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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Yes. There have been more blatant plot contrivances in these seven episodes than the entire run of SATC.
  2. I'm right there with you. Cynthia agreed to do this reboot with the understanding this (her) story be told. Now I assume she had a lot of say in what was written and what we are seeing. So I doubt we are supposed to dislike her or cringe a lot. I'm still just baffled that there was not one person, a writer, a producer, an actor that read these scripts and didn't say maybe this isn't the way to go. They really trashed Miranda. Charlotte last night didn't fare so well. And Carrie is.....well Carrie. But to elaborate on what another poster said, when Carrie is the least troublesome character you know they have taken a wrong step.
  3. If only Carrie knew someone who did PR.
  4. I noticed that to. Why is it so hard for this show to show good hygiene? Especially since we as viewers are still in the middle of a pandemic. Richard at least tried to be charming.
  5. It's been pretty clear from the start they wanted to show how "woke" they are and have shoved so much into each episode to virtue signal how much they care about diversity and whatever else they are trying to show us that they have forgotten to write good scripts. There might be a scene that is done well and most of Anthony's lines are great but it doesn't feel like they did storyline arcs. If you look at SATC each season had a beginning and an end and the episodes in between showed the journey. But AJLT is failing to do that. And is it my imagination but there seem to be a lot more scenes with AJLT than there was with SATC? I realize it's a longer show but still seems like a lot.
  6. Honestly I was more grossed out that Che didn't wash their hands afterwards. They just left. So that means they touched Carrie's door handle. And then the door handle of the door to go outside and then who knows how many things afterward.
  7. I wonder if after they filmed the kitchen hookup episode they realized Che didn't wash their hands before or after and deliberately showed Steve washing his. Yes. My feeling is they are intentionally writing him this way so the audience will be Team Miranda. Hate to tell them but it is not working on me. I think he is being directed to act this way. I wonder how the actor feels about this storyline. But this wasn't Miranda initiating something she thought Steve would like. This was Miranda wanting to recreate something she did with someone else. IMO they have made a mess of the character formerly known as Miranda. And you know it's not even that it is Miranda. This could have been a brand new character and I still would think the whole thing is just being handled so poorly.
  8. Yes. None of that made sense. If Charlotte had knocked down a stranger she would have apologized right? Guess mansplaining was another box they needed to check. First of all I don't believe Miranda loves Che. She is definitely infatuated but love? No. And if Che was really into Miranda like you said @ivygirl she would have DM'd her. When I was "dating" I could always tell if a guy was with me or if he was with someone and it just happened to be me. I think Miranda just happened to be the one Che was with that night. I think the show wants us to think of Steve as doddering. Yes. Miranda didn't want to have sex with her husband. She wanted to fantasize about her hook up with Che. The Steve I remember would have caught on that something isn't right. And I don't even like Steve but I feel sorry for him. I don't think the writers (and Cynthia Nixon) see this a midlife crisis. And to be fair a woman awakening to a new sexuality doesn't have to be a midlife crisis but the way Miranda has behaved does seem like a crisis. For me she has become so unlikable. I notice when she is talking to Nya her voice has a higher pitch. When she ran into Nya and her husband Miranda almost screeched. Are we supposed to still think she is nervous or something? There were a couple episodes she barely acknowledged her husband was dead and now she is going to bring it up all the time. Not a spoiler, just my speculation.
  9. Yes. I'm almost done with it. It is a good read.
  10. I wonder if Meghan will respond. We all know how defensive she gets when her identity is called into question.
  11. https://deadline.com/2022/01/naacp-cbs-venture-sets-slate-soapdish-series-with-whoopi-goldberg-comedies-starring-dl-hughley-earthquake-little-rock-nine-limited-series-more-1234905866/ I loved Soapdish. I am looking forward to it.
  12. It might not be. But Carrie should at least acknowledge to herself her new friend is making money from her. Not that there is necessarily anything wrong with that but according to Carrie it was money that ended her friendship with Samantha (as ridiculous as that sounds).
  13. And she is making money from that client. Now correct me if I'm wrong but did Carrie not say the reason her and Samantha are no longer friends is because Samantha got mad about not making as much money off Carrie as she once did? Which is all bullshit plot contrivance but now we have Carrie becoming friends with Seema who is going to make money off Carrie.
  14. It seems like we are supposed to see it as a separate entity from SATC. Even though they are using SATC characters and sometimes referencing events that happened on SATC. In other words the writers are going to write what they want to write and I don't think they care about viewer complaints. I watched the first season a couple months ago and then binge watched the second season the day after it came out last month. I enjoy it. Is it as good as SATC? No. But it's not trying to be. In all fairness to Patricia Field when she signed onto Emily in Paris AJLT wasn't a thing yet. And I can understand her wanting to do something different anyways. It's funny because I used to hate Carrie's outrageous outfits but I don't mind Emily's outrageous outfits. This is me. If I really like a show I will do a re watch usually before the next season airs. But with this one I have my doubts I will revisit it. Contrast that to SATC which I have done complete re watches multiple times.
  15. If I am spoiled about something as I watch I do look for clues to see if I would have figured it out without already knowing. I came to the Good Place a year after it first aired and shockingly I had not been spoiled. It was a show I wasn't originally interested in so I hadn't read anything about it. And when I did see a headline about it I didn't pay attention to it. Thankfully I wasn't a Game of Thrones fan. I remember the outcry a couple years ago when the finale was spoiled.
  16. That is some deep rooted projection from Candace. Nobody is looking to her for any sort of wisdom. I think she is jealous she has never been asked to audition for co host. When she says "conservative" she means Trump supporter. And no Meghan was not that definition of a conservative. But she did spout off plenty of conservative talking points while on the show.
  17. It's not easy to get tested anywhere right now unless you have the time to wait in long lines. For people that are asymptomatic is it realistic for them to stay quarantined until they have a negative test? Assuming they can even be tested. I live in a state that has a large rural area and testing sites are few and far between.
  18. Also a lifelong Steeler fan the Steeler/Ravens game damn near gave me a stroke. Went to bed at halftime of the Raiders/Chargers game and if I had stayed up that surely would have given me a stroke. I would love for Tomlin to at least get a playoff win.
  19. I feel like AJLT is trying to appeal to a different audience. It feels like going to a party and expecting it be casual and it turns out to be black tie. Like I know I was invited but I'm not sure I belong here.
  20. Yes. I think fans see things differently than someone who is reviewing something because it's their job. I also think AJLT is getting some good reviews for being "brave" for showing certain things. My response to that is should you get points for addressing something if the storyline is handled poorly? Is representation good if the representation is handled badly?
  21. It is because I loved SATC so much that I have no problem criticizing AJLT if it isn't doing right by the original characters. I also wonder who is giving it good reviews. Are they people who watched SATC or are they just judging what they see onscreen as it is and not in relation to the history that is there? Gotta be honest though if I was unaware of SATC I will still have a huge problem with AJLT.
  22. I didn't mind the show focusing on Molly's family. But I didn't like it when they had Molly quit teaching and decide she wanted to be a writer. And yes they had her doing much more physical comedy which they didn't need to do. The show was funny because of the scripts. Or at least it was before they started screwing with what had been working for three or four seasons.
  23. That is if you take people at their word. With high profile cases there is more likely going to be people who want to serve on the jury for whatever reason. And of course you really have no way of knowing that. Before the internet and especially before social media it was easy to not know about high profile cases. You might knew of the case but you didn't know a lot of details. With the Maxwell case this story has been in the news for years. There have been multiple books written about it and a few documentaries. An unspoiled jury pool would be all but impossible.
  24. Just how desperate were they to get the reboot going that they agreed to this? In the new book about HBO they briefly discuss AJLT and CN is on record as saying she would only come back if the show was more diverse. She says they showed her scripts and they were strong. I don't know what scripts she read but these shows have not been strong. And Kim Cattrall was not quoted in the book and there were quite a few pages devoted to SATC. SJP, CN, KD and MPK and Darren Starr were all interviewed. So I don't know if the author didn't reach out to Kim or if she declined to be interviewed.
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