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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. I do wonder how they explain her absence. Or if they will just ignore her not being there.
  2. All ABC has to do is hire someone who can hold their own during political discussions. It doesn't have to be a political analyst. It doesn't have to be someone who has been in politics their whole life. Joy doesn't have a political background and she has been talking about them on this show forever. Just hire someone who is not going to be antagonistic to the cohosts who have differing views.
  3. No reputable media outlet has implied getting vaccinated is useless. It is Meghan who continues to spread that disinformation. Or let's just call it what it is. A fear stoking lie. I cannot wait till she is off my show. I don't care if she ends up on some other other show. Unless it's football I won't see her.
  4. Meghan blamed everyone and everything except unvaccinated people for the virus continuing to spread and mask mandates happening again. She blamed Biden. She blamed Democrats. But she did not blame her fellow Republicans for continuing to stoke anti vaccine fires. And she of course did not blame people for refusing to get the vaccine because freedom. She can shut the fuck up about Biden not reaching out to Trump about anything. First of all Trump thinks Biden is sitting in his seat. And second Trump wants Biden to fail. No way in hell would he do anything to help.
  5. I had a dress similar to that twenty years ago. It was pretty but uncomfortable to wear. I am not an off the shoulder kind of girl. I have bought tons of nice clothes at Goodwill. Whenever I find a high end brand I always go online and see what it costs retail. I've gotten some really good deals. If Carrie is indeed having financial issues why doesn't she just go shopping in the consignment shops which I'm sure are absolutely fabulous in NYC. Or maybe she could just wear the clothes she already has.
  6. So I guess we get to watch Meghan be rude to Mary Trump again. And let's see how she treats Lt. Col. Vindman. Or does she only respect soldiers when they are part of her tribe?
  7. So she thinks this "crime" she keeps harping on just magically appeared after Biden became president? She never specifies what crime she is talking about. Never specifies who exactly is committing these crimes. If people like Meghan can say they think women having abortions and their doctors should be charged with a crime then people refusing the vaccine should at the very least have to face some sort of repercussion. Meghan heard you say drink and poured herself a shot of Jack Daniels.
  8. There has to be a reason she is wearing that particular dress. It looks awful on her and it doesn't seem like her style. I don't have the money Carrie Bradshaw (HBO) has but I can find really nice clothes at consignment shops and on clearance at high end stores. If I'm wrong and there is no particular reason for her to be wearing that dress then yikes.
  9. Yes. Richard owned hotels. He could have cheated any number of places and not got caught. Clearly Samantha suspected or why would she have followed him? I've posted before I absolutely loved her throwing the drink in his face when he asked her to meet him in a restaurant to apologize. Kim Cattrall looked simply gorgeous in that scene.
  10. I just listened to Meghan's rant about possibly having to wear a mask again. She thinks she was lied to since the guidance has changed. It's a pandemic. The virus has mutated. It's not like she was told the sky is blue and then told the sky is yellow. Things have changed and will continue to change. She also thinks there might come a day when people (like her I'm assuming) who fed up with mask mandates will move to states without mask mandates. If that happens I foresee a drop in population for those states if the virus continues to spread. And after Meghan spoke Whoopi just moved onto Sunny without even acknowledging a word of what Meghan said.
  11. Damnit. I knew it was a Sade song. LOL She even said she caught monogamy from her friends. Also Richard let her believe he was going to be faithful. After they kicked that blond hostess out after the failed threesome.
  12. On my way home from work yesterday the song No Ordinary Love by Sade was on Pandora. My first thought was oh that is the song that played when Samantha and Richard danced at the rooftop pool. And I couldn't help but wonder (I say in my best Carrie voice) why Samantha fell for Richard. I think she thought he was a good match for her. He was older. Was well established. He treated her well (until she found him between another woman's legs). I think she let her guard down and unfortunately she got hurt. My heart always breaks for her when she breaks the heart after catching Richard cheating. What do my fellow posters think made Samantha fall for Richard?
  13. https://www.harpersbazaar.com/culture/film-tv/a37171197/sarah-jessica-parker-wears-forever-21-satc-reboot/ Maybe Carrie doesn't have the clothing allowance she once did.
  14. If she thinks the book Charade is such a horrible book then she should not be publicizing it. The only thing I recall her saying about Liberty is how she can't put a mask on her. If I had baby I would do whatever it took to keep them safe. Including wearing a mask for however long it took.
  15. The book I referenced is called Charade. It's about "the myths" surrounding Covid. The other book I forget the name of but it was about Israel,
  16. I just looked at it on Amazon and the description of it is pretty much what certain people in Congress have been saying. Meghan should be ashamed of herself for endorsing it. But since she endorsed it then I guess she agrees with everything the author has written.
  17. I don't think Miranda thought Steve was who she was going to be forever. Even after Brady I don't think she thought that. I will forever be flummoxed why she chose Steve over Robert. I mean yeah I know Brady and all that but still..........
  18. Yes. I think Miranda thought her life would get easier if she was married. Didn't seem to work out that way though.
  19. Meghan dear we only know what we have seen from you. Prove us wrong.
  20. I thought it was ridiculous for Carrie to even care what Nina Katz thought of her. I understand she didn't like Nina telling other people about her but hey that is life. And we were to assume Carrie was a (minor) celeb in NYC so I get why Nina probably thought hey this is good gossip. Unless Nina was exaggerating or embellishing what she was telling people was what Aidan told her which I assume was the truth. Yes there are two sides to every story but we saw it play out onscreen and Carrie didn't have the best track record with how she treated Aidan. But Carrie trying to get Nina Katz to understand pales in comparison to Carrie wanting to talk to Natasha. You have sex with another woman's husband in their bed you should hang your head in shame any time you hear her name let alone want to talk to her. Natasha handled things with a lot more class than I would have.
  21. Also it requires a lot of work. How will Meghan drag herself away from Twitter?
  22. So Carrie has a Birkin a year after Samantha threw out Lucy Liu's name to try and get one. Did she buy one with her book advance? Did Hermes give her one because she is Carrie Bradshaw?
  23. They say intent. I say attention. Either way yes Carrie was known for her wardrobe. Some things were fabulous and some things were not. But so far with this show her wardrobe is all over the map. Now it's true we don't know the context of the pics we have seen but I'm losing faith that the fashion is going to be as good as it was on SATC. And the shoes are all wrong for a dress like that. Wedge sandals would have looked better but the dress is still bad.
  24. When the original cohosts were there and then with Lisa Ling and then with Elisabeth Hasselbeck they didn't always agree with each other. It was much more fun to watch to watch Meredith dress up as a hot dog than watch Meghan McCain spew dangerous disinformation. Whoopi, Joy, Sunny and Sara (and Ana) all have different beliefs. They might agree on some things but their views are more nuanced than all fill in the blank are bad which is what Meghan believes.
  25. Remember when she said Trump blaming the virus on China was a good thing? She thinks that hatemongering is something to be applauded but can't bring herself to condemn anyone in her party who is making excuses for the attempted coup. I remember directly after the insurrection Meghan had harsh words for anyone involved and now she is hemming and hawing about it. Me thinks someone had a talk with her and now she has changed her tune.
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