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Everything posted by Shrek

  1. In other breaking news grass is green.
  2. And a lot of children, 12 in total I believe. I remember having one of the grills & thought it was great, especially when I was single.
  3. Let's just ignore the whataboutism flying around & remember who it was that said Hillary should be locked up for the emails?
  4. I think Marina is very good looking & would put Bri in a category of her own only because sometimes she looks great & yet some other times she can look extremely rough which may just be the climate. Each to their own as they say but having dated a couple of models, they can be very ugly on the inside, although Bri doesn't seem that way at all.
  5. Hate them but I can always go for some crushed nuts as long as they're not mine.
  6. Who is the ugly one?
  7. Well, it's Ava so there may well be a motive behind it that we don't know yet.
  8. $250K but your sentiment is spot on.
  9. Yes, I've been told on the Jeopardy thread that they're working on it as the certificate was renewed late last year.
  10. 1/5 with an * for me but it looks like this place is done.
  11. There's a group of friends that includes Kevin & they all wear the same hockey shirts, always have. No different than any group of friends who wear a teams shirt.
  12. Or the net covers where you pull the string to make them into a dome shape. They take up virtually no space & are so easy to put up & put away.
  13. Alyssa spent most of the Wednesday show smirking at the others arguing over the Dems approach, she knows they have no chance of getting rid of the orange felon from the white house no matter what they do.
  14. If there's one thing I really despised with a vengeance about going to meetings/training courses all my working life it was the "ice breaker", no matter what it was. Funny thing is my first wife was a regional HR director & whenever I went to meetings after marrying her the look of disbelief from her HR people in the field running the meetings when they realized I was her husband was a look to behold, they couldn't believe who she had married and as I had been with the company for 20 odd years they all knew me or of me but thought there was no way it was me she had married. Just to give you an example of how much I despised these meetings/training courses, one day one of my peers was told that there was no such thing as a "bad attitude" & when he argued about it was asked to draw one, he drew a picture of me.
  15. The answer to the second one is, of course that's the whole point of the whole series. Not sure if the first one is a serious question because of course gullible people want to give more & the reasoning usually given is that it will come back tenfold. It's all a grift, most religions but especially the Christian religion & its many offshoots have always prayed on the gullible, weakest & poorest by fooling the people into the belief that they will get a huge return on their "investment" even if it's only once they die. The Catholics are the worst there is though, they even have their own country & who do you think paid for that, one way or another. It's not just televangelists but a lot of preachers, even one church preachers take money from the weakest & spend it on themselves one way or another. Let me tell you a story that might help you understand a little of how it works. I played poker regularly with a guy who worked as a financial manager of some sort for a local "mega-church", he counted the cash & kept everything in line, they paid him a $250,000 a year salary to make sure that the money collected was well hidden from any prying eyes & he played poker 3 times a week with the little he had skimmed off the top because as he said "hey it's a cash business & as long as I'm keeping their money safe from others they don't miss a couple of hundred $s a day. The couple of hundred was actually $500 a day on top of his salary. Obviously, he got greedy (don't they all) as well as in over his head & lost everything but the church is still chugging away having services 3 days a week & twice on Sundays and taking "donations" from the congregation in the form of cash, checks & even property from peoples wills once they die. Nobody can touch them or even look into their finances as they're a church in name only & what's even better is that it's all tax free. Yes, you guessed it, he started out as a member of the congregation with the best of intentions. Anyone you meet that goes to church will tell you "but my church wouldn't do that, they donate a lot to people who need help" and you can almost guarantee that the money the church donates is about 10% of what they actually take in. Think on that. Show me a poor preacher & I'll show you a rookie preacher because once they realize how easy it is to help themselves very few, but some, won't.
  16. While she was a screaming lunatic, she did highlight the one big issue the Dems face going forward & that is that she could not be moved from the Republican (Trump) talking points or view of the world & what they stand for, no matter how ridiculous or outrageous that view is. They all do it & not one of them has the moral compass or will to say anything different, they all talk & say the exact same things & they all, every man, woman & racist among them will not be budged. Whereas the Dems are all over the place, all pulling in different directions with different priorities. Look at the way they have defied the court over deporting supposed criminals, which IMO was just a test to see what if anything would happen if they just ignored court orders. I'll tell you what, nothing, zilch zero, nada & the reason for this is that all they need to say is "DJT, the U.S. president told us to do it" and guess who has immunity from everything while in office. The next thing to be tested will be presidential pardons, trust me.
  17. But what does that have to do with me or anyone else not liking someone? Or are you saying it's because you think I'm a Trump supporter?
  18. This is exactly what a lot of his supporters wanted & expected him to do. As long as they're not the ones getting thrown into ICE detention centers they don't care who gets thrown in there. They would even cheer their own families getting thrown into these places as long as Trump said they were in the wrong. The majority of them are cheering from the rooftops about it & there are a few with buyers remorse but they just get shouted down by the majority who just call them names, just like the orange felon does when people don't agree with him.
  19. Looks like I didn't hit submit for last weeks' 0/5. Butt 2/5 for me this week, at least it's not another zero.
  20. Why can't people just not like someone without all the "because she's gay & has an opinion" bull crap? It seems to now be the case that everyone who is gay can only be disliked because they're gay & not just because they're unlikeable. I've never liked her from the first time I saw her on my tv, I didn't know she was gay or even who she was or where she was from, but she did seem to come across as very loud with a "my opinion is the only one that counts" attitude & that always rubs me the wrong way. Maybe it is because she's a New Yorker & that's what came across as abrasive to me at the time being British. Now you've made me think & I've not long woken up. My wife just said that she (Rosie) can sometimes come across as too full of her own self-importance & I guess that's what it is. Is that a New York thing? Anna would be her current equivalent on that front with her constant name dropping.
  21. There are much more progressive countries in Europe just as there are much more backward countries when compared to the USA but that's like using Mexico as an example of America, the 2 are patently different & nowhere is perfect but Alyssa & her like would have you believe that Europe bad (except Russia now apparently), USA great, across the board when it's not comparable no matter how she & her like slice it. Every country has good & bad but not the way she & her likeminded people think or would have everyone believe. As for Rosie O, she can fuck off to the moon as far as most people are concerned & can live wherever she wants as long as they'll have her, if she feels unsafe then that's all there is to it.
  22. Someone needs to tell Alyssa that Europe is a continent & not a country no matter how much she wants to think it's not. All of her the USA is the greatest country on earth that has ever been & Europe is a shithole that doesn't even get close to being as wonderful might ingratiate her to her favourite orange felon, but most viewers see straight through her. As for the Wendy Williams segment the only thing I have to say is what the actual fuck? Just listening to her talk is hard work & the panel & audience cheering her on is ridiculous as she so obviously needs some sort of help, even if she doesn't think so.
  23. Not only does she know everyone but they're a "friend" and also in her phone book. 🙄
  24. As do I, but from what I know of the younger generation a lot wouldn't know how to balance a checkbook if their life depended on it, never mind check their bank account outgoings regularly by looking at each line. They might know the total that is sitting in their account but not necessarily where each $ went.
  25. As a measure of how bad this show has got Fiona & I made the decision last night to remove it from our recording list. Shows have to get bad for us to even consider removing them never mind actually go through with it as we both have to have given up.
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