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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. It wasn't called jiggle tv for nothing. And there wasn't a lot of competition. It was mostly network shows. Cable was just starting and most people watched what was on ABC, CBS and NBC.
  2. I don't agree with that. Sara may not be a Rhodes Scholar but she does have a degree in government. So she said something that didn't make sense. So what? She wasn't the first cohost to do that and she won't be the last. She seems like a genuinely nice person and doesn't spend her time on the View denigrating an entire political party she doesn't agree with. At least when she speaks she isn't deliberately telling viewers things that aren't true.
  3. I'm not a fan of Carrie's skirt. Too Little House on the Prairie for me. Also not crazy about Miranda's blouse. I bold color blouse would have made were whole outfit pop. Did we ever see Carrie carry a purse or any sort of bag before? I do love the black shoes.
  4. I don't think Meghan would have bragged about that. She genuinely believes everything she has achieved in life she has achieved all on her own. Her father asked Whoopi to convince her to join the show. If he hadn't done that we would have been spared seeing her on our TV screens for the past four years.
  5. I thought that as well. A permanent seat at that table is always crazy sought after whenever someone leaves. If Sara is leaving I don't know why ABC wouldn't just announce it since Wendy Williams possibly let the cat out of the bag. If she is leaving and they announce the end of the month when they go dark for the summer it makes them look stupid.
  6. The show and the cohosts were almost always nominated each year with a few exceptions. Joy used to say they never won for hosting because there was always someone on the panel people hated. They only won once for hosting. In 2008. It was the year Whoopi and Sherri joined the View. But for them to not even be nominated? Yikes.
  7. There are still women who think this. I was told by a former female friend that I needed to be more demure. She said men don't like strong women. I needed to be more needy. I've always thought I was a cross between Samantha and Miranda. Neither one of them needed a man to take care of them. Miranda had harder edges though. She was innately suspicious of men she thought were out of the league that expressed an interest in her. I completely understood that. Samantha on the other hand had so much confidence she assumed most men were interested in her and she wasn't wrong.
  8. Since her father laid the groundwork for her being asked to join the View it's not a far reach to think she was assured certain things. Meghan has even said as much over the years. Getting to speak last comes to mind.
  9. I didn't watch the View when Debbie was a cohost because my local ABC station didn't carry the View at that time. I did watch Debbie after she left on an entertainment news show and I liked her. She seemed nice and likable. I would have no problem with her coming back to the View but she seems to fill the same role as Sara.
  10. She says "I pride myself on always taking big risks, rolling the dice, and making unpredictable life and career choices," Pretty sure her career choices were decided by which employer thought the McCain name meant something. What risk has she ever taken? And which choices were unpredictable? Now if she wants to talk about the bad choices she made we can do that all day long.
  11. Her bad choices included facilitating a rape. Her daughter was comatose so she could not consent. That is rape. Just because the daughter was unaware of what was happening shouldn't be waved away as her mother making a bad choice. She might have been grieving the loss of her daughter and unborn grandchild but that doesn't mean what she did isn't a crime.
  12. She will never admit or even recognize it was her own behavior that was the reason she was shown the door (and I will always believe that is what happened). I think even Star Jones eventually realized she had become insufferable when she was asked to leave.
  13. From the article: [ABC brass] essentially told Sunny, ‘Don’t make us have to choose between you and Meghan because we’re not going to choose you.’ Can you imagine if that had happened? I would have stopped watching. WTF was ABC thinking? Meghan was being treated like the spoiled child who throws a tantrum and is given her way so the tantrum will stop. Only Meghan's tantrums never stopped.
  14. She said God owed her a grandchild. Way to make it all about yourself.
  15. I never wanted the fantasy. Well maybe the shoes. But I was so envious of the friendships. Big was right when he told Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda that they were Carrie's true loves.
  16. Yeah but he was an asshole. Of course Carrie wouldn't have prepared to teach a class. She always wanted to do as little as possible when it came to her job (s). Remember she was doing research for a column and said research entailed having lunch with Charlotte at an outdoor bistro watching men walk by.
  17. They did when Lisa Ling left. It was down to Elisabeth, Rachel Campos and if I'm not mistaken a soap actress named Erin Presley.
  18. So most of what we suspected seems to be true. I knew the shake up at ABC would be one of the nails in Meghan's coffin. Her antagonizing Whoopi was probably the final nail.
  19. Yeah I didn't like that. They did not like each other during the series so the writers of the movie thought we have two gay men characters so let's just hook them up. They are both in the new show so I guess we will get to see if they are still together.
  20. I hope so. Him acting like he is the one who is a victim is beyond disgusting. He should thank his lucky stars he got released and just live out the rest of his life quietly. And once more for the people in the back. HE WAS RELEASED ON A TECHNICALITY HE WAS NOT EXONERATED.
  21. Social media has enabled people to release every thought they have. No matter how hurtful, stupid or damaging they may be.
  22. My favorite lines of Anthony is when he said this to Charlotte when she told him her and Trey were getting divorced. "He may be the heart surgeon. But you're the heart of this whole operation. Honestly, you're the best catch ever. Look what you did to this place. You could take any guy off the street, fix him up and make him into something wonderful. Not for nothing. But you deserve more than that stick-up-his-ass preppy. That's all I’m saying. Now get in here and have breakfast."
  23. I watched it a couple months ago. Between him and Brad Pitt (and of course the scenery) there was a lot of beautiful things to look at.
  24. Yes. It's not like he said he hopes we are attacked by terrorists or we start another war. And even if some horrible event happened any coming together would be short lived. Unfortunately we live during a time when even the most benign thing can be used as a political weapon.
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