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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Wouldn't be the first time. I think Sara thinks she has to contribute something insightful to every topic they discuss. Sometimes it's ok to just not say anything.
  2. It was a false equivalency. The discussion was CRT and Sara starts talking about how she doesn't want her son told he can do anything and her daughter told she can't do everything. Or something like that. It was kinda a word salad. As I mentioned earlier I like her but sometimes I can see how the apple didn't fall from the tree given what she has told us about her parents. I think she is a good person but there seem to be some topics she is incapable of seeing from a different perspective than her own.
  3. As long as the person they are debating is an adult who can put forth rational arguments.
  4. Yes MT said she was pro choice regarding abortion and vaccines. But they are not equivalent.
  5. The reason Whoopi brought abortion into it is because MT was saying people get upset when they are told what they need to do with their bodies. Team Whoopi on this. I like Sara but sometimes she makes it hard. She is so worried about these hypothetical/unrealistic scenarios she is missing the very real experiences of people happening right now.
  6. Let's face it. Sara's kids are going to grow up in privilege. And good for them. But she is not going to be doing them any favors if she tries to shield them from the reality that sadly not all kids grow up with that same privilege. And of course the white co host says can we just forget about color. Whoopi was right to shut her down. It's easy for white people to not have to think about it. But for people of color it is something they are constantly having to deal with. I agree with this. After only watching her for fifteen minutes I can say she has been the worst guest co host so far.
  7. Note to Michelle Tafoya: The right to choose to have an abortion and the right to not get the vaccine is not equal. An unwanted pregnancy (or a nonviable pregnancy) is not contagious like Covid 19.
  8. For those who have Hulu it is uploaded there and I'm sure it is on youtube as well.
  9. Abby is more likely to still be in Meghan's orbit than anyone else's at the View. So yeah she is trying to keep the peace with Meghan. I swear it must be like walking on eggshells around Meghan. Don't want to upset her lest the toddler throw a tantrum.
  10. Not that she should have to keep her kid hidden but Meghan is the one continuing to post pics of Liberty. I get that people, lots of people, including me do not like her and she has faced a lot of negativity thrown her way. And she has dealt with a lot of assholes online. However she is not the only one who has to deal with that. She is in the public eye. By choice. She has decided to pursue a career that puts her in an environment that is going to receive a lot of attention. If she can't take the heat then she needs to choose a different line of work. How many times did we hear her say nasty things about people on the View or on social media? Meghan is not a nice person. She isn't likable. You can be a partisan shrew like Ann Coulter and still be fun at parties. But Meghan is just bitter and miserable.
  11. And Debbie has had a pretty nice career since leaving the View. What is Elisabeth doing nowadays?
  12. Well her husband told her that. Me too. Not only was Bill Clinton reckless but he was also selfish. I remember this vividly. There was so much more media attention paid to this and not the embassy bombings or Clinton's response to the bombings. And it's not like she was some radical feminist who was saying death to all men. She was just a woman who had had her own career and didn't want to be defined as just being someone's wife. I never believed they had an open marriage. I think Hillary might have been willfully ignorant about his extramarital activities but I don't think she ever gave him permission. The Vince Foster rumor has never been confirmed.
  13. I don't think it bothered her as much as she didn't understand it. It seems from Debbie's point of view it was "huh Ana doesn't like me, what is that about?" I've commented before I'm not a big of Ana and I do get a vibe from her that she might not be the friendliest person to people she does not know. Whereas Debbie seems like she would be your best friend from the moment she met you and give everyone hugs.
  14. As much as Sarah Paulson is killing it as Linda Tripp I can't help but wonder what Edie would have done with that part.
  15. She also had the attitude of eh not everyone is going to like me. Unlike someone else who has gotten a ton of mileage out of boo hoo me someone was mean to me.
  16. Not sure why the writers thought they needed to make Susan the villain. It's not as if they wanted the audience to root for Ross and Carol to get back together. They were already positioning Ross and Rachel to be a couple.
  17. Yes, and I was waiting for some mention of that. Maybe Monica asked the show-runners not to include it. If I remember correctly that tidbit didn't come out until the Starr Report was actually released.
  18. Billy Gardell is from Pittsburgh so he would call into a local radio station and talk sports. Having listened to him on the radio I can say he was effectively playing himself when he played Mike. Billy and Mike are just regular guys.
  19. If it happened why shouldn't Debbie tell the story? I'm not as big an Ana fan as others are. I believe Debbie.
  20. Most people (especially spouses) will tell you it's not what you lied about but the fact you lied that does the most damage. This was made even worse because Hillary defended him publicly. Once he knew he was cornered he should have told her everything. But Bill being Bill decided to roll the dice and hope he could somehow come through it unscathed.
  21. I generally like Sunny, but I do not like the way she reads legal notes either. Let's get a table and order some appetizers because I agree. She makes light of them. Yes we know most of it is just denials of wrongdoing but they need to be read as to avoid any possible lawsuits.
  22. As I have gotten older (I was 30 when all this happened) I have come to be deeply disappointed in Bill Clinton. It is amazing how differently we see things as we age and get more experienced in life. I don't think anyone needs to make this Bill Clinton on screen unlikable. His behavior is making him unlikable. You can think what Clinton did was wrong but also dislike how he is being nailed for it.
  23. I was thinking about that earlier. It seemed Sunny was trying to be jokey about it but Sara I think was still feeling what had happened. I've said before Sunny can have a very smug attitude when comes to certain things. Parenting being one of them. The camera wasn't on Sara but when Katie said something like NBC or the Today show had a very permissive environment Sara could be heard saying oh yeah or something like that. Wouldn't surprise me at all if Sara saw something or experienced something during that time.
  24. In one of the books Hillary wrote she talked about when they (Bill, Hillary, Chelsea, and that beautiful dog who's name escapes me) were walking to the helicopter and she said the dog was the only one who wanted to have anything to do with Bill that weekend. The vase throwing was reportedly disclosed by a secret service agent. For better or worse Hillary and that song will forever be tied together. And she was right when she said Bill had put her in an impossible position. If she leaves she is the woman who left the President and if she stayed she is the woman who stayed with a cheating husband. While I do believe Hillary was justifiably furious Bill let her defend him when he knew it was likely the truth would come out I also think she was really hurt that once again he had cheated on her. There was a scene a couple episodes back that showed him watching her sleep after he knew the walls were closing in on him. And last night he was once again watching her sleep before he had to tell her something he knew would not make her happy. I've always said at the heart of this whole thing was a husband who cheated on his wife who desperately did not want her to find out.
  25. Hillary to Bill "I always honor my commitments". Oh snap. I honestly believe Bill was more afraid of Hillary leaving him than being impeached.
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