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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I don't know, as I wasn't there for either one. I first had one person tell me they tried Ina's recipe and it fell apart on them, which didn't really register in my mind until a week or so later when a second person happened to tell me the same thing. One threw it out and gave up, and the other one pulled out a frozen (pre-made) crust to use as the bottom and turned the remnants of Ina's into the top criss-cross strips of an apple pie. So, tore? But to the extent it couldn't just be patched back together? Crumbled into many pieces? I don't know; as I said, I don't make pies as I don't like fruit to be cooked, so I'm not familiar with the process, and I just didn't care enough to ask for details at the time. Probably too dry, I'd imagine, I just thought it was funny to have two people in as many weeks have the same issue, at the same stage of the process, with the same pie crust recipe so I figured I'd see if this was something like the HVPoD and its known issues rather than an operator error. Since no one else has experienced the same, I'll assume it's the latter and just a coincidence, but next time I talk with either one, I'll ask.
  2. I thought they put the kibosh on any such speculation by showing something - Mulder's watch, maybe? - to show that not enough time had elapsed for even Mr. I Get Laid Once Per Decade to have got some?
  3. Enjoyable game, but some of the clues seemed too simple for a ToC – many of the sayings, all of the add-a-letter clues, the Noah clue, and the Plymouth clue. I’m surprised Terry McMillan, including a picture, was a TS, and pretty well blown away that embolism went unanswered. Media consolidation was rather surprising as a TS, and I was a bit surprised Cherry Bomb eluded them in the song category. (I also knew The Look of Love, but that one didn’t surprise me as a TS.) I also thought someone would know that cats have staff. I need to go look him up, because not only have I not seen any of the films from the clues, I realize I don’t think I even know who Channing Tatum is. I joined them in being stumped on FJ, as I feared I would be upon seeing the category – I know this is blasphemy in some circles, but I am just not a big fan of Shakespeare. On a random note, I loved Hubba Bubba gum. I've enjoyed watching all three of them play, but Julia especially tickles me with how much fun she seems to be having, especially her delight when a guess turns out to be right or a big move pays off.
  4. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Well, in his office, he keeps the lights off. Since the players would like to have the lights on the locker room - and the media outlets would like to shine their lights as well while covering the locker room - he simply dons sunglasses to keep his eyes from being irritated by the light.
  5. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Am I mixing him up with another coach, because I thought Sparano was the guy for whom shades are a medical necessity? [Double checked and I had it right.] As the result of a long-ago serious injury, his eyes are terribly sensitive to light.
  6. I do remember a few "Hmm, is something going on between them?" stories at the time, based on the salacious tale of them ... going horseback riding together. I paid less attention to media coverage of this show than some others of the time, so I'm sure there was more, but I certainly don't remember any sustained tabloid rumor mill such that one could blame the demise of their marriage on it with a straight face. He and Kitty Holcomb had a nice, long run and I think two kids, so maybe he was just crabby that day. Or misquoted. Who knows? I know that for a long time after the show ended, Bruce continued to send Kate flowers every year (maybe for some anniversary associated with the show, but I think it was for her birthday) and that may continue today. I haven't had the sense they stayed in close contact with each other, but that they keep up with each other, and certainly that they both look back on each other and their time working together fondly. I also remember reading that he and Beverly Garland had been friends prior to the show, based on something they did together quite a while before, and that in fact she was something of a mentor to him professionally. And, of course, I remember reading that the hilarious insult to Ricky Joe was an ad-lib by Kate. Oh, and wasn't there some cute television interview of the two of them together? Jeez, the stuff that litters my brain.
  7. I had forgotten all about the herding cats one, but now that I’ve seen it again I remember laughing so hard. I love the whole thing, but it’s the ball of yarn and the lint roller that tickle me most.
  8. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I was a Raiders fan when they were in Los Angeles, and continued to root for them after the move back to Oakland, but in recent years it had reached the point where I didn’t subject myself to games. Last night, though, I decided to watch the matchup with KC. What a terrific win for them! When they scored with about a minute and a half left, I feared KC would wind up with a last-second victory, and when the clowns were too busy celebrating a third-down sack to get back to the line for fourth down, I thought it was going to be just another night as a Raiders fan. I was so pleased to see them finish it instead.
  9. Yes! I'm still bummed about missing the opportunity to record The Prizefighter and The Lady on DVD to replace my VHS copy, but I'm just happy to have the channel back. And, since TCM repeats its catalog over and over and over, just about everything I missed during the blackout will come around again. I sure would have liked to watch some of those silent films, though.
  10. I can't decide whether to start with ones I don't know/remember, or ones I think detracted from the show or at least failed to add anything to it. I think I'll do a mix. Scully (Van de Kamp), William (worst.idea.ever.) Covarrubius, Marita ("Beeee hussssbandry" She just drove me nuts) Follmer, Brad (No idea who this is, but Skinner should be the only AD in town) Spender, Cassandra (I usually like Veronica Cartwright, but not here, and I had lost all interest in the mytharc by the time of her story) Rohrer, Knowle (No clue who this is and I'm not quite ready to vote off anyone else I do know, so ...)
  11. Or when they go to work? Only a very small percentage of the workforce has a private bathroom attached to their office ... and even that was used by the exec who held the position previously.
  12. Nice game; this is a good final so far. When I saw the Websites for Women category, I was prepared to be offended, but it wasn’t as bad as I feared. When I saw the one about today's music, I was prepared to blow it, but I got two. I loved – and ran - the category converting initials to Roman Numerals to numbers, and, like Julia, would have bet it all on the DD thanks to the extra time to reason it out. I also enjoyed and excelled at the homophones category, and was surprised to see them all miss current currant. And I kicked butt in the subatomic category, so that was fun, too. Same with the countries by state category. The Scarlet Letter clue was ridiculously over-valued in the ToC. I had no idea on FJ, again. I don’t like when contestants don’t clap after someone gets the DD.
  13. I liked seeing Tiffani, but she called something "super unique." As opposed to the regular unique? Modifying "unique" annoys me. Whatever she was describing (I can't remember) likely wasn't unique to begin with, but I could have let that slide.
  14. I missed last night's show, so I just read through the clues on the archive. I'm a little surprised none of them knew Martin Scorsese for the Boardwalk Empire clue. I don't watch the show and don't pay much attention to entertainment news anymore, but that had somehow made its way into my brain. For that to happen, I figure it's common knowledge to most people, but I guess not. Fixtures and impartiality as TS were a bit more surprising, but the one that really stood out to me was Pandemonium. Other than that, what stumped them pretty much stumped me as well. I did know Jacob's Ladder, but am not surprised none of them did. I had no idea on FJ. For some reason, the Horton stories were not among the Dr. Seuss books I read as a child, so I didn't get the elephant reference. If I had, I might have thrown out Water for Elephants as a wild-ass guess, being the only thing I could think of with "elephant" in the title, and been stunned when I was right, but who knows?
  15. I haven't noticed that trend, but I've cut way back on my watching of this show. A bar seems an odd thing to expect a house to already have. I built one in my game room (which is what I turned the "bonus room" attached to my garage into) and am quite happy with it, but would never have even thought of one otherwise -- I managed to drink just fine in other rooms of the home before getting this house.
  16. Yeah, First Elder was who I was thinking of.
  17. Alphabetical would be great, so people are easy to find (and there's no implication that those nearer the top of the list are better than those below them). So what will we be voting on -- most interesting again? Is the Syndicate guy who kind of mumbles and has bad teeth on here? I don't know his name.
  18. It’s always so intense when someone goes home for a delicious dish that was merely the least good. I love food, football, and (mostly) spending time with my family as much as the next person, but the glorification of the colonists via this whole "first Thanksgiving" idea is quite frustrating to me in general, let alone on TV. So I wasn’t enthused about this challenge, but I would have loved to consume the meal. Yum! I was worried about Melissa for the “I miss my loved one” segment, and then Stacy got one, too. Between “girl” and “bitch” I thought I might be done with Stacy, but “I want to go churn some fucking butter” brought me back a bit. I don’t disagree with the decision, but I wound up sad to see her go – although I’d have felt the same about any of the three. Just looking at those three dishes, I’d have most wanted hers, but obviously that’s just a first step. Go ahead, Katie! She’s in good shape to have won that QF; I’d have been with Katsuji. I also love that she did a wonderfully bizarre dish in the EC. As a side note, as one who doesn’t wear makeup for several reasons, I enjoy seeing Katie and Melissa’s natural faces. No slam against the female competitors who do wear makeup, mind you, just a random little bit of solidarity. No Aaron, no Richard, an appearance from Tiffani, two challenges full of food I mostly wanted to reach through the TV and eat -- I'm sold.
  19. I can't wait to start voting against Marita.
  20. How could I forget the fungus?! I don't want to get rid of the bugs, so sub that in for Flukey at slot 19.
  21. I'm not the one to ask, because I can only come up with about five characters, but even with all I'm forgetting (or never saw), I think it would easily be just one list.
  22. None of those who didn’t make the top three of their season would crack my top ten, but they’d definitely replace some from this list in my top twenty. Opening it up to all VOTW, the second half of my top 20 would look like this instead: Duane Barry (Duane Barry and Ascension) John Lee Roche (Paper Hearts) Terri and Margi (Syzygy) Alfred Fellig (Tithonus) Henry Weems’ good luck (The Goldberg Variation) Gerry Schnauz (Unruhe) Bettie the talking tattoo through Ed Jerse (Never Again) Virgil Incanto (2Shy) Flukeworm (The Host) Phosphorescent bugs (Darkness Falls)
  23. I loved the relationship between Holly and Blake. It was a lot of fun when it was antagonistic, but also really sweet when it evolved. And one of the gazillion things I loved about the Holly/Michelle storyline (after Mo's death) was Blake being jealous. I always liked how Roger remembered Blake’s childhood as better than it was, Blake remembered it as worse than it was, and Holly was generally honest about how she screwed up but was unwilling to let Blake use that as an excuse. And I loved Holly’s palpable frustration with Roger enabling Blake’s behavior by fixing things for her so she didn’t have to deal with the consequences of her actions and thus learn from her mistakes. That she knew – and acknowledged – that, although it was misguided, it was borne out of Roger’s love for Blake and his desire to make up for lost time made it all the more compelling.
  24. Thank you! I can usually figure these things out from context, but this one just would not come to me and it was really driving me batty.
  25. I’ve been staring at this for minutes and it’s driving me nuts – what does ICYMI stand for? I thought I had it with “in case you might enjoy,” but quickly realized that doesn’t work.
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