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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. You can always go during lunch and get a tiny interlocking heart tattoo on your finger! It helps if you bring a significant other that would rather get a tattoo than actually commit.
  2. There was a video that was posted awhile back in this thread about a few women that quit Lularoe. I believe one of the women stated that one of the people that are higher up in the Lularoe company was pushing her to get some kind of cosmetic surgery. I want to say it was weight loss surgery, but do not remember what it was exactly. If anyone remembers the video better please correct me. So while I think Meri is just using FaceTune or filters on her photos, I would not be surprised if she started to get fillers or botox to appease the higher ups in the Lularoe world.
  3. Does anyone know how D'Andra's company is doing now? I am assuming this was filmed months ago, so I just wonder how the company was actually doing.
  4. That scene with D'Andra and Jeremy was pretty tense. I wondered if there was any truth to the affair rumor as well. Though money issues could be the cause of that dynamic as well. I do think Jeremy would be fine living with less, but I do not think D'Andra would.
  5. In real life I would never want to be around Leanne, but I probably would not watch this show without her, because I do not really care for any of the rest of the ladies. I am fine with Stephanie when she is not around Brandi. I also, tend to root for Leanne especially against D'Andra and Brandi. For some reason the new Cary's husband reminds me of Andrew from Veep, who was Selina's ex-husband. The less I see of Brandi's kids the better. I know D'Andra said her mom did not tell her about the finances of the company, but if I was hoping to inherit a company I would be making sure I was looking at the finances on the regular.
  6. It was last night. I think people did not realize that part two was on the next night instead of next week. There was nothing with Andrew. Amber said basically nothing except that Andrew had a new girlfriend and that Amber has spoken to her.
  7. I got a new episode today. Kelly talked about dropping Lola off at college and Ryan talked about a colonic. So riveting.
  8. This! They talk so much that they do not actually do anything. They say everything, but show very little. The stuff that I think would be more interesting to see seems to happen offscreen. It irritated me as well for the same reason. So Sarah (Is that her name?) does not have any friends or other family members at all that could be her bridesmaids? I thought there was some comment where the idea of one of the men as a bridesmaid was nixed. That irritated me as well, even though I think it was suppose to come off as a joke, because I have seen women stand up for the groom at weddings and men for the bride.
  9. And we all know how much Jeremy loves to pose with his books! Maybe Jeremy is too distracted by Beckett from the third row, because Beckett has better bow-ties than Jeremy. Maybe it is me being cynical, but seeing how fame hungry Jeremy is, I doubt he would have looked in Jinger's direction if she did not have they level of fame that she does. He probably does care for her in some way, but I think he cares way more about famewhoring.
  10. I was annoyed that Dr. Drew went in on Mackenzie about her mother's diagnosis while whitewashing everything Catelynn and Tyler/Brandon and Teresa. Though I do hope that Mackenzie has someone to lean on and talk to besides her lump of a husband. Are they even still together? This. So much of this. I was rooting for 16 year old Cate and even Tyler at that time as well. Now I just hope their kids get out unscathed, which I doubt. I wish Butch would get his act together. I agree. I was hoping Dr. Drew or really anyone would really go in on him about saying his lack of relationship with Bentley is all Maci's fault. I hated that everyone was so appalled that Maci was keeping the order of protection. I have my issues with Maci, but I do think she is one of the better moms of the bunch. Yeah, I know it is a low bar, but overall I think Maci is a pretty decent mom or at least tries to be. I dread the inevitable glossing over of all things Amber next week. They will probably drag Gary and Kristina out to say complimentary things about Amber, which they basically have to do to keep things amicable.
  11. I did the free trail years ago and like you said it was easy to discontinue. I eventually went to the no commercials plan a few years ago, but early this year Spotify Premium bundled the basic Hulu plan with their premium at the same price I was paying for premium anyway, so I went back down to the basic plan.
  12. I do not like any of the cast anymore. If there is not some kind of cast overhaul I probably will not watch next season. I just do not care about any of them. I want more of SC New Orleans, because I actually like almost the whole cast and they are fun.
  13. I did not like that Tamra was trying to paint Emily as having anger issues, because Tamra and Shannon (and really most of the cast) have never lashed out at someone on camera or on social media. I will be at my table for one with not minding either Emily or Gina. I am so over Tamra and Shannon. The only time I have liked Shannon is when she hated Vicki, but obviously that did not last.
  14. I am finding the less a Duggar couple posts on social media the more I like them. Well, as much as I can like any Duggar. Now if a Duggar really broke free from it all, they would be my favorite.
  15. Do Jill and Derick have two cars? If not, I am assuming that Derick drives himself to school and Jill might be stuck at home. Hasn't Jill brought food to Derick at school? So maybe they split their car time or Jill gets dropped off by someone.
  16. I will be at my table for one in liking Steve. I enjoy Steve, Ryan, and Fredrik. I used to be fine with Luis in small doses during his original run on the show, but find him not fun to watch anymore. What is strange is that I am not minding Emilia this season.
  17. I have seen her pop up in some other television shows and think she is better in the guest roles that I have seen her in than what she does on Hallmark. I think she is better when she does not have to deliver the standard Hallmark syrupy lines. There are some shows I have watched that are so horribly written and directed that when I see the actors in other roles I realized they can act after all.
  18. Is "breakfast" in Derick's Instagram caption a euphemism for seductive lotion time?
  19. I hate to defend Derick, but I was friends with one of the people who was Sparty at my alma mater. It is a hard gig. The mascot program is no joke. Those who played Sparty had a regular conditioning and training program. One handed push-ups were a must, because it is somewhat of a signature Sparty move. Plus it is hot in the suit. I forgot how much the suit weighs, but it was heavy. Sparty is in pretty high demand. It is not just game days, he attends weddings, birthdays, hospitals and a lot of other events. My friend even attended some funerals as Sparty. At MSU they are suppose to keep it a secret that they are the mascot. We happened to figure it out because he was missing at tailgates, games and traveled for some away games. Sparty usually reveals themselves at graduation by wearing his boots with their cap and gown. I am just assuming that Derick's Pistol Pete gig was as rigorous as MSU's Sparty. It may or may not have been.
  20. Jon Moody cracks me up. I loved the "unknown passionate couple" photo he took of Justin and Kelsey. I really hope this show gets a third season. It is so much better than original SC. I actually like most of the cast, where as regular SC I do not think I actually like any of the cast anymore. I am glad Jeff sold the house. I should do some social media digging, because I wondered if Jeff was moving to California.
  21. They can go hang out with Jeremy. He loves the limelight too! Of course, he probably does not want to share it. He wants all the pocket square money for himself.
  22. Does anyone live near JRod that can pretend they are interested in their house to go look at it? Just make sure you wear a pink pussy hat, anything rainbow, a nasty woman/BLM/Pro-choice/Human rights/Women's rights shirt, or anything else that would make Jill's head explode. 😉
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