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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Let's hope she sings like a canary. Bet there are a lot of nervous people right now
  2. I knew of him as a coach but I was most familiar with him as a broadcaster. I can't remember who it was but some comic did a real funny bit about Madden. He said Madden would be telling a story and Pat Summerall would interject with something that was happening on the field and Madden without acknowledging what Pat said would just continue on with his stories. Having watched many games he broadcast I can say that is true.
  3. This is my problem. They obviously wanted us to dislike Madeline so they had her act horribly. I guess we are supposed to root for Sylvie and the others. I find stories more interesting when there isn't a villain to root against.
  4. Oh yes. That creator was hellbent on writing what would have been the final season from the original series. Never mind that there had been a final season from the original series written by someone else. In the case of AJLT from my perspective the writers are writing a show that just happens to include characters from SATC. When I first heard of this show my original thought was oh they are going to write SATC with new characters and have the old characters there to more or less usher in the new cast. So I guess I was kinda was right but they really have fucked it up.
  5. Yes. For the life of me I don't understand how anyone thought that is something viewers would want to see.
  6. If this is how poorly they have written Miranda and Charlotte I shudder to think how they would have written Samantha. Although I have a pretty good idea what they would have done having known the plot of what would have been the third movie. I'm on the record as not being a Steve and Miranda fan but even I am against this retcon. And as far as I can see they are only retconning it so the audience will want/accept her with someone else. I feel like the writers wanted to tell this particular story and chose Miranda for it. This is example of plot over character.
  7. First of all I have no idea who this person is and second she must think pretty highly of herself if she thought she had any chance at all with her anti vax stance. My question is did ABC have any idea of her beliefs before they started discussions with her?
  8. I've said this so many times but I'm going to say it again. I much preferred the View when they hired cohosts without their political beliefs being top consideration. I know there is no way to put the genie back in the bottle but this show was more enjoyable (for me) when it wasn't trying to be Crossfire, the daytime version.
  9. Sherri was definitely not one of my favorites on the View however I think her hosting a show like the Wendy Williams show (soon to be the Sherri Shepherd show?) is definitely in her wheelhouse.
  10. Yes. Back in the day they were stage parents. They pushed their kids to be famous behind the scenes. But now they have found a way to be famous on camera.
  11. I wonder if these parents making money from exploiting their kids have any college funds or any sort of trust set up for when their kids are older. Or are they just buying them new sneakers. We heard from at least one Duggar kid that they weren't getting a cut of the money the family made. I remember when Jon Benet Ramsey was murdered some people were horrified at seeing the videos of her performing in beauty pageants. Now we have parents who show their kids performing in their living rooms to much bigger audiences. My first grandbaby is going to be born in June and as a proud grandma I will not be showing that precious baby online. I will show him/her to my real life friends via DMs but that is it.
  12. This is true. While trying to appeal to new viewers they have turned off the viewers they already had. At least they turned me off. I understand that characters need to grow and evolve but IMO that is not what we are seeing. I will keep watching but sadly this reboot hasn't lived up to what I had hoped it could be. Oh who am kidding? I knew it would be a disappointment.
  13. This is my main criticism of the show. They are telling stories that don't seem to be Carrie, Charlotte, and Miranda's stories. It would be one thing if brand new producers and writers were doing this but it's MPK and writers from SATC. They know these characters. Yes a lot of things have changed but it's not like these three women were in a coma for the past 10 years and are having a culture shock. This might be true for a lot of people but Miranda was in a relationship with a black man. Charlotte adopted a child from China. And one of Carrie's best friends was a gay man. IMO their unsure sometimes cringey behavior just doesn't ring true. With that being said I so far Charlotte's reactions to Rose has been handled well. Let's hope the show doesn't fuck that up.
  14. If they are having trouble finding someone to replace SWSNBN it's because they are looking for someone that doesn't exist. They want someone that is going to cause sparks. But doesn't alienate the other cohosts or the audience. And oh yeah it would be great if they brought in new viewers. How about they just hire the person that clicks with the other cohosts? Can articulate her views in a manner that doesn't involve rolling her eyes or calling anyone a bitch.
  15. The article said ABC's market research says people like to see the cohosts spar. I would like to know are these regular viewers or just random people who were asked what they wanted to see. I don't want to see sparring. I want to see calm rational debates. I fear SWSNBN has ruined the show. Anyone who sits in that chair the suits will compare her to MM and unless she is a screaming banshee she will pale in comparison. They are going all out to find a conservative so if one of the existing cohosts were to leave will they make it a point to find a progressive?
  16. I've already said this once but it bears repeating. Carrie seems to have taken Big leaving her at the alter harder than him dying.
  17. Having watched Dopesick over the weekend I discovered this. Even though I knew the story it is still horrific watching it. So many people should be in jail. I will never look at Chris Dodd ever again as anything but a horrible person who only cared about his campaign coffers.
  18. Glad to see her Ivy League education paid off
  19. I agree with this. They are also having them react to things. It's like the characters aren't the story. It's things happening to these new characters and our core characters are reacting to it. Even Carrie reacting to Big's death seems less about that and just a plot point that the podcast producer keeps forgetting about.
  20. I don't think Camille had any intention of keeping the pact. She was just waiting till she could get him back. And since Emily went to Gabriel's to break the pact (she was going to right?) I guess it's only fitting that Camille got there first. With very few exceptions I loathe characters singing during TV shows. I like Mindy but I can really do without hearing her sing. As someone who loves Kate Walsh in everything she does her character here was just awful. And as someone who was that pregnant should she have even flown to Paris? With all that being said I enjoyed Darren Star's show so much more than Michael Patrick King's current show.
  21. But are they really? Or are we supposed to cheer her on? I can't decide if the writers knew how much (IMO valid) criticism would be thrown their way or if they wrote this thinking they were writing something that people would cheer. They added people of color. They added a non binary character. Hey I see a woman in a wheelchair who is just doing her job. Miranda is going to explore her sexuality. Charlotte's daughter might be exploring hers. Miranda has a drinking problem. If this is what made it on the air I shudder to think what they chose not to include.
  22. As much as I wanted to see the characters again seeing them the way the revival is showing them makes me think I would have been better off imagining where they would be right now. There is something missing from the writing. In the original show it felt like we were watching four friends on their journey to something. For Charlotte it was getting her happily ever after. For Samantha it was finally letting herself to love and be loved. For Miranda it was realizing what she thought she wanted wasn't what she really wanted and for Carrie it was finally getting her Mr. Big. But this time around it feels like that journey we saw them take was all for naught. Charlotte is (as of right now anyways) being allowed to keep her happily ever after (but I swear to fucking god if they give Harry colon cancer I'm going to be pissed). But Miranda is being positioned to 1. Have a drinking problem and 2. Realizing she doesn't want to be married, To a man. I was never a fan of Steve and liked him even less when they made him and Miranda the end game but after seeing them work their way back to each other in the first movie I am sad to see their marriage this way. And while I understand the writers wanted to have Carrie move on from Big I don't have faith they will do it in such a way that doesn't look like she is regressing and not moving forward. As someone who watched soap operas for years I know writers say it isn't easy to write for happy couples but for fuck sake could they at least try?
  23. True but considering the person who told her that is widely ridiculed outside her very limited base she really isn't one to call someone out on their relevancy. I'm sure Meghan thinks she is "winning" but writing for what most people consider a tabloid and having a Twitter war with the likes of Candace Owens shows how far she has fallen.
  24. I don't even know why the writers have written him this way. Are we supposed to dislike him? Is this some "woke" thing I'm unaware of? It's not just that all the woke things have been shoehorned in. It's that the writing overall has been subpar. There aren't a lot of laughs and any sadness we are supposed to feel for Carrie for having lost her husband is being lost the quicker she moves away from the life she had with him (not to mention what is happening with Noth offscreen is kinda making Big's death welcome).
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