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Everything posted by Bastet

  1. I thought that and the reference to the online edition were red herrings, possibly leading one down the road to a newfangled term, but since run fit the clue, I figured my first guess was correct.
  2. Wow, there were a lot of TS tonight. Many of which eluded me, too, but Maureen Reagan?? I am not a Superman fan, but George Reeves I knew. In fact, I think I got all but two of those (and those two were actors I could have sat here all night and not come up with). Andrew really struggled on the buzzer against Arthur. Or maybe just did so quite visibly. I watched the interviews for once and they left me with no one to root for -- Arthur who didn't bother me like he did so many but who doesn't have a particularly root-worthy personality, Andrew whose poor wife spends most of her time in the kitchen, and Rani whose lifelong dream was to see the floor of the NYSE. FJ came to me quickly.
  3. I remember: 1. Scully teasing Mulder about his fanboy ways. I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a child, and I maintained an interest in the space program, but I still greatly enjoyed her mocking him. 2. EMTs heeding Mulder's instructions overruling MEDICAL DOCTOR Scully's orders when Col. Belt keeled over. Whatever, CC; you're so far up Mulder's ass you're wearing him for a hat. 3. Mulder expositioning everything happening in mission control, as if Scully - and the audience - were addled. 4. A lot of archival footage clearly inserted to fill the time CC was too stoned to write actual script pages. (Yeah, yeah, it was to help keep the budget down. I like my version better, so I'm sticking to it. After all, CC didn't have the budget excuse come Redux time.)
  4. Was that the one where the flowers are put together to form a strip down the center of an entire rectangular table? I thought that looked really pretty from above, but I doubt I'd like it if I was sitting there -- it took up a lot of room, and I do not want that much floral scent around my food.
  5. This episode fires on all cylinders, all the more impressive for only being the eighth episode. I think both Gillian and David have called this the series' first really great episode, and I have to agree. It helps that it's an episode in which Morgan and Wong wanted to focus on Scully, and her trust in Mulder more than his in her. And it's the first one to put them in isolation, which is almost always a good thing. I think the other characters are about as well developed as one-offs are going to get, and between the storyline and the casting I care about the group as a whole. Speaking of casting, I have no idea who Xander Berkeley is other than this role and the foster dad in T2 ("It's an emergency, I'll get right on it"). But he's great as the prickly Hodge.
  6. There are people who like him, probably more people than that who dislike him, and a whole lot of people who don't care about him one way or the other. I'm in the second group, but I don't think there's any real risk to the producers in having him on the show.
  7. Hmm, I'll go with the first five of the seven I don't know: Soul eater (The Gift) Jesus slug (Roadrunners) Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone) Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days) Erwin Lukesh (4-D)
  8. Behold, the all stars. The top three (or four, in the case of season nine - how cruel - thanks to the tie for third there) villains from each season will now duke it out to see who is the most-interesting villain of the week for the series. Luther Lee Boggs (Beyond the Sea) The Eves (Eve) Eugene Victor Tooms (Squeeze and Tooms) Duane Barry (Duane Barry and Ascension) Mrs. Paddock (Die Hand Die Verletzt) Donnie Pfaster (Irresistible) Robert Patrick Modell (Pusher) Terri and Margi (Syzygy) Puppet, the bellhop (Clyde Bruckman’s Final Repose) John Lee Roche (Paper Hearts) Eddie Van Blundht (Small Potatoes) Leonard Betts (Leonard Betts) Ronnie Strickland (Bad Blood) Greg Pincus (Folie a Deux) The mothman creature (Detour) Maurice and Lyda (How the Ghosts Stole Christmas) Alfred Fellig (Tithonus) Morris Fletcher (Dreamland) Full moon fear monster (X-Cops) Jenn (Je Souhaite) Henry Weems’ good luck (The Goldberg Variation) Soul eater (The Gift) Jesus slug (Roadrunners) Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone) Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days) Erwin Lukesh (4-D) Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters) Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley) Let's get rid of some low-hanging fruit. Vote for your five least-interesting villains (in order).
  9. With a whopping three votes, the soul eater from The Gift is the most-interesting villain of season eight. Runner up with one vote is the Jesus slug from Roadrunners. (Well, certainly nothing there that makes me want to watch.) With no votes, reptile creature Herman Stites from Alone will slither into third. Oliver Martin from Sunshine Days takes the season nine crown, also with three votes. With one vote, Erwin Lukesh from 4-D comes in second. Season Eight 1. Soul eater (The Gift) 2. Jesus slug (Roadrunners) 3. Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone) 4. Bat man (Patience) 5. The thread of evil via Jed Dukes (Empedocles) 6. Anthony Tippet (Via Negativa) 7. Paraplegic Indian beggar butt genie man (Badlaa) 8. The bioluminescent organism (Medusa) 9. Cal Jeppy (Invocation) 10. Randall (Surekill) 11. Cesar Ocampo (Redrum) 12. Ray Pearce (Salvage) Season Nine 1. Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days) 2. Erwin Lukesh (4-D) 3. Dr. Jack Preijers (Audrey Pauley) Tommy Conlon (Scary Monsters) 5. Josef Kobold (Daemonicus) 6. Caballero (John Doe) Detective Van Allen (Hellbound) 8. Bearded killer through Bob Fassl (Underneath) 9. Nicholas Regali (Release) 10. Dylan Lokensgard (Lord of the Flies) 11. Wayne (Improbable) I'll work these guys into the all-stars list and post that shortly so we can commence voting on that.
  10. I've been to one of those delis - the one in Islington. Delicious!
  11. That one really surprised me as a TS, since I got it just hearing the clue from the other room (and knowing the category) while the contestants also had a picture to look at.
  12. I cannot believe that Dick Cheney picture. I'd be annoyed if that had happened in the Teen Tournament, never mind the Tournament of Champions. I don't even remember anything else that happened in the game, because that blew my mind. Which means I don't remember if the clue was written in a way that would stand on its own, but it has no bearing on my objection to having someone like Dick Cheney show up in a photo when the clue seeks nothing more than his name.
  13. I'd never heard of Rossum prior to the episode, and I know nothing about Padma beyond TC, so I have no idea the extent of their acquaintance. But Padma has not made a habit of introducing celebrity judges as her friend or referring to them that way at the dinner table that I can recall, so I'll go ahead and assume Padma is, indeed, a connection between Rossum and the show as was being wondered about.
  14. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    I'd vote for Kurt Warner shutting up, period. And maybe he could spend his time reading a science textbook instead.
  15. Yes, it's the Billy Idol version in the commercial. I like the guy on the motorcycle who just shakes his head, but then when he gets home he's singing it to himself. Since I haven't heard the song in eons, I'm enjoying it, but I imagine I'll get sick of it now as quickly as I did then.
  16. He changed it to "trust everyone," didn't he tell you?
  17. The husband said his parents were generous enough to loan them $30,000 for the master bedroom renovation. I didn't watch anything more after that clip, so someone please tell me he meant $30k for a renovation that included the master bedroom. Because I saw bits and pieces of their house hunt, and their locations and budget did not come close to supporting a $30,000 bedroom.
  18. Padma said twice in the episode that Emmy Rossum is her friend.
  19. With four votes, Anthony Tippet is out first. With three, the thread of evil via Jed Dukes follows next. Bringing up the rear with two votes is bat man. Reptile creature Herman Stites also received two votes, but the bat man's were more heavily weighted, so he lives to slither another day. We're left with just a top two for season nine, due to another tie. Josef Kobold bites the dust first with three votes, but with two equally-weighted votes apiece, both Dr. Jack Preijers and Tommy Conlon join him. Season Eight Jesus slug (Roadrunners) Soul eater (The Gift) Reptile creature Herman Stites (Alone) Season Nine Erwin Lukesh (4-D) Oliver Martin (Sunshine Days) Vote your pick for most-interesting villain so we can move on to the all-stars game.
  20. Bastet

    NFL Thread

    Against anyone but the Giants, I’d have been rooting for Seattle, and given their respective chances, I’m not terribly upset by the result. But damn. I was working in the yard and had it on in the garage so I could easily check in on things. I was pretty pleased they were making a game of it. Then I came in just in time to see Seattle score a TD to pull ahead 24-17. Okay, completely manageable. The next time I came back, Seattle was up 38-17!
  21. The cat my mom had when my parents got married hated the music of Jimmie Rodgers. She was fine with anything else, but when my dad would put one of those records on, she'd go ask to be let in to the next-door neighbor's house, and curl up on their sofa to listen to opera instead.
  22. Bastet


    I've had salmon on a frutti di mare pizza, and it was just fine.
  23. Cats have rather different dietary needs than dogs, and homemade cat food can spell disaster if you don't know what you're doing. On the other hand, it can make a world of difference to your cat's health - as well as your wallet - if you do it right. So just do A LOT of research, and don't think you're going to find a recipe that you can feed to both species.
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