links to recipes for other people's variations on what we saw on the show/in her book.
  3. With four votes, Cal Jeppy is out first, followed by the bioluminescent organism and the - my fingers can never quite believe they're typing this - paraplegic Indian beggar butt genie man, with three votes each (out in that order due to weighted voting). We say goodbye to four season nine villains because even weighted voting produced a tie. Out first with three votes is Nicholas Regali, second with three - but not as heavily weighted - votes is the bearded killer through Bob Fassl, and tied with two equally weighted votes are Detective Van Allen and Caballero. Season Eight Bat man (Patience) Jesus slug (Roadrunners) Anthony Tippet (Via Negativa) Soul eater (The Gift) The thread of evil via Jed Dukes (Empedocles) Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone) Season Nine Josef Kobold (Daemonicus) Erwin Lukesh (4-D) Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley) Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters) Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days) To determine the final three, vote for three season eight villains and two from season nine.
  4. Sadly, I've been able to use that line on myself. I rewired my house fairly recently, and when I had the power off to change breaker boxes, I went to the bathroom and flipped the switch by habit. But then I stood there for a beat wondering why the light didn't come on before remembering. So I amused myself by saying, "Well, I don't have any lights, but now I know the speed of stupid."
  5. If the apostrophe was there, then I join you in objecting to the contestant who offered up the logo instead of the team being ruled correct.
  6. I didn't see the episode, but if what was written here ("This NFL teams logo") is accurate, all they needed to do was add an apostrophe: "This NFL team's logo ..." If a contestant misreads it and answers with the logo instead of the team, they're wrong. (And too bad for them; reading the clue correctly is part of the game.) People do that all the time - give the title when the clue wanted the author, give the city when the clue sought the state of which that city is capital, etc. - and Alex just rules them incorrect, often with a reminder of why it was wrong.
  7. With four votes, Ray Pearce is the least-interesting villain of the week for season eight. Cesar Ocampo and Randall each received two votes, and with weighted voting are out in that order. For season nine, Wayne takes the booby prize with three votes. Behind him with two votes is Dylan Lokensgard. Season Eight Bat man (Patience) Jesus slug (Roadrunners) Cal Jeppy (Invocation) Anthony Tippet (Via Negativa) Paraplegic Indian beggar butt genie man (Badlaa) Soul eater (The Gift) The bioluminescent organism (Medusa) The thread of evil via Jed Dukes (Empedocles) Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone) Season Nine Josef Kobold (Daemonicus) Erwin Lukesh (4-D) Caballero (John Doe) Detective Van Allen (Hellbound) Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley) Bearded killer through Bob Fassl (Underneath) Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters) Nicholas Regali (Release) Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days) Vote for three from each season.
  8. Ugh, I am too old for Thursday night happy hour. At least when it involves margaritas. Tequila hates me, ever since that night in college of which I have no independent recollection. Despite my raging hangover and pile of work I want to vomit on, here we go with our next game. That I'm not even voting in, because I don't know who any of these characters are. I do it all for you, forum people. Season Eight Bat man (Patience) Jesus slug (Roadrunners) Cal Jeppy (Invocation) Cesar Ocampo (Redrum) Anthony Tippet (Via Negativa) Randall (Surekill) Ray Pearce (Salvage) Paraplegic Indian beggar butt genie man (Badlaa) Soul eater (The Gift) The bioluminescent organism (Medusa) The thread of evil via Jed Dukes (Empedocles) Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone) Season Nine Josef Kobold (Daemonicus) Erwin Lukesh (4-D) Dylan Lokensgard (Lord of the Flies) Caballero (John Doe) Detective Van Allen (Hellbound) Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley) Bearded killer through Bob Fassl (Underneath) Wayne (Improbable) Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters) Nicholas Regali (Release) Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days) Vote for three uninteresting season eight villains and two boring baddies from season nine.
  9. Twinkies were a treat when I was a kid, but I haven't tried one in eons; I think I'd find it gross. My unpopular pre-made sweet treat dislike as kid were those Hostess chocolate cupcakes with the squiggly ribbon of white icing on top.
  10. After David's mom tells Roseanne not to butt in and calls Becky and Darlene whores: "Oh, I'm in this now. You know, if your kid wasn't here, I would take this opportunity to remind you that people who live in glass whorehouses shouldn't throw stones." Roseanne does such a terrific job in that scene. The shift in her entire demeanor when she hears Mrs. Healy call David a worthless little bastard, and then the way she says, "Okay, I've changed my mind. David, you can come live with us if you want to."
  11. I thought it was smart in this challenge; as at least two judges said, scallops sell. So if one of the two goals is to get the most diners to choose your menu, putting scallops on it is a good idea. No, it is coming back this year, which is probably why they included that comment. The original set used to be in a museum, but I have no idea where it went when that museum closed down; last I heard, it was in storage.
  12. Woo, we're off to a great start -- thanks! Perhaps Queequeg can put forth a season nine draft to go with the season eight list janestclair posted, others can weigh in with any changes today/tonight, and then I'll get the final thing formatted and posted tomorrow morning so we can start voting. I have to get back to work now (dammit) and a deposition after lunch will probably tie me up all afternoon, but I'll check back in this evening. Hooray for group effort.
  13. Okay, folks who watched seasons eight and nine -- time to start posting some villains so we'll have a list to vote on tomorrow. Let me know the episode in which they appeared, too. I'm too busy today and tomorrow to do research on top of taking care of the postings and tallyings, so please dig deep into your memory banks or check online if you have spare time so we have a fairly complete list. (I do have everything all set for the all-stars game, though, so once we get this S8/9 game dispatched with, we can get back to the good stuff.)
  14. With four votes, Maurice and Lyda take the crown for season six. Alfred Fellig is our runner-up with three votes, and no-vote Morris Fletcher takes third. We have a tie for season seven's most-interesting villain, with three votes each: the full moon fear monster and Jenn. Henry Weems' good luck slides into third with one vote. Season Six 1. Maurice and Lyda (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas) 2. Alfred Fellig (Tithonus) 3. Morris Fletcher (Dreamland) 4. Underground fungus (Field Trip) 5. Bernard Oates (Monday) 6. Holman Hardt (The Rain King) Gene Gogolak and his “garbage monster” tulpa (Arcadia) 8. Wayne Weinsider (Terms of Endearment) 9. Antenna emitting ELF waves (Drive) 10. Phillip Padgett/Ken Naciamento (Milagro) 11. Pinker Rawls (Trevor) 12. Timothy Landau (Three of a Kind) 13. Sea monster (Agua Mala) 14. Dr. Ian Detweiler (Alpha) Season Seven 1. Full moon fear monster (X-Cops) Jenn (Je Souhaite) 3. Henry Weems’ good luck (The Goldberg Variation) 4. Donnie Pfaster (Orison) 5. Rob Roberts (Hungry) 6. Max Harden (Rush) 7. The Millennium Group (Millennium) 8. Herman/Albert Pinchbeck and Billy LaBonge (The Amazing Maleeni) 9. Oral Peattie (Theef) Ellen Adderly (Chimera) 11. Tobacco executives using super beetles (Brand X) 12. Reverend Mackey (Signs and Wonders) 13. Doppelgangers (Fight Club) 14. Maitreya (First Person Shooter)
  15. Padma's face when Aaron followed up "classic burger" with "peanut butter" was my highlight of the night. "You're feeding Norm crudité?" was pretty good, too. As was "That's okay, Woody is vegan, anyway" when Greg - who had a crush on Woody - was among the losers with his partial burger. Lots of funny lines in the QF. I love bar food, and the QF dishes I most wanted to eat were Keriann's and Stacy's. Katsuji's looked and sounded tasty, too. Poor Gregory in the EC, taking Stacy's place stuck between two bickering teammates. It doesn't surprise me Aaron was less of a jerk with a male chef than he was with KeriAnn. Had Katsuji not had immunity from the QF, the rules of the EC - where all members of the winning team were safe - would have really sucked, because I think his dish might very well have made him one of the two sent home. James (?) didn't learn from Joy's mistake in acquiescing to a team that wants you to make something you don't think is right, but he still screwed up the execution on his own. Rebecca's dish looked boring. And I don't even remember seeing her before tonight. Adam's pasta dish made me want to reach through the screen. Radicchio is a tough sell to the general public?
  16. I think his snit fit is something you have to see to believe; our talking about it here really can't do justice to just how ridiculously he behaved - or how amazing it is that she refrained from laughing at him, snotting off right back at him, or advising him to seek mental help. She should be proud of how she handled not just that situation, but all the "Gee, I didn't feel it was right for me to be an executive chef until I had 15 years experience" talk. She very honestly said she is sometimes intimidated by her lack of experience, but she was given the job and all she can do is perform it to the best of her abilities.
  17. I remember that one. I was always a sucker for Sammy Davis Jr. showing up in an episode of my TV shows -- this, Cosby Show, All in the Family -- especially when he played himself. And Dean Martin was in an episode, too, playing a Vegas casino owner. I think Sabrina got to kiss him. I like the first season best, too. I like pretty much all those episodes, and have special affection for the fantastically cheesy Angels in Chains. I also really like the one where they fake Sabrina's death, the roller derby episode (because roller derby was The Shit back then), and the one where everyone - including Bosley - goes undercover at a hospital.
  18. We saw her switching out boards after that, and where the blood had dripped on the old one was pretty far away from the fish (probably because she'd pulled her hand back toward her quickly upon feeling the pain, so by the time she started bleeding that's where it was), so I don't think there was any issue with eating the fish. (And no one did the "I'd love to taste this, but I can't" routine we've heard when food has been bled on.)
  19. I'm anticipating that being the case here (KABC in Los Angeles); for several years now, it has seemed that when more than one game in a week will be preempted by special programming, they'll air it later those same nights, but when it's just one episode they hold it until the next night, keep going a day behind like that, and use the Saturday repeat slot to catch us up so we're ready to start fresh the following Monday.
  20. I laughed out loud when he fell through the door upon being surprised. I haven't seen the other one (about being afraid to try new things), but I don't think the bank rep's tone in asking him why he's afraid of hidden things is condescending. She'd already answered his direct question about hidden fees, and then he brought up his general fear of hidden things (and now I'm laughing again picturing that surprise party) ... she seemed fairly open and friendly when asking him about it.
  21. Ha! I wonder what I should do to honor the lamb chops I'll be cooking tonight. To me, respecting an animal whose life is sacrificed to become my dinner happens well before I go to cook it. It's how it was fed, housed, slaughtered, etc. Once it's dead, I think I can use any utensil I want on it and slap it down on my cutting board with any amount of force I want without being accused of "disrespecting the protein." It's like something out of a skit.
  22. Ooh, send it to me - that's probably the best one.
  23. I agree. Now, I think Kelly's dress was ridiculous, in that it wasn't a costume (other than in that nebulous way favored by some of my gender who equate Halloween with dressing sexy rather than actually dressing as something), and I don't think it was particularly age-appropriate for a teenager. However, as has been stated, it's incredibly disturbing for the show to imply that for "someone like Kelly" to wear a dress like that leaves her vulnerable to attack, especially when all the while it's no cause for concern for "someone like Donna" to walk around scantily clad. And it's just unpardonable for Brenda's immediate reaction to be of the "I tried to warn you about that dress" variety. Kelly will easily go down as a shitty friend to Brenda, yes, with the whole Dylan thing, but in that moment Brenda is even more hideous. All the times the show piled on Brenda without justification, and then something like this is let slide. If you truly want to remind your impressionable viewers of both genders that someone's right to say no is not diminished by anything she may have on her body, then you don't have the main sympathetic female protagonist react that way. She later speaks the truth, yes, but she never backtracks on that horrible initial response. Giving the whole thing an air of, "That guy was a jerk who had no right to do what he did ... but if Kelly hadn't worn that dress, he wouldn't have tried it in the first place." Nice message, show.
  24. Since I watched several episodes last night, they all run together, but was that private chef the one who started a sentence with, "Not to be a dick, but ..."? And then, as does anyone who offers such a preface, went on to say something completely dickish.
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