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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I avoided this show for so long because I thought I'd get too sad and angry watching it, but I've recently given in and quickly become addicted. I like the family, and I really like seeing the parolees with the dogs. All of the dogs whose stories were updated last night were new to me, but not having seen them originally did nothing to stop the tears flowing. That dog who turned from a snarling mess who'd barely let anyone other than Tia near her (and merely tolerated Tia) into a tail-wagging, face-licking love instantly upon being reunited with her owner after a year and a half? Chills! Seeing Tia get so emotional over it was really touching, too. And then seeing the update picture, with owner and dog looking so happy and healthy ... If I'm going to keep watching this show, I'll need to make a Costco run for a multi-pack of tissues. And I like that Tia used Roxy's transformation as an opportunity to remind us how many "unadoptable" dogs in shelters are acting as they do simply out of grief over having been dumped by their owners. I've had cats all my life, and they've all either been adopted from a shelter or taken in after showing up as a dumped stray. I'm so grateful to have each of them in my life, but so angry with their original owners for treating them that way; it breaks my heart to imagine what they must have felt upon being abandoned, for that time living on the streets or in a cage, and during the early days with me when they didn't know whether to trust this was going to last. I also loved hearing the phone call with that guy who wanted to adopt the gargoyle-looking dog whose adoptions kept falling through -- Tia expecting to hear him say he's not prepared to take on a special needs dog, and then her face when the guy says the fact the dog is going to slowly go blind isn't something that would deter him from going forward. Good on you, Isaiah! Prior to this update episode, I saw the one where Tania learns her dog has brain tumors. I was a little put off by her statement she wouldn't make the call that it was time to put him to sleep so she'd just have to wait it out as nature took its course, as I think it's very important not to let a pet suffer, but we didn't see his final weeks so I will just hope that he was not suffering and died peacefully. I liked her husband saying he knew when he married her he was not the only love of her life. Hearing Tania talk about the unconditional love she's had from the dog is something to which every pet lover can relate. On a shallow note, Mariah is really pretty. I think all of them would look better with a good 80 percent fewer tattoos, but they'd probably think I'd look better with more than my two, so vive la difference.
  2. Ugh, he was awful. And such a sexist. I had to question my respect for Jen Carroll upon learning they are friends.
  3. Good choices for the first two letters - that fills in a lot already. - -a-- t- a---t, t--t --------- --- -- -- ------- -a-ta----. --a-, -t -a--- ----t -- t---- --t- --tt--- a ---- a-- --a----- --- t- --a-- -- --- -a--. Small Potatoes: T, A Post-Modern Prometheus:
  4. Ha! Back when I was a card-carrying member of the OBSSE (rogue faction, thank you), I'd have been all over that.
  5. As a hint, we're continuing the bad episode/good line theme: - ---- -- -----, ---- --------- --- -- -- ------- ---------. ----, -- ----- ----- -- ----- ---- ------- - ---- --- -------- --- -- ----- -- --- ----.
  6. Oh, I'll muddle through somehow. I just noticed this upthread, and I do that sometimes, too, for some reason.
  7. I quit watching some time in season five, so I had no idea she'd come to have a recurring role. Cool. Not cool enough to make me watch, but cool.
  8. I finally caught this last night, and was also distracted by the obvious reordering. Which I find particularly odd since I think this episode was better than the one they moved up into the second slot. Nina's wardrobe is very hit and miss, as some of these designer duds are not things she'd have been wearing in a corporate law office. And the other blonde PD (I haven't learned anyone else's names yet) is annoying. I like the curly-haired "true believer" guy, though. It's a more broad comedy than I prefer, but it has nice little moments. And I like that they're showing both sides of the frustration -- the clients up on drug charges who show up in a pot t-shirt (or high), and the funding discrepancies that have PDs diving into a pile of office supplies pilfered from the DAs office.
  9. Janeane Garofalo was in WW?! This is like when I found out Jane Lynch had appeared on The X-Files after I quit watching.
  10. Ah, I finally figured out Mulder's line. He won't be cashing any Social Security checks any time soon. No, but if I'm right, this is one man who left his heart in San Francisco.
  11. My favorite part of that comes later, when they're bouncing around in that Jeep they're using to get the hell out of Dodge and Mulder reaches an arm across to steady her. (As an aside, whenever I watch that I retroactively hope Gillian is someone who only got morning sickness in the early months of her pregnancy). I love their protective moments with each other, and that we also got to see her protecting him is why stuff that would otherwise bug me (this, him shifting on top of her in DHDV, etc.) instead makes me smile.
  12. I love the mango habanero tomatillo salsa at Mexikosher. The meats are all tasty but not particularly noteworthy. Not a destination by any means, but a good lunch if I'm in the area. But he's pretty close to becoming, by his on-air behavior, someone to whom I no longer want to give my money. We'll see, but I'm glad to hear he was nice in person. (It's close enough to Doheny that I'll give him "Beverly Hills adjacent," and I don't mind the neighborhood, but, yeah - not Beverly Hills. I didn't even notice that being said on the show. Odd.)
  13. In response to a question upthread, no, there is no "15/15" rule (about reading recent posts before posting in order to avoid repetition) here as there was at TWoP.
  14. I still can't remember the meat of the first line, either. O
  15. LOVE those butterfly bandages. See, if that had been me I'd have been standing there thinking, "Oh, how fascinating - you can see the bone." (Along with "ow" surrounded on both sides by expletives, and "Dammit, now I have to go get stitches.") I'm the one who asked about the surgery to rejoin my severed nerve, "Since it's on my hand, can't I be sitting up so I can watch what you're doing?" (They were working with needles and sutures the width of hair -- this stuff is cool.) Alas, the answer was no. I'm also a highly-impatient person who does not wait in line well. When checking in at the ER, we were delayed by the sheer idiocy of the person at the front of the line. My mother snapped, and I calmly told her to relax as our turn would come eventually -- She feared I was in shock from massive blood loss. Although blood doesn't bother me, and I've had my share of injuries, there did turn out to be something traumatic about stabbing myself while simply trying to make a salad. I felt very weird about the whole thing the next morning, and called my boss to tell her what happened and that I was taking the day for myself. And it took YEARS for that nerve to return even halfway to normal (and that in-between period of painful tingles was not fun). I can joke about this stuff that happened afterward, but I still get a twinge of something if I have to describe the details of the actual incident. That's the only one of my injuries that was kitchen-related, however. I mostly stick to forgetting sugar water boiling away on the stove.
  16. I haven't seen the film, but I've been deliberating on that Stanwyck biography since it was reviewed in The Nation. I don't read a lot of biographies, but I do like Stanwyck and generally like hearing from/about people from that era in Hollywood. But, my god, the length! I'm not one to balk at a long book, but that just seems ridiculous for what is basically a part one.
  17. I hope I'm not the only one who sings along with them in that episode. I think it's a catchy tune that should have won.
  18. I'm trying to remember who Katie's other choices were when she picked Katsuji. Melissa picked Doug, then Katie chose Gregory. Melissa's second choice was Mei, and then that must be when Katie picked Katsuji, because Keriann was last. So, basically, she passed on Adam. Which, if Katsuji were just an inconsistent chef rather than being inconsistent with his food AND difficult to manage, might be logical -- avoid Adam's frenetic energy and hope Katsuji is having a night when he puts out something really great instead of a night when he puts out a muddled mess of 27 different ingredients. But with Katsuji being problematic on all fronts, Adam starts to look better -- especially if you figure you can stick him in the front of the house and not have to deal with him in the kitchen.
  19. People at the midnight showing I attended did cheer when Whitney fell down the elevator shaft. It was wonderful. We cheered for Skinner, too. And Scully, when she first appeared. But no one did (or, at least, didn't do it loudly or in numbers enough for me to hear it) when Mulder was first shown. Maybe it was that awful beard. No, I quit watching some time in season seven; I can't remember what my last episode was. I stopped loving the show in season five (and when I do a re-watch, I tend to stop after Detour and just watch selected episodes), but I still liked it for a while. And then, not so much.
  20. I vaguely remember this, but just barely - that episode is so boring! And I only remember the joke line, not the set-up. So -- A
  21. I wound up in the ER - and in surgery a week later to reattach a severed nerve - when my attempt at removing the pit from an avocado went horribly awry. This was back when I was first starting out, and I had a roommate, but she wasn't home (and she'd have been useless if she was; she might have actually passed out upon seeing the blood, which as someone who will thoroughly investigate any open wound is just unfathomable to me). Rather than driving with one hand, I had my mom come pick me up. When she arrived, she was quite distressed to learn I would not leave until I finished cleaning up the bloody kitchen (two fingers stabbed, quite the gusher). What I didn't notice as my mother shoved me out the door was the bloody handprint I'd left on the phone, and the drops of blood on the floor beneath it. So that's what my roommate came home to -- my car is there, but all that's left of me is a bloody trail. Thankfully, she called my parents' house rather than the police, and my dad was home to tell her I had not, in fact, been kidnapped by a knife-wielding maniac.
  22. The sisters going out together stuck out to me, too. I'd rank X and Pendrell higher, Krycek lower, and put baby William at the very bottom. I never voted on Monica, and held off on Doggett until there weren't any characters I did know that I was willing to vote off at that point. I like the idea of Scully having a woman to work with, but having never seen Monica all I know of her is whale songs, so ... not inspiring a lot of confidence there. So, what's next?
  23. I won't eat sushi, but I also won't eat tuna that has been so overcooked the whole thing has turned white. I want it like I want my beef -- seared on both sides, but red in the middle. I cook salmon like that, too. For all my issues with Ina, how she cooks various meats/fish are not among them. I even like her "undercooked" eggs.
  24. Skinner for the win! Cancerman is my second place. Deep Throat is third on my personal list, sorta -- he's there tied with the Gunmen as a group and Mrs. Scully.
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