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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I've thought this for awhile. You don't see any of the other women get nasty when they defend their beliefs. Even Paula who didn't agree with most of panel could have discussions of the hot topics without losing her temper. I don't think Meghan is living her most authentic life.
  2. I think this is the likely scenario. She just would not quit badmouthing Fauci. She was becoming increasingly antagonistic to her cohosts. She was trying to rationalize things that most people find irrational. I for one am not sad to see her go.
  3. And that guy was hot. Go Samantha. My all time favorite Samantha look. Stunning. Pat Field did a phenomenal job dressing her throughout the series. I don't know if there was ever misstep with her wardrobe. On the flip side Carrie sometimes looked like she was wearing costumes.
  4. Carrie judged all her friends at one time or another. It was one of her least attractive traits. But I really hated the way she judged Samantha. I really do believe she thought poorly of Samantha.
  5. Since Parada has a condition that makes the vaccine unsafe for him you would think he would want everyone else to get vaccinated so we achieve herd immunity and he can be protected. So for him to instead tell people don't get vaccinated makes me think he is just an idiot. Remember the good old days when people didn't proudly show their idiocy?
  6. I liked Mad Dog. It was a change of pace episode which sometimes works and sometimes doesn't. I have heard dumb as a box of rocks before but never hair. LOL
  7. Before she joined the View her biggest claim to fame was getting owned by Paul Begala on Real Time with Bill Maher.
  8. WTF does that even mean? So we see each of the women with their own stories and then we see Carrie sometimes alone and sometimes with her friends who are the aforementioned women. That is just word salad for SJP saying she is the star of the show. That might have been in her contract. That only she be featured in the opening. I'm pretty sure after season 1 or 2 we never heard Carrie say things like giving head or up the butt. For a sex columnist she became a prude. There was definitely a smugness with her. I was never really a fan of Carrie but this season made me actively dislike her. When her and Samantha were looking at something to wear on her book cover this happened: Carrie: I don't usually dress like a high-class hooker. Samantha: That is not a hooker look. Carrie: Please! This screams hooker. What respectable New York woman would be caught dead wearing this? Samantha: I have one in red. Am I a hooker? And then they talked about the World Wide Express guy again. I thought Carrie was just awful in this episode. When one of my best friends has done something I thought was unseemly or whatever Carrie thought it was if it isn't hurting anyone I am going to keep my opinions to myself.
  9. Season 7 is one of my favorite seasons. There was only a couple episodes that I thought were average. Didn't the mother (hello Sharlene from Another World) say her daughter was dumb as a box of hair? And the hooker was a pre Desperate Housewives Felicity Huffman. Law & Order had so many guest stars that became bigger stars after being on this show.
  10. When they were showing clips of Meghan's time on the View it was surprising to see her not have a scowl on her face and actually laughing. She became meaner and more obnoxious the longer she was on the show. Yes. It's not like Meghan's father made a call to ABC and said hire my daughter. As you mentioned Jed had just signed a new contract. So we are to believe ABC on a whim decided to hire Meghan? No. Someone asked someone to make it happen. That is some major insecurity right there. Add to that her throwing away a birthday cake one of Manny's coworkers gave to him I would say Sunny has some issues.
  11. I thought about that but more likely Berger will have wrote another book and dedicated it to Carrie. And Alek will have named some art installation after her.
  12. I could totally see Meghan losing her shit over someone liking or not liking a post or tweeting something nice to someone she doesn't like. Didn't she throw a behind the scenes hissy fit because Whoopi's hairstylist retweeted something about Meghan?
  13. They would have cast someone else to be a love interest for Joanie.
  14. I highly recommend it. The subsequent seasons were good but the first season was excellent. Glen Close won two well deserved Emmys for her portrayal of lawyer Patty Hewes. For me Mad Men was like reading a book and each season was a new chapter.
  15. Me too. I like trying to figure out if the entire season of a show that has a continuing storyline was written from start to finish or did they write it as they went along. I thought the first season of Damages was perfect. It was like watching a well written novel.
  16. If she thinks that maybe she should move to Florida.
  17. I value the writing over the acting. I can watch something that is badly acted but I have a hard time watching something that is badly written. Case in point I watched Roseanne from the very first episode through the very last episode. But on subsequent re watches I skip the final season because it was so badly written.
  18. Exactly. And if the spoilers are correct Big's death would just make Carrie's life so much easier. Another plot contrivance I could do without. I agree. As much as I loved the series and even the first movie the second movie left a bad taste in my mouth and from what I'm hearing about the revival I don't have faith it will be much better.
  19. I would hate this. I would especially hate it if Carrie ends up with Aiden afterwards.
  20. This is from the article: Artists are libertarians. They support personal rights and freedoms. Fans, too. I don't think that is true. Asserting your "freedom" during a global pandemic is ignorant at best and selfish at worst.
  21. I will say it with you. I didn't like Toby. And if I'm being honest I wasn't a big CJ fan although I love Allison Janney. I always liked Hoynes. No matter how many times they tried to make him a bad guy I still liked him. Might have something to do with me liking Tim Matheson. I wasn't crazy about Sophia. She got a lot of laughs but I found her grating. Dorothy was my favorite. Whenever I talk to friends about my life goal of living with other women in my golden years I always say I get to be the Dorothy.
  22. There have been plenty of instances of actors being hated because their character caused the beloved couple to split up. I watched soaps for years and the outright venom directed towards some actors was scary. On the flip side the devotion shown to characters who were rapists was scary too.
  23. Because she wanted to make it all about her. And even had video of herself to show and fish for compliments by talking about her hair.
  24. When she said she thinks the divine order should be God, partner and then kids it reminded me of an Oprah show. She asked the audience if your family was in danger and you could only save your spouse or your kids one woman stood up and said she would save her spouse because she could always have more children. I get that Eboni thinks older children shouldn't take priority but it sounds like she thinks it should be that way no matter what age the kids are. I'm going to disagree with her on this.
  25. Meghan says she doesn't like politicians held up as deities. Oh I'm sure she would make a couple exceptions. Didn't she once say she had a crush on Paul Ryan?
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