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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I understand Sunny's frustration. I didn't watch the show when Jed was a co host but I remember she was widely condemned on this board for lying about things. If I'm not mistaken @GHScorpiosRule referred to her as the lyingliarwholies.
  2. I've noticed that some of guest co hosts that were tolerable when Meghan was on are no longer tolerable. I guess compared to MM they seemed reasonable and maybe even likable. I haven't watched today's show yet but yesterday TS had me rolling my eyes. Sorry not sorry but the View should not have any guest on who spreads misinformation or as I like to call it lies about the vaccine. I don't care who they are.
  3. There was what was supposed to be a fictionalized account (which I forget the name) of the Bill/Monica affair and in that book it was written as if they really did care for one another. I do think Monica probably fantasized about Bill leaving Hillary and being with her.
  4. Wouldn't be the first time.
  5. Maybe. Admittedly I was reading a book while watching so I wasn't always paying attention. But even so. We were playing a team who has not won a game since last year.
  6. Detroit had just signed him a day to two before because their regular kicker is out with a hip injury. I'm a Steeler fan and I know Ben was out and Watt got hurt during the game but we should have still been able to beat Detroit in regulation. At the end of regulation if I'm not mistaken we still had a time out and something like 10 seconds to play with and we just knelt down and went to OT. The whole game was just plain weird.
  7. Not so unpopular with me. I like Evans first then Pine. Chris Pratt isn't even on my list. I would put Christ Noth and Chris Klein on the list before I would Pratt on it. And if you open it up to Christophers I'm adding Meloni.
  8. You would think they would put it somewhere in a playbook or something. Having watched that game it did seem like neither team was playing with any sort of urgency in OT.
  9. That was said about Paula and Monica too. At the time I didn't really have an opinion on what happened between Paula and Clinton. Honestly I don't think I really even paid attention to it and probably didn't realize it was because of her lawsuit that we found out about Monica. It saddens me that so many women after being hurt by Bill Clinton were then hurt all over again by the media and people judging them.
  10. But she did publicly criticize Sara. As I said before not a good look for Sunny.
  11. They meaning the NFL sacrificed him so damn quickly there has to be even worse things they don't want found out.
  12. This. Yes he can say racist things but it does not reflect well on him, his team, or the NFL. And I'm sure his players weren't too happy to know he used that type of racist language so easily.
  13. I thought about that. Sara seems to be very well liked by ABC and they have given her two shows. One in primetime. Sunny has spoken about not being treated with respect by ABC so maybe there is some resentment there but that it isn't Sara's fault.
  14. I read her novel and it was about very rich well connected people. I also read her memoir and it was after that my opinion of her started to sour. I remember before I started watching again posters here talked so highly of Sunny. When I started watching again in 2017 I must admit I found her more likable than Meghan but I did sense she wasn't as nice as she seemed.
  15. Doesn't Sunny realize that the problem isn't what the cohost's beliefs are but it's how the cohosts express their beliefs? There has never in the history of the View been two cohosts that shared the exact same beliefs. Even the two most most vocal self described conservatives (Elisabeth and Meghan) weren't in lock step with each other or their party for that matter. And yes Sara can be a little all over the map but for Sunny to be so dismissive about Sara's political affiliation was just plain rude. I've said it before Sunny's change in attitude is not a good look. Good for her for having all these outside projects but maybe she has outgrown the View.
  16. I can't remember if Sunny herself told the story in her book or if I read it in article but at some point there was a lot of friction between Sunny and Meghan and someone in charge (don't remember if it was ABC or someone at the View) who told Sunny if she didn't get along with Meghan and the situation became untenable Sunny would be the one who had to leave. Why Sunny would want to be friends with someone after that I have no idea.
  17. If only these same people who are so upset about this "kid" and what he is going through would show the same compassion for kids who are on the receiving end of a gun. But when that happens we hear them scream about why were they there? What did they do deserve it? I think Kyle Rittenhouse should have to answer those same questions. Now for some good news. The missing girl Whoopi talked about earlier this week has been found alive. https://www.yahoo.com/news/missing-14-old-jersey-girl-034231032.html
  18. I was coming here to post this and you beat me to it. And I was going to say exactly what you said. She could have talked about Independents without referring to Sara specifically or just not had such a condescending tone. Interestingly she didn't mention Ana. Sunny even said in the article how she disagrees with Meghan about everything and yet she is more of friend to her than to Sara? Sunny also said her and Meghan became friendly in September 2020 when she (MM) moderated an event for Sunny's book. So she worked with MM for almost three years before becoming friends with her? That thought crossed my mind. Any time Sunny mentions a friend it is always someone who is famous. This is the link to the whole interview. As I was reading it I thought Sunny seems nice and then I hit the View part and I thought oh geez here we go again. Can there ever be an article or interview about the View that can remain nice? https://www.thecut.com/2021/11/sunny-hostin-is-more-than-just-co-host-of-the-view.html
  19. As Joy said his mother says she is proud of what he did so that is probably why he thought to do what he did. Whoopi was right when she asked did his mother say that to the mothers of the two men he killed. Same. It's sad and infuriating that this happens so often. Ana bringing up Tamir Rice's name makes me sad. A boy 12 yrs old was shot by a police officer for having a toy gun but Kyle Rittenhouse is looked at as a hero by some people for using an illegally obtained gun to kill two people. The world has gone mad.
  20. Yes. If Paula Jones and Monica Lewinsky didn't exist people opposed to Bill Clinton would have still tried to find something to impeach him with. I respectfully disagree. Knowing how they treated Monica I don't think they cared at all. Yes. Linda Tripp did not do this to get Monica out of a bad situation. She wanted to help bring an end to Clinton's presidency. I 100% agree. So many people made money off Paula Jones and yet when she found herself unable to find a job and did what she needed to do to support herself and her child she is condemned for it. Why is it when a woman takes her clothes off she loses people's respect but when a man exploits a woman taking off her clothes he doesn't?
  21. Yes. They were a means to an end. If it hadn't been them they would have kept digging till they found something else to nail him with. But would there have been proof? Did Monica tell anyone else about the blue dress? Linda had her own agenda. It's one thing to disclose something someone told you but it's completely different to intentionally get someone to tell you things so you can use them to hurt someone else.
  22. It also is usually someone who has a project to promote.
  23. I think he would consider that a compliment.
  24. And some of them aren't running for reelection. This dangerous hyper partisanship is getting worse.
  25. All the while putting his teammates and coaches and whoever else Rodgers came in contact with at risk. Yeah that sure is sticking it to the man. NFL always wants any story that doesn't reflect well on them to go away. Just look at Gruden and those emails. People aren't talking about that anymore. At what point does something so egregious happen that they can't sweep it under the rug?
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