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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. He was having none of what she was trying to dish out. It was enjoyable to watch a guest push back. She was basically saying Schiff should have known someone was lying to him. Which is ironic coming from her since she worked for an administration that was proven to be lying multiple times.
  2. No it doesn't but honestly I'm more likely to be weary of someone who is decked out in flag clothing and/or have their vehicle decked out the same way.
  3. The NFL was afraid of backlash for Colin Kapernik's actions which was simply trying to draw attention to a very important topic but the NFL doesn't seem to mind if people are up in arms over Aaron Rodgers lying and endangering others.
  4. The guest co host said Republicans were shot on a baseball field. Yes they were. But they were not shot by any of their Democratic colleagues. Apparently she couldn't find a relevant anecdote to prove her both sides are the same argument.
  5. This is an example of intent versus impact. Even if Robin Thicke didn't mean any harm (which IMO is debatable) Emily still felt harm.
  6. In a word, money. Festival seating means more tickets can be sold. And as long as Travis Scott sells a lot of tickets he will continue to be booked. Sadly money is put ahead of people's lives way too many times.
  7. I wonder how many anonymous tips are actually from lawyers who have guilty clients.
  8. It's been quite a while since I have went to a concert but when I did go I always got actual seats. Never once did I want floor seats. I wasn't even high school yet when the Who concert tragedy happened but it made an impression on me.
  9. Most likely it will be prerecorded. Whoopi is the only host who does her favorite things on her birthday I think. They usually give the audience Whoopi's favorite things right? Anyone wanna bet Whoopi's daughter will be in the audience Friday?
  10. Come join Steeler nation. We also play outdoors and by rivers no less.
  11. Yes. He might not have meant it that way but that is how it looks. And he is not someone I'm inclined to give the benefit of the doubt to.
  12. I live in Manchin's state and people support the bills once you explain it to them. However Manchin has never been one to give a shit about the people in his state. He cares about the people who donate to his campaign. It's true and I will shocked if she doesn't lose her primary next year. She struck me as someone who doesn't mind not being liked. Although I do think she was a little surprised the audience wasn't agreeing with her. There was a smugness there I didn't like. She could handle a debate a lot better than Meghan but that doesn't mean what she was saying wasn't wrong. All in all I thought she came across as a know it all. Especially about Colin K. Sunny interviewed the man for fuck sake. She had a much greater insight to him than Tafoya. I think she looks at him as a football player and Sunny looks at him as a human being.
  13. I like this Chris. But I do not like this Chris. https://news.yahoo.com/chris-pratt-slammed-online-post-003739726.html He just gets more dickish.
  14. Yes. They kept throwing everything at the wall hoping something would finally stick. It's amazing how that Special Counsel investigation was allowed to encompass so many different investigations. I was under the assumption those investigations are supposed to have a very narrow focus.
  15. As a Steeler fan I know all about diva wide receivers. More trouble than they are worth.
  16. At the time I think that is what most people thought. I know I did. Also the public already knew about Gennifer Flowers so it's not like this thing with Monica came out of left field.
  17. Let's not forget Starr was appointed Special Counsel to investigate the Whitewater land deal. When nothing came of that he moved on to the Paula Jones sexual harassment claim which wouldn't have been an impeachable offense. Then he finds out about Monica. Which in and of itself is not an impeachable offense. However lying about it is. Lucianne Goldberg told Linda to tape Monica. Once that happened and Starr had the tapes he knew he could finally nail Clinton. So yes the United States had a president impeached because he lied about getting a blow job. I remember when this was happening having an argument with someone that yes Clinton should be impeached because he lied and my response was but he was lying to a question that most men in that position would have lied about also. How many married men are going to admit to cheating on their wives during a deposition?
  18. Yes, they knew exactly what they were doing which is why they needed to get Monica to write that statement before Clinton's deposition. I've mentioned before the utter glee Starr and his team showed with "getting the goods on Clinton" is so gross. They cared not one iota about destroying a young woman's life.
  19. With regards to the 2nd Amendment discussion. When that amendment was written there weren't too many arms you could conceal or even carry easily. The founding fathers were not thinking about 9 mm revolvers being in someone's pocket.
  20. Monica has always owned her mistakes. And not only did Linda Tripp have no remorse for what she did but neither did Bill Clinton. He might have said he screwed up but I will always believe he thinks screwing up means he feels bad he got caught. Not that he shouldn't have done it but he should have been more careful. Monica in real life is very personable but I do not find Beanie portraying Monica personable. As others have mentioned she just does not come across as Monica. In all the interviews I have seen of Monica she always comes across as someone you would could become fast friends with. Which is probably why she it was so easy for Linda Tripp to befriend her. I thought that was her!! I don't think it was his physical appearance that was so alluring. People say he is very charming in person. And there is a the whole smart and powerful thing going on. I myself never found him appealing. I always thought Al Gore was way more attractive.
  21. A lot of what she said was tone deaf and even though she seemed to be hearing what Whoopi and Sunny were saying I don't think she was listening to what they were saying. And she was very dismissive of what Sunny was saying about Colin K. I watched the Netflix show and what Sunny was saying was true. All Colin ever wanted to be was a QB in the NFL. Michelle said he has money, he has a Nike deal, he has a Netflix deal. As if all that makes up for the fact he has effectively been blackballed from doing the one thing he wants to do simply because he took a knee to bring attention to something pretty fucking important.
  22. She isn't going to say anything against the NFL owners. The NFL could pull her access. That was shades of Meghan chastising the audience for not agreeing with her.
  23. So did the Packers just take his word for it that he was vaccinated?
  24. He could probably play better than some starting QBS right now. Michelle is being disingenuous if she is saying it's anything other than owners afraid of fan backlash as the reason Colin K isn't currently on a team roster.
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