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Everything posted by meep.meep

  1. It should have already aired. They supposedly ran a two hour episode with first two sets of "qualifying" for the 8th spots
  2. I don't give a shit about Hunter, but I still can't find the episode on streaming or on demand. For our shared love of competitive reality TV, could someone say who completed and who won? Pretty pretty please! Put it in a Spoiler Box.
  3. The rule of Paycheck Size* implies that it's either Christopher Eccleston's or Fiona Shaw's character who committed the murders. *which I just made up.
  4. So Kat has apparently reacted to the lack of crew meal times by eating any chance she gets? She seems like the weakest link. The kayaking looked like a lot of fun. I hope they do more of that and less of sitting around on the ship drinking.
  5. Jessica Alba's was that complicated and that was a few years ago during the "Northern European" designations. Both Sunny and Jesse's charts were also broken into two separate pies: one for African descent and one for White/Caucasian/European.
  6. I'm usually not the person to notice these things, but it's been several weeks in time since the show started. It started before the complete darkness, a week before Christmas, and this last episode was set on New Year's Eve. It's been a full week since Navarro was in the fight (Episode 4), and you'd expect some of her wounds to have closed and her bruising been reduced.
  7. Why did John just lay down in the snow? At first I thought he was stabbed, but he wasn't. Why would someone want a recording of that phone conversation?
  8. Loved Sandra freaking out over winning the shield! On Survivor she knows she will never win the immunity idols. Loved the two big tough guys falling in the muck. Henry must be smarter than he's let on to make it through the challenges with no mistakes and the best time. As a group, these Traitors have not been very successful. They've had a murder blocked by a shield and been refused when they tried to recruit a replacement Traitor. They should murder Bergie but will probably go for MJ based on her talking heads. She really needs a stylist.
  9. I lived on army bases when I was in elementary school. We did not have Career Day! If you don't follow football, you didn't realize that the bearded guy who showed up with the QB near the end was the Eagles center, Jason Kelce, who is the brother of Taylor Swift's new squeeze. And I had to teach myself cursive because we moved between 2nd and 3rd grade and at the new school it was taught in 2nd grade.
  10. ? The Black and White ball happened. From Wikipedia: "The Black and White Ball was a masquerade ball held on November 28, 1966, at the Plaza Hotel in New York City. Hosted by author Truman Capote, the ball was in honor of The Washington Post publisher Katharine Graham." This was obviously the episode that got most of these actresses to sign on to the project. If any one is keeping score, I fell asleep again. It's just not compelling.
  11. Why was the drug sketch set at UC Irvine?
  12. This was great! Loved them having to take care of the big baby. I was trapped on the couch under my cat and couldn't read all the texts between Jane and Hihi, but that last one came through in 128 pt type.
  13. What more did we learn about Zayd's mysterious abilities? That he really really likes to write numbers close together? We did learn something about Jean Pierre's motivations when he met with his former army comrade.
  14. I thought the message said they had failed the mission and that they only had two more fails. Leading me to think that the couple in the start of Episode 1 had 3 fails. What I can't figure out is why a mysterious agency would want anyone to deliver a bomb cake to a random couple or to give "truth serum" to someone who had just bought an expensive piece of art.
  15. I recently read a book by Roseanne Montillo about Ann Woodward's life called Deliberate Cruelty. It covers Capote and the Swans as well. This is awfully campy - I keep falling asleep.
  16. It's a dredge. They process sediment to locate ore. Probably related to whatever is being mined. They are so big that they are often just abandoned when they are no longer needed. I've seen a big one like that in Idaho. If the Coast Guard found a body, they would have taken fingerprints. She probably had been picked up for disturbing the peace before.
  17. I just keep thinking that everything that Navarro is seeing happened after she fell and hit her head on the ice. The oranges are freaky. Is this the Godfather?
  18. If you watch on Peacock you get Ashley Wagner and Adam Ripon who do occasionally stop talking. But then you have to put up with Peacock weirdness like the blank screens while they're running the Zamboni. I suspect Tara is just like that in real life.
  19. Janelle was annoying as all get out, and I know why some people (CT, Sandra, Dan, Parvati, and Phaedra) voted for her. But everyone else? Why would the person who pissed off everyone else by selfishly going for shields be a traitor? As an act? Since they did this bird call challenge, I guess we won't get a repeat of the church bells and music boxes one. Which is too bad.
  20. And everyone has been taking Bergie for granted the whole time. He was the only one who could read the map. He figured out how to get into the walled garden (through the door, duh) so they could get the shields. In the previous game, he figured out the pattern of lights. He's like the anti-Ryan Lochte! And Sandra sure got pissed once her name was brought up as a potential traitor! Dan's toast if he doesn't name names ASAP.
  21. I'm still confused by a lot of this, but I think I'm supposed to be. Who is the woman in Hagerty's house? Who is the guy in the wheelchair? Why does Lenker continue to flaunt proper conduct? She's practically waving a red flag and shouting "Fire me!"
  22. He is an actor, it may be a stage name. I was surprised that they were able to do geneological tracing of his Cherokee ancestors, especially back before census records of them. Census, church records, and ship manifests seem to be the bread and butter of this analysis and his ancestors wouldn't have shown up in any of them.
  23. Larsa looks like she was "improved" and then encased in plastic. Sandra looks like a real person. It seemed odd that Phaedra didn't consider that she was outnumbered and possibly not the big killer running the show. Plus, if she wants to win, she'll have to take out all of the other housewives eventually.
  24. E.B. White claimed he bought a brand of sheep shearing lotion because they used "whilst" on the label. I work with many zoologists and they all pronounce it zoo-ology.
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