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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Yeah this bothered me. And I only partly agree with her that politicians don't want the abortion issue to be settled. It's only one particular party that uses it as red meat for their base.
  2. Add me to the list of people who surprisingly enjoyed Carly Fiorino. I think the reason she sounded rational is because she is comfortable in her beliefs. They are genuine. She isn't trying to impress someone. She isn't trying to appeal to a base. She just believes what she believes and doesn't find it necessary to defend them to the nth degree. With both Elisabeth Hasselbeck and she who shall not be named they were cheerleaders for their team. Often times trying to defend the indefensible. Carly doesn't need and I believe doesn't want to do that. Also add me to the list of people who find the View's being enamored of 50 Cent odd. I understand he has a lot of fans but I doubt non View watchers would tune in just to see him.
  3. I get that they want to have a conservative co host. But I at least hope they choose one that gels with the rest of the panel. The two they have had on didn't have chemistry with the other women. And please have it be someone who can act like an adult and have calm rational discussions about things. Even things they disagree with the other women about.
  4. What nobody on the panel thought to bring up is if there are a lot of younger people leaving their jobs it is not anyone making less than $50 K a year. They can't afford to quit.
  5. You would think there would be more stars promoting the new fall season. Especially ABC stars.
  6. Sunny said she worked 15 hr days when she was in her 20s and 30s. She would have been a lawyer by then. She needs to understand working that many hrs a day as a lawyer is completely different than working that many hrs a day in a Chinese factory. Honestly Sunny should have realized that. China does not have the best track record when it comes to factories.
  7. I'm watching the show now and it is so nice they are having discussions about the hot topics rather than each of them just stating their opinion as they were doing when they were remote. It is also nice they don't have to be edge waiting for the inevitable contradictory opinion delivered in an obnoxious way.
  8. There is no way it could be Barbara right? The only one that would be a big deal is probably Rosie O'Donnell.
  9. I thought about that but I don't think I had ever heard Reese talk badly about him publicly so it seemed out of character for her to throw shade at him. And speaking of shade I'm just going to assume she was. I wouldn't be surprised if we get a tweet from someone highlighting their art history degree.
  10. Many years ago I graduated from cosmetology school and we were given like one day of what was called ethnic hair study. I have no problem believing most stylists are not trained in how to style African American's hair.
  11. Clearly I think about SATC way too much. I was driving to work this morning and for some reason Carrie, Big and Aidan popped into my head. And it suddenly occurred to me Carrie wanted to be with Big because she thought that would mean she was good enough for him. She didn't ultimately want to be with Aidan because she thought she wasn't good enough for him. She had a lot of insecurities which she covered up but they were there.
  12. That was one of the first episodes I ever watched. I thought the investigation was plotted very well. Interesting tidbit, Kapell (Ron Leibman) and Mrs Kapell (Jessica Walter) were married in real life. I always liked the mob episodes. Season 5 did have some good episodes. One of my favorites is Coma. Larry Miller plays a club owner accused of shooting his wife. I remember absolutely hating the ending and being thrilled the next season the episode Encore had his character once again being accused of killing his wife. I thought well surely they have to get him this time.
  13. I agree. Why would they have stools with no place to put your feet? I too miss the regular table for hot topics and then the sitting area for guests. When Reese was talking about having her first child she kept saying she was all alone with nobody to help her. Did she forget she had a husband at the time?
  14. I also think she looks like she has gained weight. Wonder if it's menopause related?
  15. I agree with this. With Charlie Sheen if anything new came out most people would say well what can you expect? It's Charlie Sheen. Well if you are Charlie Sheen I think he could and did go lower.
  16. Now is definitely not the time for someone who has more money than most people will ever make in a lifetime to complain about having to possibly pay more in taxes. Last week when Whoopi was giving advice about how you have to let your children go my first thought was what if the kid won't go like your daughter Alex. I understand if you are rich you want your kids to never have to struggle but as far as I know Whoopi has supported her daughter and her son in law forever. I get helping out but this just seems to be straight up financing their lives. I'm assuming she has them on her payroll in some capacity because she mentioned her daughter was expecting a tax refund. If Whoopi wants to keep more of her money perhaps she should consider paying her daughter less rather than pay less taxes.
  17. A few years ago I read an article that focused on people making around $250,000 a year and how they struggled. They had an expensive mortgage. They had expensive car payments. They had student loans. They had private school tuition. And the article was written as if readers were supposed to feel sorry for them. You struggle making that much money then you need to change your lifestyle. How many times have poor people been told to live within their means? Same applies to rich people.
  18. I just watched Whoopi complain about the possibility of people making $500,000 and above being taxed more. Her argument was maybe those people are spending money on taking care of family members. You know what happens when people making less than that complain about that? They are told to get a second job. Whoopi can STFU about having to pay more.
  19. We all know who Whoopi is. The other one just made her look (marginally) better by comparison. Do we know if AOC paid for her own ticket? That is a ridiculous amount of money to spend on an event. It reminds me of the criticism of the ritzy charity events that serve lobster and champagne and spend a ton of money on flowers and such. Why not just give that money to charity?
  20. So what is her solution? If the government needs more revenue who does Whoopi think should have to pay more? I have no doubt Whoopi has probably incorporated herself so she probably pays less in taxes than a lot of people who make a lot less than her.
  21. I have called a man a bitch before. Elizabeth Holmes was a person who gave no thought to the harm she was going to cause. Her actions showed her to be self centered and unwilling to take responsibility for what she had done. And one more thing. I don't like her.
  22. OMG yes. And also there is something off with her hair. It's usually gorgeous but the color is different and has more body than usual.
  23. Ok, how about a lying, deceiving asshole? Edited 16 hours ago by Crashcourse I've read books about Elizabeth Holmes and watched a documentary about her. I think the word bitch applies.
  24. Was SJP a smoker in real life? If she was I wonder if she quit when Carrie quit. At some point their differences were going to become a problem. We saw a glimpse when Carrie met the shoe importer and she starting hanging out with him. She wanted to go out to some new club and Aidan didn't understand the exclusivity of it and needing a key or something to get in. She did realize who she had at home was much better than the guy who was supposed to get her in the club though at the end of the episode. She was never going to be content to cuddle up on the couch and watch a TV show. In the second movie she didn't even want Big putting a TV in their bedroom.
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