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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I think this is a very apt description of the writing for this show. They are checking boxes for things they consider "woke". But to quote Gertrude Stein there is no there there. The character development and throughout the series the characters evolving (minus Carrie) was done very well on SATC. You understood why the characters did what they did. Their actions and reactions came from within. But with this train wreck they portraying Steve as a bumbling old fool who Miranda is embarrassed of to explain her affair (and yes writers it is an affair) and having Harry wrongfully (according to the writers) ask Charlotte for an apology because he was apparently mansplaining and Charlotte had just had enough and oh yeah fuck the patriarchy or something like that. Truly progressive projects don't beat you over the head with it. They just have characters who have progressive values and live their lives according to them. Golden Girls was a progressive show. AJLT is not. They need better writers.
  2. Joy was doing fine. The show asked her to come back. If she isn't ready to retire she will find things to do. She still writes comedy. And I believe if she leaves the View it will be her choice.
  3. That would be on brand for Carrie. But if I saw my friend making a huge mistake (and no matter what they want us to think it is a mistake) I would tell them what I thought. Carrie told Miranda she was wrong for not forgiving Steve for his affair. So it's not like she doesn't stick her nose in their business.
  4. I have a couple coworkers who smoke a lot of weed and they always reek of it. I hate the smell of it so it's unpleasant for me. If Miranda keeps hanging around (or more accurately on) Che Steve or more likely Brady is going to ask Miranda what she has been smoking. I also agree the writers are trying to speak to the Me Too movement but they are denigrating men who haven't done anything wrong. Miranda’s story would have worked so much better if when the show started her and Steve were already split up. As been mentioned before it's not so much the affair is the problem (although the way they are presenting it is just so fucked up) it's her hypocrisy and the writer's outright refusal to acknowledge that.
  5. His speech on the Senate floor was so good. I agree with Joy when you hear someone say something racist you need to call them out. If you don't they think you agree with them. I had a former boss who used the n word with an a on the end thinking he was being cool or something. He was in a different room and I heard him say it and I immediately called out I can't believe you just said that. He was so apologetic. He kept apologizing for the rest of the day. I told him I know you know better so for now on do better.
  6. This show is costing HBO a lot of money. And I'm not seeing a lot of product placement so I don't know if they are making a lot from that. MPK strikes me as someone who everything he does is ego based.
  7. That is it in a nutshell. I honestly wish he would just say that. As much as I don't like Lena Dunham or her show Girls she had stories she wanted to tell and she created a show and told those stories. That is what MPk and these writers should have done. I'm surprised HBO was ok with all this. They had no notes or suggestions? They let David Chase do whatever he wanted with the Sopranos but MPK is no David Chase.
  8. I figured she would be willing to talk at some point. Staying silent doesn't get her anything but talking might get her a lighter sentence. She might be at the top of the pyramid but I think there is plenty of reasons to go after men who were provided girls by Epstein and Maxwell not least of which might be they are still engaging in those crimes.
  9. They arent even trying to get things right. If they can't get the timeline right (for fuck sake they are writing the episodes so at the very least they should get that right) what hope is there they will get anything else right? It's insulting to viewers and I wish I could say it's insulting to the cast but we know both SJP and CN had input so they must have been on board with all of it
  10. The article said she is unvaccinated. That should automatically exclude her.
  11. @Ms Blue Jay I remember you and I and our fellow SATC board posters migrating to this board and speculating what would happen to the characters in the reboot and none of us had Carrie throws up on a date, Charlotte publicly berates Harry for rightfully expecting an I'm sorry after Charlotte knocked him down and Miranda starts an affair with an asshole in Carrie's kitchen on our bingo cards. I will never understand why the writers have done this.
  12. If they wanted to tell all those stories then they should have created a new show and wrote those stories. Maybe I'm taking this too personally but I loved SATC and even though I knew this reboot was going to disappoint I was looking forward to spending more time with these characters. But it is now painfully obvious I care more about these characters than these writers do.
  13. As I said before it seems like these particular writers had stories they wanted to tell. But they aren't stories that work with these characters. I think they thought fans would be so happy to see the characters again they would just accept whatever they gave us. And from the interviews the writers are giving there does seem to be a theme of if the viewer doesn't like it then they are the problem.
  14. I was a Friends fan and I always thought Chandler was the cute one not Joey. And he was funny. My kind of a guy. I don't think Jason Momoa is all that. He is attractive if that is your type but he just isn't my type.
  15. Can you imagine being given the opportunity to write the next chapter of some pretty beloved characters and this is what you come up with? What in the serious fuck were they thinking?
  16. I knew it. I knew the writers would act like they are telling some insightful meaningful empowering story with Miranda. Sorry not sorry but for me it's a story about a wife cheating on her husband and not considering the ramifications of that.
  17. When I was in my mid 40s I did online dating. Men my age didn't want women my age. They wanted women in their 20s. You know who did want women my age? Men in their 30s. They wanted women who were more settled in life, not looking to get married or have kids. When I first heard of this reboot I initially thought they would have one of the women deal with the realities of dating when older and apparently the writers thought vomiting on a date was one of those realities.
  18. If we are just going by looks I do think Carrie had men that I would have considered out of her league. I always thought they seemed like an odd couple. SJP was with Robert Downey Jr and if you believe the rumors JFK Jr. briefly. But her and MB have been together for well over 20 years and have three kids so good for them.
  19. The sex on SATC was always presented the way the sex was for each of the women. There was never an agenda. They weren't trying to tell us something. It was just the women having sex. Sometimes it was good. Sometimes it wasn't. But the sex on this show I guess we are supposed to see as part of a bigger story. And it is more graphic. Not with showing nudity but with showing the act. I am not a prude but I did not need to see anyone's hand up Miranda's hoo ha. That has to be deliberate. They don't want us to think she is doing anything wrong. Something I thought I would never say but here we are. Team Steve all the way.
  20. Before the disaster known as AJLT aired I thought this season would have the original characters and we would see what was going on with them and through them we would be introduced to new characters that would be the focus of a season two if there was a season two. It seems like maybe they were going to do that but then switched gears and now we have this mishmash of something that isn't working on any level.
  21. I still buy heels but they are more likely to be a wedge or a chunky heel. I have hundreds (literally) of shoes in all shapes, colors and heel height. My granddaughter knows she inherits them. Could I still pull off a stiletto pump? Maybe. For a couple hours. I used to think the pain of wearing a high heel was worth it but as I have gotten older I no longer feel that way. When we see Carrie (and therefore SJP) wearing hers on the show she is only wearing them for the scene. It's not like she is walking numerous blocks in those things. I'm keeping the blond and it's long but not quite as long as Carrie's. But if I may toot my own horn my hair looks a lot healthier than hers. I agree. But as I have said in previous posts I'm pretty sure that was not their intention and I doubt they think that is what has happened. I still think the writers (especially MPK) will just think the audience isn't getting it.
  22. I thought of Robert too. That man can give an orgasm from across the room. It does seem like they were trying for some sort of theme to tie the whole episode together but failed. Again.
  23. I bought that series on DVD last year. It wasn't that much and it is the whole series. I had watched it when it originally aired on Lifetime. I enjoyed watching it a second time.
  24. On a different show I would say yes. But on this show I really do think the writers (and Cynthia Nixon) think they are showing us Miranda's journey. Journey to what I'm not quite sure. I am a couple years younger than Miranda and single. Not even Brad Pitt in his Thelma & Louise days could make me confuse lust with love. I think the show wants us to think Miranda is falling in love with Che but I'm seeing Miranda so unhappy in her marriage she is looking for anything/anyone to go to and it just so happens that it is Che. I did look at her and think why does she look so much heavier. Patricia Field is being missed as much as Kim Cattrall. Any one of us here could have (and some of us did) come up with better storylines for these characters. Miranda was always the cynical one. To have her get googly eyed over someone like Che gives me secondhand embarrassment. As much as I find it hard to believe Miranda would fall for someone like Che it's even harder for me to believe Che would fall for Miranda. I don't think Che would fall for anyone to be honest. They enjoy the attention and maybe they even get a thrill of being with someone who isn't supposed to be with them. I agree with whoever said Che would be more likely to be interested in Carrie.
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