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Everything posted by Misslindsey

  1. Hee! Maybe everyone will get a sad cheese sandwich.
  2. I may be a horrible person for this UO, but I cannot stand the precocious children that Ellen has on her show. Then again, I do not really like Ellen either. I did not mind her at first, but over the years I like her less and less.
  3. I can understand why you find her annoying. I do think she is self absorbed and annoying, but I do not think she is as malicious as Stassi, Katie, Kristen, Lala or Jax. I find her fairly harmless. I also tend to root for her anytime the coven goes after her. I saw the Flipping Out episodes that Rand was on, but Andy mentioned Rand being on The Kardashians. Anyone know what he did on that show?
  4. I am pretty much indifferent to his character on The Bold Type, but enjoyed him in this. I really liked his chemistry with Jen Lilley and thought during the movie that maybe if he was paired with a better character on The Bold Type I might like him more in that show.
  5. Thanks for the information about the fake Raquel Twitter. I would have liked that to be talked about more, besides Ariana saying it and that was basically it. Seriously Jax pulls that and it is okay, but anything James does is the worst. Also these people are mad that Raquel is still with James after he cheated on her and makes excuses for him, but Brittany does the same thing for Jax. Oh wait, that is okay because Jax is trying to change. Sigh. I agree that Ariana, Sandoval, and Scheana are the most palatable. At least for me they are. I do not think any of them are as malicious as the rest of the group. I do not particularly like James, but I tend to root for him when going up against the rest of these idiots. Lala is the worst. Kristen needs to find some hobby besides hating James.
  6. Can someone please just comment on her post by saying that you grow marijuana and give her your favorite "recipe" with it? Please?
  7. I saw the scene where he went in to look for the tape and thought I missed something about how he knew there was a tape or knew to look for anything in that room. I guess I did not miss anything about how he figured out Paul was hiding something.
  8. Oh I am sorry if I was not clear. I was referring to Vicki's accusations at the last reunion that Kelly did cocaine, not that Vicki does cocaine. I believe there were rumors that if Vicki got engaged and had that as her story she would be a full time cast member again. I am not sure how true that is, but I was really hoping Vicki would be gone. Nothing is going to redeem her after the cancer scam for me.
  9. They were at a bar and Paul was pretty drunk. Paul kept saying how Daniel was ruining his life, that he should sue Daniel and punish him. He said more stuff along those lines. As the police guy was putting the tape in the envelope to send to Daniel he was talking to his wife/girlfriend saying how it was not right that Paul wanted to punish Daniel for grieving. The wife/girlfriend (I forgot if the character said he was married) said he was doing the right thing. There are probably more details that I am forgetting since I was flipping back and forth between shows.
  10. I believe the show ended with the police guy who has been riding with Paul (sorry, I cannot remember his name) deciding to send the video of the shooting to Daniel. They showed him putting the tape in an envelope and putting Daniel's address on it.
  11. Last year my niece graduated from elementary school. The school had a ceremony for the kids. The students told what they wanted to be when they grow up and so many kids responded with YouTube personality or influencer. A part of my soul died that day. So I have no doubt that people look to Kim (and the rest of the family) for what they shill on social media. I love when Jameela Jamil calls them out on their social media promotions, especially the weight loss teas and such.
  12. Gee Henry, why couldn't you just accept Vicki Lord's decision. He better watch out for all her other personalities. If they do put her in a relationship with Henry then you know at some point she will be using him for something. I am just assuming because apparently everyone uses the Reagan's for something. It was a bit creepy. She hired Nicki, so Frank hired her brother. Sigh. I was hoping that the woman hired Nicki because she was the best fit for the job, but of course not. I hold the unpopular opinion of not minding Nicki, because she does not always fall in line with the Reagan group think.
  13. I do not hate Raquel. I am pretty indifferent to her. They can all call Raquel dumb, but I do not think anyone on this show is very intelligent. I will be at my table for one for not liking Beau. He seems so on all the time. He is Hester from Project Runway level of grating for me. Then again, I think Stassi is a horrible person, so I could care less about her storylines. I do not particularly like James, but I find him the most entertaining to watch. His family dynamics are quite interesting to me. Also, I think this show needs some new blood. I find pretty much everyone in the inner circle (Jax, Brittany, Stassi, Kristen, Sandoval, Schwartz, Katie, Ariana, and Lala) so very boring. Great, another wedding to watch being planned all next season. Stassi and Katie especially are mean girls. While Scheana, James, and Billie are not that likable I at least find them entertaining and they at least attempt to bring it. Really the whole cast could use new storylines. It seems like the same story each season. I would rather ditch the whole cast and have people who actually work at Sur. That will never happen though.
  14. I do not get why Reagan thinks she would advance so much in the company if Brittany just mentored her or some other BS. Doesn't she just work in the store part unless they need help elsewhere? I am with Brittany that Reagan is the only person holding herself back. I do not care about Kelly. I also do not care who she is dating every week.
  15. I do not mind Rinna. I actually think she is pretty self aware with her ridiculousness. I still like Teddi. I feel she would be me if I was on one of these shows. I have always been indifferent to LVP. Sometimes I like her and sometimes I do not, but the last few seasons I have grown so tired of her. So I would really be fine if she left. I do not care that the rest of the cast is against her right now. I also do not care about LVP's kitchen, and I like home makeover shows. If that is her story for the rest of the season then I would be really fine with her leaving. I am not on either LVP or Dorit's side on puppygate. I do think Teddi has a valid issue with LVP that is unfortunately tied to the dog drama. I rarely post in the episode threads for this show because I have all these unpopular opinions.
  16. It looks like the dining room table has a leaf or two that could be removed if the table is in fact too big for the size of the room. They could take those out and move the table under the light fixture and you know, actually eat around the table. Who am I kidding? That is way too logical for Jill and Derick. Also, why is Jill eating on the bench and not in the extra chair? She does know she can move the chair if she absolutely has to sit next to Derick, right? Is their new house a two bedroom home, because Iz and Sam's bedroom seems very small. If there is extra room and Derick just had to have it for his office or some other BS I will punch him in the face. Not really, but I will think about it. I really hope Sam is plotting his escape while he is in that crib. That chair is pretty close Sam, just climb on it and be free!
  17. Ah this is where I have seen him. I have seen HamiltonChi way too many times.
  18. If Phaedra and Nene are back, I will not be tuning in.
  19. Can Kelly get some different stories or anecdotes? If I have to hear about the nudes that appear the second the weather gets warmer I may throw my television across the room.
  20. Tony and Kody have the same hairstyle. That is all I got.
  21. My mom used to make a cheesy chicken broccoli rice casserole when I was younger. I liked it. It did have a can of cream of whatever soup, but she preferred cheese broccoli soup. Not that it is any better than cream of whatever. It had real cheese, not Velveeta. The only thing that needed to be cooked prior to the casserole going into the oven was the chicken. I have made it occasionally, because it is like comfort food for me.
  22. If you do find him, do your best to corrupt him. Please? Then Jill will write a blog post about you! Of course she will probably refer to you as an evil heathen, but you will have made the blog! I would love if one of us made Jill's blog. I can just imagine all the descriptors she would use for us all.
  23. This. Nene repeatedly said that the whole thing was the worst betrayal ever. Really? Cynthia inviting Kenya and not knowing if she would show up is such a betrayal? Uhhhhh Nene did you see Phaedra and Porsha accuse Kandi of being a rapist? Or even Vicki from the RHOC cancer scam? Hell there have been a lot more incidents on all the franchises that I would rank higher on the betrayal meter than Kenya being invited to Cynthia's party. Also, nothing happened at the party. Kenya showed up talked to the people she wanted to talk to and left. It is not like Kenya came in and went in on Nene. I do not think extremely pregnant Kenya was going to get into it with Nene anyway. If Kenya is indeed back next season and goes after Nene I may watch, but I really do not want to see Nene back at all. Her lack of remorse over her actions regarding closet-gate was horrible. If it is true that Shemari lost her peach I am kind of disappointed. I thought she fit in pretty well. I would like to see Tanya back in some form, because she seemed fairly level headed. At least as level headed as being a cast member on one of these shows allows.
  24. This commercial is like verbal waterboarding to me.
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