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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Because it cannot be said enough. If you call yourself a hard ass you are not a hard ass. The fact she thinks going "right back" is five or six weeks shows her incredible privilege. This is also the same woman who had over three months maternity leave. She is so out of touch with the reality of most working people, especially women. Makes me wonder if we are going to see or read any interviews with people not sympathetic to Meghan's plight as the poor picked on conservative.
  2. Yep. Her name is Susan McDougal. She was sentenced to 18 months for contempt of court for refusing to answer questions regarding Whitewater in a grand jury. Clinton pardoned her before he left office. Jay Leno was already on my shit list for his Dancing Ito's during the OJ trial. I was always baffled when people would say he was the nice guy of late night. Ken Starr was and is an awful human being. Even before this series anytime I would see or hear his name I would think you asshole.
  3. Sounds like her entire tenure in the Bush administration. I believe that is called sucking up.
  4. One of my favorite quotes is from Maya Angelou: When someone shows you who they are believe them. Meghan showed us who she was on a daily basis.
  5. They used a lot of the same words we use when discussing Meghan McCain. Entitled. Aggrieved. Princess. This audio book will get her attention but it isn't going to open any doors for her. It's not going to bolster her image. For those of us that watched her tenure on the View it is simply confirming what we already knew. That she got that job because she was someone's daughter and was a snowflake unable to hold her own even though she was a self described tough chick.
  6. https://www.thedailybeast.com/meghan-mccain-tells-hannity-that-liberals-punished-her-for-not-voting-for-president-obama I don't think she said anything that wasn't delusional. It's true. Meghan is a team player. If you aren't on her team then you are the enemy. And she wonders why people not on her team don't like her.
  7. How many of us said when she started pissing off Whoopi "Meghan you in danger girl"?
  8. Also from the excerpt. After giving birth, I didn’t feel like myself. I felt extremely vulnerable. Joy seemed to smell that vulnerability like a shark smells blood in the water, and she took after it. Why was this worth it to her? I will never know. But, so much for working moms looking out for each other. I seem to recall Meghan not wanting Abby to talk about anything child related because it was triggering for Meghan. Joy never went after Meghan. It was always Meghan picking at Joy and Joy defending herself. Also from the excerpt: It felt like the co-hosts and staff only knew one Republican — me — and took out all their anger on me, even though I didn’t even vote for Trump. Maybe because you defended his polices and even championed them sometimes. Somewhere Katie Couric is saying thank you.
  9. He is getting more grief for this than someone else who almost never wore a mask. Clearly different rules for different people.
  10. Any interview Meghan gives about her book is going to need a fact checker. Does she think people are just going to believe what she says? Guess we can add her audio book to the fake news pile.
  11. She was saving it for her audio book. She is so predictable. All she knows how to do is make herself the victim. And I still don't believe she decided to leave the View. I think she was told she wouldn't be back and they let her save face. She will never own any of her faults.
  12. So much to unpack from that article. If the View was toxic it was because of Meghan. She thinks Whoopi wanted her gone. Some of us here thought Meghan's days were numbered after her "girl stop talking" day. She says she had post partum anxiety. Not to belittle that at all but I don't believe most of what Meghan says on any given day let alone in an article (written by Meghan's friend no less) that is badmouthing her former employer. She says she decided to leave her first day back from maternity leave. If things were so bad I'm sure ABC would have let her out of her contract early. She is doing the whole poor little conservative woe is me act. That is her identity now. Perpetual victim of big bad non conservatives.
  13. Maybe I am wrong but I thought when you donate sperm you are required to provide medical history and some other information such as educational level and any special talents. Women don't just blindly choose someone's sperm. They look at what's available and choose the one they think would provide them with a healthy happy baby. Some women want the donor to look a certain way. Some want a donor who is very intelligent. Some want a donor who is athletic. And as far as children being able to find their donor fathers I think sperm donors should be able to opt in for any children they have fathered to be given their contact information.
  14. I caught that too. I don't like her. She wants to be the alpha at the table and I don't see Whoopi or Joy or Sunny standing for that. Guest hosting she might get away with it but if she was hired full time I think there would be friction.
  15. This reminds me when people say they are tired of hearing about racism. Just think how tired people are of living with racism.
  16. Or maybe they didn't want to watch a show about someone they had never heard of. Alex is not famous. Her mother is.
  17. Admittedly I do not watch reality TV but from clips I have seen of various reality shows they make everyone look bad. White, black, brown doesn't matter.
  18. https://pagesix.com/2021/10/15/the-view-staff-banned-from-speaking-to-meghan-mccain/ This sounds like something Meghan (or her people) would leak.
  19. I agree. She does not like injustice in any form I agree with this too. But I don't see it as her looking down on people who don't have a lot of money. I think she looks down on people she thinks are being willfully ignorant and I have to say I am the same way. Yep. She is definitely someone who thinks her way is the right way. Didn't she have a disagreement with Don Lemon over something because she thought she was right and he was wrong? He might be nice but a lot of what he says is very damaging. I'm still baffled that the guy I used to watch on NewsRadio has people who look to him for political information.
  20. I agree with you. Every time they show an anti vaxxer celeb I'm sure someone out there is watching thinking well if he doesn't have to get the vax then neither should I.
  21. I have an unvaccinated co worker who blames me, a vaccinated person (not me specifically but vaccinated people in general), for spreading Covid. He say it's because we don't wear masks anymore. I don't argue with him because what is the use? So I understand Sunny's point of view. I have never told someone they are stupid for not getting the vaccine but I have had a couple people tell me I am stupid because I did get the vaccine. It's tough taking the high road so much.
  22. It's my understanding Couric chose to edit out those comments right? But now that RBG is gone Couric thinks it's fine to tell the world what she edited out. Couric just wants attention. She had to know her book with all the mean girl tidbits in it would get her a lot of media coverage. I think she is self centered enough to think simply haters are going to hate. I don't ever foresee her feeling any regret about anything she wrote.
  23. She thinks the law is barbaric. She said as a pro lifer (her words) she thinks that Roe v Wade is settled law.
  24. I also liked that she said that. She isn't worried about being cast out of the tribe because she isn't falling in line with the rest of them. Unlike some people who would hem and haw about some pretty egregious things being said by that tribe. My impression of SE Cupp is she is someone who believes in her beliefs and not just her party. She won't change who she is just because her party changes.
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