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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. Perhaps she is the one being intervened? I don't know. I don't think anyone as hard drinking and rootin and tootin as the princess should be intervening in other's substance abuse issues. She should first remove the log from her own eye and the whiskey bottle from her own mouth. Another thought---a lot of people surrounding her must resort to substances to tolerate her and they get hooked? If Meghan says she has been a part of or taken part in something I understand that to mean she heard about it or read about it. She is always at the ready with an anecdote that pushes whatever narrative she is trying to spin. I doubt she was ever on a debate team seeing as she never has any evidence to back up whatever she says.
  2. I am officially old. I read the link and I do not know anyone named in that article.
  3. I'm looking forward to this. But I swear to god if there is an apology to Carrie I will be furious. I like Carrie's dress. Not a good enough look at Charlotte's to really tell if I like it or not. Why do they keep putting Miranda in plaids? It's not something I would have done but I'll cut Samantha some slack. He pursued her. Now if she had pursued him after knowing he was a college student I would have felt differently. I didn't like the nastiness thrown Kim's way when she declined to be in a third movie. I'm looking at you Willie Garson. No actor unless contractually obligated is under any obligation to appear in any film or television series. Doesn't matter if they were an integral part of an ensemble or beloved in the role. She didn't want to do it and that is her right. It remains to be seen if this new show can be good without her. If they take the low road and speak ill of Samantha I will be so disappointed. Not entirely surprised though.
  4. Probably why she had a sleep trainer train Liberty to sleep for 12 hrs.
  5. This is me. When I was younger I had a child. Was a single mother for awhile then met a man who wanted to get married so I did. After his death nine years ago my life is now my life and maybe I will want a man to be part of it and maybe I won't. Samantha never needed a man. She was always self sufficient. Didn't want kids. Being "settled down" with someone just didn't suit her. In my mind she is now living her best life someplace fabulous.
  6. Meghan has shown herself to be a truly awful person. Her father and President Biden were able to be friends without letting politics come between them but Meghan is clearly not a big enough person to be able to do that.
  7. There is a large percentage of Republicans who think Biden isn't actually the elected President so why does Meghan think they would do anything he says? She knows it isn't up to Biden to convince people to get the vaccine but if she can somehow paint it as his fault she will gleefully do so. She is nothing but a party shill now.
  8. A thousand times this. At this point anyone who isn't vaccinated has made their choice and I doubt any amount of messaging is going to change that. Meghan is a like a dog with a bone with this whole Biden isn't doing the right messaging bullshit. And unfortunately there will be people who believe it. Isn't Meghan and her team all about individual's responsibility? If someone has chosen not to get vaccinated then they are responsible for what happens after that choice. If you are free to decline the vaccine then you are free to deal with consequences.
  9. I thought it was a house. A townhouse maybe? Didn't we see Kurt one time seeing someone parked outside?
  10. Yes. Charlotte didn't dress for attention. She dressed to look nice. This is supposedly a scene leaked from one of the scripts. It's the Daily Mail so take it with a grain of salt.
  11. I agree the writers didn't write Samantha and Smith's breakup well. My opinion is all her life Samantha had been Samantha period. And now she felt like she was Samantha Smith's girlfriend. I understand that. Samantha liked being single. That was her normal state. I don't doubt she loved Smith. She just didn't want her life to be all about him. Which to be fair he never expected that but with her being in California away from her friends that did seem to happen. In the first movie was it ever mentioned she had other clients? I don't think she did. I think the writers put her in California to facilitate their breakup. They had her ogling the neighbor and her covering herself with sushi. It would have been better if she had been in NYC and the long distance relationship just didn't work.
  12. The author of that ridiculous article thinks the View watcher demographic is day drinking housewives. Once Meghan is off the show won't she be exactly that? Or does she wait for the clock to strike 5?
  13. In other words she is enabling their delusion.
  14. I remember that. Whoopi was furious. She had a rant about it on air. And then a couple years later London was a guest on the show. I'm convinced Whoopi had forgotten all about it. Or at least forgot it was London who gave her an unflattering critique.
  15. There are parts of the various outfits I like but overall the outfits look like costumes. When the episodes air I hope the clothes aren't more interesting than the plots.
  16. I think it is totally on brand for her. Her life revolves around her political beliefs and if you don't share those same beliefs you don't matter to her. Doesn't matter if you are a family friend or not.
  17. I like a lot of Clooney's movies. Three Kings. The Ocean's movies. Michael Clayton. To each his own. I do not like Johnny Depp movies. The only one I did like was Nick of Time. He usually plays some outrageous character and in Nick of Time he played a regular guy.
  18. I don't know what Kurt knows. I would hope he wouldn't knowingly protect people who actively participated in the insurrection.
  19. They are Pulitzer Prize winning authors. Does she think anyone who writes a book about a famous person is profiting off them? Isn't the View profiting off celebs when they discuss them? As soon as their book is available I'm requesting it from the library. Why did Sara tell people not to buy their book?
  20. If I'm not mistaken I think Kurt burned the list of the names of people he trained in firearm use because he didn't want the FBI to investigate people Kurt thought had nothing to do with the insurrection. I remember at some point Diane asked Kurt if he had voted for Trump. I don't remember if it was after the 2016 election or the 2020 election. He said no. He did go on a hunting trip with Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum but there is no way Kurt would have been part of an insurrection. He had to have suspected. Maybe he didn't want to believe it but I have a hard time believing he was shocked. Maybe surprised that Diane called the FBI herself but not that she was the one who gave them Pike's name.
  21. I'm not feeling Miranda's dress. And that blouse doesn't look like a Charlotte blouse. Nice purse though. Miranda's shoes would go better with Charlotte's outfit.
  22. Samantha didn't always make the best choices. When she was miffed at Richard she slept with that gossip reporter at some party. With regards to sleeping with Richard at the party she immediately knew she had fucked up and felt bad about it. I did like her and Smith. Until the first movie.
  23. I think she wanted to be a bigger part of his life. She was hurt that Big's mother didn't know who she was. And she wanted Big to be a bigger part of her life. People like other people knowing they are in a relationship. Just look how people react when their social media status doesn't match the person's they are dating. Carrie was very insecure which I totally get because I have been in her shoes. But he didn't hide her away. It wasn't a secret. She just wanted it to be more than it was. Or more accurately I think she wanted Big to say it was more. Even Samantha got caught up in what a relationship looks like versus the reality of the relationship. She kept getting presents from Richard and the cards never said love so she asked his personal shopper to sign one with love and she gleefully showed it to Richard and he felt compelled to say yes he did love Samantha. Did he love Samantha? No. But Samantha wanted to hear it.
  24. I think Joy was trying to be funny but it shows what her mindset is . That women need men to do the heavy lifting. Figuratively and literally.
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