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Everything posted by meep.meep

  1. Arghh! Nobody else watched? Enjoying it so far. It's very much like the book. Matthew and Barak are perfectly cast. I'm not sure about Sean Bean. Cromwell in this series is different than in Mantell's. Gotta keep remembering that.
  2. I don't really care what visa thinks. This decades-long card-carrying member of the American Association of Geographers says it is part of the Caribbean. Definitely not part of South America.
  3. Knife Fight was on Esquire. It was good enough to be ripped off by the Food Network. Hope Ilan and the other producers got a good payoff.
  4. Marcel and Illan also have had their own TV shows. What happened on Top Chef happened years ago and everyone involved seems to have moved on. It's not a factor on this show. I think it's the need for creativity that's making them more tired. Most of them are used to being on the line for hours on end - the difference is that then they are doing the same thing over and over, and here they need to come up with new dishes for each round.
  5. It's too bad this ended so sadly. Teams shouldn't be eliminated because of production errors. Maybe they will get to come back. But there was a lot of good in this episode. The street tennis was fun - Angie did great and even got a backhand in at one point. You could tell the teams really like each other. The footballer yelling out "Be great babe!" to his wife. I couldn't figure out why anyone would build the fish cage and get all cut up. Seaweed, especially dried seaweed, is light. You didn't have to fill the wheelbarrows to the brim. Run it down to the water where the sand is compact and it won't be hard to push. For whoever was wondering - Barbados is in the Caribbean, not South America.
  6. They sure aren't doing anything to make people want to watch it. A spinoff has to attract viewers not repel them.
  7. She's a big ole drama queen for sure. Q didn't owe her anything. One thing I've noticed is that no one this season is even trying to fish. Not even Hunter. If Liz is truly starving, there are things out there that she could try to catch. She doesn't want to try at all, just like she couldn't make fire to cook her own rice.
  8. He also nobly took on the hot dog because he had immunity. That's good team play.
  9. This! They were supposed to put their own spin on the recipes and he just made a tiramisu. If there was anything to criticize about that, he wasn't going to win. You can see that in the finale pre-heat where no one just made the recipe from the judges, they adapted them. Bundt pound cake turned into madelines, tea cakes into rock cookies, and sandwich cookies into linzer cookies.
  10. I was home sick and watched a bunch of this since it's truly mindless TV. As a SF fan, it seemed like all our picks happened during commercial breaks. The one they showed got lots of boos. I think the mostly Detroit crowd just boos everyone else, although I can see they might have a bit of a grudge from the NFC Championship game.
  11. Finally finished - loved the ending. The season really pointed out how difficult it is to be perceptive and persuasive. They may have been dumdums but lots of the faithful figured out that Sam was a traitor, they just couldn't persuade enough of the others to vote for him. Luke, Annabel, Hannah, Gloria - all had him pegged. Sam just had to point back at his accusers and then they got banished. He's lucky they picked him for traitor, he would have been a failure as faithful.
  12. After Katrina, one of my employees volunteered for the Corps of Engineers BlueRoof project and was sent to southeastern Texas. The houses there didn't have street addresses. Watching two or more teams drive aimlessly around for 90 minutes is not compelling TV, it's boring TV.
  13. All of the episodes would be better at 60 minutes. This was just excruciating.
  14. TWOP had really good recaps back in the day when if you missed a show and couldn't record it (many people couldn't) you could still find out what happened. The recap writers were professional and semi-professional writers. This site doesn't have that, but they have lots of forums where you can discuss shows and pets and whatever. And it's all free. I'm willing to follow a few rules like no politics or no discussion of Megan Markle or no boards on boards for that. When I've had problems on this site, the people I have contacted have been professional and committed to solving them. The only problem I've come across dealing with them was the person running the Prime Timers who could not understand how Richie singing Love Story in his car on The Bear could possibly be a favorite musical moment. Sigh.
  15. We're overrun with commercials touting the recreational experiences in different states. Virginia is for lovers, Illinois is in the middle of everything, etc. So who thought it a good idea for the Oregon commercial to feature talking hiking boots?
  16. Sounds like an Orange Julius
  17. They already did a big episode on finding out about a celebrity's parents - the one about Andy Samburg's mother who was adopted. I agree, these seemed very similar stories.
  18. I know! I spent the entire episode wondering when they were going to mention the history of the Harvey Houses! And it was even at a train station! Most of them are in the SW - I've eaten at the one in Winslow. Was this a real one?
  19. Kate did have a horrible day. All that curdling and breaking. I don't understand why her layers were so thick. A regular Nanaimo bar has a thin layer of chocolate on top - she had that thick green layer, I guess made out of white chocolate. In the same amount of time, Stephen made his tart, tempered the white chocolate, made ultra thin decorations, and also made ice cream. Alex baked lady fingers and made the Charlotte. They deserved to be on the top.
  20. That's the point though - the world is changing and the people who go out in the world are changing too. Only Alexander has been allowed, through imprisonment, to remain unaware of how difficult things are for most people. And so he accidentally insults others who take out their frustrations in various ways. Or he doesn't pick up on hints like from Anna, because he's stuck playing the game in the old way. If the bees can change, he can change.
  21. Chris Stapleton is the one the other country clones are trying to be. He's the OG. I thought most of this show was hilarious.
  22. I could use a wall of throwing vases! Close alternatives are doing demolition (sledge hammers!) and throwing axes! The thunk is particularly satisfying.
  23. I'm going to assume that he voted for Venus just in case Soda had an idol or successfully played the shot in the dark. Some seasons they always throw down a vote split just in case.
  24. They were totally messing with him. Especially Charlie with his final "Baltimore!" At least they had fun with the challenge rather than just silently riding the calm seas.
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