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Everything posted by ifionlyknew

  1. So Meghan says as a pro lifer she fights for the rights of the unborn. No you stupid twit. You are fighting to take away the rights of women you don't know. Mind your own business.
  2. Season 7 is one of my favorite seasons. It introduced Jamie Ross and there seemed to be more humor in the scripts. There was ID, the one with the woman posing as her sister. Deadbeat with the ex husband getting whacked. Menace with the woman jumping off the bridge. And of course the three parter. This season had a lot episodes where you thought they were going to zig but they zagged.
  3. I wonder if Meghan read this and saw Nepotism Barbie and thought hey I wasn't at the White House.
  4. My late husband was 14 yrs older than me. We met when i was 30 and he was 44. I was not his prey. I'm not going to judge any relationship that has a big age difference. Now of course if it is an 18 yr old with a 60 yr old I'm going to think WTF is going on but still not place to judge.
  5. I had a FB friend who repeatedly spelled literally litterly. When someone consistently misspells words and uses words in the wrong context I'm going to think they definitely aren't as smart as they think they are.
  6. Meghan said she watched Designing Women after school. I'm assuming she meant when it was in syndication. I think she is going to ask every guest no matter why they are there about cancel culture. It is her tribe's new dog whistle. It would be great if someone responded with, "You mean like how you cancelled Colin Kapernick".
  7. I haven't like Schroder in a long time. He started showing his true colors awhile ago.
  8. People like him are always screaming about freedom but get upset when someone they don't agree with exercises their freedom. The Foo Fighters or any musical artist has the right to limit their audience to people who have been vaccinated. Being allowed into a concert is not a constitutional right. No discrimination here. I loved Joan's daytime talk show. But she was much different during her comedy shows. She was relentless with the Elizabeth Taylor fat jokes. In an interview Joan said she ran into Elizabeth somewhere and told her she only did the jokes to try to get Elizabeth to lose weight. I don't believe that but whatever. Joan was genuinely funny and she didn't need to be mean but she probably felt like she had to compete with the male comics. And at some point it just became her brand. I do think she had regrets how things ended with Carson. There have been so many stories about what really happened you don't know what to believe. I think she instinctively knew or was flat out told she would never take over the Tonight Show and she took the Fox show. I don't remember if Fox came to her or she reached out to Fox. She did pay a price in Hollywood for that. And I did think it was petty Leno never had her on his show.
  9. I agree with this. A lot of disorders don't present themselves until a traumatic event happens. Meghan has had a lot happen in the past few years. Her dad died. She had a miscarriage. Her team lost throwing her whole identity into chaos. And she had a baby so there is a lot of hormones around. Or she is just a miserable person.
  10. Meghan only said Victoria Secret bras are garbage because they didn't have her size. More likely she went to a store once and she wasn't treated like the very important person she thinks she is.
  11. I wouldn't put it past Meghan to say she is the victim of a hostile work environment. You know because she is the only conservative in the media.
  12. Just from reading the recap it seems like it didn't take much for Whoopi to go off on Meghan. Maybe something happened before the show. I think Meghan has long worn out her welcome with her cohosts and they would like to see her leave as much, if not more, as we do.
  13. After NBC told Leno Conan was taking over the Tonight Show they tried to work with him to give him something he would enjoy but what he really wanted was to stay on the Tonight Show. NBC screwed everything up by trying to keep Leno and Conan happy but as mentioned above how Leno got the Tonight Show in the first place didn't make him look good. No offense to anyone who likes Leno's humor but I have never found him funny. Maybe I'm wrong but I have never heard a comic say I really admire Jay Leno. Or growing up I wanted to be Jay Leno.
  14. I'm not sure where to put this but the View has three nominations in the Primetimer Awards Worst Talk Show Favorite moment Joy telling Meghan she didn't miss her Show You Hate Watch
  15. When I was a single mother I didn't let my son see me with a romantic partner until I knew it was serious. My son was a lot younger than JLo's kids but I still think people shouldn't introduce their kids to people they are dating too soon. I have a feeling Jennifer Garner might have something to say about her kids being around daddy's new girlfriend.
  16. Just what is Meghan's bra size? VS has bras that go up 44 DDD cups.
  17. It's not just late night humor. Stand up comedy is rampant with all of the above.
  18. I don't like Leno. I wasn't even a Tonight Show fan and I thought how Leno acted during the transition from Carson to him and from him to Conan made him look bad. Maybe he is a nice guy to fans but I've heard a lot about other comics not liking him. Amen sister. There are of course exceptions but overall in celebrity world and real life mediocre white guys can be the worst.
  19. I wonder if In The Heights didn't do well at the box office not because it's a Latino movie but because it's a musical. Musicals can be a tough sell. Broadway is one thing but the big screen is different. Not everyone myself included like musicals. I like Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling and had zero interest in watching their movie La La Land.
  20. It is a sad state of affairs that we applaud people for being nice. And not even nice. Just not assholes. I'm the same way. For years I didn't like Bill Cosby. Going all the way back to Fat Albert and then the Cosby show. I just did not like him. And here we are over 30 years later and I feel vindicated. I like lots of people some people don't. Katherine Heigl comes to mind.
  21. Jennifer Lopez can live her life any way she chooses but when she moves from one serious relationship to another serious relationship it makes it seem like the relationships aren't all that serious. Sunny said she thinks Ben is Jennifer's person. I'm sure that is something their kids would just love to hear. All this talk about how wonderful it is they found each other again and they are soulmates always leaves out the fact they each married other people and had children with them. And if not for Ben's drinking he might very well still be married to Jennifer Garner. If a celeb wants to keep their love affair private they do. This couple clearly wants everyone to know about it. When this couple crashes and burns which I'm sure they will I want to hear Sunny say "I guess they weren't meant to be."
  22. Kim is stunningly beautiful. She does look like she could have been a movie star from that era. Kristin is more like the girl next door pretty. She is more approachable.
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